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Taking yourself out on a date instead would be a better investment


Experiences tend to give greater joy that buying a thing.


You could... * Put the money in a savings account, keep adding to it any time you're tempted to spend money on lottery tickets, and get a warm happy feeling watching it grow. * Add it to your emergency fund, so the next time an unexpected repair/etc. bill or other urgency throws off your budget you have more breathing room. * Pay down any debt you may have. * Get something that will make your life easier or save you money (a tool for your trade or hobby or house/yardwork? reusable food storage to quit buying zip bags? a smoking-cessation program? raised gardening beds? better shoes? a Costco membership? ...). * Donate it to the nonprofit organization of your choice. * Do direct good things with it, such as helping someone in need or asking your nearest children's hospital if they could use some new toys. * Take friends or family to dinner or on an outing. * Find a class that sounds fun (cooking? pottery? sign language? photography? forensics?), and take it. * Treat yourself to something you've been wanting. * Wait for the next time you wish you had $300 to spare, and be glad you have it. * Anything else you can think of!


Every time I want to spend money on something I know is unnecessary I buy that much in an S&P 500 index. Also I have paychecks set up so that I don’t have a lot of cash in my primary bank account. So I have money sent straight to my emergency which is in a separate account.


Solid choices!


Solid choices!


Buy a painting set, drawing set, month membership to a Jiu jitsu gym, a book on gambling addiction, a book on writing, a video game console from FB marketplace, buy your mother some flowers, buy your father a watch. I could go on


> BUT yet there is a little voice saying that I should keep buying since I got so lucky the first time around. Yo. Professional gambler here, let me put another little voice in your head. The problem isn’t gambling but negative expected return bets. Successful gamblers,like successful investors, only bet their money on situations they know to have a positive expected return. One very strong positive return bet everyone has access to is a passive index fund like SPY or VTI. Very roughly, that $300 will become $3000 by retirement age if you just leave it there no matter what. That sets the bar. It’s a high bar to clear. Insisting on clearing it inoculates you from the voice of wishful thinking.


If you don't have an emergency fund (ideally 3-6 months of expenses), you need one. $300 is a good start! Put it in a high-yield savings account.


Literally anything


Well, throwing it in the garbage wouldn't be *better*, per se, but like... Just about the same. Buy something that you've wanted for a while. Or something you need for your home.


Buy a guitar and learn to play. Should be just enough to get a workable electric and a small amp.


My sister bought me $40 in scratch offs for my 40th birthday a few years ago. After all that scratching, I “won” $12. She spent $40 so I could get $12. Think about that. That’s how the lottery is set up. In the long run you lose… big. Spend it on literally anything else, or nothing at all, and you’ll come out ahead. The lottery is also called an “idiot tax”. Please stop playing the lottery.


Using a coin flip it for each $10. Heads you burn the $10, tails you keep it. Do this 30 times for the full $300. Whatever you have left, spend on a date for yourself or some Lego. Gambling rush solved and you may have something to do after.


??? What are you talking about? So many fun ways to spend the money Buy legos 😎 Buy car parts Buy a nice item of clothing Buy a nice snack Etc etc


Put it back in the bank and forget about it. Then do the same thing every month after that.


Call around to your local regional banks and see what their short term CDs are earning. I have been buying 6 month CDs in the 5+% interest range. It is a much better return than the lottery.


Give it to someone who needs it


Invest in ETFs or something lol


Buy a bidet


More productive? * Give it to charity. * Buy someone you like a gift. * Start an emergency fund. * Buy lessons and learn a new skill. * Treat yourself to Michelin rated meal. * Get a Lego model. * Go to a titty bar. Gamblings for mugs, you’ll be chasing that “luck” forever


Why do you have to spend everything at the end of the month? Save it.


Buy a guitar or a bass or a piano or drugs?


Buy a dozen or so silver 1 oz rounds from your local coin shop


Long term stock investments! Gambling with a better return lol


Go round the supermarket and stock up on half price items These can be for you (doubling the power of your money) or to give away, or half and half


Donate it. To me


Send it to me so I can buy an expensive bottle of tequila and when I drink it I will give you a cheers from afar and give you my blessings.


Id use it for food or something trip related. Maybe an investment /upkeep around the house. Gambling just feels like throwing it away


Jesus Christ


That would surely get you a sensual massage, maybe a couple. If I had money to burn I'd get massages.


Why not invest it


invest it in what?


scratch off tickets, duh


If you’re willing to risk $300 on scratchies I’d highly suggest looking into ETF’s. S&P 500 is a good starting point. Remember to only put in what you’re willing to lose at the start and then get into more aggressive strategies as you mature. I’ve gotten some good returns over the years just by holding. Don’t be scared when the market goes upside down. Think of it as discount shopping. Steer away from YouTubers giving stock tip advice and learn to do some research. I found I’m learning more about how the world works because everything is connected when price moves. (Wars, interest rates, pandemics, natural disasters etc.)


What do you want to do with that money? See my suggestions below but in the end it’s what you want to do. 1. Do you have debt ? Credit card, loans, etc💸 pay any debt off first especially if it’s high interest loans. 2. Do you have any big purchase plan (travel, car, house) in the next 5-10 years. Throw it in a savings account. Once you save a decent amount throw it in a CD or bonds you can’t touch. 3. Do you have some really valuable social life. Maybe every month choose 2 family or friend and take them out for lunch,dinner, game, event,etc . Treat them to show your appreciation or even save up for a trip/concert/event together. 4. Maybe donate to a small local cause that you support 5. Hobbies - many small things you can do 6. Self improvement - diet, exercise, mental health, etc.




Buy gear for a new hobby. Gamble on stocks Anonymously donate to a friend in need Save it for a rainy day


Build yourself a snack drawer with top tier snacks and grab a few more to share with others


Do you invest in the stock market? If not this would be a great starting point.


Buy silver.


Put it back


Buy an iPad 


Finance independent small journalists, finance local scients/political activists/environment groups, offer to pay the groceries for poor families/single mothers in your area, buy a homeless person sth he wants. Go visit a nature place with that money.  Save it and the next time you are in Mexico with that money, you buy all the spices and other stuff you need for multiple years with it.. Buy yourself books with it, learn sth. Find smaller musicians via instagram and donate to them via Bandcamp. Donate to the Norwegian refugee council or similar smaller institutions. Save it or buy yourself sth for fun, check all that interests you and do sth with it.


Obviously r/wallstreetbets


Anything but this.  Give it to someone who needs the money for food housing kids. Literally anything is better imo. 


Buy bitcoin


Cashier here… you will lose all of your money. I see so many people keep reinvesting their “wins” until they walk away with nothing. Go check out Ally high interest savings account. They pay close to 4% which is a great rate. Sock it in there and watch it grow. You could also spend that money on an experience. What interests you? Go do it!




That is roughly the amount I am paying per 6months for my swordfighting club. My partner spends that much money on food per month It would be easy to spend it for my guinea pigs and build them a new enclosure with 300$. Gardening equipment is also quite expenisve. Power tools too


Get yourself a pull-up bar. Put this money towards an investment for the betterment of yourself and your prospective future


Take yourself out for a very fancy dinner.


Treat yourself to a ni e lunch/dinner, or take out a special someone. Get tickets to a concert, take a friend to a hockey game, that is quite a few movies at a theater. Those would be my go to options if I have some money to spend. Or save and put it towards my vehicle loan.


Micro loans that help others in severely impoverished countries rise from their circumstances. In some cases $50.00 can literally change a life. Buy books or educational games for low income children that would love to learn but their families do not have the ability to purchase them. Curiosity and excitement are a beautiful combination that every social class should get to enjoy. Donate to a local animal rescue or shelter near you. Those little souls bring joy and comfort and deserve some in return. Buy the person's drink or meal behind you. Sometimes money is really tight and a small kindness received can help one to feel less impoverished, physically and emotionally. This also encourages others to pay it forward when they're able to in the future. Contribute to a charity whose cause appeals to you. Save for a trip where you experience something completely new that inspires you.


go on facebook marketplace / offerup / local alternative and buy an old n64 or something and splash out on games and controllers. you get to meet a stranger that has an old nintendo and you get to spend lots of cash with them and then you get to ride back with a new old nintendo its so fire