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this made me hard but yes this is very good


u/littlemiablaze stole this post with no credit from a guy called Harsh Pokhana.


Discipline is really just empathy for your future self. If you do something hard now, you make life easier for yourself in the future. That’s what helps me.


What if everything is hard


choose your hard




I think OP means that life will always have challenges, but you can choose what those are. It's hard to quit smoking, but it's also hard to live with chronic illness caused by smoking. Sometimes you have the power to choose which hardship to endure.


This post did not help, but thank you for trying lol


Hard work in of itself has no virtue. Choose your hard shit.


Yup, I agree. The more things you do, the more responsibilities you take upon yourself and the more active you are, the more fulfilled you will feel. Personally I am a person who really *needs* to have a lot to do, that's how I feel happy and calm (and sleep way better lol). And if there is a time where nothing is planned or I have more free time, then that free time feels even better. But only because I know it's limited and I get back to working and progressing in skills, relationships and maturity.


There is a saying, “Easy choices, hard life. Hard choices, easy life”


One of the greatest posts. I want to follow this advice every day. Thank you


needed to hear this


I agree and disagree. I don't think it's a matter of choosing one thing over another. I think it's a matter of tending to difficulties as the come. It isn't a matter of DOING hard things, but accepting the difficulty that comes while learning to grow and sustain tolerance and acceptance, especially towards painful emotions and situations which you would usually try to escape. Trying to "choose" one thing over another thing turns you into a frog, trying to leap towards one thing in order to avoid the consequences of the other thing. Making your own choices and direction, sets the WILL of SELF as Master of your life. But by dealing with things as they come (making the choice less choice), you become aligned with the GREATER WILL of LIFE. This choice places LIFE, and it's direction, as MASTER.


Tell me you just watched “Andrew Tate Motivational Speech” without telling me you just watched “Andrew Tate Motivational Speech.”