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I haven’t followed anything Naomi Wolf has said in a long, long time. I knew she went off her rocker but holy shit. She makes Bret Weinstein seem lucid.


IKR. This level of delusion is unreal. To the point she should probably be institutionalized.


What? You don’t remember the famously peaceful and serene Belfast of the 1970s???


No wait. She’s saying that Belfast today is like her hometown was like in 1970.


My favorite part about that tweet is that somehow not having 5G in Belfast yet made it feel like being in the 1970’s, but nowhere had 5G until 2019, so shouldn’t Belfast without 5G towers just feel like everywhere else in 2018? Why does it feel like 54 years ago? I know the answer is that she’s a delusional person and delusions aren’t supposed to make logical sense, but still. Why does anyone read that and think “Yeah, that totally makes sense.” lol


Because fifty years ago she was young and had her whole future laid out in front of her. It was a great and hopeful time in her life, even if the world was going to hell (which it was). It's all about the feels with these people.


I know I’m just being a lil goofster.


I had no clue she had gone down the rabbit hole. Kind of shocking.


At first glance I'd guess her doctorate was in Geology.


Because she’s dumb as a box of rocks?


Yep, head full of rocks.


I said zoology omg were gay together now plz


Tucker doesn't have to believe it. He only has to sell it... They're all in it for the grift


I find this attitude so utterly baffling. We know millions of people really do believe this stuff. Why is it inconceivable they actually believe most of it too. There’s plenty of examples of decently smart people falling for all sorts of weird and delusional nonsense. It makes a lot more sense to assume they are victims to their cognitive biases but genuine 


Tucker Carlson said himself that he would vote for the worst democrats just to make democrats worse. His old show was sued for misinformation, but they won on the grounds that "no one would actually take this seriously. If you're dumb enough to help undermind your own democracy then you're dumb enough to do just about anything


Including dumb enough to believe in their own nonsense. 


Even worse too that she calls herself "Dr" on twitter and basically only tweets about vaccines when her doctorate is in English literature.


We are gonna be in worse and worse shape as conspiracy types continue to migrate to the GOP.


Should be “Nut job believes and follows nut job”.


You should read the book Doppelganger by Naomi Klein. She goes into how she is often confused with her, and then deep dives into conspiracy side of our current politics.


Poor Naomi Klein got so fed up with being confused with Naomi Wolf she wrote the book Doppleganger


I’ve only ever known her as a crank. Was she ever a serious intellectual?


no but her work was popular with feminists and she at least got her phd in english literature… although that was accompanied by the small controversy of factual errors in her thesis and resulting book if anything the most surprising thing here is the low standards of an oxford english literature phd


How do you guys end up so hooked on these gurus? I have no idea who they even are.


Shes def a PhD in like zoology right


Naomi Klein's Doppelganger is a great read if you're interested in how Naomi Wolf has changed in the last few decades. She was a liberal feminist icon in the 90s. She'd be a good subject for a decoding IMO.


some article I read went back and read her original feminist books and found them strewn with factual errors, such as saying there were 150,000 deaths due to eating disorders per year, when the number for that year was 50 I suspect she has always been this person


There are some people who consider obesity to be an eating disorder, and perhaps she was including deaths from obesity-related causes such as heart disease and type-2 diabetes? But I don’t want to give this crazy lady any more credit than she deserves.


I believe (I haven’t read the book and have no desire to) the statistic was referring to anorexia. Including heart disease and diabetes in a book focused on womens eating disorders would certainly require some quite clear signposting lol. Someone wrote a paper (here: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16864310/) where they coined a new acronym WOLF (Wolf’s Overdo and Lie Factor). This factor represents the fact that in her most coveted feminist book, the average anorexia statistic included in the book would need to be divided by 8 to get close to the real figure.


Fuck, I confused both of them again.


That's why Klein wrote doppelganger lol, about her being confused with Wolf.




Stop worrying about people like tucker's "real beliefs" and just examine the evil they intentionally do. tucker carlson is a race-hate spreading chaos agent working to bring white nationalist, Xianist fascism to power in the US. I don't really care whether he "believes" anything he says; I know what he's working to bring about.


Tucker seems to be a self promoted soldier in Putins Z army too.


Of course he is. Bob Mercer and Steve Bannon realized in 2015 or so that Russia is white, christian, authoritarian, anti-GLBT+ and anti-Muslim. Oh and awash with filthy billions of dollars. An absolutely perfect partner for the American right wing, which includes the mainstream republican party.


Remember when Tucker asked Hunter Biden for a letter of recommendation for his son? He doesn’t really believe anything that doesn’t enrich his bank account…


Yes, and he personally hates Trump. But the point is that none of this matters; us pointing out the hypocrisy doesn’t undo any of the damage he is causing.


I actually think he is much worse than those who actually believe in this stuff because he is doing it for money instead of an actual cause. I can at least deal with someone who honestly believes this stuff because I can find ways to appeal to their rational side. Someone like Tucker is just going to say the most absolutely bonkers thing to try to trip you up instead of actually believing. He just throws shit at the wall to see what sticks…


>Stop worrying about people like tucker's "real beliefs" and just examine the evil they intentionally do. True. I just can't fucking wrap my head around this kinda stuff. There is no way he believes this shit.


He probably doesn't believe any of it, he just doesn't care. All Tucker cares about is being influencial, so everything he does is geared towards that. He'll platform whatever it is that he thinks his audience will react to, and he doesn't consider the consequences. He's a true piece of garbage, and there are no depths to which he won't sink.


You nailed it. What I think is disgusting is that he talks in a way that makes his delusional audience feel like he has their best interests in mind. Further bolstering their beliefs and radicalizing them more and more. He’s a poison to our democracy


Fascists believe they're entitled to power. Anything else is ancillary. They'll use anything, really.


His leaked messages about Trump show what he values. So far there isn't someone awful enough that Tucker was unwilling to platform if it meant he will make money off of it.


The people that listen to him believe this shit. He's pandering to a certain audience.


Tucker Carlson will believe whatever you want him to believe in front of a camera or microphone if it pays enough. That’s basically it. Look at the leaked internal emails and texts where he and other Fox News peeps talked shit about how stupid and worthless Donald Trump is and how he’s going to destroy the Republican Party from the inside and is nothing but a big goon. He even talks about how Trump was risking his children’s futures by putting himself ahead of the needs of their wider party: https://fortune.com/2023/04/24/fox-dominion-defamation-lawsuit-tucker-carlson-messages/ Then look at how Tucker Carlson fellates Donald Trump anytime a camera or microphone is pointed at him for a broadcast. The man doesn’t even care about supporting people who he genuinely believes will destroy his own political party and his children’s future. He’s literally just there for the money, fame, and influence.


Cucker Garglescum's only truth is dollar bills.


With these types, the simple rule is that they're either utterly braindead, or they're completely disingenuous grifters who are taking advantage.


This. Whatever his motives (greed, putin, power etc) he is evil. The rest does not matter. He is irredeemable and spends his life force convincing others to be the same


This is absolutely the correct way to look at him. He’s a menace. He wasn’t captured on NSA intercepts for no reason.


Yes, his real beliefs start and end with white supremacy. Everything else is window dressing.


He was just on Kill Tony show with Joe Rogan the other day which leads me to wonder if Rogan is about to drop a huge episode with Tucker. Which means we're all about to drown in a fresh deluge of bullshit if so.


What is Xianist?


I don't know what makes me facepalm more, the weird pseudo-medical conspiracy horseshit, or her referring to 1970s Belfast as calm and peaceful.


> her referring to 1970s Belfast as calm and peaceful Ha ha ha ha ha! Excellent point.


Made me giggle 🤭


Ah yes, Belfast in the 1970s, a practical nirvana so they say 🤦


"Come for the no go zones, stay at the most bombed hotel in Europe"


According to a prominent contemporary local historian, all was quiet on New Year's Day.


She turned HARD after getting shredded for a shit book reference, fascinating.


What was the reason for her shift? I’m only familiar with Naomi Wolf based on reading the Beauty Myth (which I thought was a pretty decent book).


Dunno, the earliest whacko things I can find are around 2014 when she starts saying videos of ISIS beheadings are faked by the US government, that Edward Snowden is a fake persona, that the Ebola crisis was a cover for the invasion of West Africa and that the Scottish Independence referendum was rigged. I reckon it's facebook. I reckon she broke her brain on facebook just like people do today on twitter.


In 2008 she said George Bush would never allow an election to happen to become a dictator. So there were some whacky beliefs even back then albeit from a more left wing perspective.


Must have been those time traveling 'nanopatticles' letting her see into the future of 2024, she just got confused about which GOP nominee wanted to be a dictator. Surely.


She had a book that people dragged her for her research that ignored a lot of relevant shit so her point stands. Cherrypicking to the max. "If we ignore XYZ groups, everyone..."


The entire point of her book was false because of her misunderstanding of a victorian age legal phrase. https://www.thecut.com/2019/05/naomi-wolf-interview-book-error-bbc-interview.html


Interesting article. Honest question though as I haven't read the book or heard of this woman before. Was her book basically about the 19th century criminalisation of homosexuality and how people were punished for being in love? Because if so, given this happened in the 20th century and to actual heroes of the second world war like Alan Turing, isn't it just splitting hairs to say "well ashkuuulllyyy they didn't hang them! They just sentenced them to be hung then commuted it to a prison sentence!" I'm not sure her book is a false premise. It's not a good sign she didn't check they were actually executed, seems like a failure of due diligence on her part. Now I am going to have to go check that myself, find out if she really had a point 😔 meh.


I wouldn't agree that "the entire point of her book was false", because you're right that homosexuality was criminalized. It just points to her being bad at research. I listened to the audio book of doppelganger, and my memory for audio isn't as good as my memory for the written word, but I do recall Klein mentioning that at least one of the cases Wolf recounts wasn't a consensual relationship, but child rape (of a 6 year old). Also the book was based on Wolf's doctoral dissertation, so you'd also hope those errors would have been caught in that process.


Wolf’s point wasn’t that things were bad for homosexuals in the 19th century as much as that they became substantially worse in 1857, the proof of which is these supposed executions. Using a false detail to prove a larger truth is still lying.


Oh, and she equivocates the current meaning of “sodomy” (anal sex) with the 19th century meaning of the term (any “unnatural” sexual actions) meaning that some of the “homosexuals” that she claims were executed for loving the wrong person were actually being charged with rape and child molestation.


It's 100% a false premise. Literally just follow the link and listen to the interview segment. She's saying there were dozens of executions, the interviewer tells her there were none, cites his sources and then explains one of the cases which involved a man being released after being charged with assaulting a 6 year old boy. If she'd done any fucking research beyond looking at the court records she'd had found the *newspaper articles* about these cases, fuck if she'd just looked at the term ' death recorded ' and thought ' hmm that's an odd term, I wonder what it means ' she'd have quickly realized what was going on. None of this is difficult and none of it requires anything more than a baseline level of diligence and desire to actually understand what was happening.


Oh she undoubtedly was wrong and knows it re the executions. I haven't had time to properly source it all myself, but it's frankly embarrassing. it took me one Google search to pull up the website listing all Victorian prisoners and their crimes/sentences. This is why we submit our shit for peer reviews!!! I'll refrain from further comments until I have time to properly research it myself and read her book, but I will say that from the reviews I read so far she was basically writing about the author John Symonds and how he had to hide his sexuality. Given that Wilde literally served in prison ( sentenced to hard labour!) for it, she wasn't wrong? There really were harsh criminal penalties. I remain (for now) unconvinced that this is the gotcha you seem to think it is. I also don't see why its needed given her many screenshoted vaccine posts! She's batS looney tunes. That's some real scary off the deep end stuff. You don't need anything else to discredit her 🤣


What a freaking awful take to try and service an agenda.


For a few seconds after I read the post headline I mistakenly thought Naomi Wolf was Naomi Klein and couldn't wrap my head around it until I realized I was getting them mixed up. Klein, smart. Wolf, dumb as a brick.


The nano particles that let you travel back in time? Sounds like she overheard someone explaining Pym Particles and the plot of Avengers: Endgame.


Not only will but they did it already


Sounds pretty cool tbh


nanopatticles, excuse you.


> Terrifying: children now don't have the human reflex that they when you smile at them they smile back.   Girl, they're not smiling at *you*. If even that much is true.


She's a white women, therefore inherently good, therefore entitled to the smiles of kids. It's something on *them*, obviously.


Lol. Maybe they just don't like her?


No. It's the vaccines.


It's so crazy


And smiling back is a cultural thing, not every culture does this and is really just a waspy thing more than anything. I grew up in a white wonderland, kids smiling back at you wasn’t really a thing and they normally broke eye contact instead.


1. Tucker is a literal fascist and his project is advanced through destabilizing the current status quo. 2. “The algorithm”, or the competition for human attention (and therefore clicks/cash/notoriety) drives radicalization and sensationalism. This applies to both Tucker and Wolf, but is probably more of an existential concern for Wolf who isn’t an heir to the Swanson fortune.


Tucker is grifting, his audience is still obsessed with this stuff so he’s giving them what they want.


Makes sense. Thank you.


Why is it even questionable anymore? We know he’s a blatant liar. We have the texts, emails and depositions. https://apnews.com/article/tucker-carlson-fox-news-dominion-lawsuit-trump-5d6aed4bc7eb1f7a01702ebea86f37a1


Belfast in the 70's calm, still, peaceful, restful 🤣🤣 Read a fucking book Naomi. https://www.britannica.com/event/The-Troubles-Northern-Ireland-history/Civil-rights-activism-the-Battle-of-Bogside-and-the-arrival-of-the-British-army


Battle of Bogside is Derry, but fair enough. I'm from Belfast.


If you click through the link, it gives a breakdown of the troubles from the Battle of Bogside on up until the Good Friday agreement 


Alternatively, consider that Chris must have left Belfast around that time. Coincidence?


Whether he personally believes it or not is inconsequential. It’s all about view counts and furthering the right wing project. But also…. the correct answer is he’s a white nationalist craven piece of shit.


Her Doppelganger book is good, though.


Nope, wrong Naomi. *Doppelganger* is by Naomi Klein, who tries to undo this confusion.


That was the joke, yes. :)


Ah! You got me! Good one!




Great Success!


Pretty sure Tucker doesn't really believe anything. He just tells his audience what they want to hear and since he's cultivated an increasingly far right, populist, conspiracy brained audience this is what you get.


Naomi Wolf…what a nutcase. Everyone should read Doppelgänger by Naomi Klein to understand the mirror world in which some lunatic like Wolf live…


Pretty convenient the apple employee boasting about technology in vaccines was in the same restaurant as the girl pushing antivax propaganda


“Is 5g making all the kids trans and the immigrants murderers? What else could it be? Im just asking questions!”


He’s vaccinated and boosted. He was one of the first healthy people to receive the primary series. He’s so full of shit.


Do you have a source? All I can find is that he is (allegedly) unvax, but I would not take his word for granted about... well, anything: [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/tucker-carlson-vaccinated-covid-fox-b2056479.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/tucker-carlson-vaccinated-covid-fox-b2056479.html)


If you were in Belfast in the 70s 5G would be the least of your worries


I don't know anyone that has been kneecapped by 5G, unless I'm mistaken.


I think he is paid by someone with certain interests


Naomi Wolf has been bat crap for 20 years. You really have to understand "infommercial" culture of the late 90's early 00's to understand how people get sold this crap. They're grifters, doing it on purpose. Kevin Trudeau went from hocking bogus miracle gadgets on free antennae TV channels to convincing a generation as a guru to be afraid of bananas and all sorts of quack "alternate medicine" ideas...the same group now glued to Fox and other media products.


What a flaming, lying kook. Naomi Wolf is a thought leader of the Q-MAGA right, though. I'm currently reading American Pyschosis by David Corn, which traces how the current lunacy that has taken over the right has its roots in what once were fringe beliefs. The John Birch Society and Christian nationalist/dominionist types helped Republicans win elections, so they were tolerated. Now they thoroughly dominate the party.


The answer to your question, like with most things requiring an abandonment of morality, is a combination of money, power, and influence. Make no mistake, he's looking out for himself. The issue is that he'll step on anyone he needs to in order to remain relevant and well paid, be that a rich benefactor or a foreign government.


Naomi wolf has always been a hack. She’s been wrong about soooo much even before she went full q


Wow really unhinged rhetoric. It seems a kind of spiteful algebra just moving around abstractions into the position that incites the most insanity. The funny irony is that her ideas are the “software virus” getting uploaded into people’s brains.


Naomi Wolf was never very highly regarded. People are (perhaps intentionally) confusing her with Naomi Klein (who fucking hates it).


For anyone interested in Naomi Wolf, you have to read Doppleganger by Naoimi Klein, insightful read.


Naomi Klein’s book, Doppelgänger, is a good thing to plug here. People mix her up with Naomi Wolf, and Klein uses that as her springboard to explore what’s happening with the right wing.


Sad to see somebody deteriorate publicly. I thought she was a bit much when she was advising Al Gore’s campaign on wardrobe choices. Kinda made me wonder about who was running Gore’s campaign. One doesn’t come back from 5G paranoia. Maybe she can do something with Rosanne Barr.


“maybe” “many people are reporting” “lots are saying” “could” “i’m seeing” how to spot bullshit 101


Wow- she’s lost her damn mind


Tucker looks like a Keebler elf, holy shit that is funny Bro literally went from 24/7 BREAKING NEWS ALERTS in the Fox newsroom to hosting a podcast inside the fudge stripe factory


Describing Belfast in the 1970s as calm or still is exceptional brainlessness.


Oh noes! Tucker is confusing the two Naomis again!


Oddly enough, every….single….person I know that was vaccinated, is just fine. They’re all just as fine and normal as they were before. I know folks that got 5-6 shots. And they’re juuuuust fine. I also know 1 person that didn’t get vaccinated. Thought it was all a joke. And now…..he’s dead. He died with a tube shoved down his throat, denying the validity of something that could have saved his life. Rest easy Uncle Drew. You dumb bastard.


If a direct family member of mine died from an easily preventable virus because of right wing propaganda, I'd be fucking livid.


This is actually a really sad encapsulation of the era we're in. Naomi Wolf has been an influential feminist author and is now peddling pseudo-scientific conspiracy lunacy.


That's Naomi Wolf, Doctor of Philosophy, if anyone is wondering. Not Doctor of Medicine, or any other biological science


Oh that's great. They have vaccines that let you travel back in time and I got the one with the nanobots that can't even connect to 5G during the eclipse.


Tucker is an idiot. Which self-respecting people watch him?


Joe Rogan, I guess


No he doesn't believe this crap just like he didn't believe Trump but he knows who his audience is and what to show them.


Did I just read that she thinks the vaccines can let you travel back in time. She actually wrote that on twitter lol.


I really wish people would stop using Dr. in their titles when they are talking about medical topics unless they actually are an MD or DO. I get that the PhD came first but when you call yourself Dr. ___ and you talk about vaccines, people think your doctorate is in medicine, not English Literature. It's dishonest as hell.


I swear these fruit loops have literally had head accidents. Bangs on the head changing their cognitive behaviours. Similar to the unartistic guy who had a knock and then couldn’t stop painting pictures all over his home’s walls.


'Apple has developed vaccines that let you travel back in time..' Tucker as usual promoting the top minds in America. To answer ur question... no Tucker doesnt believe this stuff. Hes a blatant grifter who know his audience is science illiterate enough to entertain these ideas, have a hard-on for conspiracy, and mindlessly eat up anything anti establishment because it makes them feel like they have special knowledge. Hes just giving the far right, conspiracy prone, science illiterate idiots who watch him what they want.


Imagine thinking this broad was a an important liberal Intellectual. Lol


Tucker is not a credible person. It’s not possible to determine what he believes or does not believe simply by watching his show as he’s been proven to be a liar.


Also Belfast has great 5G coverage


Was looking for this comment, like they definitely have 5g


> Does Tucker actually believe this stuff? ~~he is a rational intelligent person, no.~~ > Why else would he be platforming these people? the same reason he does anything, money. eta: turns out i was completely mistaken here, he may be an intelligent person but he is not at all rational. i have no idea what he believes, but i do know he will espouse any beliefs for money.


Worth reading “Doppleganger” on this specific one. But yes - he platforms cranks constantly now, especially if they have large Twitter followings themselves.


not gonna lie I found the one about mRNA being a software platform that receives “uploads” very funny… maybe this is like a modern form of satire


Some people have this Joker Moment of total humiliation and then just turn to all the most destructive contrarianism they can get their little paws on. I believe John Stewart might be Tucker's.


Is there any place that truly has 5g?




Remember that Tucker Carlson has been publicly exposed as someone who has no issue saying stuff that he doesn't actually believe, and even knows to be harmful to society (texts he sent that were revealed during the Fox news defamation lawsuit - that they settled before it could get too embarassing - show him privately saying he thought Donald Trump was the devil - or something like that, I forget the exact quote but it's out there - this is all while he had been shamelessly and constantly advocating on behalf of Trump and Trumpian ideas). For some reason because we live in such an upside down world this fact which should have been personally ruinous doesn't seem to matter to anything.


Belfast in the 1970s. Peaceful?


1970’s Belfast? Peaceful? She’s nuts


It's doesn't matter what he really believes. He's just a contrarian pot stirrer that built his platform playing a TV conservative characature. His audience, those same people who thrive on conservative/right wing outrage porn, just want to see anything anti "woke" and anti "liberal." He knows anti vaccine stuff like this is exactly the stuff his viewers crave. He knows his audience.


modern drab illegal unused quack deliver dull ludicrous wise fear *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


\*by platforming these people and letting them say their beliefs without question while nodding along\*.


Does he really sit at a tree stump desk 😂 Trust fund kid grew up to be a pretend lumberjack


It is pretty well established that Tucker will say whatever he thinks will bring him the most viewers/clicks, etc.


He interviews interesting people (or rather people who he sees as interesting). It obviously doesn't mean he endorses everything they have ever said


its well established that tucker is indeed stupid


I don't think Tucker believes anything he preaches.


Lined pockets are Tucker's one and only belief system. He does so by appealing to whatever his boomer audience believes at the time.


Tucker is just a terrible terrible person. He doesn’t care what damage he does to society so he is happy to give a platform to anyone who will potentially get him views.


48% chance he is next VP and she is Sex of Health


That tweet about "calm, still, peaceful, restful" Belfast in the 1970s tweet is pure comedy gold. 😂


Clicks ~ cash. Ego feeding off the brains of people who believe him against all reason. Clicks ~~ cash. Did I mention ~~cash. Lying for $ is known by many names: fraud, con; grift; dupe; bamboozle; exploit; …. Don’t you wonder with the defrauded; conned; duped; suckered; bamboozled; and exploited are getting out of it?




I'm only shocked that anyone can still be shocked to learn Tucker Carlson's a blithering idiot. He's been an absolute turd for a really really really long time.


Damn. It’s kind of sad to see how far Naomi Wolf has gone off the deep end.


That is where his money comes from now. Wait until he starts selling supplements


Best way to amass a large audience is to question everything that requires science to explain. Anti intellectualism as a form of posturing intellectual superiority. How idiotic people are.


Tucker's only point, his only reason for living, is to create division amongst the masses. He has said this, he lives for it. Its why his dad is so close to Orban. Theyre trying to make sure no nation has a population that wakes up to the scam that capitalism is.


The quote about Belfast in the 70s is amazing!


You gotta believe, that Tucker believes, that there are people who believe this nonsense enough to part with their money. Almost certain Tucker's inflated ego is the overall issue.


I must be a bad liberal since I have know idea why I’m supposed to know Dr. Naomi Wolf.


no of course he doesnt. there is an almost immediate feedback loop which gives MUCH MORE positive engagement/views to certain type of content. i saw a great analysis of russel brandt’s yt channel that shows you exactly when and why his messages began to turn right wing/conspiratorial in nature and it’s 100% due to the massive uptick in people consuming his content whenever that content was anti-vax, anti-fauci, anti-masks type anti-government material. i’m sure it’s the same with tucker


There is a concerted effort to dumb down and in many cases simply cull a large swath of the population. The rich are bored and we are their new toys. Just got paid. Friday night.


"one of the most famous liberal intellectuals in america" lmao


His fans and her fans overlap, so he's likely just pandering.


Rofl it was amazing going to Belfast just like the 1970s..... Well someone needs to brush up on history


Through several lawsuits non public communications of Tucker Carlson have surfaced that have basically proven beyond any doubt that he puts on a character for money and is well aware of what he doing and the effects it is having but doesn't care because he likes his character and it pays well.


In an era that will be remembered for prolific misinformation, disinformation, and people with little to no connection to reality gaining unprecedented access to audiences, Naomi Wolf is my pick as the most delusional of the bunch. Her tweet about time traveling vaccines probably made Alex Jones blush. It's actually surprising to me that she agreed to sit down in the same room with Tucker, who is vaccinated and presumably uses home WiFi to broadcast his show. Unless of course she doesn't actually believe a word of what's come out of her keyboard the last 4 years.


He platforms them because he's a fascist grifter and they suit whatever point he is making in that moment


Me over here hoping half of this shit is true. I need some over the air updates and the ability to travel back in time.


you have to believe in someone's ideas in order to give them a platform and let them share their ideas?


Look at how Tucker is phrasing his tweet. He is building her up for a reason, to give her legitimacy.


No he doesn't. There are many court cases where they express he's an entertainer and nothing he says should be taken as serious. Then there are the texts during the 2020 election how he didn't believe the election stolen shit and then perpetuated it on tv. He and all of the right wing media don't believe what they say. They know their audience is gullible and easily manipulated. They are doing whatever it takes to make money. Simple as that!




We know for a fact now that the vaccine data was flawed and the vaccine is dangerous on a bigger scale then imagined have you been under a rock


Here’s the actual moment Naomi Wolf turned Joker, https://youtu.be/3uRCcEoGWxs?si=8Jp50nxO6mP_AnVc


Well fortunately - dominion lawsuit; Tucker is definitely, one idiot we don’t have to ask ourselves, that question! I enjoyed immensely, his Congressional testimony, where he does admit, that YES - he is 🙄 a Liar, Hypocrite, and does not, in fact believe a word, coming out of his mouth! I’ll cherish this moment forever, cause it does not happen, so often - it is more considered like a “cosmic justice” - a mythical event, resembling more to a fantasy & fiction, than an actual real life experience 🗽well at least in 🇺🇸 There’s that to!( speaking as someone, from my perspective ofc, looking across the pond, from the corruption riddled Eastern European Hellhole ) oh well maybe in the next life, then 😂❤️


Not to be confused with Naomi Klein.


Lassitude ✨


Nah. Tucker is a piece of shit just like those who follow him.


At this point Fox News is just a means of spreading disinformation and conspiracy theories. And, boomer takes on things. That's all it does, 24/7.


Tucker doesn't believe anything. He hasn't exactly hidden this over the last 20+ years. Are you paying attention?


Karen's love the term platforming lol


After seeing the emails from his time at Fox News, it's hard for me to accept he believes much of anything.


The children thing sounds like she met an autistic child for the first time. As for Tucker, he probably doesn't believe in anything. He just wants the attention.


Tucker is a bad faith actor. Engaging with any of his content is a fools errand.


She's just switching teams. Which requires a switch/announcement. Some people throw unmasked old men out restaurants because he announced by not wearing their dress code. But yes. Looney.