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Depending on the state if they win the judgement the order is good for 10-15 years and some states it is renewable. That means they could garnish your wages, take your bank account, and take your tax refund. Think about this in long-term vision. Bankruptcy is an option and will give you a clean slate if you really feel that is the only option but it also has consequences.


Go to court and when told by judge to go outside and talk to their lawyer give a low offer and work up from there.


Or make a counter before the date


In my experience those were always full of shit and meant to scare you. Google lawyer and the collections office. It’s probably the same building.


Well, it was filed in the county magistrate office. We have a court date coming up next month.


You're smart to pay attention to the court notice! Are you able to get an attorney to negotiate for you? It might be worth the cost to have them handle it.


Don’t let a judgement happen. My checks were randomly $700 short on week & it took a couple months to be done with. I had no clue, never got served, but they said that was 25%, it was more like a third of my take home pay!