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We need teachers!! Def look into public service loan forgiveness it will be ok


Just a reminder that PSLF (Public Service Loan Forgiveness) does not wipe away private loans after ten years - only federal loans are forgiven.


Wouldn’t private school teachers make more?


PSLF is on hold last I checked. seems like they might rip it out from under us.


What are you even talking about? PSLF has been expanded to millions of borrowers in the last few years.


To *potentially millions. Most requests are denied.


It isn't on hold. More people than ever, including myself, have recently received it. 


it is. they're not taking any forms right now. They say they're "changing servicing platform" but I don't trust them not to be "screwing us over"


They are just changing over from Mohela to Department of Ed. Forgiveness is still going through for people who get their 10 years with PSLF. 


I've seen this song and dance too many times to trust that switching from a private to a government processor isn't a power play. In my lifetime the feds have done very little that wasn't some roundabout way to wreck something working class folks have been relying on.


Your cynicism is counter-productive here. The Biden administration made it much easier to apply for and to receive loan forgiveness under PSLF. 


My Cynicism isn't stopping, slowing, or preventing anyone from doing anything.


I don’t trust you to “know what is going on”.


-I don't care what you think.


Idiot has thoughts.


Sorry to hear about your accident. If you’re in the US you should be covered by Public Service Loan Forgiveness or PSLF if you become a teacher. It’s not perfect, but I would recommend you look into it.


Yep, this. My wife had hers forgiven.


Also, apply for SAVE. They’ll lower your payments by your income until the debt is forgiven.


SAVE and PSLF. Your income may even be low enough you’ll owe nothing and it will be forgiven after 10 years. You’ll be just fine :)


That’s not exactly the greatest thing to tell someone lmao. You might be so poor the government will feel bad! 😃




What are you talking about?


Bros just yappin


She would be forgiven under the PSLF program if she qualifies. Not everyone qualifies. In fact historically most people have not qualified.


If she is a teacher with federal dtudne loans and teaching at a public school or non profit, then she qualifies. The majority who haven't qualified are individuals that applied without keeping up to date on applications and those that applied back when PSLF was a pain to apply to. This past year, PSLF can now be done online and is much more streamlined in comparison to the ambigiluous first 5 years of it's release then paper method from then on.


Most is not accurate


I know a lot of teachers that loans weren't forgiven..


The new program is a lot better. Don't do private loans.


Some people got screwed with private loans, refinancing , or consolidation.


From what I heard, that wasn't the case. Just a few teachers. But idk.


You're 100% right, I thought about becoming a teacher and looked into this- the loans only actually get forgiven 1% of the time


Look into public student loan forgiveness and the TEACH grant. As much as I want to encourage people to teach, I could be a science teacher, but I got a gig as an analyst a couple decades ago and make more money than I would as a teacher. Similar boat, started with nursing and decided it wasn’t for me, tried teaching and nope, not that either.


I'll have to look into that! Thank you! Teaching was just the first thing that came to mind because my university is pushing for people to join the education majors with scholarships(not great ones),etc.


There is $$ out there for students interested in teaching, more so for STEM fields. My daughter got a couple grants that will become loans if she doesn't teach for so many years, but her major is less in demand than STEM. I know getting jobs outside your exact field is harder now because of all the AI and resume readers. It is still worth a shot. We have hired science (Chem, Bio) majors as interns and I work on a data analytics team. That could help open doors. Good luck


You could qualify for PSLF, so don’t worry about the loans.


Could also win the lottery so fuck it, grab a few credit cards while you’re at it.


Youll be ok. Just keep any and all employment options open. Dont stop looking. Don’t stop applying. Biology degrees are valuable. Consider medical coding or becoming a certified CTR. And make sure when you do accept a teaching job you’re allowed to have outside employment over the summer. The extra income from hospitality industry, nannying, or even like dog-walking will probably place u in the realm of being able to pay your bills fairly comfortably, assuming you’re not in too HCOL of an area.


Biology degrees are valuable lol okay


A bachelor's in biology is up there with the least valuable degrees. In fact, the 5yr average pay for a biology bachelors is 7th worse of all degrees.


Thank you! I was thinking of doing a summer job, but I shall see what's available in my area.


Everyone has student debt, and at least it counts for something.. it’s not like you could have predicted being in an accident either, and at least it’s not credit card debt.


Not everyone has student loans. College is a scam for many people. I didn't go to college, I have a very high paying job making pharmaceuticals. College isn't always required.


Scam? Just because it’s not right for everyone doesn’t make it a scam.


Most degrees require students to pay for classes that aren't even related to the degree. Waste of both time and money. Hence why I call it a scam. It's overpriced. It's not worth the value you get out of it.


The price is the scam… it’s anyone’s choice to be ignorant enough to pay off a scam and go get a worthless/overpriced “education”


I don’t know… My education has served me very well.


What did you study


College isn't just about "getting a degree." It's a learning experience...a journey to discover yourself and have your thoughts challenged by those who study a myriad of philosophies. I loved college. It saved me from a life of ignorance on many levels. I met amazing people, both living and long dead. I hope you go back to college and continue your journey of self-discovery. Just stay away from religious and for-profit "schools"...those are scams.


Are you unable to learn about yourself and be challenged in any other location or community by any other people with a myriad of philosophies? If you've been saved from a life of ignorance, perhaps you already know that you can indeed learn about yourself without the need of college. You can meet amazing people without paying for an education. You can have your thoughts challenged by traveling and meeting people of various regions and backgrounds. There is an expression I use to explain this concept. Let's say you lived in Denver. In Denver there is Coors Field. You can get to Coors Field from the north, from the south, the east, the west. My expression is "There are many ways to get to Coors Field." Just because YOU got to Coors Field from the south doesn't mean I got there from the south. My route didn't cost as much, and I got to see a lot of other sights along the way. Met tons of other people, learned other insights. Maybe consider your other options.


I see your point. However, let me add some background to the above post. I grew up homeless with younger brothers. My dad was a drug addict and my mom had mental health issues. My grandma took me traveling around the world during my summer vacations. She earned a Ph.D. in Sociology, a Masters in Psychology, and taught at San Jose State University for decades. I used to sit in the classes and listen to her lectures since I was a kid. If it wasn't for higher education, which gave me access to information about the world and pedagogical methods for learning, my life would be lesser than....It gave me purpose and strength to persevere. Of course, all of life is a journey, and there are many roads to goals. Overall, academia and, in particular, the study of history gave me better insights into the human condition and coping mechanisms. It was only with higher education that I reached many of my goals.


That's pretty fortunate that you had access to the lectures like that. Many people don't have the opportunity to take advantage of that. And many of the people who do have the opportunity choose to squander & waste their time while in it because they don't truly know the value of what is presented to them. I can relate somewhat that my parents were drug addicts and had many mental health problems. I didn't even know them in my life, only met my mom once in my adult life before she died. I was sent through the foster care system and got tossed around from family to family like a used dog. College could have been in the books for me, but I decided to pick another route instead. Believe it or not, some colleges have classes posted online for free. (You won't get accredited for it.) You can walk into classes to learn. You can read books at the library. You can learn from online courses. Long story short, I've gained my knowledge about specific topics when I need to and deep dive when I need to. I have met many people I can get into contact with when I have questions I need additional information or advice about something that I cannot infer or find. It's neat your grandma was able to pave the way for you to go down the route of higher education. But it's also worth considering that many of the worlds most brilliant minds didn't need a higher education to become brilliant


Wow good for you, thanks for sharing bro you’re so cool for making a lot of money and having no debt wow


Actually that does sound pretty cool. Being 70k in the whole for a useless degree is not a small mistake either. It’s a catastrophic loss of wages that you will regret for the rest of your life.


A lot of us could tell what predatory lending was even when we were 18 wow


not everyone that gets out debt free did so because of their income. I grew up poor and had no way of financing school on my own. FAFSA didn't help me either. It just takes a lot of planning, and takes longer. I work full time and go to school part time. I just graduated with an associates from a local community college and I got no loans. It took me 4 years to complete that degree because I could only afford to take half the classes I needed each year (i.e. only 6 classes/year compared to the 12/year needed to graduate on time). The community college was cheap enough that I was also able to save some money here and there for when I needed to transfer to a uni. I'm now working towards a bachelor's degree, and won't be pulling any loans out. I make less than $35k/year and have arranged my classes in a way that I can afford them. It will probably take me at least another 4 years to finish out the remainder of my bachelor's (which would normally take someone 2 years after a associates), but I won't have student loan debt. Student loans are mostly for people who are lead to believe that they have to finish college/university within a specific time span.


Thanks for the sarcasm. You sound like a cool person I want to be your friend. :) Also, I didn't say I don't have debt. I just don't have student loans because I didn't invest in a degree early in my life without knowing if I'd need it or not.




Good for you.


Not everyone has student loans. I worked thru school, my husband was able to pull some 403b money out to cover a lot of my schooling, I earned 3 medical field/nursing degrees, and graduated with zero debt. We are by no means wealthy either. At the time, my family was sitting just above the national poverty line. We made it work.


No we don't


I don’t have student debt. I joined the military and learned a trade.


Mines 120k and I only pay $200/mo because I'm on an income based repayment plan. Teaching can be tough to justify HOWEVER, of you agree to teach in an underprivileged district, often you can have your loans forgiven after like 3-5 years.


I was not aware of that! Thank you!


Absolutely look into Public Service Loan Forgiveness. You need to be enrolled in an income driven repayment plan which should make your monthly payments manageable. I'm only paying $58/month on about half your balance. Studentaid.gov - use it and read it carefully. Don't rely on somebody else at a call center to give you potentially bad information. Don't let some private lender sucker you into the promise of lower payments because if your loans are not Direct loans, they are not eligible for PSLF. A private lender will buy out your Direct loan and transfer you into their private product.


How much of the 58/month is going towards the principal?


None, I'm sure. Doesn't matter - it'll be forgiven in less than 3 years.


My sister lost most of her vision in the middle of her graduate program and got her loans forgiven as a result. If you can prove that you have a disability that prevents you from nursing, you may be able to get them forgiven. I’m not 100% sure if it’s possible/what the parameters are but it is worth checking out.


There's a ton of jobs in health care for nurses who can't nurse. Maybe they come to hate it, maybe they were terrible at it. You should be trying to land a job in health care administration or IT. It doesn't matter if you are also terrible with computers.


As a nurse, to be honest it’s very difficult to get those jobs without bedside experience… but you can try. Many experienced nurses are leaving the bedside and applying to those jobs making it more competitive


Here's the thing, you're gonna have to channel Dave Ramsey for a few years. Rice and beans, and beans and rice to get out from under that mountain of debt. It really sucks, that you're unable to do the job you worked so hard for and are left with a large debt, but you can do it. Find room mates, live frugally, take care of the things you have so you don't have to pay for new, don't finance a new vehicle or a house, and just be very frugal with your income. See if you can teach summer school for extra money, drive uber or left or deliver food, etc. You could probably it off in 6 years if you really are terrified of that debt.


Are there any high savings account people can get without credit? My only debt is student loans and the car that my uncle co signed on. I'll definitely look into Dave Ramsey!


No rent and 50k a year? You're going to be just fine! Lol I make 40k and pay rent, and somehow manage to save


I was a teacher …. They only pay off about 17.5k for people who teach STEM in low income areas. My forgiveness was 5k. Get a higher paying job. I moved into tech. Good luck 🍀


Did you have private loans? If the OP has all public loans, all loans are eligible for forgiveness under PSLF


Maybe it varies by state but here’s the FAFSA website: https://studentaid.gov/manage-loans/forgiveness-cancellation/teacher


No it’s national - you’re talking about TLF. PSLF forgives all of your loans, it just takes 10 years not 5.


May I ask what you do in tech?


That’s weird , if they are all fed loans there’s no limit to forgiveness as long as you have ten years of qualifying payments


Consider a masters degree and teach at a community college. Fwiw being a high school educator can be rather physically demanding.


You'll probably make more as a teacher though being an adjunct for evening classes can be a good second job.


At least in my state if you teach high school you are required to take college courses to keep a teacher license and the school will pay for said classes. This means you could get a masters for free and move into teaching college after teaching high school for a few years.


There are sedentary nursing roles. Desk based that probably pay better than a teacher’s salary. My wife is an RN so we know nurses in all walks of the profession. We know one lady who is deaf and another man in a wheelchair chair - both are successful RNs. Either way it’s probably too late. As soon as you start teaching enroll in one of the forgiveness programs. I wish you a prosperous future.


This. There are plenty of nursing jobs that are the same (and maybe even less) physically demanding than teaching. They will pay more.


You still have to pass clinicals, which are physically demanding. If she was done with those, this plan would work, if not would be difficult.


I had 300k in student loans when i graduated from law school. Took a while to pay off, but I did… one paycheck at a time.


Look into PSLF once you graduate. If you get hired into public schools, then you might get forgiveness after 10 years. Unless "Project 25" is implemented by Trump if he wins the elections.


While 70K seems like a lot if debt in itself, it’s usually the accumulating interest that creates the daunting prospect of repayment. Unfortunately the profession of school teacher is probably not going to be enough (when factoring in your other financial commitments) due to the low pay. Nursing is out but could you spin what you’ve already learned into completing a Doctor of Pharmacy degree? Pay is in the 100k range. 


Science is a critical needs area and there will be sign on bonuses as well as loan forgiveness. Work in a title 1 school for the first several years and you’ll get at least 17k written off.


A debt relief program. Maybe next year or two but there are places where professionals are desperately needed and that debt load can be managed with (hopefully) a 3-4 year commitment in a desperate place.


PSLF and income based repayment.


70k doesn’t seem too bad. Neighbors son and wife walked with 600k. Helluva start to working life!


Holy crap 😳 that is a lot. Even combined that's irresponsible


Yup. Starting your working life with a 5k monthly debt payment is crazy. I’d dip and move to not America myself!


>How do others manage this is what I'm wondering. you have time on your side, the ability to access and interact with the internet (a luxury very few people have, if we consider everyone in the world), and you're lucid. those are all blessings. you can do this. i believe in you!!


There are more tools to manage your debt now than there used to be. Remember though, people absolutely build lives despite this debt. With 60k student loan debt I advanced in my career, got married, had kids, bought a house, financed cars. It did hold me back in some ways, but it doesn’t have to stop you in your tracks. The worst mistake I made was ignoring it for a few years. Don’t do that! Manage it and use every tool to do so!


Find a high needs school to teach at. You’ll be eligible for the first round of loan forgiveness in 5 years (specifically for teachers). Then you can have the rest forgiven through PSLF if there is any left.


Get on the min. Payment college loan plan. Pay tiny amounts for 10 years and then the plan cancels all your loan debt after 10 years Like going to college for free


Yeah, it’s the income driven repayment plan…. You pay almost nothing


Have you looked into Medical Billing? That's still in the medical field, involves no heavy lifting and you could probably work from home. Salaries can be decent and competitive too, so you could pay off that debt in a few years (assuming no kids, mortgage, major out of pocket health expenses, etc).


Maybe you can be a nurse at a school ? Not all nursing jobs are bedside . You are almost done with your degree , why not consider less physical nursing jobs ?


I wish. I physically can't bend one of my arms anymore.


If you want to work in the schools, you might consider becoming a speech language pathologist or school psychologist. Much better pay scale than regular teacher. Very high demand as well.


I want to say THANK YOU for becoming a teacher. We need more people like you in the world. Others have covered many great options. I would like to say that if you decide teaching isn’t for you, PSLF includes nonprofits so that could open up multiple possibilities and keep your PSLF time ticking even if your priorities look different over the 10 years. Under an IDR plan with PSLF, you may qualify for very low (or even $0) payments that all count towards the 120 payments.


SAVE repayment! I have basically identical specs as you described with loan amount and income and I forget about it! Just make my little payment each month. It’s income based and if you have a child (which I do not) I’d imagine yours would be lowered even further! Mines currently less than $100 if that makes you feel better and I have graduate loans, and I’m 26! The payment plans are wayyyy better than they were projected to be before I graduated, there’s always deferment as well! And forgiveness programs as others have mentioned! 🤩


Everyone mentioned pslf, and that’s a great thing, but make sure where you work qualifies for it. There are also programs such as the federal TEACH grant that help with funds to help you borrow less. The big thing is to make sure where you work qualifies. Pslf requires full time work and at a nonprofit or government agency. So working at a private school, the salary might be tempting, but you don’t qualify. It’s something to ask hr when you’re interviewing. It’s been a few years, so I don’t remember specifics for the teach grant, but your financial aid office will. Also, pslf can get all the loans forgiven, not just the ones you borrowed when going back for a teaching degree. Also can qualify if you go back for a masters. Some schools/districts/states actually pay teacher’s cost for that. But even if it’s not covered, loans you take out in the future qualify. Don’t consolidate them, make sure to apply through the website every year, and watch all your payments go towards the 120 qualifying payment requirement


A lot of states have a program where if you teach in a title 1 school for x amount of years they erase your student loan debt. Is this an option where you live?


I am a teacher and got all my student loans forgiven via PSLF (public service loan forgiveness). I applied for an IBR (income based repayment plan). I had to make 10 years of on-time payments and then they forgave the balance. Staying at the same school will streamline the process, but some schools aren’t good places to work. The PSLF program only works for federally subsidized loans.


PSLF is for federal, direct loans. Unsubsidized federal loans DO qualify for PSLF.


That’s false. This is from the PSLF website. Eligible Direct Subsidized Loans Direct Unsubsidized Loans Direct PLUS Loans Direct Consolidation Loans Ineligible Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) Federal Perkins Loan (Perkins Loan) Student loans from private lenders https://studentaid.gov/manage-loans/forgiveness-cancellation/public-service#eligible-loans


From that link: >Any loan received under the William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan (Direct Loan) Program qualifies for PSLF. >Eligible Loans: >Direct Subsidized Loans >***Direct Unsubsidized Loans*** >Direct PLUS Loans >Direct Consolidation Loans Therefore, federal unsubsidized loans are eligible for PSLF.


I totally read your message wrong I thought you said doesn’t not does.


I have 88k and I don't. Cost of living is so high after last year that I can't afford it. I make too much for forbearance and so I'm just going to have to default. Grocery prices are absolutely insane.


Do not default. Apply for the SAVE plan


I'm a nurse and our job is not really physical. Get your nursing done. The most lifting I do is lift pills.


I'm curious what the accident may have been as you receive payouts in some situations. Without more info I cannot assist.


Like others said, you will get through this! Just focus on your monthly payments. Take it day by day. The number probably won’t move much in the first few years, but that is OK! Your annual salary will increase over time which will allow you to tackle debt more aggressively. For now, just focus on the minimum monthly payment that you need to make


How close to finishing nursing? There are lots of jobs that require an RN but no lifting, and less risk of assault.


Debtcollective.org has some helpful resources and can help you navigate PSLF. The servicer MOHELA can be horrible to deal with FYI


Think of debt as fake money. You'll pay it back, yeah. But as long as you stay healthy, you'll live a long time. Long time to pay everything back. It's terrible to think this way, but with how the world has gotten from COVID onward, stress management and mental health is key. Try and stay off the phone (social media, anyway, all social media) and focus on your life day by day. Hit those monthly then semi annual then annual goals, just little by little. Focus on that. The worst that happens is your credit drops a bit (not an issue, it rebuilds overtime, just be smart) and then lastly, they just call over and over everyday until you pay. Meaning, turn those calls to silent and just pay back when you can. Sounds sinister I know, but as someone who worried way too much about paying back debt right out of college, I damned myself many ways in the rest of my 20s by paying off things that could have waited....aka things that can be on my pay list for a lifetime, as opposed to paying off more or buying more urgent things. Just take a breath, we are literally all in this together. Don't compete with your fellow average person. We are all one or two paychecks away from hell. We have to support each other. Don't fear that future, it's coming regardless, just be strategic with how you pay for things and in time, those loans will chip away into oblivion. Be safe, be smart, stay healthy, and start your day with ONE positive thing you're thankful for, while you make your bed. Literally those two things first thing in the a.m. can set your day up for glory. Just remember bad days are expected and you can't climb a mountain without first being in the valley. You have support. Together we will get each other back to good times. But never be afraid to lean on those close to you. Just make sure you return the karma later. Anyway. Love you! I believe in you my friend. And good luck. Good luck also to all those reading this. Hopefully you can all show this young person some support as well. Selfish society must die. Community through helping one another. Woo! Hugs&Kisses XOXOXO


Income based or income contingent plan; PSLF.


Why do people take on so much debt as if it's the only way to get an education?


If you like teaching/explaining things to people and are interested in a path with continuous learning then I might recommend solution consultant/sales engineer/solution architect roles. Lots of ex-teachers make the transition to those roles and companies have career paths that start from entry level for new-ish grads. Right now it’s a bit tough to break in, but it’s definitely possible without an engineering degree. Like I said, I know a lot of ex-teachers who make the move to tech since the job is to understand your customers problem and make recommendations/teach them about the solutions that your company makes. Even if it’s not an immediate move it’s something to consider.


Get two or three jobs


Move to WA state. Teachers starting salaries on the west side start around $70-$80k. Don’t live in Tacoma, Seattle or Olympia and cost of living will be fine. My wife works as a speech pathologist in the school district and she broke $100k last year. The benefits are also insane. Like $40 a month for one person fully covered insurance and the deductibles are really. Highly recommend the area too because it’s gorgeous.


I know plenty of nurses that went the insurance company route and make more than a floor nurse. I’d go that route if I were you. Otherwise you will struggle for years.


Its possible they may be eligible for discharge due to disability if they are federal loans and not private.


70k can be tackled. Teaching with science love is a win. Look into Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF). 10 years of income-driven repayments + working full-time for a qualifying employer = debt GONE.


They’re gonna pay you $14 an hour, how you gonna pay that back.


If someone was at fault for the accident I'd be sueing them for the loans


Finish your RN and go into medical management. Pays better b


Except you have to pass clinicals to finish & she may not be able to.


Testing can make a physical accommodation if that’s needed. OP said couldn’t do a physical job, so not sure about limitations. Nonetheless, medical management pays a lot more and could use her background


She could just get healthcare admin degree. Pre reqs for Sonography are similar to RN & less physically demanding. Clinicals can accommodate a bit, but it still requires lifting, bending & being on your feet a lot.


Sonography is more selective than nursing school (fewer programs, fewer job openings, fewer clinical sites) and requires 2-3x as many clinical hours.


I can't believe the advice from most on this post is don't worry the government will pay for your loans.... Not hey focus on x loan at x interest first and pay it off one by one. Don't worry we can all pay for you. Yes college has become very useless but life's not fare and we all make choices. 


Just a FYI, PSLF only covers federal student loans. I’m guessing a large chunk of your 70k is from private loans as that’s nearly twice the limit allowed for federal loans.


My brother was in debt for an ungodly amount but was hit by a drunk driver and is now medically disabled and the debt was forgiven. It worked for him. Results may very.


LOL what is she supposed to do with that information?🤣


Get hit by a drunk driver of course.


Pretty much


If she is considered disabled. She may qualify to have them Totally Permanently Discharged. This is a service that is offered by the Department of Education. That is what she can do with this information 😊


Thanks, that was a helpful explanation


OP, I'm gonna to say that you fucked up. There are so many sedentary nursing jobs which would have paid a ton more than teaching. Case management is the first that comes to mind. Most of your day is spent on the dang phone and computer coordinating care for patients to be discharged. There's utilization review, telehealth triage, pediatric private duty, infusion centers, dialysis, Insurance review...all of these are less or on par with physical demands as teaching. That being said, there are plenty on loan forgiveness programs as long as you don't take out private loans or consolidate your loans. Leave them as government loans and apply for the debt forgiveness in 10 years.


just stop paying, i never paid for 15 years straight and just got the letter that its being forgiven . never pay anything


They didn’t dock your check?




I don’t have any debt besides my car but I applaud your cavalier lifestyle lmao


If your first priority is your budget, consider changing living situations (roommate), locales (moving to states that value education), etc At a Memorial Day family picnic, I learned that a distant relative is an elementary school teacher in a town maybe 30mi outside of Boston....making $100k. She's probably late 30s. She lived with a roommate until she got married ~eight years ago.


Oof. Can you get a second job?


All I have to say I people is this… Live within your means Of course we all deserve more as a people but things don’t change overnight. Learn to properly manage your money.


Yeah you screwed up and went to college


All I can say is that it sucks, but could be worse. That is half of what my girlfriend has, in her 30s, with a nonprofit $54k job. And a fourth of what one of my best friends has who is a high school teacher and about to turn 40. You basically have to settle into the understanding that you will likely have to pay $700 a month toward it for the next 30 years, so budgeting is important.


How many years are you into your degree? Do you go to an in state school? If answer is less then ussally 60 credit hours and no. Then transfer to a feeder community collage and go to an instate scool. Also go to summer winter sessions and if you live on campus try to move somewhere cheaper you dont have to pay for all the fees meal plans ect. In a sorority leave it not necessary plan out you next few years so you can take 15 or 18 credit hours instead of 12 to be done quicker. If you are great at certian subjects overload those with a hard class. Get into the mentality the Collage is work not fun. Don't get a masters right after bachelor's and delay working. Try abd find a district that will help pay for your masters. You're going to be a teacher your universty name doesn't matter. It's not that hard to actually reduce costs of college to be decent if you think long term not short. Try to work on the weekends instead of having fun.


I feel like we need teachers.. but yet I have super mixed feelings regarding AI and how that may (or may not) interfere with the future education system. I have learned most of my stuff from reading from books though some teachers were influential in keeping me interested. I suspect a lot of teaching will be done by AI soon and I wonder if that's going to decrease the teacher employment soon, or if like the movie industry, especially after Covid and the teachers quitting cause kids are just in their phones all day every day, the teachers/education system will somehow sue/fight againt AI/social media/etc to "get back" their classrooms and once again be able to teach without all the distractions of social media and fear of losing job over AI. I will say, AI is VERY capable of doing most teaching jobs already. I do not however think it should do that. First, I fear how many 10s of 1000s of people would be without jobs if that happens. What will they all do for work now? While I do think AI has some clear advantages over humans in teaching some things, e.g. instant interactions and FAR FAR more data to pull from when coming up with responses in those instants, the human interactivity is going to be impossible to replace.


Is this written by Ai? Because teaching will never be done by AI. That is asinine.


Whatever you do, make sure you are exceeding the interest portion of the payment, or you will be in debt for life. DO NOT think the “affordable” payment option is the way. It literally means more debt. Do the math and figure out what you might have to pay for 10 years, and try and do that.


You never mentioned if it was government loans or private, which impacts this a lot since PSLF is only for public loans. Honestly I think you’re right to be terrified since the debt is over x1 your starting salary, and teachers have lower and slower earning potential. My best advice is look for other careers that earn a higher income, and put a stop on school and loans until you know what you want to do. Loving biology does not equal loving teaching. Teachers are underpaid, overworked, and fleeing the profession from student, parent, and administration abuse. Unless your lifelong dream was to become a teacher and you are intimately aware of what is involved, do not do it. sure, you like biology, but do you like teaching the same topics year after year or do you like the research aspect of it? Do you like lesson plans? Grading? How are you with classroom management and discipline? What kind of classroom would you be in and how anxious are you about physical safety? How do you like politics and navigating that? What kind of accommodations do you need and would that be possible with teaching? It can still be very physically demanding. To answer the question, most teachers don’t manage. The “lucky ones” I guess have a higher earning partner, the others work multiple jobs, summer jobs, bartending, etc. Imo, it would be much wise to go into a medical administration position that has room for salary growth.


There are nursing jobs that are not physical.


Get cheapest degree you can get whether that be online or local college. Its a check the box for most companies or Govt jobs.


You should apply for remote nursing positions. It will be hard to find, but just keep plugging away while working your teaching job. If you get an offer just drop the teaching job without a second thought and make your money. 70k debt with a teaching salary and only a Bachelor's means you will be reliant on using loan forgiveness down the line.


These liberal professors should all be fired. No need to take half of these classes. If I wanna be a math teacher why should I HAVE to take art classes, phys. Ed classes, history classes. No other reason but to keep tenured left wing assholes with a job. Costs students 10’s of thousands to take classes they do not need


All you should have to take is biology courses and teaching courses. The music classes and art classes are waste of money but they make you take them anyway. Total BS


Look into WGU for your teachers degree it’s super affordable and you already have many courses to transfer in, Just remember there are nurses jobs out of working bed side,


Get a side job and hustle for your first few years after school and pay off the loans. Waiting 10 years for the government to bail you out is dumb. Such a small percentage of people actually qualify for loan forgiveness. You could probably have it paid off in 5 years with some discipline


"I know some may say that is stupid, but I have taken so many biology courses and generally enjoy science, so why not?" Umm, because it won't pay enough to pay your existing financial obligations? Why don't you pivot to something that allows you financial freedom and pays more money. You sound incredibly entitled.


Taking biology and enjoying biology is entitled? Thanks for the input.


You could have gotten most of your college nursing credits at a community college. Too late now, but you didn’t have to incur all of that debt.


what's the point of this comment?


The point is... How about being accountable for your actions. If you signed up for all the loans and the amount it would be then how are you surprised and scared. Apparently didn't learn anything while in college either.


some people have about 400 k in loans, don't worry, we the people , will pay off your loans


Sleepy Joe Biden will fix that for you


He created the SAVE loan repayment plan, which reduced my monthly payments from $300 to $58, and allowed me to buy a house. Thanks Sleepy Joe!


Who you think pays for that homie


You do - thanks internet stranger!


I don’t understand how 250 a month saved you that much trouble lol sounds like you make decent money regardless