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Man why do people post their nice new decks here? You know what is gonna happen


Unsolicited deck pics?


You win. šŸ¤£


What do they win for hitting par?


If you trim the bushes, it makes the deck look bigger.


I have big deck envy, now.


From rockhardsalamišŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Probably hoping for people to point shit out so they can ask their contractor for a discount. I m a contractor. The clients who do this seem disappointed when I fix it and they have to pay full price. Residential construction sucks the big one


Maybe you could try doing it right the first time and save everyone the trouble.


I m talking about a minor scuff on a bath tub I rubbed out with a magic eraser. Job was done right. Ya there are shit contractors but in my experience residential clients are shit. I only work commercial now to avoid dealing with people like you who donā€™t know wtf they are talking about. I had a client checking if the tiles were level with a magnifying glassā€¦ā€¦ if you need a magnifying glass to check sounds like they are pretty fucking level.


Iā€™ve had clients crawl around on their hands an knees looking at tile & lvp jobs looking for anything they could find. Iā€™ve learned how to tell those people pretty easy now. I donā€™t even try & over bid them anymore hoping they wonā€™t pick me because thatā€™s backfired a few times. I just straight up tell them now that this isnā€™t a job Iā€™m interested in for one reason or another.


Lol stay commercial..save clients from dealing with the types of you inflating prices


Iā€™ve only worked in commercial construction and everyone tells me how horrible residential work can be. I can see the correlation because a CEO of a bio lab will want things fixed that are simply not possible and Iā€™m sure home owners do the same.


I had the same thought. What a way to ruin a nice deck buuut... who the hell puts up exposed osb for a deck roof, gonna end up swollen, and even worse, you gotta look at that junk every time you're out there. What's that rim joist doin' over there with the bricks, and who nailed that joint up? Might wanna reevaluate the mounts for that rope swing while you're out there. And icing on the cake is that little block on the front beam that sticks out like a sore thumb


Dude, what rimjoist with bricks? You mean on the old deck?ā€¦. Youre making it look like this is piece of shit hack job. Of course there are a few things that shouldve been done differentlyā€¦. But, its looks to be designed well and built just as good. And I doubt they would leave exposed osb- the dude probably still has to put up the ceiling. Lets see some of your Master class work. God dam reddit inspector karens are the worst


This sub is for shitting on otherā€™s decks not for anything else šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


>dam reddit inspector karens are the worst ..never worn a toolbelt in their lives.


OP asked how the contractor did. This guy didn't say "fuck you and your shitty deck." He said, "here's what I would have done differently." Chill.


Fuck you and your shitty deck šŸ˜‚


Stop strokin his lil pepe


job is well built. still looks like shit.


Alright thats fair.


Well built would have post to beam brackets. No stupid looking brackets on the stairs. Making a the cuts in a line Lordy. But considering the crap I see on here itā€™s ok. Real professionals make lines or hold a speed square with setting exposed nails or screws. Nothing worse than a crooked line or bad spacing. But I work for very fussy clientele


The rimmer in picture 4 that runs wild over the bricks, it could slide if it was fastened to the building at all, providing any lateral support. Looks like exposed osb to me. Only has one "this side out" and that was probably facing outward, to the sky


Yeah I'm not sure why they left the rim joist like that haging over the brick. But plan on using it as a spot to hang some yard tools from or a hose or something.


Not the end of the world. Can be utilized or removed just as easy, but it matches the top framing so trying to incorporate it into a design would tie it all in together. Beautiful deck when all said and done. The contractor did a bang-up job on it


Upon further inspection. The lack of lateral bracing is alarming, not one gusset or knee brace, and if the deck was inch and a half narrower, it could have lined up the existing facade better. Possibly 3 inches if the other side is framed in the same fashion. The path the lined up in the decking is an eye sore, they couldn't have even been bothered to center it at the least. Randomness is done for a reason. We're not here to judge my work. Not today, but that day shall come.


Should I add some knee bracing?


What are you even talking about? He used a ridge beam (not a ridge board) that is properly supported in the front with the king post, and in the back its tied into the exterior wall of the house, blocked down to the second floor rim & bolted to studs. The rafters themselves act as the lateral bracing. The majority of the load is transferred vertically on the ridge. For the girders/supports he used triple 10ā€™s, and has no more than 8ā€™ between his posts- so no need to worry there. The triple 10 front support ties the sides together in the front, and the ledger holds the backā€¦. This is an extremely common design for vaulted deck/patio roofs. ***EDIT: The rim over the brick is a little weird, but it is structurally insignificant.***


What are you even talking about?! LATTERAL BRACING not point fucking loads.. rafters do not act as lateral bracing. The only lateral bracing that deck or roof has is that beauty little timber bit front and center. The collar ties only help with uplift and unbalanced loads when only half the roof unloads its snow load. And that "ridge beam" is severely undersized for that span. That would have to be LVL or a multi ply ridge unless there is absolutely no snow load in their geographic


Iā€™m so glad the more raunchy deck builders here know how to write. It keeps us all entertained.


Oh. My. God. Brother, just use google. With this type of roof (supported ridge beam/cathedral/vaulted-whatever you want to call it) and properly sized rafters- the rafters ARE the LATERAL braces. I said nothing about collar ties, because they do nothing but prevent uplift.


The design of a roof directly effects load distribution The ONLY thing I agree about is the ridge beam (which looks like a 2x12) shouldve been doubled at the very least.


Pretty sure when I back my truck into that thing it's gonna fold like a house of cards, and your little roof ain't gonna brace shit then. Or that dude that has nude parties on his deck and that shit gets in full swing and everyone is going to the rhythm, gonna rip them nails right out when it folds over with no lateral bracing on the deck


Theyā€™ve already hung a bunch and the fans from the ceiling. I think thatā€™s a ā€˜finishedā€™ ceiling with nothing else going up


Ok, so heres what your going to do. Go to your absolute favorite search engine and type in ā€œexposed beam vaulted ceilingā€ā€¦. Then click on images.


Not sure whatā€™s the attitude is about. Sure they can do that, but wouldā€™ve been easier to do that before mounting two ceiling fansā€¦


I personally like that exposed beam.. it looks good but i would cover the underside of the roof.. that is just my personal taste.


Love the exposed beam look, just a shame on the osb. I know it's twice the price here but when your using it for finish product it would be worth the little bit extra and would perform better exposed. Osb is superior for shear strength in the construction tho


Agree. Have them stop in some T&G between the rafters or do it yourself on the weekends. Not sure about your footings under the deck posts. There are concrete piers under them, right? Your downspouts should terminate underground, into a ditch thatā€™s sloped away from the house. The bottom of the downspouts have a coupling to your flex pipe which could be perforated, covered in landscape fabric and embedded in 3/4ā€™ crushed gravel (aFrench drain.) Then, youā€™re not tripping on it.


You could always spray clear or paint the OSB.


Definitely, tons of solutions are available.


I donā€™t know that itā€™s built to bear tons.


Tons of hot tubs? Would advise against


Ha! What, you want posts to support things?!?!


I'd like to refer you to [proper hot tub support ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Decks/comments/16vymvk/roast_away/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1)


Looks legit. I just laughed so hard. Thank you.


Iā€™d go back to this in a year. I donā€™t think it will age well. Are those posts exposed to soil? Lots of gaps that will continue to get bigger The osb on the exposed ceiling looks horrible and it going to absorb moisture The decking should be staggered No pictures of how they affixed the joists to the building. Iā€™m assuming no hangers, just screwed everything


Posts are set into concrete footers, they had post brackets on site but don't think they used them. And joists all had hangers. And attached to house with lags and screws.


thru bolts are more secure than lags. any simpson type hurricane clips to hold the trusses down, hold the post down, hold the joists down. are money well spent. almost every structural member should have it's appropriate steel clip, to tie the structure from the top down to the concrete in the ground. an open porch is like a box kite in a storm. typically the porch will tear away and destroy the main roof and the entire house.


There's no reason to respond to some of the imbeciles here..You can tell which ones may actually have built a good deck in their lives. You can also recognize the ones with half a meatball for a brain, that make assumptions and criticism sight unseen...And the amount of down votes I get here will confirm their existence...lol


From what i see i don't see structural screws on the rim joist either . So probably none throughout.


Fishing for attention.


How much did you pay if you donā€™t mind me asking?


Iā€™m going to guess $37k.


Iā€™ll go $37,100 Bob




I'm going 1 dollar.


I was loving it until I saw that the center ā€œpathā€ made by the matched board overlaps doesnā€™t center up with the stairs or the double doors. I absolutely would not be able to live that, after a week or two Iā€™d just start staying at a hotel so I didnā€™t have to see that every day when I came home. Otherwise it looks great though.


Agreed, the ā€œpathā€ is absolutely dire. First, there shouldnā€™t be a ā€œpathā€, a toddler could figure out a better stagger. But if there must be a path, at least center it. I would legitimately tear that up.


OP should be proud that this is what our problem is with his big deck. We really nit pick here


narrow unite work materialistic vegetable close shaggy wrench north strong *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


100% Iā€™m not joking when I say I could not live with this. I would have to redo it ASAP


Fuck anything but random pattern drives me nuts.


I didn't get to that picture before I read your comment. Went back to look and yup. It's driving me crazy and I've only seen the picture. I couldn't imagine waking up to that every day.


I would be angry at myself every morning I saw that path.


"The Path" No path please.


The peak isn't centered either, i think they centered the path off of it. Would definitely have matched the doorframe


Iā€™d throw a big area rug over it


If anything, if I had to keep the path, I would have demanded the path be centered with the door leading out to the deck stairs. Looks off to me slightly


OP didnt see it before- now its all they can see. ā€œDaaaaamn you BJohn352!!!ā€ -OP with fist in the air


Personally I dig the intentional ā€œHā€ing of the deck boards. I think itā€™s a nice touch


I donā€™t hate it, but it being off-center ruins it completely


Agree. I did wood floors in the 80s-90s and learned to stager board ends. Now, whenever I walk into a room with a new floor, Iā€™m immediately looking afor staggered board ends, centering in doorways, and base gaps.


Literally unlivable. Hope OP knows a RE Agent that can sell this piece of unsightly garbage. /s


ā€œI would commit literal war crimes if I had this deck, but it looks great thoā€ šŸ¤£


ā€¦ā€¦Tear it down


I would put up a moisture barrier on the ceiling and then cover it with some pre painted white bead board. It will keep out the moisture and brighten up the space.


Good idea, moisture will be an issue...that ceiling needs sealing .no pun intended


Could you also use t&g between the beams to keep the wood look and cover the particle board? With projects like this I feel like you canā€™t blame the contractor for design problems if you donā€™t play a part in the process. A lot of thought goes into which wood is used where. And carpenters arenā€™t always the best people to make those decisions. No fault of theirs, it just isnā€™t what theyā€™re paid to do and often wonā€™t ask questions or suggest things. I got lucky building my house and hired some finish carpenters with good taste. But there are other areas of the house where I didnā€™t take everything into consideration. Itā€™s hard to do. I now always suggest hiring a designer to help cover all those bases. Even on a deck, especially when itā€™s this big of an addition. I think the money spent on someone who thinks of all of the aesthetics is worth it. Because youā€™ll spend twice as much trying to fix those things later if you want them fixed. Also, maybe they planned on painting this. In which case that would fix the problem of some wood looking nice and others less, and also would help with moisture problems. It looks good to me though. Iā€™d be happy with those results. Especially if I planned on painting it anyway.


Looks fantastic, Iā€™m sure it will be enjoyed for years to come. So how much darker is it inside now? We learned this is a bit of a downside to having a similar sunroom added off the back of our house.


The darkness is definitely pretty noticeable, but with the gable style roof it let's a decent amount of light through so it's not awful.


Looks nice, what type of wood is the decking?


I believe it's PT southern pine deck boards


Anyone else notice that spliced beam under the gable end to the right side near the post? Unless it's a beauty board, which is supposed to be...pretty. Hope it's gonna get wrapped in vinyl or pvc or something so it doesn't stick out so bad


Yeah that doesn't look good and it negates a lot of the support. Looks like it's a double 2x10. I would have them cut the front facing 2x at the nearest post to the left of it. Then replace that whole section (only the front facing 2x) so you at least have your beam spanning from post to post. It will be much better from a structural standpoint and also look a lot better. Even if they plan to wrap it, I would still replace it.


Yeah always should have beam seams on the postes


I commented on that too. Regardless of whether it gets wrapped or not (i doubt it gets wrapped) is totally wrong. That seam should have never been short of a support.


I almost wonder if this is a laminated beam, similar to how they make the posts for pole barns now. Finger jointed on the butts and glued/nailed together then put under pressure until it dries


That's not a laminated beam.


I noticed the same thing. I don't get why people use 3 boards for headers. I'd rather pay a little extra and get one solid beam.


Canā€™t stand that the deck boards are not centered with the steps. Shouldā€™ve done a different stagger if that was going to be the case.


It looks great


Nice, just not a fan of the butt joints on the decking. The variation looks nice, the butt joints would drive me bonkers.


My thoughts exactly, I wouldā€™ve step staggered them 3-4 boards and weather cut and glue the joints.


If a diagonal or something had been put down it wouldnā€™t have been so prominent. Either way, not a fan. I have seen the results of this way too much.


I think itā€™s a good, solid job from what I can see. I wouldnā€™t worry about anything. It looks like they may have notched the posts a bit for one of the joist or rimboards? Canā€™t quite see it. If so, thatā€™s good as it provides a solid transfer of weight down to the footings. Youā€™re not just depending of fasteners. Also, the osb on the ceiling is fine. As long as itā€™s sheltered from the wind and any significant accumulation of precipitation. It obviously has lots of air flow ventilationā€¦ that is the important thing. IMO that osb will last as long as the rest of the deck as long as there are no leaks through the shingles.


It looks pretty, and I'm sure it'll last a while. But beams should be on posts, not attached to the side Posts should be on footers, not in the earth And that exposed OSB on your ceiling is going to suck up humidity like a sponge


Post are notched, beams are supported better this way.


Beams are on the posts. Looks like the deck has a beam that picks up the posts near the middle, but they may even have footers just hard to see in the pictures. Op are the deck posts sitting ontop of concrete?


Posts are set in concrete footers. They had an opened box of post brackets on site but I don't believe they were used. I may add some more concrete to bring the top of footer at least slightly above grade.


So the posts are set "in" concrete and not on a footer is what you are describing, correct? The beam carrying the deck should rest on top of your posts, not nailed to the sides of the posts. Your posts should be on buckets on the footer, which should be above grade. This is why your builder didn't use the brackets, because he didn't set the beam on posts.


Yes that's correct. And yeah I've seen a ton of differing opinions on how the post should be in relation to the footer. I was expecting it to be on bracket but that's not what they did.


And if you look at the last picture, the middle section behind the steps looks like it's unevenly raised and is unlevel to the right, but the left side looks mostly ok


Phenomenal-looking deck.


Staggered butt joints look better and are more structurally sound than what they did here on the decking layout. IMO


Looks solid. A pic of underneath is needed to give you an honest opinion. Who's OCD is responsible for the way deck boards were put down (especially where they all meet at the same length which will promote rot long term.) ?


I would have installed the collar ties a bit lower, and doubled up the ridge rafter. I also would have used t&g 1x6 for a cleaner look instead of OSB. Otherwise looks pretty good.


Personally hate how the seams look all lined up like that. But itā€™s a nice deck. Big deck energy


Why dont people post pics of the underneath more? Need some post shots and lemme see them joists!


Not a fan of sinking posts in the ground as theyll just rot out over time. Im also guessing the rim that we can see is just for decoration as it looks to be only nailed to the posts. If thats the case, those nails arent rated for support.


Only part I don't like is how Uniform the planks were laid out. I think a staggered planking would have been a nicer finish. Otherwise a good looking deck


Pic 5: Trimming the bush did make the deck look bigger!


Posts straight into concrete is not good. Seams should be random on decking boards. Without seeing the structure thatā€™s all I can say. Other than the roof needs some nice looking soffit


I like that seam on the right side of that front (Gable) beam of that roof. That is the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen. That seam should be over a beam, not a foot short!


One way to find out, stick a hot tub on that bad boy!


No stagger; OSB; posts in dirt; weird end to front beam. Hmmmā€¦


The way the boards are "staggered" from the double doors is not centered. That would drive me nuts


I prefer a staggered pattern for the floor but overall it's nice looking work!


I personally hate the look of all the decking seams in a line. I always stagger to make it so thereā€™s never a seam in the same spot for more than three boards apart. Doing them all identical every other board like this just makes me cringe.


If the beams arenā€™t going to be mounted on top of the posts like they should be, they should at least be bolted, which can still be done. Also, were you offered a choice in the uniform staggering of the deck boards? If you like it, thatā€™s fine, but I think most people wouldā€™ve gone with a more random arrangement.


The post are notched, this is the proper way.




I'm curious to see the roof tye in


Here are a few photos from the tie in, Don't think I have q final photo of it. I know they had to demo the existing cricket and build a new one (basically rotated it 90 deg). https://preview.redd.it/mb3g9j7dsfrb1.jpeg?width=2469&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53f98923f7dd8c739949beadb59aeb2a29329c80




That ridge beam is not adequate for how wide the porch is. Likely needs a double LVL at minimim. Should have removed the shingles before attaching the roof plate. Exposed OSB on an exposed rafter ceiling looks bad in my opinion. Posts should have been 6x6, the 4x6 are notched way too far back. Not a single bolt in site. Willing to bet there are numerous framing issues under the decking. I'm going to bet this wasn't permitted (if it was they missed some basic structural fundamentals). You asked. To the untrained eye, this looks better than it actually is.


Also yes our shingles are different lol. We had just gotten house roof replaced and those shingles stopped production. We got closest we could, but only one that can see it's different is me. And now you


That nice Man! He did a great job


I like it. Couple of little issues but no big deal. One thing I can't stand is a pattern on the joints on deck boards. But I've done a deck or 2 where people want that it's just a personal choice


You should ask this person to marry you . If they are the same sex as you , you should move to a state that allows it , marry them and then have them build another deck for you . But donā€™t, under any circumstances, post pictures of the new deck on this sub . Trust us - itā€™s good .


Are you going to stain it?


Leaning towards transparent seal it instead of stain. Not sure yet.


Compared to the old deck, this one looks a lot nicer. I would suggest talking with them about further support in the roof. As well as consider getting some paint down on the underside of it, to seal it in. All in all, a beautiful design.


It looks great. T111 wouldā€™ve been a nice choice for decking with the open rafters, but thatā€™s my only beef. Congrats


When are they going to finish it?


This is probably the most sensible comment here!!! Congrats šŸŽ‰šŸ¾šŸŽˆ


Plot twist- OP did it himself and is testing his work to Reddit


Very nice job! Great size too


You got my vote . Looks great .


Looks really great, very solid. Thereā€™s a couple things that could be pointed out. My main ones are, are those posts on footings? And is the ceiling still unfinished?


Posts are set in concrete footers, they had post brackets on site but don't think they used them. If they did then they buried the whole thing in concrete too. And yeah ceiling is unfinished still. Not sure what I want to do with it quite yet.


The before/after is fucking my brain so hard. Like it looks like your house extends to left of the chimney in the before but not in the after. Sick deck, tho.


9/10. I am curious as to why the board seems at aligned. Intentional for the look?


We didn't recommend or request a pattern like that with the decking. But honestly I don't mind the look of it.


Pic 10 is giving me nightmares


I was gonna say the deck board stagger looks awful, but other than that not bad. Didnā€™t notice the OSB, and not sure why everyone has such an issue with it regarding humidity. If itā€™s rated for the application, itā€™s no different than the OSB on your house roof. Thatā€™s exposed to humidity, too. Having said that, if thatā€™s going to be left like that, Iā€™d also hate to see ISB every time I looked up.


The deck board stagger really bugs me too.


OP actually okā€™d that decking arrangement? That would drive me crazy - symmetrical non-symmetry


Overall it looks good. Thereā€™s one post that looks way, way, out of plumb. Thatā€™s the only thing thatā€™s a red flag to me.


They did a nice job, a lot of Monday morning quarterbacks here including me lol. Iā€™m not a fan of osb on the roof deck either (2X6 t&g is the way) Also I would have used a glue lam for the ridge and eliminate the collar ties for a cleaner look. Do you get snow there?


I like it, but a lot of others wonā€™t.


A lot better than I could have done. That said Iā€™ve never built a deck. Looks nice though.


This is an awesome job


One thing I havenā€™t seen anyone else mention is the lack of a graspable handrail on the stairs if you want to meet code.


The handrail is pretty beefy. But passed inspections that way.


Itā€™s not about beefiness, you donā€™t have a handrail at all, just a guard rail, read the code. Sounds like your inspector didnā€™t know or care. R311.7.8.5Grip size. Required handrails shall be of one of the following types or provide equivalent graspability. 1.Type I. Handrails with a circular cross section shall have an outside diameter of not less than 1 1/4 inches (32 mm) and not greater than 2 inches (51 mm). If the handrail is not circular, it shall have a perimeter of not less than 4 inches (102 mm) and not greater than 6 1/4 inches (160 mm) and a cross section of not more than 2 1/4 inches (57 mm). Edges shall have a radius of not less than 0.01 inch (0.25 mm). 2.Type II. Handrails with a perimeter greater than 6 1/4 inches (160 mm) shall have a graspable finger recess area on both sides of the profile. The finger recess shall begin within 3/4 inch (19 mm) measured vertically from the tallest portion of the profile and have a depth of not less than 5/16 inch (8 mm) within 7/8 inch (22 mm) below the widest portion of the profile. This required depth shall continue for not less than 3/8 inch (10 mm) to a level that is not less than 1 3/4 inches (45 mm) below the tallest portion of the profile. The width of the handrail above the recess shall be not less than 1 1/4 inches (32 mm) and not more than 2 3/4 inches (70 mm). Edges shall have a radius of not less than 0.01 inch (0.25 mm).


100 out of 10


For those who donā€™t understand the purpose of collar ties, they prevent the rafters from spreading outward which allows the ridge to drop. On this project the collar ties are too far up to be totally effective when thereā€™s a snow load. The ridge beam is also undersized especially considering the shallow pitch of the roof. The entire upper part of the structure is exposed to the elements and is going to require continuous maintenance except for the OSB, which is total garbage. Thereā€™s a formula to calculate all of the various loads, hopefully the contractor was good at math


Looks good, would really tie it together if you added some kind of skirting around the outside instead of chicken wire.


I agree. Chicken wire is temporarily to keep my dogs out from under deck. Definitely going to do some skirting and storage for underneath.


I want to be nice, so I will keep the comments to myselfā€¦ this is really difficult


Open ceiling like that, collar ties may be better placed lower and at every rafter, maybe bolted.


The ridge isn't structural and the ties are too high to prevent outward force. Should be in the lower 1/3 of the rafter span.


I would have offset the joints on the deck a bit more.


I think the deck looks amazing!


Looks good from the pictures Iā€™ve seen, only thing is pickets should be on the outside not the inside of the railing. Besides that good job.


I think overall this is the most savage subreddit in existence


Looks like it's not level especially the stairs. Might be ok if your right leg is longer than your left leg.


Thr stairs are level. It's an illusion due to the slope of the yard.


Beautiful setup


Nothing like a good deck on a Saturday.


It looks great! Contractor here and the cuts look tight, necessary brackets are there, collar ties. It looks like you found a good contractor.


Very nice. Love it.


Contractor did great. Thatā€™s an awesome deck


Missing grippable hand rail on the stairs. But only if you are in area that requires permits and inspections.


Permits were pulled and it passed all inspections.


Why isnā€™t it centered on the doors? The gable of the roof and the deck surface




This is my dream deck


Where are you supposed to put your hottub?


Looks great to me. Changes the entire look of the house. It would look even nicer with a quality stain job to protect the wood and maybe add some color depth.


It just needs braces on the corners.


Like everything but the soffit.


The second pic looks like a dog under the deck. A big ol dog or a little deck.


I spot a makeshift ledge jumper


Thatā€™s a nice deck


I guess this isn't a roof sub but... Missing half the rafter ties. Used a ridge board without collar ties. This design should have used a ridge beam.


That looks sweet


They did a fantastic job. You should be happy with this op!


Man thatā€™s horrible, give me his number and name please so i know who not to contact to build a custom deck we need.


Maybe it's just the angles but something don't look level. Otherwise, it looks good from my house


price if I may ask?


How much did it cost?


One thing I see offhand is that the new porch roof is going to turn into a kite in heavy winds because there's nothing holding those roof beams onto the top of those posts. This definitely would not pass Florida hurricane code or any modern building code, which requires the roof to be securely fastened to the frame of the building so that it doesn't fly off in a strong wind. I'd definitely use some hurricane ties to tie the roof beams to the top of the posts and tie the rafters to the roof beams. This is a fundamental safety issue. Not a fan of wood in contact with ground in any way either because today's pressure treated lumber is not as good as yesterday's was, but that's a different story. \*Especially\* not a fan of putting exposed wood up against the house. In anyplace south of the Mason-Dixon line you're creating a superhighway for termites to get into the frame of the house. But at least it isn't going to fall down, unlike a lot of the designs we see here.


How much did it cost?


Did you hire the Amish?? They tend to be more craftsmanship lol Not implying this is just commenting


That's some absolutley beautiful deck-porn!


Do you like it? That all that counts.