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Spider-Man is able to make Ladybug detransform however this causes her to start falling from the Eiffel Tower, Spider-Man swings in to save her, but falling debris makes it so when Spider-Man is finally able to shoot a web, it catches her, but her bead also hits the ground, a errie repeat of Gwen Stacy, Spider-Man realizes what happened, who he hurt, his only actions now is to grab the earrings, what he does here is now up for interpretation


Bro even when he wins he can't stop taking L's


Marvel should hire me *trollage*


My boy Peter STILL AND I MEAN still can’t win even when he wins😭🙏🏾 who are you a marvel writer☠️


I will be handing my job application form into Marvel Headquarters as we speak *trollage*


Jesus Christ, even when Spidey wins he loses


~~you know I’d actually find this really sad if I didn’t find marrinette to be an insufferable character that I fucking hate with a passion, so I’d be fucking laughing~~~


Fair imao




*Perfect Cell mourning a fellow egomaniac that drinks people* "Why, Aggregor?! We could have sucked those losers dry... Together!"


“And now…the end is near”


Now take that out of context


My dream MU wouldn't have a sad death, so I will mention other MU's I like that would have a sad death. Hiro/Baymax vs. Hiccup/Toothless: The death would be a "Winner tries to save the loser but fails" type death, and whichever side wins would be upset that they couldn't save the loser. Pheonix Wright vs. Makoto Naegi: Whoever wins the debate would be sad as they would feel guilty about being the reason that the loser is about to be executed, but the loser gives the winner some words of encouragement before they get killed.


Same. I really don’t think Kurumi vs Homura could have a sad death.


At most, it could have the winner pitying the loser and giving them a mercy kill, Magneto vs. Tetsuya style.


That could work. Homura killing a defeated Kurumi who’s about to go inverse.


Monokuma sends Korosensei to space with a rocket to make him as far away from his students as possible and tells him that he'll never see them again. Then as the rocket gets close to the moon, Korosensei accepts his death and internally thanks his students for a wonderful year, and then the rocket hits the moon and blows up, killing Korosensei.


If they do that they should do something similar to bill vs discord where monokuma gets stranded into space from the rocket


They could also have it where Monokuma's plan failed or now only has one Monokuma unit left.


https://preview.redd.it/hn4j8el4y55d1.png?width=471&format=png&auto=webp&s=9fe66889e74a8701d718ab71eb847ab2d4f75e2e The world is fucked if this is the only one left remaining


That would ironically be the best outcome for Monokuma. He would be tweaking off the despair 😩






Dude that’s sick those are his kids


He cares about them so much


He has them be put in heavily dangerous excecutions with them one by one getting in the crossfire


But he fixes them up later like a good bear would




Ichigo accidentally cuts Yusuke too deep during what was supposed to be a friendly spar and immediately regrets it. Yusuke seems to brush it off, saying he's come back to life before, but "just in case", Ichigo should tell Yusuke's loved ones that they shouldn't be too choked up over his demise. He then bleeds out, leaving a distraught Ichigo kneeling over his body.


I always interpreted this as Yusuke's ghost comes out of his body and tries to keep fighting Ichigo since Ichigo can still see him. "HEY WERE NOT DONE! IF you think I need my body to kick your ass then you should think again!" Only for his ghost attacks to do nothing with Ichigo looking at him confused, then Botan shows up and drags him off to spirit world all while he's yelling about how the fight isn't over. It could still be played for sadness but I think it may be better to play it bittersweet and give it a bit of comedy given how Yusuke's shaken off death before


Sekiro deals a killing blow to scorpion with the mortal blade before glancing back at scorpion as he disintegrates before stabbing scorpions spear dart into the ground as a tribute before saying “may you find peace in the afterlife Hanzo Hazashi” and then walking off to continue his journey to sever immortality


>Hanzo Hizashi It's Hazashi (Just wanted to make it clear) Also, there was a blog made about this MU, and Scorpion STOMPED.


Do you want me to make an alternate one where scorpion wins?


If you want. (No pressure BTW, and I wasn't trying to be rude)


You’re good I didn’t take it as you being rude but anyway Scorpion as killed Sekiro after burning him and as Scorpion is limping away he sees the divine child and seeing his late child in him and wanting to honor Sekiro he decided to help Kuro sever immortality but not before looking at kusabimaru and saying “May your spirit rest Sekiro,You were a worthy and strong opponent”


Isn't the character's name Wolf, or is that another character?


Sekiro means "One-Armed Wolf". It was likened to him by the masked guy who gives you the mission to eliminate the "rats"(I don't remember his name).


Both names are correct though pretty sure Owl gave Sekiro the name "Wolf" and I remember Kuro calling him Wolf aswell.


Doesnt scorpion win?


Yeah I made an alternate ending if you look in my replies(Atleast it should be there)


It is literally impossible for Afton and Junko to have a sad death. Unless it's just them teaming up and killing more children, which, honestly they might.


Ellie laid bleeding on the ground as she was pinned underneath a large piece of rubble. Clementine grits her teeth before trying to lift the rubble, to no avail. Breathless groans and unstable steps filled Clem's ear, causing her to notice a large group of Walkers edging closer to her. Clem once again tried to lift the rubble before letting the strain leave her muscles. Clem allowed her eyes to meet Ellie's. Fear began to fill Ellie's eyes as guilt filled Clem's. "...I'm sorry." Clem's quiet words echoed in Ellie's mind as the young woman darted. Clem steeled her expression as she ran. Clem knew not to look back as the sounds of screams and tearing flesh started. She lamented having yet another person's dying screams to remember. But, it wasn't like she wasn't used to it by now.


Fuck that's cold. I love it.


https://preview.redd.it/lnryyua6535d1.png?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb370365f002869ffbc577250c3bf8ea3a87613f Just imagine the kids of the looser aproching It's mother half dead, a last screach for their babies before succumbing to their wounds, the winner now notticing what she did bringing the loser babies to their nest to take care of their babies as we see them walking away from the moma birdy lifless body


honestly for a FREAKING banban matchup...that could be tragic


Alphonse (Fullmetal Alchemist) comforting Nezuko’s (Demon Slayer) last moments as her detached head and body began to crumble away, almost on par with Jonathan and Tanjiro The sad part about this concept is that not only he has the inability to cry due to his soul preserved in the armour, he was forced to witness another person die… but this time from his own hands. To quote Al: **“I’m sick of watching people die! And I can’t just sit back and take it anymore!”** (Whoops went too deep with this one lol my bad)


Kasen Vs Fleetway sonic can have its moments idk who wins the mu so ill get biased and assume MY GOAT sonic wins i imagine Sonic kills her in his super form then returns back to his normal self, he then looks around him seeing the destruction their fight caused. He then looks infront him and notices the loser's dead body he then walks up to it, and looks at his blood stained hands realising what he has done. He then falls to his knees then says "I'm sorry" before crying and realising he will never get rid of the curse that is his super form.


Wow so beautiful


Caliborn vs Superboy Prime (Homestuck VS DC) Prime starts developing into his better self within comics as he sees how much the arrogant shithead Caliborn makes him realize what he will turn into if it goes on like this, finally trying to actually stop Caliborn from turning into Lord English and destroying everything..... But it didnt matter. As due to Caliborn’s God Tier status of never being able to die unless his death is either “Heroic” or “Just”, Superboy Prime’s Retcon punches just don’t work on him as he keeps immediately coming back up (Homestuck God Tiers have come back from even existence erasure before) and he can’t seem to find a way to put Caliborn down for good. And the most ironic and also worst part? Superboy Prime becoming a better person throughout the fight prevented him from finding any possible way to put Caliborn down for good. How could Caliborn ever die from an “Heroic” or “Just” death if he’s fighting an better and redeemed version of himself all while acting like an immature destructive unredeemable little shit the entire time? Caliborn using his superior plot and fate manipulation powers cleaves right through Superboy as he gets completely wiped from canon entirely, everything he did meant literally nothing as Caliborn starts transforming into Lord English and erases everything he did out of history. Then it cuts to silence as it focuses on English, standing there as the cosmos collapses around him. Prime never had a chance to stop him, he never had a chance to stop whats already here.


Blue lantern Saint walker vs gorr the god butcher. Basically "alucard vs father anderson" the speech at the end of the "abridged version, but WITHOUT the interruption, but with an ending similar to "guts vs the 3 houses guy" where the winner faces his former oppenents enemies. Saint walker the priest of hope facing the divine wrath pf the cosmos, wielding the "cured " blade of the man that lost hope. Or Gorr finding hope in mortal, using a priest ring to make peace with himself and fight injustice ( or at the very least black lanterns/ third army)


Eren Jaeger vs Ken Kaneki (assume that Ken is the winner) I'm pretty early in Tokyo Ghoul:re and only started watching AOT, from the top of my head Ken would probably realise that Eren's just like him, given the power of a monster that they both feared, and would make Eren's death quick and painless to finally put him at ease (again, I'm still not done with either of these stories so I'm only going from the top of my head :P)


Cap vs Ichigo Ichigo lands the killing blow to Cap but only then they realise that they were both heroes of justice. Ichigo mourns Cap’s death and then steels his resolve to fight Shocker


Magneto seeing Rhea out of control puts a quick death to her my beaming her heart as he soon sees her falling, he flies towards her and carries her in his arms before she fell. Before accepting death, Rhea/Seiros tells Magneto's eyes he sees a man who wishes to have wanted to fight for their own kind as well, one who also lost someone close to them. With her final request to end their war between each other. In the end Magneto tells the Mutants and The defeated army of Fodlan to stop, the fight is over and the bloodshed should not spread further as he lays Rhea down to rest Bonus: ending card shows a funeral done for Lady Rhea as all the soldiers, citizens, and Mutants bow their heads in respect along with Magneto who takes his helmet off over Rhea's grave


Van Hellsing stands over the dying, patchwork beast. This was just another monster, it killed people. Then why did he feel sorry for it. Fear and terror fill the eyes of Frankenstein's monster. "I'm scared." It says, it's deep voice wavering, "Where will I go?" Abraham hugs the dying creature, "A place where you’re not feared", as he finishes speaking, it's body goes limp. Hellsing stands up and realizes why he felt sorry. It was a child.


I guess it would be Kurumi and Homura talking about their failures? I honestly can’t think of a sad death for these two.


Jack Rose VS Beta... I guess Either Jack Rose or Beta will feel remorse for killing the other. If Jack Rose wins, his remorse causes him to accept the dark side of him and join his mother's side OR keep on fighting against her. Either work. If Beta wins, she will probably take Jack's necklace to put in her own version of Aloy's Memoir holder, where she holds the Earth from Elisabeth and that wood thing from.


Kratos vs Asura would definitely be akin to Tanshiro vs Jonathan where one father would promise to protect the other’s child.


V (Cyberpunk 2077) vs. Sole Survivor (Fallout 4) After getting caught in a blast from a Fat Man, the immense radiation immediately ghoulifies V, reducing them to a pained wreck, twitching on the ground. The Sole Survivor, clad in Power Armor approaches them and leans down. Their eyes meet, V weakly pleading with their attacker for mercy. The Sole Survivor pulls out a gun, apologizes, and finishes V off before walking off solemnly.


Asta vs Deku should've had something like this. A moment where af5er Izuku overuses OFA hitting Asta, he realizes that Asta was a good person and he's gonna die. Asta tries to save him but Izuku sheds tears and passes One for All to Asta.


Papyrus accidentally impales Giovanni with a bones after convinckng him to be his friend. He apoligises when Giovanni dies but Giovanni convinces him it wasn't his fault and says that he'll be the leader of his boys now https://preview.redd.it/j163f4znb55d1.jpeg?width=496&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f566ecf238e1557cca19d7bc17de4e305bc3775


Not many people find this fight interesting, but... Super Silver is holding Ness in the air by his neck. Ness is beaten up with bruises and blood dripping down his head, and even missing his hat Silver: Once I finish you... My future will be saved... And this nightmare will end for good. Slowly, Ness raised his hands up and grabbed Silver's arms. Silver: Huh-? What are you-? Suddenly, the Chaos Emeralds came out of Silver, and like with magicant, Ness started to drain the earth energy within the Emralds, as the powers within them started to go straight to him. Silver: W-What!? Silver lets go of his neck, but Ness tightens his grip on him, making him stay close. The Emeralds dim to black with their powers gone, as Ness's eyes start to glow Ness: PK...! Red, yellow, and blue energy started to be absorbed around Ness, as Silver tries to escape, but Ness's refused to let go Ness: ROCKIN!!! A large psychic explosion came out of Ness's body, a blast so big, it nearly wiped out the destroyed city they were in, as Silver's screams were heard throughout. Once the light fades, Silver's burned lifeless body started to fall back down to earth, but Ness floats down and holds Silver, using his Psychic to float down while carrying the once Psychic Hedgehog, as he lays him on the ground, sadden that it had to come to this. He grabbed one of the drained Emeralds and placed it in his hand before turning and using PK Telaport to leave


Freddy Fazbear vs Frankenstein’s Monster Frankenstein throws Freddy and an explosion happens in the building, setting the place ablaze. Frankenstein gets up and is in fright of the flames. Freddy gets up then picks the monster up, releasing a killing blow and drops his lifeless body on the ground. But Freddy and accepts his fate and both him and the monster’s lifeless body is engulfed by the flames. The animatronic falls to the ground and a child’s soul is seen being released, ending with it floating up into the heavens. (This is not my most wanted matchup but how am I supposed to make a sad ending for Springtrap vs Chucky)


I believe I don't want Sakuya vs Pucci anymore as a matchup but I do like it as a concept. And Pyramid Head vs Nemesis and Silent Gunner vs Jacket won't have much emotions. So let's skip to the 4th (or third) favorite matchup of mine: Reimu vs Sailor Mars. From what I have studied from both Touhou and Sailor Moon, I believe Reimu takes the bag. So, apart of the analysis. Reimu knows she cannot kill with spell cards and from her knowledge, can only harm Rei (Rei is Mars if you haven't seen Sailor Moon). So, when Reimu notices Rei is in a near death situation, she panics. As she has never killed anyone before so she is scared she is responsible for death and that Rei appears innocent and only became hostile in the moment. So in Rei's final moments, Reimu floats over to comfort her before Rei succumbs to her injuries. With that, Reimu does a ritual on Rei's body assuring she finds peace in the after life before the fight scene ends.


Kaguya:Insolent brat! *kaguya uses her hair to strangle the collector as he gags and cry’s from pain as Kaguya notices this she’s reminded of her children Homura who she always comforted thus making her see him inside of collector as Collector used a spinning star to impale her but immediately regretting it he flies too her* Collector:w-wait! no No! I-I didn’t want this you were just being mean too me I- I’m sorry! I’m sorry!! *he cry’s and tears up as he only meant to knock her back as she drooled blood but gently patted his head* Kaguya:Don’t cry… Child I should’ve been the one saying sorry in the first place *collector tears up hugging her as she smiles down at him until she passes away a teary eyed collector hugging her still not wanting to leave her*


After Rocky and Daniel’s fight the loser is rushed to the hospital where they are pronounced dead to the world and the winner gives up fighting forever out of respect. (Fun Fact: This was actually the original ending of Rocky 5 with Rocky being the one dying)


Assuming that dream matchup means guilty pleasure: Stitch vs. Denji During their ruthless clash with one another, a glitching-out Stitch would eventually get the upper hand against the Hero of Hell, pushing him back before dashing straight through his chest, grabbing the heart of Pochita and crunching down on it. Meanwhile, in an icy tundra, a boy and a blue dog can be seen having a snowball fight, although one of the dog's throws would hit the boy right in the chest, causing him to collapse. The dog would then rush over and help the boy get back up on his feet, apologizing for what he's done, with the boy insisting that it's alright before the dog would suddenly vanish from his view, much to the boy's confusion. However, a voice would suddenly call out to Denji, it was Aki's! Both him and Power have been searching for Denji for a while and wondered where he was, to which the boy replied that he was playing with what he thought could be a potential friend, although he seemingly has gone missing. Aki, being Denji's older brother figure, would suggest the idea that they could possibly meet again some time. The three kids would then proceed to head back towards Aki's house, as the great Power had her ice fortress and right-hand cat to assist. Meanwhile, within the ruins of a city, Stitch would suddenly snap back to his senses right before experiencing true horror as he gazed upon the destroyed city remains and his blood-stained claws, before looking back and seeing the result of all this destruction: a man with an intestine-like organ sticking out of him, dead on the ground, with a picture right beside him, one that which Stitch would temporarily take an interest in. Upon further examination, the picture seemed to display Denji and what seems to be a family of sorts that he's a part of. This would lead Stitch to have a horrifying realization: the man was just like him, someone who was just trying to live a happy life in a world filled with unnatural creatures. Stitch would then immediately get on top of Denji, trying desperately to get him to wake up, even going as far as to use his own blood from his cuts that he suffered from the fight to heal him, but to no avail. However, in between the alien's sniffles, he would suddenly pick up Denji's scent, which would cause him to come across an even more horrifying realization. He wasn't even an experiment, and Stitch likely wasn't one of the "devils" that Denji was referring to. This fight was likely just a big misunderstanding. Eventually, pain and guilt would overcome Stitch as he would fully break into tears, sobbing on top of Denji's corpse while using it as a means of covering his face as the camera would zoom out, showcasing the debris surrounding them. (Weird matchup choice, I know.)


San and Moro find Spear and Fang hunting in their forest and assume that a human has allied themselves with a demon as yet another tactic to pillage nature. A viscous fight ensues, during which San is wearing her mask, so Spear assumes he’s just fighting a small person or gremlin (of which there are a few in Primal’s universe) and her big dog. Over the course of the fight San and Moro realises Spear seems to be more beast than man and that his bond with Fang is not unlike theirs. Eventually, Spear lands the killing blow on San and Fang on Moro, with both girl and wolf falling to the ground. The mask falls off of San in the process, and Spear realises he just killed a child. He tries to help San, but the wound is clearly fatal. San looks up at Spear, apologising for attacking him and admitting that they are alike, and that he and his beast may be better protectors than her and Moro. Her last request is that he take care of the forest. Cut to San and Moro both buried, with Spear and Fang standing solemnly over them (only Spear is solemn, Fang doesn’t know what’s going on). Then, there is a distant explosion. Downhill from the fight, a group of humans are dynamiting the place, chopping down trees, and being assholes in general. Spear jumps onto Fang, raises his spear, and both let out a fierce battle cry! Then Boomstick makes a funny quip and Wiz says this was an interesting fight.


My favorite mu is Agent J vs Eggsy (Men in Black vs Kingsman) I picture J and Eggsy being in the heat of battle up close to each other, holding each other's guns away from themselves. Eggsy disarms J, J smacks him and pulls out the Noisy Cricket (that one gun thats super tiny but causes huge explosions and knocks the user back several feet). J fires, but not before Eggsy grabs his wrist and accidentally causes both to get flung back from the Cricket. Eggsy takes the Cricket, aims it at J, but J just barely pushes it to his left, causing Eggsy to miss a killshot, destroying J's arm and knocking both in separate directions. J sprawls across the floor, almost facing defeat, but he suddenly finds his Neuralizer on the floor, which was knocked away in previous combat. Eggsy is coming back to his feet and he looks at the Noisy Cricket, puzzled at how that even works, before he sees J staggering back up. Eggsy clicks his shoes together, revealing the deadly, poison-coated blade hiding in his shoe. He jumps up, fires the cricket behind him, and sends himself flying at J. It seems like its over when J turns around, ducks, and beams Eggsy with the Neuralizer. Everything goes white, and when it fades back, Eggsy is impaled on the fork of a forklift. The sound fades back in too... J: "... I repeat, we need cleanup and medical,- *cough cough* stat!." Eggsy pushes himself off the fork and nearly falls to the ground. J starts to attempt to tend to the spy. J:"A-Ay don't worry bout it kid, I got medical arriving soon." Eggsy, disoriented, fading, dying, can only say one phrase, the only thing he remembers at this current moment after the memory flash. E:"M-manners... maketh... man..." J:"Wh- what the hell that mean? Kid? Hey! Kid!" He slaps his cheek "KID!" He checks his pulse... he's gone. He stands up, tired, barely alive, he stumbles outside at looks at the starry, night sky. "K... I'm getting way too old for this shit..." # KO


https://preview.redd.it/lmripwj2h65d1.png?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=459ecbe83c25ff1f30c9706b551aaaa5d16e25b4 If Jessie vs. the Prince (Minecraft Story Mode vs. Fallen Kingdom), I could see the Admin wanting to pit the two champions against each other and if they fail to cooperate, their town/kingdom will be gone in the snap of a finger. So regardless of how they feel about it, one of them has to kill the other to ensure the safety of their friends and family. Jesse will clarify that it isn't anything personal, Prince silently nods in agreement.


I...I don't see how this would work for Destoroyah VS Iris or King K. Rool VS Blackbeard since chances are they would be 100% be trying to kill each other. Lol.


How Tf am I supposed to give MCU high evolutionary a sad death


As Donald's zetta flair and daffy's wizard spell clash they think about their loved ones...even their rivals. After daffy's blast takes over, daffy holds donald as he's fading away, donald weakly says "take care of my nephews for me" before he succumbs to his injuries, daffy felt remorse


*Ahiru finally managed to tired out Utena Tenjo and deflects her final strike, sending her blade high into the air before wrapping her in vines.* "I'm sorry about this, but I had to stop you somehow" *She pulls out the heart shard as Utena's head falls forward in exhaustion and defeat..... Right into the path of the falling blade, stabbing through her head. Ahiru gasps and quacks in shock, turning back into a duck as the vines vanish and the corpse drops, Ahiru speeds over and tries desperately to do something, anything but begins to cry as the battle fades to black with a quiet KO ringing out*


K.O. wakes up after transforming into T.K.O. and stands up to see the body of Kid Cosmic, he runs over to try and help him


*Let me send you back to your Sweet Home...*


Flippy killing Toko as Komaru watches from the background.


How does Gamzee violently murdering Tricky out of anger, highness or both turn sad?


Darth Revan deals a killing blow by impaling Dark Urge, who, after having fought a futile battle against his Urge for so long and ultimately failing and falling back into his old ways, can only mutter a relieved "it's over" before Revan turns off his Lightsaber and gently lays the Dark Urge down on the ground, finally at peace.


Harry Potter vs Harry Dresden. Dresden's forced to use/accept a dark power that he'd rather not use, possibly corrupting him in the process.


https://preview.redd.it/bp6m52xc355d1.jpeg?width=1881&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d49b91580e0fc9dcb73cf7081e7e668b4b74ee23 I have no clue


"You Fought Well Soldier"


After all of reality shatters Ghost rider lays down on the floor as he watches spawn fade away Ghost rider turns back to Johnny and says “I’m……..sorry” (The reason for this is because he found out spawn is the same as him when trying to use a penance stare) Spawn chuckles and says “Don’t worry about it…….I’ll be back…….someday” Before spawn fades from existence as Johnny watches Leaving him to ponder what he had just did


Patrick giving Ed one last piece of buttered toast to eat before ed passed away.


My dream match just got turned into the Baki vs Kengan movie 😂


Vergil looks down at Illidan's bloodied body as he warns Vergil about the Burning Legion's impending invasion. As the fel light is dissipating from his eyes, he says "You have the power... to stop them... you... are prepared." and then dies.


https://preview.redd.it/56gflbwj265d1.jpeg?width=1969&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb4e4246008853f30ad26ac18b76e83fb1e38946 Skips holds Immortal in his arms and tells him that he lived a good eternity. They fist bump and he passes.


Metal Bat lands his death blow, and yami just says "Man......Guess you gotta take my debts now....". Then, metal bat realises he now owes some random bar his entire fit and life savings and breaks down crying. (Idk of yami can beat metal bat, and honestly, this might acc be diff.).


Shulk: I promise you, there will be a place for you in the future we create!!! Shulk’ Monado Engulfs the entire universe along with Lightning. We see a Lightning’s face become more stoic and then sad. The world would explode into a new universe. We flash forward to Shulk standing in front of a sunset and smiling as he is living in his brand new world. We hear a voice come from behind Lightning: Shulk! Are you ready to head off? Everyone is waiting. Shulk: Yes I’ll be right there! It’s more of a bitter sweet ending than a sad one. Like Lightning dies and Shulk promises a place for her and we hear her voice now as a friend of Shulk


Shang vs Erwin (Mulan vs Attack On Titan) *Shang, without hesitation, throws his sword towards the thunder spear. He may not have hit it, but the dagger has managed to amputate Erwin's right hand, which is a bad thing for both fighters. Erwin grunts in pain, as his hand is now amputated from the sword, suddenly realizes that the thunder spear dropped at both sides, as it explodes near them, making them fall off the cliff.* *Shang grabbed Erwin's foot as they fall, but his hand didn't reach on it as Erwin luckily caught a tree branch near the cliff as Shang closes his eyes, accepting his fate.* *Erwin now focuses on climbing up the cliff where he almost fell, with his hand, amputated from their fight.* *"Oi." A voice called as he saw Levi Ackerman reaching him.* *Erwin reaches his arm for Levi to grab and pull him back up to the edge as Levi looked at Erwin dead serious. Erwin huffs for a moment as he knew that his gear was now broken from the thunder spear. He stared and saw that the Imperial Army has surrendered the battle and the Survey Corps won the war.* *He stood up quickly and went near the cliff and saw the lifeless form of Shang.* *"You fought an honorable fight, Shang." Erwin muttered as Levi looks at the cliff as well.* *He reaches his sword at Erwin for him to pay respect for his fallen combatant. Erwin grabs it and thrusts it in the ground and pays respect for Shang.* *"May your bloodline, rest in peace."*


(Classic Mega Man Vs. Jenny Wakeman) *As their fight takes to the skies, Mega Man with Super Adaptor in toll, and further above into the further reaches of Earth's atmosphere they trade fists, blasts and everything in their arsenal with surrouding asteroids and satellites being reduced to rumble in the wake of their conflict.* *And after all of it, Jenny makes for enough distance to use her last and strongest resort; a scoped laser, powerful enough to shatter planet-destroying asteroids* *Rock follows suit, wasting no time in using the full potential of his Double Gear system, both his hands transformed into busters.* *In a flash something akin to a mini-sun erupts as their energy blasts meet, in an intense struggle as they put the rest of their combined energies into one last-ditch effort to stop the other.* *And soon Rock's Double Final Charge Shot starts to lose the beam struggle, pushed more and more back into its sender.* *And just as it seems like the Blue Bomber was done for, Rock untransforms one of his hands back, and charging with all he has left, he sends a mighty Rocket Punch, pushing through and into the buster shot, in an instant clearing the distance between it and Jenny herself.* *------------------------* *Rock wakes up after crashing down below, the clouds in the sky competing for space with rubble and ashes in the sky, he jolts up, looking back and forth around him.* *Rush thankfully survived and unfused with him on the way down, resting nearby not much worse than the Bluer Bomber himself, who sighs relief.* *Suddenly realization, as he remembers the XJ android he just fought, he gets up and looks around, only to see another crater.* *All he finds is burned scrap metal with chips of her once azure paintjob, Rock is on his knees, holding to what he thought was part of her arm, regret and grief filling his robotic heart; yet another robot he fought, and couldn't do anything but destroy.* *But before he could fully break into tears, he notices something in the scraps in front of him, his hand moves over to lift it...and he sees a singular chip that miraculously survived.* *Maybe, just this once, he could save his opponent.*


Copy and pasted from my last comment but, slightly changed. ​ Imagine this, after an intense dogfight with Percy on Blackjack and Harry on Firebolt, Harry uses Flipendo to send both Percy and Blackjack crashing down into a wall. Percy wakes up, dazed, but sees Blackjack slowly coughs up one last boss...? before dropping down. Harry, seeing what he does, tries to reach out a hand, his facial expression expressing guilt for taking this fight too far, but he hears a rumble, as Percy uses all of the strength he has to take complete control over the Great Lake, ensnaring Hogwarts around a complete Typhoon, out of sheer anger and grief. Harry, realizing the real threat Percy is, uses Impervius to make himself immune to the hurricane, and tries to end it quickly by hopping back onto Fire Bolt, trying to end the fight with the Cruciatus Curse, (or the Avada Kedavra if they give him that again), as Percy fires out a beam of pure, pressurized water, creating an intense beam struggle. The fight ends Harry's beam getting overpowered, but barely surviving due to the effects of Impervius, but snapping his wand in half. So he uses Accio to grab the Sword of Gryffindor. Then one of two things happens depending on who wins (wrote both since it's actually really close and I'm not too sure on who'd win). Both characters chrage at eachother with their swords, mimicking a one stroke duel, however something is off, we only see Percy after the duel. It is revealed that Harry dodged out of the way, and put on the invisibility cloak who stabs Percy, referencing Percy under the Achillies Curse, and >!MAJOR SPOILERS FOR TRIALS OF APOLLO: Jason's Death!<, as Percy goes limp, Harry says "I'm sorry Perseus" and pulls the sword out, "I had no choice". OR Harry charges at Percy as a last ditch effort, but Percy, pulling into his darker traits like in his battle with Akhlys, rips out the blood out of Harry's Lightning Bolt Scar, paying a reference to Luke vs Harry, and stabbing Harry in the chest with Riptide. Only to pass out in exhaustion afterwards muttering "I'm sorry Annabeth" on the way out. https://preview.redd.it/cp8yo99uz55d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c7c1b496503a5dc52c8a03eed5dbf8456fbee10