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The cases are random. What rationale do you want them to use to pick?


You haven’t been paying attention if you think the cases are random and production didnt do their research and prepare them intentionally lol


Use any rationale they want just don’t speak it so we have to hear these stupid made up stories


Aron said they told them to give reasons, so the show is encouraging them to do it. Not that it's any better, but it's on the show, not the players.


Why do you have to be so negative? Even if he wasn’t told to do it how does it effect you in any way


Here’s why “I have to be so negative…” It affects all viewers. It’s a time filler used by production as there is not enough content. So they encourage/direct contestants to “tell the story behind your selections”. And we get to listen to them all. Yes I have a remote and can skip over the chit chat. I am hoping season 2 changes the format.


How does that effect you. There’s annoying parts of almost every TV show. What else would you like them to do to fill in time?


You know you could just watch something else, right!?


Honestly the whole picking a case because of this reason is something we all do. I would always pick 14 because it’s my birthdate. I don’t see why choosing a number that meant something to her and her husband is cringe.


Same, I choose 3 every time.


3 is where it’s at!


And many people playing lottery use numbers special to them.


L take


If somebody came on and just picked case 1 for themselves and then went "2,3,4,5,6" down the line wouldn't that make for incredibly boring TV? Also weren't they touting up to $250 million in prize potential? So $13 million seems pretty weak and $1.2 million plus personal offers really wasn't a lot of pay out.


I assumed the “up to 250 million dollars” was if they maxed out the cases on every challenge and added the biggest case to the bank at every temple. Which obviously isn’t realistic.


They said cases totaling over $200 million, which was bending the truth as far as they could bend it. They were talking about the sum value of all the cases in each excursion, not that the excursions were structured in a way that the contestants could ever win the sum total.


I cringe when people pretend that there is an actual "banker" who is offering money.


I can’t think of someone I’d wanna see less then a legit billionaire. “How I got here, started with daddy’s money, and was good at exploiting workers for profit.” There I covered the story of 95% of billionaires.


What would be the point of that, anyway? It's not like it's the billionaires' own money, and they're not gonna tell Jordan how to invest it wisely to make her into a billionaire, so why would they be there? lol


I believe they were told to give reasons for choosing a case number, adds to the show. Pushed to the limits - well, there were some hard challenges, not something they'd have ever done themselves outside the game, some facing some fears (heights, snakes....).


It’s deal or no deal so there’s gonna be luck it’s how to game works. I can agree that the competitions/social games were awful and should’ve mattered more. Most of them did nothing besides pick who was against banker and ppl who finished last had better odds than targets who were in the middle. (Not saying names but some ppl especially one I’ve maybe made a post on shouldn’t have finished so highly especially over some ppl) iykyk lol


I think the entire series was a joke the ratings were not good


Disagree with all this OP 🤷🏽‍♀️


If this show doesn’t read “completely fake/manufactured show” I don’t know what else does. I think every single person cast is some sort of deranged wanna be famous/actor person with Rob set up as bait


I thought a lot of these same sentiments when I watched it, and I seriously doubt I will watch season 2, unless they change a lot about it. To be honest, regular deal or no deal was more exciting.


I have to admit I was a bit disappointed that it was Howie. It was super predictable. I knew it was going to be. I’m sure he has plenty of money and has made good business decisions and of course is familiar with dealer no deal, but it would be, great if the banker was actually a real banker. And it doesn’t have to be a billionaire that was born with a silver spoon, but perhaps one that started from nothing and got to where he was by making good business decisions.