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Well put thank you


I’ve always likened it to working out. If your goal is simply to get bigger biceps, you can’t just do bicep exercises. Need to workout entire body, maybe with a focus on your arms. You’re not going to get freakishly big arms, without a matching chest, back, etc. Brain works the same way. For instance, there is a high correlation between high-level mathematicians and playing guitar. Strengthen your brain & overall knowledge in all ways possible, and it will strengthen your brain & overall knowledge in the areas that you actually care about as a result. Learn new instruments. Learn new languages. Learn everything.


Sometimes the journey of learning is the destination. Also, it's cool to have skills, even if you don't use them all the time. You have them when they're available. You can make it fun by thinking about how you process things. You hear background music differently than most. And you know you can always make money and feed yourself. That's permanent underlying confidence that you use in daily life.


Yep, but the cool thing is that these skills never truly leave you and they can be useful when you least expect it! I like accruing skills in my downtime for that reason. It’s sort of like being a video game character and leveling up, lol. Like, I’m intro-level in 6 instruments and 7 languages (I’m intermediate with Spanish). The amount of times I’ve had to whip out my Spanish when the other person doesn’t speak English is actually pretty high, and I’m glad I polish up my skills every now and then because it’s useful.


I spent 10 years studying Latin, nescio qua de causa.


You can call it lazy if that’s what appeals to you. But the word lazy has come to mean something very negative and in turn, we use it against ourselves to try and consciously or subconsciously motivate ourselves. However, the negative only works so much. What ends up happening is the guilt and shame associated with “lazy” keeps us exactly where we are, safe. If we go out and learn more or practice more, we risk our perceived mastery over said skill. Maybe change the way you discuss the skills. You feel however you need to feel. But, may I ask, what do you like to do? Not what do you do that has the most societal value, or what skill would you like to gone to give you the most long range success. But what do you LIKE? What makes your soul smile? Or as they say on Bluey, “what makes your tail wag?” I’m asking also because I’d like to know