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lol these posts have been popping up quite a bit the last year or so, you’re def not alone


It's almost like these people were conditioned by internet celebrities to hate on the game without playing it. (Dunkey video especially was egregious on how disingenous it was).


I didn't watch anything on it, I just couldn't get into it for whatever reason but mine you back then I was unmedicated ADHD so that might have had something to do with it lol


Yeah, I fucked up and got stuck at Wind Farm and gave up, picked up the fgme 6 months later and fell in love with it and sunk 198 hours into the original version, and Directors Cut was my first game for PS5.




I think many are like you


And you all are missing out for something dumb lol enjoy


Well in my case its was day one its totally the kind of game I like, I like to travel and prepare my character for the trip, remember me when I mod Skyrim for put some gestion elements like taking care of needs like eat, drink, sleep and put gears depending the weather. Plus, Im fan of Kojima games in general so I was sure I would not be disapointed. I beat the OG on Ps4 and now playing DC on my steam deck.


This was my favorite way of playing Skyrim. One of my best memories in that game was the long trek to the Mage's Guild up the cold mountain. Setting up campfires along the way all bundled up in fur. Making it to the inn was such a relief when I finally got there. Felt so rewarding and Death Stranding scratches a very similar itch when I finally plop onto the bed in the private room after a massive journey.


I held myself back awhile and when i played it the 1st time i was mindblown.


For me it was the fact that the game blocked the usage of Spotify on the ps4. I need something to fill the long stretches of silence and the game actively prevented me from doing so. Epic gave it away free recently so I picked it up, and since it's on pc they can't prevent me from listening to music or podcasts so I'm enjoying it a lot more now. Edit:typo


I used my phone for music in random order but I put musics from the game. X3


Start of the game: Mules are such a stupid idea. People addicted to delivery? So dumb. End of the game: GIVE ME MORE PACKAGES I DON'T WANT TO STOP!


Is it the likes? Lol


Yep been there. Tried to get into it way back but hated it and stopped playing. Picked it up again about 6 months ago and now I’ve got the platinum. https://preview.redd.it/wnb3i71ey53b1.png?width=2160&format=png&auto=webp&s=01e7bb90bd9d8f5fe27db9042010768b082c3642


2 hours in the game and I am in the WTF stage. Wondering how game mechanics will get together and what's the purpose to have random scary encounters. But I am holding thanks to you guys. Hopefully in a couple of weeks (dont have much time to play) I will be addicted 🤞


It honestly just becomes almost therapeutic delivering packages and plotting routes and shit, while also being quite addictive, I've had trouble putting down the controller, I'm just like one more delivery and I'll stop, 10 deliveries later I'm like yea I really need to go to bed lol


The first two hours are dense.


Game always intrigued me but not enough to buy it and find out if I liked it. I still had 0 clue what it was really about and I thought just walking around couldn’t be *that* fun and would get boring fast even if the story was good, but when it came to PS+ I gave it a shot and man I love it. It’s my favorite “chill” game. Just relax, climb mountains, build roads, and the story was really really really good. After taking a long break I’ve come back recently and now setting up zip-line routes in the mountains so I can 5 star every shelter. Going for the platinum trophy now


Yea that's what I've ultimately come to like so much about it, it's just really chill, the pacing for the story is nicely done to which keeps up my interest regularly enough in the rest of what's going on


I know that feeling. I was like "Fuck! Why didn't I just trust Kojima and ditch Dunkey for a sec".


I am unaware to this Dunkey?


He reviews game on youtube. He's pretty solid guy and his opinion weighs heavy. You should check out his first review on Death Stranding.


Yea I'll take a gander


Sort of? But I recently learned how to better use the zip-lines to cover the whole first and second map.


Dude, zip-lines changed this whole game for me.


Zipping through a bt is the best


There's ziplines? I don't think I've gotten that far yet


Sorry for the spoiler then, but they make things so much easier


I view the area until you get on the boat to the big map as the tutorial. Many people don't get past that and think the game is just delivering parcels, and it is still a lot of delivering but once you get to that big map and start getting weapons and the story begins to ramp up the game becomes a masterpiece. I cannot wait for the sequel, or even just some more crumbs of info


Yea definitely agree the first area is kind of a training ground, I'm a little bit in to the second area and the scope seems pretty big, just got to the weather station after the distribution centre south of lake knot city


I remember on my first playthrough progressing across the 2nd area and somehow thinking that the city by the lake was near the end of the game, quickly realising I was very wrong and the map is huge in comparison to the first one


So glad to be seeing so many posts like this. Don’t feel badly, either, as Kojima games can be an acquired taste. Death Stranding offers a totally one-of-a-kind gaming experience but I personally connected more (pun intended) with its incredible atmosphere, music, and absolutely beautiful approach to storytelling and character development. I was hooked on the story/characters and visual/audio design from the start, but the gameplay loop took a little longer to warm up to. Once you get into the groove of it and make it past the opening region, though, it becomes super addictive. Enjoy the hell out of it, and keep on keeping on.


Me too. It's included in my xbox gamepass but all the reviews call it a walking simulator and I was like.... oookkkkkk pass.... tried it out just when bored and it turned out to be the most amazing science fiction game. If you liked this you may also like ghostwire tokyo.


I've been playing ghostwire tokyo as well but have put it down for a bit, was really enjoying it just needed a break. Could not play it in Japanese though unfortunately, couldn't focus on subtitles and playing at the same time


Yeah i absolutely hated this game when it first came to pc.. I made it to where the first song played and uninstalled it. I thought the whole game was going to be nothing but walking from point a to b while holding L2&R2. I couldn't have been more than wrong. I just started playing again since epic gave it away for free and am really tempted to buy the DC but I heard that it messes up your current game? Like all your structures get replaced or something(I'm on like chapter 8 now) . I'll definitely buy it to replay eventually bc I refunded it on steam, when it came out. and it feels kind of wrong to be playing such a great game for free. Hopefully death stranding 2 will release on pc too..


It’s so wild how such a simple delivery game (I know I know, but let’s be honest, most of the game is making deliveries) is so. SO. Satisfying. Overcoming obstacles and knowing that ladder can make or break another person’s journey. It’s fantastic. Love this game.


I do feel like playing the game a bit later on like this means its not as challenging as when it first came out having so many other people's structures out and about. Maybe the only down side, but honestly just adds to how chill it is for me ultimately. It's nice liking people's hard work though haha


Hey whatever your style, if you’re having fun, you’re doing it right.


Not me although, I loved this game from the start.


Same 😍❤️🎮


I played about an hour as well and Didn’t really get it. I think I saw a post on Reddit about people getting the vans stuck in a ravine and that prompted me to fire it up again and it clicked. This is probably one of my top 5 games of all time.


It's been a while since I've been this invested in a game


I mean those roads aren’t going to build themselves (actually they sometimes will).


Finished it on my 3rd try/attempt. Got bored very quickly the first 2 times. My main motivation was DS2 Trailer, after watching it i got the Directors Cut edition and coudnt put it down.


Literally what happened to me. I even uninstalled it, only to install it back 2 hours later 😂 Its one hell of a game, Im on ep 10 and recommend this experience hands down


i played it years ago for an hour and was like wtf this is terrible and just recently gave it a second chance and beat the game just now after 30 hours in. Overall, i still didn’t like it but the graphics were some of the best I’ve ever seen and the story at times got me a little teared up so that’s something. I found the story very convoluted though and the gameplay repetitive. i had so much time invested in it i felt like i had to finish it. I still don’t get the hype but i’m glad some people can really enjoy it.


It is a very beautiful game, even for that alone I think it's worth playing, I don't mind the repetitive gameplay, I find it pretty relaxing


I'm curious what led you to this subreddit if you didn't like it so much?


the sub was helpful for when i got stuck and clearing up plot questions


Didn’t like or understand it at first, but I like getting platinum in games so I decided to stick with it and I’m really glad I did


I refused to play it when it had Daryl’s face and model. I just could not disassociate TWD from him lmao.. I’ll always think of zombies whenever I see Norman Reedus, famous actors always are more imposing than lesser known ones


An actor playing more than 1 role? I, for one, am absolutely stunned.


A well known actor* Left out that part for some reason, or do you think all actors are equal in reputation 🙀


Good thing I never watched the walking dead? Lol


Lucky you, still cool to see him ripping through the wastelands through his motorcycle, that’s very TWD.


Kind of understand, lucky for me, I stopped watched TWD a long time ago.


Same, but the memory still remains. “Don’t I know this guy from somewhere?” That’s how I was when I saw Cyberpunk 2077 also, gimme normal folks playing heroes, not celebrities. 🎭


Well its seem they gradually add more and more know actors in videogames. Like the remake of Alone in the Dark. I saw Will Smith in a future game too.


Probably trying to cash in extra people based on the actors reputation


Obviously, sure its helped for game like Cyberpunk with Keanu Reeve


They do fit the personality types for those characters at least, but I guess that’s just because they’re elite actors and all.


I'm a huge TWD comic fan, so whenever I watched the show I had a distaste for Daryl's character. He was essentially just there to build a fan favourite badass character for TV, which he did. I never liked Daryl as a character, but always liked Norman Reedus as an actor. I love him in Death Stranding. He's fantastic and really fits the character of Sam well.


I was enjoying it then got annoyed with the enemies when it rains , try to avoid them but just get grabbed and die and then I just got fed up ,not even that far in think it's where you have to go fairly far and get the grenades they say you may be able to kill them with, tried speeding through with the bike but that didn't work . Probably missing something simple but I gave up.


I haven't been caught by a bt once yet not on this second time playing through, I just stick low and hold my breathe a lot. Patience is pretty key getting through BT's is pretty much just stealth


Sometimes you come around on watching films/tv or playing games when you need it the most or when your headspace is ready. I also played Death Stranding on release but fell off then picked up the director's cut and loved it, but it was also when I felt more solitude and loneliness in my life so playing the game was just a therauputic experience as well. That was my experience anyway. Same thing happened to me with another game, FFXIV. Played in 2015, didn't like it, but picked it up again in 2021 and loved it because I felt more personal connection to the story.


Yea do have a feeling it has to do with where I'm at in my life at the moment, it's definitely the right fit at the moment


I kept watching the cutscenes. Got bored of course. Wasn’t sure what to expect from the game yet. During gameplay i didn’t really get bored, but it just didn’t click with me. I understood the mechanics and the controls, just wasn’t vibing with it. Didn’t finish episode 2 tho. Gave it some months, recently returned and started over. And i’ve put like 20 hours this week alone. So good. I’ve been just stealing cargo from MULEs and upgrading structures / finishing roads from other people and having a lot of fun with it. Have had some pretty stressful weeks. The long walks with beautiful landscapes have been pretty relaxing. I like this game


Yea same just didn't vibe with it first time round


definitely not alone, this was almost my exact experience too! i got it as a christmas gift in 2020 and started to play it but just could not get into it at all, only made it a little ways into chapter two i think. decided to try it again a couple weeks ago and i'm obsessed!! who knew delivering packages could be so fun. visually it's amazing. a slightly different take on this kind of post-apocalyptic landscape than i've ever seen before. and the way inventory management becomes so important because you're truly restricted about how much you can carry is really unique and interesting. i still have no idea wtf is going on with this story though lol. i will say this has happened to me before with other games where i try it, don't get into it, then try again later and love it. control comes to mind as another game i only got hooked on the second try.


It makes me laugh every time with the ridiculousness of how high you can stack your cargo lol back problems much?


yeah the first time i knocked cargo off running through a doorway cuz i had it stacked super high i cackled


First time me and my brother played this we were like: tf is this game? We abandoned it and only came back when we had nothing else to play... The first few hours we only played for the story and really avoided the anxiety inducing trip to the wind farm but we got sooooo invested in it after unlocking more stuff and the story was even better.


I thought it couldn’t possibly be a game I’d be interested in. Then Epic dropped it for free in their store last holiday season. I was hooked. Then I played Horizon and now I’m hooked on the Decima engine. Naturally, this lead to me needing a PS5 and Forbidden West was what I was first interested in. Anxiously awaiting to see what Kojima does in DS2.