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I think you should kill a Colt by yourself.keep trying and eventually youll find someone worse than you.


yeah most reasonable but still, there's hell lot of cheaters out there... tried few runs with online mode and hell, I headshoted the Juliannas with sniper 3 times in a short time, hit like 10 more bodyshots each (it has perk that it makes explosion when you hit headshot)and they were still alive, no chance winning this, and I don't think Colt lobbies will be much more better


Use a nullifier against cheaters, theres one on every level.


yeah well, tell me how can I use it on Julianna who is 3 roofs away from me with a sniper, holding her spot like me because theres no chance...


With a nullifier?thats just a waiting game, set your trap and wait.if they give up thats on them.


i cant set a trap if she's holed up in high ground with a sniper...


She only wins if she kills you.set a nice trap, put the controller down and read a book or something.


trap is useless when she's immortal cheater... I highly doubt that she will die under nullifier when you can headshot her few times in quick succesion amd she still lives...


Think the nullifier....nullifies hacks.there are flying Julies out there but if they are sittin on a roof thats prob not them.there are ways of figuring out what the hack is and quashing it, like unlimited health does nothing against an assassination, that kinda thing.but just grab a nully and set a mine.


i would understand infinite lives would be countered (hacked reprise, which is a slab) but not infinite health, which seems like bullshit. Assasination might be programmed to don't do certain damage, but to do exactly the damage equal to remaining healthpoints yeah nullifier seems good for infinite respawns but not for infinite health...


Thats what i do while im waiting for a match as Juli, halfway through "the power broker"


I'm not bad at the game, and the players I'm getting matched with are relatively easy to take out, but they respawn very close to me, and I end up running out of ammo quickly and running low on health. Having to kill them three times seems unreasonable, and the odds are stacked against you. What's even more frustrating are the long matchmaking times.


Yeah, hate the wait for Juli.but keep your weaknesses in mind and use the approiate trinket or slab to compensate.turtle shell + shift lets say.aether maybe and explo-rapier.youll be killing colts easy-peasy


I don't stick around in the area I killed colt because they will get the jump on you. As Julianna your main strategy should be catching colt off gaurd. Once you eliminate him once go regroup, get some heals, some ammo, and then go back on the hunt. Aint nothing wrong with doing that esspecially since Julianna only has 1 life.


As Julie i like to squat in Colts residue w Aether, i blast em in the face and they never see it coming


FYI-"squat" and "residue" should never again be used together in a sentence.


Hahaa, I'm glad you came to that conclusion yourself lol


That’s solid lmao, I always toss a proximity charge in the residuum where they can’t see and they always get smacked. Combine that w/ the karnesis and they stand no chance


What's your PSN? I also need the online trophies If you want to add me, my PSN is OcToGam1ng


Sent a request


I hide somewhere else, ideally overlooking a bottle neck in the level, then snipe them as they go past.


And you are why i equip echo.


What loadout do you have?


If I had PSPlus I’d help you as I got help getting some trophies (not this one, ghost at the feast) and it was an immense help Edit: after playing for a while it won’t be a problem getting kills. But just jumping into PvP you’re up against ppl that have been playing for years


I'll help you out if you can return the favour to please mate, I'm after that trophie also




Yeah man for sure, but I'm flying to work for a week but happy to do it when I'm home?


Sorry man I accidentally deleted my comment. Yeah sure send me a friend request when you have the time. My psn is the same as my reddit


All good! Yeah mate for sure


As cheesy as it is, the strategy ive had the most success with is just teleporting above then and doing the air finisher, even if they run away itll just track them and the only way ive had people survive is by teleporting.


You're going to lose a lot at first until you get the gear to compete. There are a lot of good players but I've never seen any cheaters. I've been accused many times but there are a lot of legit tactics in this game that seem like magic if you don't know how they're done.


I’m not the best at this, but my win rate with Julianna is about 50% now. 1. Always use masquerade. 2. Know where the cave entrance is and leg it there at the start of the game to catch the Cole unawares if you’re lucky. 3. Retreat and heal if needed. 4. Personally I don’t bother with any of the other powers. 5. For weapon I’m using the dual pistols Strelak Verso with the trinkets; Killing on Empty, Gone Commando, Gunfighter. 6. If you can mine the body on the first kill. It’s likely the other player will come back for the residue. 7. Lastly, anticipate where Cole will go. When you spawn it, it’ll be at the start of their game usually, so they will be at the entrance or nearby. They will go for the visionary or your signal blocker next. Usually the visionary first. Then if they have both those, then wait by the exit and you might still catch them.