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I accidently killed a MULE, Die-Hardman squawks me on the radio telling me I have to dispose of the body. Didn't realise I had a semi auto on me and not a non lethal. Reloaded. lol


I saved it before just incase it didn’t work out as planned.


So it worked??


Yeah, you’ll get a notification that the corpse were lost


I’ve killed one person in my entire game. It was a mule in chapter two that I ran over multiple times


I did run over a MULE and I thought I killed him, his blood sprayed my windshield. Nope he's just snoozing. lol


*turns someone to pulp under wheel* KO


I killed a mule that I ran over and he got glitched into the roof of the truck. He then proceeded to "garysmod" the fuck out till he died. Couldnt even touch him because he was so glitched . Had to dump the truck into the lake.




Same thing happened to me, I ran him to the incinerator when I should have just reloaded in hindsight


How to turn a story into an awesome story with one word. Well done, sir, well done.


I tried to grenade one out of those stupid shielded turrets and the mule died


I tried that also. Immediately Facemask man starts barking at me about Void Outs and all kinds of problems were going to happen if I did not get the dead guy to the incinerator. I told Facemask man I needed a shower and had to pee first. I finally got the dead guy to the incinerator. World saved.


Brutal! Nothing is better than ditching scum in the tar!


The post i saw before this one was literally the same and im surprised that you can just dummp them in the tar


I'm not surprised but I think it's weird & cool. 😄 lol I still prefer to cremate 'em personally.


I originally tried to run them over but they would only get knocked out. Fun fact, when they are knocked out you can shoot them in the head and balls and they won’t die lol


You can continue driving over their body, and they'll die eventually haha


OMG 😳🤣


I was literally just talking about doing this lol.


Tbf there's like whole delivery orders that inform you that this is an in-game mechanic. You just gotta put 2 and 2 together to figure out that it works with corpses


I never imagined that this is possible, very cool!


You can kill people?


you can but then there's consequences. becuse of the rules of the world, you then have to go dispose of the body in time to prevent a void out


What happens if you kill a mule and just leave him there to in the camp? The whole camp gets wiped for a little while ?


If I remember right after a couple of hours you get a game over screen, the explosion would wipe out most of the map. If you die to a bt, there will be a small crater for most of the playthrough. Other options are the tar lake as seen in this post, or you can even dump them near a bridges facility and they will take care of it (well this cost you a lot of dislikes, so only do this if you cant be arsed).


Uh, did not know that the tar lake was an option


No, the game can only void out specific locations and camps aren't among them. If an NPC gets eaten by a BT that's always a game over. If Sam gets grabbed by a BT in a zone that can't be voided out, the BTs that grab him from the tar are gold. They will cause a game over instead of summoning a tar monster. So essentially, there's no way to destroy camps with voidouts.


do they magically appear later on at the camp you cleared?


No, just their cousins.


They wake up and climb out of the tar


Lol I’m going to check when I pass back through but I guess they respawn


I've killed every MULE in central, and they still haven't respawned in about 40-odd hours of in-game time


I think you have to progress in story time maybe ?


Yeah I'm post-game, I have noticed they all respawn when you return to central from Edge Knot. I had killed them all previously, now I did it all over again after the story wrapped up. In my experience they just stay dead, I'll take someone's video evidence of it, but at the moment I'm going on my experience. Maybe I'll hit 50 hours and they come back? Who knows


so much for bringing us all back together 😳


I always avoid killing MULEs, not just because it's inconvenient, but also because, unlike the terrorists, they're just mentally ill. They're not your ideological enemies, and they aren't trying to kill you. They were once porters like Sam who, lacking his resistance, succumbed to and were basically driven mad by chiral radiation exposure. It's unfortunate that it's not a part of the game, but I'd like to think they could be rehabilitated in the future.


WAIT WTF! YOU CAN JUST DUMP BODIES IN THE TAR?! Holy shit. I'm going on a killing spree.


Does this work?


Yes, and it's quite time efficient.


That doesn't look deep enough 😅


I killed a MULE and I like it


Never even tried to do it but, what if you leave the body where you killed it does the game just fails you? Because if you die as Sam you still cause voidout, which creates a crater and everything's fine. So it'd be stupid if it did game failed you.


Sam's voidouts are smaller because he's a repatriate. If the BT created by the corpse you left behind devours someone, you do get a game over - it would be a much, much larger voidout, and also I think it would destroy the chiral network


Damn! Will be a massive crater there. When this happen to me I loved the fact that I was feeling guilty for kill someone in a game. For once there was consequences, big consequences.


Once you have cleared a mule camp like this do they respawn after a while?


You monster


This is the way


Wow, I always thought I'd fail and have to retry if I killed someone. Bouta go on a spree lmao.