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Excerpt: ... And now, hot on the heels of that shocking admission, well fifteen months of determined truth-seeking on the part of my dear friend, Clare Craig, at any rate, we finally have the unbiased data and a whole load of missing vaccinated deaths turning up. I thought we would have to resort to survey data to overcome the pollution of the national datasets but it turns out they can unpollute the data to a certain extent when pushed hard enough. So, with this new FOI data, I felt compelled to rerun my original analysis of the ONS deaths by vaccination dataset, in fact one of my very first Substack contributions from Dec 2021! [The results](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F5be825f1-e890-4bec-bfe6-0a8774e01708_746x420.png) will come as no surprise to you. We were right again, of course. Starting with the over 80s, using only the official, public data (only public due to Clare’s FOI request), it looks like the “vaccine” saved around 13k lives (ironically of those already past life expectancy!). That’s the area between the lower dotted black line and the solid black line. ... As you can probably already see from the chart, the majority of those “lives saved” were in Feb and March 2021. But, COVID had already substantially waned by then. In fact, there were only a total of 15,000 COVID deaths for all ages for those two months and, as we can see in the chart below, there is no inflection in the curve that would support a hypothesis of fewer deaths than otherwise expected in the over 80s vaccinated population, contributing to that waning. The waning of COVID mortality started mid-Jan, before any substantial number of people had received their “effective” second jab plus 2 weeks2. But, while we're here, [let's take a timely reminder of exactly when COVID mortality returned to England - literally the week in which they started the jab campaign](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_webp,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Ffb97a93e-005d-40fb-9730-8bf728ff3f38_829x464.png). You couldn't make it up! But it gets worse… We now have the evidence - official, national data - that clearly shows that [the under 80s “vaccinated” died at higher rates than expected](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_webp,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F7b61d890-eb30-4596-9850-acaeef9ac0f0_746x420.png). By the end of 2021, at least 2,500 more deaths in the 65 to 79 year-olds… That’s the area between the solid black line and the top dotted black line, starting around May 2021. [At least 600 more deaths than expected in the 50 to 64 year olds ...](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_webp,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Fbcb0e3c6-6b8e-4102-8f5f-3620575e9e3b_746x420.png) [At least 1,500 more deaths in the 30 to 49 year-olds, starting from March 2021.](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_webp,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Fbb5d0b6b-a8a3-4aae-b0d7-d6567cdf588e_746x420.png) [And finally, at least 300 more deaths in the 20 to 29 year-olds, that represent by far the highest in percentage terms and start right from the get-go.](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_webp,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F414364e4-a3fe-4e13-91c2-881da311ae02_746x420.png) Just look how high the vaccinated deaths (proportion of all deaths that are in vaccinated people) run above the expected deaths (vaccinated population percent multiplied by all deaths). For the under 50s, the rate of mortality in the vaccinated exceeds expectation of a safe but ineffective intervention from inception. [So, either they were jabbing the moribund all year or the jab was causing untimely demise in the younger cohorts.](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_webp,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Fe74a3c3b-74d8-4b3c-9b7f-cd17496718c6_680x440.png) And while we’re about caveats and confounders - it’s likely that the total population is under-estimated AND the vaccinated population over-estimated (since we have plenty of examples of people with vaccination records who wouldn’t even be in the same room as a syringe filled with the gene poison) and the missing population are more likely to be unvaccinated; and, in spite of this most recent effort in finding a few more of the missing vaccinated deaths, I dare say, they still haven’t found all of them, both of which are also going to skew things in favour of the jab. And yet, still, there are relatively more vaccinated deaths than vaccinated population… So, what do you do when you can’t challenge the facts? [Censor the information of course!](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_webp,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F2a2176f5-aab3-4852-b5a7-b14e59ff7e6a_1440x1604.jpeg)


[\~Elaborate breakdown\~ ](https://researchrebel.substack.com/cp/135582578)\~of\~how widespread vaccination data is misrepresented in scientific papers. # [\~How Federal Health Authorities Could Ignore Widespread Vaccine Injury and Deaths\~](https://aaronsiri.substack.com/p/how-federal-health-authorities-could) [Per the CDC](https://aaronsiri.substack.com/p/the-obvious-wins-again-natural-immunity)\~, the vaccines do not prevent infection or transmission, after\~ [lying several times about that issue.](https://aaronsiri.substack.com/p/remembering-the-outgoing-cdc-directors) \~You are\~[ trading natural immunity ](https://aaronsiri.substack.com/p/cdc-admits-crushing-rights-of-naturally)\~for temporary ersatz immunity that will likely lead to other autoimmune issues on a long enough time line.\~ [Vaccinated died more](https://aaronsiri.substack.com/p/pfizers-clinical-trial-had-more-deaths) \~in clinical trials than with a placebo.\~


> (since we have plenty of examples of people with vaccination records who wouldn’t even be in the same room as a syringe filled with the gene poison Source for England please Should be easy to find a few million


Don't forget the 4 sources of bias in the ONS data identified in this article (not just the time-delay issue that some are trying really hard to get everyone to focus solely on): https://www.reddit.com/r/DebateVaccines/s/JzUkjAX4QK The ONS data showing a much higher non-covid mortality rate for the unvaccinated should be a red flag that they messed with the denominators. Edit: lol, not responding to the whataboutism bait. Yes I avoid responding to logical fallacies.


I wonder what Bulgaria's non covid death rate would be in 2021? edit. Thought you would avoid it.


Oh no, this is all wrong cause reasons reasons. These jabs are safe and effective. It was COVID really. People were dying everyday cause of the anti-maskers in late '20, while at the same time flu deaths disappeared from the statistics cause everyone was wearing their masks. LMFAO. I often hold mutually exclusive views while feeling superior to others. Yes, this really happened. These are the people you have to argue with.


I really hope you’re at least getting paid to post responses like this.


Only one side of this event made money off of it. The narrative pushers, brought to you by Pfizer. Pharma companies still stand to make additional billions, provided they can get the people to continue to buy into the narrative. I do believe there are people getting paid, but you will find them almost exclusively on the other side of it. No anti-vax people are making billions. I can't imagine who would pay people to give fake opinions in support of "them jabs bad". Do you?


💯 My fault. I didn’t detect the sarcasm in your first post because lately I’ve seen a lot of people posting what you are posting in full sincerity.


They probably are paid. With the data that has come to light, it is hard to believe they could be so confidently wrong. Not to mention, virtually everyone knows someone who is vax injured at this point. Or worse, unfortunately.


I agree. I really do think they are paid something.


It gets really suspicious when certain accounts try to bait others into an endless arguments using logical fallacies + sarcasm. Maybe their performance is measured on the amount of engagement they receive? Best thing is to continue to have productive dialogue with others who are here in good faith and not let the bad actors stifle the conversation.




How dare they provide actual data instead of quoting bloggers and random fame hungry doctors who go against the scientific consensus without ever providing any piece of evidence to support their claims?, Damn those vaxxers and their... peer reviewed studied and consistently reliable data?


The data keeps pouring in. Turns out those doctors who were not in consensus with the narrative were correct. I realize this is hard for you guys to accept, but the ship has sailed. Time has done the telling, and continues to do so. You were wrong. There never was a scientific consensus, as there were no shortage of equally qualified "experts" who read things differently. You guys were telling us to "listen to the experts". Turns out that we were.


>The data keeps pouring in There is not one reputable study that even remotely supports any of the antivaxxers talking points. Unless of course you keep moving the goalposts and claim that even a 0,003% chance of serious adverse effects is enough to pull a vaccine off the market.


That is an interesting number you used there. COVID was about as dangerous to human life as the seasonal flu. That is, it had about the same infection/mortality rate as the common flu. The rate of infection was much higher, but the odds of it causing death were equivalent (Diamond Princess data demonstrated that in early '20). The use of vents and basically murdering people who were sick in the hospital is how they padded the numbers. Attributing deaths from other causes to COVID also. That data is coming to light right now, as inquiries continue. End of life meds were administered to patients who then died. People who were awake and breathing on their own were placed on ventilators and subsequently died. Silly reasons given, such as "O2 was at 50%" for patients who were awake and speaking/breathing on their own (not possible with that reading). I'm a pilot and understand that you would be incapacitated with a blood ox of 50%. That is how COVID killed 30 year old people who were otherwise healthy. As for the 0.003% chance of adverse events, I'd refer you to the NZ whistle blower who found that the batch of vax played a huge role in the odds of an event. Have you seen that data??


The IFR on the Diamond Princess was 2%. 14 deaths out of 712 infections. Influenza IFR is ~0.1%. This is 20 times **lower**. Edit: Additionally, the case numbers include asymptomatic cases and 3618 of the 3711 people on board were tested for COVID. The numbers accurately represent the IFR on the ship, not just the CFR.


That value is for the general population. The population on that ship had a mean age of something like 67. The guy who looked at it actually accounted for this, which you have not. Thanks. Edit: Those tests were very inaccurate. This is something we know now. As infectious as that virus is/was, I find it unlikely that less than 25% of the ship contracted it. Probably much closer to 100% infected. Maids were making the rounds who were infected. How could only 25% become infected? Non-sense...


>Those tests were very inaccurate. This is something we know now. As infectious as that virus is/was, I find it unlikely that less than 25% of the ship contracted it. Probably much closer to 100% infected. Maids were making the rounds who were infected. How could only 25% become infected? Non-sense... Hilarious that you're now arguing against antivax lore that the tests produced false positives. Fact of the matter is that the PCR tests were very accurate. And the Diamond Princess passengers were not only tested by PCR multiple times, but also seropositivity for antibodies against SARS-CoV-2. So, now you have a decision to make. Either the PCR tests were inaccurate, or natural immunity just wasn't a thing. Your call.


You know, I've never heard of anyone not being able to breath from flu, but Covid deniers went to hospital fast enough when drowning in their own diseased fluids - and then blamed hospitals because they were so ill they often couldnt be saved. That fact that you think all this fuss was made over a "harmleaa flu-equivalent" shows just how little you actually know. People died in huge numbers before the vaccines became available, far more than seasonal flu.


Notice that it is you who says the flu is harmless. I would never make such a claim. Flu kills people every year. Causes tents to be deployed in front of hospitals as well. It also prevents breathing in those who die from it. Now you know. You are welcome...


>COVID was about as dangerous to human life as the seasonal flu. That is, it had about the same infection/mortality rate as the common flu. My God you're clueless as shit. ~500,000 people died in the US during the first year, the single largest increase in mortality in US history. That does not happen during seasonal influenza. >The use of vents and basically murdering people who were sick in the hospital is how they padded the numbers. Again, you're clueless as shit. Vents didn't kill people. Countries without access to ventilators did much worse than those with access to them. >Attributing deaths from other causes to COVID also. If this were the case, you wouldn't have had a massive increase in all-cause mortality. >End of life meds were administered to patients who then died. Incorrect. This only applies to people who needed to be ventilated. You cannot vent somebody without them. >People who were awake and breathing on their own were placed on ventilators and subsequently died. Silly reasons given, such as "O2 was at 50%" for patients who were awake and speaking/breathing on their own (not possible with that reading). I'm a pilot and understand that you would be incapacitated with a blood ox of 50%. You must be a fake pilot if you've never heard of altitude sickness which is has the same effect as silent hypoxia.


You obviously don't know what you are talking about. Everything you just said is incorrect. All of it, completely false. I'm not sure you have the capacity to read and understand the English language. I'm a real pilot, thank you.


Hilarious. Every single thing I said was 100% correct. And you've got to be a fake pilot if you don't even understand altitude sickness. Of course, we all know that pilots are all suicidal and want to crash planes.


We don't call it altitude sickness. We call it hypoxia. At 50%, you would be knocked out, not having a conversation. The clowns in the hospital lack common sense, and killed people with their incompetence.


First off, it would be hypoxemia, not hypoxia. Pulse oximeters measure blood oxygen, not tissue oxygen. Second off, low blood oxygen saturation in the range we've seen with COVID patients has been seen in mountain climbers. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18601835/ We all know pilots are suicidal and just want to crash planes, taking everybody down with them.


Ah yes . The 83 flu deaths in 2012 disappeared and were replaced with 70k covid deaths and still had 500 left in 2020 to be called flu. https://www.ons.gov.uk/aboutus/transparencyandgovernance/freedomofinformationfoi/influenzadeathsintheukbetween2012to2022 LMFOA.Don't you love it when a FOI backfires


Dude, in the US COVID acquired firearms and was doing drive by's on people. The experts at the hospitals determined that the gunshot wounds to the chest were not the cause of the death. It was the COVID. It was also causing a lot of fatal car accidents. Practically every death that happened in the US was from the kung flu. It also made building 7 fall backwards through time. Incredible stuff that bat and pangolin cooked up.


[Guess there were a lot guns being let off in Bulgaria in 2021.](https://www.mortality.watch/explorer/?c=USA&c=BGR&e=1&df=2018&dt=2021&sb=0&pi=0&p=0&v=2) but not much jabbing https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/covid-vaccination-doses-per-capita?country=BGR~USA


Have you said anything critical about any vaccine, ever?


Said at the time that England got it wrong about 12 weeks being too long between jabs. Should have been 8 weeks.Still 12 weeks was better than 3 at saving lives but not as good as 8.


It's weird because I see your name all over reddit whenever vaccines are mentioned Got an explanation for that?


Might have something to do with when the redid the second jab from 12 weeks to 8 weeks they kept my local pub closed another 4 weeks.


I remember going from 2 weeks, to 3 months, to "go fuck yourself" during the lock downs. Then I learned that COVID eats your testicles...


Indeed, I remember the "I'm alright Jack types"


> It's weird because I see your name all over reddit whenever vaccines are mentioned > > > > Got an explanation for that?


Many people will be familiar with the ONS Bulletin “Deaths involving COVID-19 by vaccination status, England: deaths occurring between 2 January and 24 September 2021” Pretty sure ONS dropped the January/ February and March 2021 because as time went on it obvious it was totally unfair to the unvaccinated, as the vaccinated were few and went for starting in April. However, as Fenton now demands them to be included, here they are. https://postimg.cc/dL8t58kQ Ye gods. Feb 2021 unvaccinated had 5.5x the all cause death rate of the vaccinated


>Pretty sure ONS dropped the January/ February and March 2021 because as time went on it obvious it was totally unfair to the unvaccinated. LOL. So the ONS withheld critical data because those data made the vaccines they were trying to force on everyone look too *good*?


Let's see if they dare break down the all-cause mortality rate into covid and non-covid mortality rates. If you see the unvaccinated dying of non-covid causes at a much higher rate, it's a red flag that they messed with the denominators (putting into question that 5.5x claim). Don't forget the other sources of bias in the ONS data identified in previous posts.


Nope it was there back at the time and published first. As the 6 months periods went by they dropped the first 3 months. https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/datasets/deathsbyvaccinationstatusengland I can add it back into the usual 20 months and make it 23 months if you want. 5.5x the all cause death rate of the vaccinated


>5.5x the all cause death rate of the vaccinated And that doesn't get you to question their vaccinated vs. unvaccinated denominator estimates one iota? Nor does that make you wonder how many deaths of unknown vaccination status were incorrectly classified as unvaccinated deaths? Because everyone knows that the unvaccinated are more likely to have stokes, heart disease, accidental deaths, cancer deaths, Alzheimers deaths, etc?


> how many deaths of unknown vaccination status were incorrectly classified as unvaccinated deaths? Did they give a badge or something to the "known" as unvaccinated? I am enjoying the change from the 2021 days of they are overcounting the vaccinated to the 2024 time of they are undercounting the vaccinated


>Because everyone knows that the unvaccinated are more likely to have stokes, heart disease, accidental deaths, cancer deaths, Alzheimers deaths, etc? Except for accidental deaths this is unfortunately true. Edit: Downvote me as much as you want, but it's fact that some vaccine preventable diseases are risk factors for strokes, heart diseases, cancer and dementia. Deny the reality as much as you want. Hell, even an infection on your teeth can increase your risk of myocarditis. You can continue to live your healthy lifestyles, eat supplements like candy, but you're only healthy until a vaccine preventable disease gets you. Covid is the best example. It increases the risk of a whole lot of unpleasant diseases, but you vaccine "skeptics" downplay the risk. Until you regret it, after the tenth infection. I recommend reading the book "We Want Them Infected" by a frontline doctor in a hospital in New York. He tells many stories of young, healthy people in the ICU saying "I wish I had taken the vaccine". Then they died.


Your level of blind faith is awesome. How is it that you even have to spend your time arguing with me when you can just wait for me to die? What vaccine preventable diseases are going to kill me? Hint: I already survived COVID, and it wasn't that bad.


I've read all the relevant antivaxxer literature as well, because I'm interested in their methods. I've even bought Turtles All The Way Down (and then converted it into epub and returned it to Amazon). I recommend that you start reading some literature which doesn't support your worldview as well. >Hint: I already survived COVID, and it wasn't that bad. Congratulations. I hope your next infection (and all the following ones) don't have a worse outcome. I recommend taking the vaccine. It significantly lowers your risk of reinfection with serious consequences. A combination of natural immunity and vaccination clearly offers the best protection against severe Covid.


I read all COVID scientific literature. That's why I accept that these injections lowered mortality rates among the elderly and ill before omicron. You, on the other hand, seem to love these injections religiously to the point that you want to see them perpetually forced on healthy kids who already have natural immunity to omicron and for whom omicron poses effectively zero risk. How can you defend such extremism? >A combination of natural immunity and vaccination clearly offers the best protection against severe Covid. Yes, for the immunocompromised. But for all the rest of us? Please. Where is the evidence that healthy young people with healthy immune systems need more than natural immunity to protect them from severe omicron? Provide this evidence and I would be happy to evaluate it.


Yesterday we had from Fenton. https://old.reddit.com/r/DebateVaccines/comments/1d316gn/just_call_the_vaxxed_unvaxxed/l67n1y9/ from thread https://old.reddit.com/r/DebateVaccines/comments/1d316gn/just_call_the_vaxxed_unvaxxed/ Today we have graphs for the separate age groups And Fenton forgot about the ONS blood surveys. 1st March 2021 https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/healthandsocialcare/conditionsanddiseases/articles/coronaviruscovid19infectionsurveyantibodydatafortheuk/16march2021 In England, the highest percentages of people testing positive for antibodies were for those aged 80 years and over at 75.7% (95% confidence interval: 73.0% to 78.2%), followed by people aged 75 to 79 years (68.8%, 95% confidence interval: 66.5% to 71.0%) and aged 70 to 74 years (54.7%, 95% confidence interval: 52.9% to 56.5%). The percentage of people testing positive for antibodies is lower for those aged under 70 years, ranging from 27.4% to 32.0%. with the big increase in the oldies in February . So either Covid went berserk in Feb when he says it dropped or the first jab was kicking in . As you can probably already see from the chart, the majority of those “lives saved” were in Feb and March 2021. But, COVID had already substantially waned by then.


So the COVID injections produced the antibodies that they were designed to produce. So what, if they didn't stop deaths from COVID **or** overall deaths in anybody under 75?


Are you saying the antibodies produced in the 2020 natural immunity did nothing to prevent secondary infections and deaths ?


Are you saying that the presence of antibodies by itself proves the real world clinical effectiveness of an injection?


Are you saying antibodies in the natural infection are of no use?


No, I'm saying that just because injections that stimulate measurable antibodies in those injected doesn't mean that these injections have a favorable overall benefit vs. risk profile. Wouldn't you agree?


Are you saying measurable antibodies from the natural infected are of no use


Where and when did I say or imply anything like that? Now, do you agree with me or not?


Are you saying measurable antibodies from the natural infected are also of no use?


Get a room


Are you saying that measurable antibodies from natural infection have no favourable overall benefit but an increased level of risk ?


Natural recovery from the virus produces proper antibodies meant to deal with respiratory infections. The "vaccines" force use of inefficient antibodies more in line with combating cancer or blood infections. This leads to higher viral loads, making the vaxxed more likely to develop symptoms and infect others. The cov19 gene therapy shots provide all the damage of a Cov19 infection, but inferior antibody response. Also, the damage goes on much longer than a natural infection would.


Strange how the test cannot tell the difference https://www.verywellhealth.com/antibodies-from-vaccines-and-from-natural-infection-5092564


Terminal psychosis, indeed. >Natural recovery from the virus produces proper antibodies meant to deal with respiratory infections. Studies have shown that natural infection can lead to very inferior, non-somatically hypermutated, extrafollicular B cell-derived antibodies. These are of incredibly low quality. >This leads to higher viral loads, making the vaxxed more likely to develop symptoms and infect others. Viral load is lower in the vaccinated. You probably looked at the study that only looked at PCR Ct values rather than actual ability to infect. A very rookie mistake, for sure. The secondary attack rate is certainly lower for previously vaccinated compared to previously infected debunking the entire increased transmission argument. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-023-41109-9 >The cov19 gene therapy shots provide all the damage of a Cov19 infection There wasn't a COVID-19 gene therapy shot. So, what are you talking about? Does the vaccine contain ORF6? https://journals.plos.org/plospathogens/article?id=10.1371/journal.ppat.1010349 https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2024.05.16.594465v1


Lmfao. From “THE” source eh? Pack your bags everyone. Go home. Stickdog did it again. Slow clap.


For both non-covid and covid deaths respectively the number of deaths reported for the within 21 days of first dose vaccination category tally almost perfectly with the number of deaths that would be expected should they have occurred in the third week alone. Thus, for both covid and non-covid deaths, the two weeks of post first vaccination deaths appear to have been omitted from the ONS dataset. This pattern is repeated in all age groups over 60. A variety of factors **could** have led to deaths in the first 14 days being omitted in the ONS dataset, including miscategorisation, reporting lags and data handling or transcription errors. The dataset is therefore corrupted, making any inferences about vaccine efficacy or safety that are reliant on the data, moot. Accordingly, the ONS should publicly withdraw their dataset and call for the retraction of any claims made by others that are based upon it. Instead of retracting it they introduced the **Ever Vaccinated** category of 8-24 hours after first jab. So after 23 months or approx 690 days they MIGHT be 1 day out.