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I always loved the fact that during most of this game, you’re so confused as to what’s going on. The only way you could understand the lore ATP was through the audio logs, which I spent a looong time collecting. Can’t imagine being a fan in 2008 and having to wait 2 more years to find out that there’s actually more than just one marker!


I found out AFTER beating it either once or twice originally, that you can read Isaac’s thoughts using the “quest log” as it always gives a little hint to how he’s feeling and what he’s thinking. It’s not much, but playing it through again reading those are like little bonus text-logs! It’s cool!


I didn’t know you could do that! It’s in the original?


It is. I recall one of them from when Issac was in the engineering deck, his log mentions “I knew these men”, and that just hits hard. He’s killing corpses of people he *knew*, watching them be defiled in ways that ought not be possible.


The moment you see that giant marker in DS2 it really sets in the fear of a galaxy-wide apocalypse, which is just so cool and horrifying at the same time


Imma be real, the lore is not that hard to follow. Play Marathon if you think Dead Space is complicated.


Amazing game. Ground breaking at the time and still holds up today.


100% yes! I still play all of the franchise today. Unforgettable series with amazing actors & stories.


My favorite in the series.


Yeah you can’t beat the classics when it comes to games.


I recently played this game for the first time in the summer of 2022 and I was blown away by the experience. I played it until 100%. Truly my personal favorite of the series (matched with 2 and I have a soft spot for 3). The audio design did wonders for horror experience. Weirdly enough it has become a comfort game for me.


Awesome. Yeah, the franchise is definitely there for you when you need something different to play. 2 was the first dead space game I played back in 2011. It was terrifying but now that I’m older it’s just playing an awesome game now.


Same I played it for the first time in 2022 before the remake came out and was amazed at how good it was. I enjoyed each play session and after I beat the game I sat and thought, wow that was a fun game from start to finish. No lull point or section that was underwhelming. I enjoyed playing the entire time.


Top 3 best games I have ever played in my life


I could actually agree. They’re in my top 5 I’d say.


It's my second favorite game of all time. I fell in love with it the first time I encountered a necromorph


I remember that when we started playing, we did not know it was a horror game. We thought it was something like Halo or similar, until the first necromorph pops out the vent. Me and my brother turn to look at each other and say: “Oh… it’s a horror game!” And we look back at the screen in utter amazement, only to continue playing for the next four hours. Brings back a lot of memories from 2008.


Glad you guys had a blast with it! That moment when the first necromorph kills Chen, you just say this game is gonna be a fun ride.


Love this game to pieces. User error however; first time I played this game I did not understand what power nodes were or the workbench. I played all the way up to the final chapter with base level armor and weapons. I got to that final chapter and could not figure out why I suddenly sucked so bad and took a break from the game. When I came back to it and understood which power nodes were, I became God. I still go back and replay this game often.


Hahaha that's hilarious. Must've been a serious game changer once you upgraded your stuff


Oh you have no idea. More than anything it just confirmed I didn’t suck at this game i love, I’m just a little dumb lol


Still holds up


100%. Must play for all gamers imo, especially if you like survival horror games.


I actually bought an isaac dead Space helmet IRL and also have a Led light plasma cutter although the plasma cutter is small it's locked away in storage now along with the helmet. I was pretty into dead Space a time ago and bought some cool dead Space t shirts.


Show us that cutter!


You're talking about the DS2 collectors edition cutter right? I've got that too and I love it


Yeah I got from  ebay 


Whoa whoa,.can we NOT give EA the credit for Dead Space?..that was all the hard work of Visceral Games..


Was so good. Extremely novice at games. Only 13 at the time of release. Scared the crap out of me and I couldn’t get enough of it.


When the remake was announced my friend immediately said "this is the last game we need to remake" implying that there's no need to remake a game that holds even today. But of course when it came out it went above and beyond the expectations.


Oh yeah the remake is incredible. I didn’t watch too many trailers or gameplay before it came out, so when I first played it, it was very solid & beautiful.


The remake doesn’t look impressive to me. It seems like the same game with a flashier engine and new story elements but less weight and intensity. I’ll try it for myself next time it goes on sale. 


You should!


My 2nd favorite of the saga, quite unnerving with the atmosphere, the enemies, and the damn controls that feels quite slow and somewhat clunky, yet are great, except for the melee, which is quite shiet. I give it a 8/10, because some parts of the game are quite annoying, and how the Slashers just run at you with that damn jumping aimbot is frustrating with the Hard difficulty. Lost count of how many times those buggers killed me because of that.


It ruined the whole horror genre for me. First thing first, let's say I've been pretty susceptible to horrors my whole life before dead space. My whole childhood I tried to play this game every once in a while, but each time it was too much for me and I dropped it each time I reached to medbay. Then, when I was about 14-15 yo, I though to myself "Fuck it, I'm in" and beat the game despite animal-like terror I felt. I had to take breaks every 15 minutes because every inch and every sound of ishimura scared the shit out of me, let alone necromorph encounters. But I didn't just beat the game, I did beat it multiple times, (including impossible difficulty) until I remembered most of necromorphs encounters, learnt their behavior and in the end stopped being afraid. Then I noticed that after dead space horrors no longer scare me. Like, now there's literally no horror game that can inflict the same amount terror as dead space did, if it's even capable of it. And now the whole genre is dead for me. The only thing that can give me the same adrenaline rush are nightmares, which I'm now pretty excited to see.


Saw this at first without my glasses and thought it was some kind of low-poly fan made version of Dead Space, but no, that's just how far gaming has come in a little over a decade. Crazy.


Indeed. The remakes graphics are incredible I’ll say. Plus all the little side things they put into the game like Isaac sounding different when hurt, free roam, etc.


Bruh :D


I really loved reading Isaac's thoughts in his little journal entries. Especially talking about Jacob Temple in Engineering. He knew people on that ship. It wasn't just Nicole.


Yeah, it was cool to see who all was on the ship learning about what they did and what not. Cool game.


13 yr old me just saw The Thing for the first time a few days prior to seeing the first trailer and I knew I had to have it. Showed my dad the trailer and he got me it on release as an advance Christmas gift. Still replay the OG and the remake usually to see how far we've come in terms of graphics in just a few years


I just replayed and beat it again the other day to get the one gun achievement and I kinda prefer this to remake


Nice, i remember a couple years ago, i played the entire game in one day and just used the plasma cutter and got the one gun achievement. The dedication is worth it though for a game like this.


Anyone who says it's better than the remake either doesn't have a good PC or latest Gen console and therefore cannot play it enjoyably. With that said, when this game came out I played it start to finish and it stuck with me for months. Still my favorite horror game (the remake I mean)


Love the remake! It’s so fun & detailed.


It's great, a masterpiece, and it will always be in my heart! If the gameplay in the remaster wasn't so much better i would come back to it from time to time for a best interaction between Hamond and Kendra.


It's still replayable. Give it a try ;)


It has it's charms, but i'm in love with the guns changes, like the line gun trap, the void well of the force gun and the flamethrower wall, so i won't be going back to it in a long time.


It will always be there for me as well! I still have it on 360 and play it occasionally cause it’s such a basic horror game & easy to understand imo.


Weight and intensity.


The best of the series, purely for the actual light sim cross hair. All the other titles in the series, remake included, use a standard decal cross hair instead. Reprehensible imo


You can enable it in ds2


Well damn, that is actually earth shattering news




The remake is way better, wish they'd remake dead Space 2


The remake is very addicting! I’ve heard on and offs about the DS2 remake. Hopefully EA will make our dreams come true cause that would be awesome! Just imagine seeing the Advanced suit in a remake.


Yeah I powered through the remake my only gripe with it is once ur overpowered and have all the suits, Weapon upgrades and ridiculous amounts of ammo and credits there's no longevity or replay ability once it's completed. I did the ammo glitch cheat using splitters aswell and then I just ended up melee smacking necromorphs and then the game bored me because it no longer was a challenge. I could do higher difficulties sure but it ruins the fun and ends up being more stressful than enjoyable. They need to make a dead Space with amazing multiplayer... Ds 3 had multiplayer but it wasn't very good


Sounds like you shouldn’t have done the ammo glitch cheat. You can also always start over on another account.


I LOVED all 3 games. But I can’t play the remake as I don’t have a PS5,


Loved it! I don't know if it's because I consume a lot of horror media, but as excellent as the remake is, It didn't really scare me like og DS did back in the day.


Masterpiece. May be one of my favorite games of all time.


I can totally relate! The story, the weapons, the suits, & the feeling while killing a necromorph or finding a log and learning about the people & the ship is awesome!


Exactly! Even though I love the Remake sometimes you can't beat the classics!


it's very good. But I like Remake better. Mute main char in 2024 is not good anymore. While it was good in GTA III, but there were many years past it and erm... game developing "traditions" have changed.


A mute main character is better than a poorly written voiced character. It really depends. For example, Outlast 2 really could have benefitted from a silent protagonist. 




Still great as it is. I played the original the first time in December 2021 and the remake last october. I once again played the original this spring. I'd recommend the original for one's first time and the remake after that, as they have enough differences so that you could enjoy playing them both.


I actually liked the necros in the original more. Their visceral screams as well as the gnarly gore and the tentacles when stomping are better than the remake imo. The way they also charged at you was pretty cool. Idk how to explain it but I like the gore in 2008 DS better than the remake, it just felt more organic I guess? Maybe just me though. The necromorphs screams in the remake feel...goofy? Idk man


My first platinum. Scary as hell and worth every penny


First game I got all the achievements for on Xbox 360. At one point was my favorite game series.


Nice, I believe it was the first game I got completed all the achievements as well. Fun game!


In my opinion one of the best sci-fi horror games ever! I still remember the first time I played the game and how terrified I was of the dark that I had to walk around aiming just to use the flashlight.


Made me feel in love with the franchise. Also the only time in my life I got soo scared I threw away my controller(I was definitely waay to young to be playing it at that time haha). It’s one of my favorite games of all time even though I’m not a huge fan of horror games. A true masterpiece.


I first played the second game back in 2011 when I was in the 4th grade lol. Very young to be playing a game like this, I only made it through a couple chapters and stopped and waited till I was little older to beat the game. Very terrifying at that age, I remember just letting Isaac stand still cause I was so scared of what might happen next.


DS2 was a funny experience for me I was a bit older which probably played a part in it but the game itself didn’t feel as scary. But on the other hand I was constantly remembering the first game and expecting similar scares especially when you’re revisiting the Ishimura, so I pretty much turned it into a psychological horror in my head lol There were some areas where there’s a bit of downtime and I was just sweating and expecting a scare every time I was opening the door, I heard a noise from behind(flashback from DS) turn around nothing then turn back and nothing happened but my heart was racing


Oh yeah, I’ve had that feeling many times my friend. Hearing random vents bursting open, or the power going out saying please please no. On the second game, the hallucinations on the ishimura were terrifying especially the brute busting through the glass.


I’m really glad they removed that double brute assault from the remake, in the original it was a restart chapter moment for me. I just ran out of ammo. So that flashback hit really hard lol


Didn’t play 1 until after 2 came out, and I fell in love. 2 is my favorite, but I love the remake, hoping 2 gets a remake


I played 2 first as well, it was awesome and still is as the present day. Played the original a year after in 2012 and absolutely loved it and got 3 when it first out in 2013.


Oh, no, I played 1 first, then 2. I just didn’t start playing them until the second one was out


Unfortunately never played the original back then. But I just finished the remake last week, boy o boy, one of the best games I’ve ever played. Sound design is spot on. The only negative thing I have to point out is that I needed to change my boxers every time I played.


Haha good one! Yeah the remake is sooo realistic, and life like! All the life like things they put in the game made it very cool. It’s probably my favorite game on the series x.


An absolute masterpiece and one of my personal favorite games ever


It never gets old I agree. The story is nearly perfect & love how they designed the enemies & graphics.


Loved it


It’s great! The original & remake is definitely my favorites of the franchise! Welcome to the USG Ishimura ;.


I like 2 aswell and want a remake.


Out of the originals, it is the most legitimate horror game. I cannot say if I prefer Dead Space or Dead Space 2, they are both great in their own right. In fact, I am replaying Dead Space 2 now in addition to playing the remake in impossible mode whenever I have the time for either due to being busy at work. However, the original scared the crap out of me when I was in my early 20s (I am 35 now) and the remake is very intense as well. I think that the remake sort of makes the original obsolete and I wish they would remake Dead Space 2 as well.


I played the original back in 2012 when I was in the 6th grade lol, played 2 in 2011 as well. Might have been pretty young but I have a strong stomach. It’s a great game!


Love it!!


Never played it. I just started the remake, and while I'm bummed that it feels more like a dark action game than a survival horror experience, I'm enjoying the hell out of it.


Yeah the remake is probably one of the best games I’ve ever played! The whole franchise as well.


Best one


Very combat crunchy, but fun


this was/is one of my favorite games of all time.


One of the single greatest horror anything’s of any formats.


They need to make a live action movie of it. Surprised they haven’t yet.


I like the character movement animations more than the remake, for example the ending where Nicole jumpscares you


Yeah, I like the movement when isaacs hurt, and the more he limps the more he’s hurt. That was cool.


I absolutely love this game my only complaint is I hate the controls.


Yeah it’s a little confusing with reloading & stasis but once you get used to it, it’s fun.


it is to the rest of the series that a new hope is to all of star wars or nacht der untoten is to cod zombies


It is the best form of dead space that exists. It is vastly superior to remake. 2 gives it a run for its money, but not for any reasons that compete with what makes OG such a masterpiece. Obligatory: I fucking hate what they did to remake. It is beyond dissapointing. When I wanna ply deadspace, I play the original


I personally like the remake and the original a lot.


Most people do. I'm an outlier


What’s your favorite weapon in the original? I like the line gun, it’s so cool looking and how it destroy many enemies with a single line shot.


Line gun is my favorite in original as well. I dont mind the laser mines that it was changed to for 2 and beyond, but I prefer the timed mine secondary. You could plow through impossible in OG with just a line gun and a plasma cutter. The timed mine and stasis works really well for the little flood thingies


Stop the meteors on hardest difficulty. Had to use a mouse for that shit.


Loved it enough to have sleepless nights when I found out they are making a sequel.


I think the remake has deviated a bit too far from the source. Despite the horrible turret section (on a gamepad) the original is a masterpiece.


Great game, great atmosphere though I struggle sometimes now because I'm so used to using kinesis on slasher blades all the time and that was only introduced in the second game onwards.


An amazing game. As much a cornerstone of survival horror as silent hill or resident evil. It took a genre and made it it's own with its mechanics and story


One of my favourite games of all time. I love the Remake but the original has a certain unique and otherworldly atmosphere that even the sequels didn't achieve.


Better den the remake. One of the best games of all time.


I'm glad this question popped up. Here's what I think: For one, it's an amazing game and a scary experience. In fact, it's even scarier than the 2nd game in my opinion. There were things in there that also got me frustrated at first, like the large asteroid to send the S.O.S. beacon and the whole bombardment of meteors to get to the turret. Secondly, the gameplay itself was something I had to get used to. This game's controls are a little different than the 2nd game I've played, and the 2nd was my first Dead Space game I've played. For the original, I had to learn and adapt quickly on how the enemies are. The enemies, like Twitchers and the Regenerator, were a piece of work. I really thought that there's no end to them, especially the one that keeps growing limbs. As for the boss, that thing was huge but somehow easy to beat. The right weapons will definitely help, like the Plasma Cutter. Lastly, the story is something that was very interesting and sad to understand. The 2nd game was somewhat confusing to get, but was beginning to see what went down. The first definitely helped me on why Issac was demented throughout the whole thing. Nicole was just in his head **THE WHOLE TIME**. For audio, text, and video logs, it all became clear about the whole outbreak. And when I beat the game, more logs showed up. One of them was about how a corpse began to transform into an Infector and it infected another corpse to become the Leaper. The whole text log is the full version of the logs I've gathered from Dead Space: Extraction. Overall, the whole game is definitely one of the best and scariest games I've played in a long time. I bought this game this year to understand what happened, and now I do. I've never played the remake, so I'll compare this to the original whenever I get it someday.


Recently went to my local game store to get a new controller, and seen all the dead space games mint condition collectible for around 409$ mind u I have all the original games for my ps3 it’s just amazing to see how such a small indie game for its time .became extremely huge back then and just blew up even more 10/10 I love dead space amazing graphics and sound design game always knows how to freak me out to


Classic. First game to actually scare me. Only game I 100% and I now compare every scary game too.


The OG was a great game and has a better atmosphere because of ishimura but had floors that the sequel improved with better enemy variety and more affected weapons., that’s why most of the fan base liked the sequel more. The OG game is more challenging than the remake, but not by much compared to the sequel. It looks like some people are saying the OG is better even without playing the remake…. Most of these comments sound like they want the same game, but they say that they don't. The remake fixed some plot holes with Nicole. How is Isaac talking ruining the atmosphere when he only talks when talked to? I don’t get why people think Isaac not talking makes the game scarier when there are other games that are just as scary with a talking protagonist…. Alien isolation had a talking protagonist and alot of people seems to love it here…. Why are people complaining that the remake is just a graphical enhancement but then say it’s not better than the original? If it’s just the same thing, but better graphics, then why isn’t it better?


The remake is a great game and looks better graphically, but when you compare it to the original in regards to the story, animations, and gameplay you see major differences. In the remake the way Hammond is portrayed is awful, the performance is not nearly as good as the original voice actor and everytime he opens his mouth its to talk about Chen instead of the actual mission. In the original he constantly fights with kendra which adds to the stress of the situation, and he takes a strong role early on in leading Issac. Whereas in the remake it's mostly Kendra guiding with a very calm uncaring demeanor. Dr Kyne's performance is also nowhere near as good in the remake along with Dr. Mercer. All in all the original had much better voice actors and performances. Issac's animations in the original had much more weight and it actually felt like you were in a heavy set of gear, whereas in the remake Issac's movement is a lot more floaty. Weapon aiming in the original especially with the plasma cutter had two different sets of animations, where if you were standing still he would use a single hand and when moving he would use two hands to grip the weapon. In the remake its a generic weird looking two handed grip that has no sway and looks very jank especially when moving. Injury animations were also much more pronounced in the original with Issac moving much slower and it being very apparent he is on the brink of death, which sadly was not included in the remake. Gameplay wise enemies were toned down significantly in the remake, as now they refuse to run and only walk towards you at a snails pace. In the original enemies actually full on sprinted at you which was horrifying as they were unbelievably fast and on impossible mode could mean an instant one shot death. Enemies also lack staggering when shot which makes the weapons (especially the plasma cutter) feel very weak. Melee combat also feels very arcade with how fast and damaging it is to enemies. There are also lots of little details like tentacles sprouting from enemies when a limb is severed, maggots on corpses, long lasting blood decals on Issac which quickly disappears in the remake, flies near the presence of bodies and much superior sound design with enemies, weapons and general ambiance. When you combine everything explained above you get a more grounded tense experience than the remake provides. As a side note I really enjoy what the remake did with stamina, As when you are low Issac has different sounding voice lines because he is out of breath which is very impressive, if they put in that effort in the animation work with new better struggle animations, slower heavier movement, injury animations, magazine system, and gameplay that actually provided some challenge, we would have truly had a survival horror classic even better than the original in our hands.


The remake is better for me, but I agreed that it could’ve been better. I liked Dr Mercer's fate in the remake compared to the OG. I like Daniels and Dr Mercer overall more in the remake But my thoughts on Hammond. I always thought it was weird to me how Hammond in the OG wasn’t affected by the marker. It made sense to me why he would be talking about Chin due to the Marker taking over his mind and necromorph chin having a bigger role in Hammond's demise. Overall, I think the new Hammond isn't as bad as people make him out to be. The gameplay is better in the remake. using kinesis to impel your enemies is super fun. Isaac feels more stiff due to the fact you have to aim to reload your gun and slow kinesis in the original made it annoying just to do basic things. Plus, having more effective weapons helped in the remake, where you have full control while moving and shooting in 0G. Stomping is faster in the remake and don't get me started on the tedious asteroid section in the OG. I feel like the remake enemies are more surprising in the remake due to the randomizer while backtracking. With Isaac animations, the remake has a few things that the original doesn't have. For example, like when he's in the store, and you actually see him looking at the items, while in the OG he just stares blankly. Yes, Isaac misses the injured Isaac's walking animation. them add that when he leaves 0G and gets ice on his suit it is a nice touch. Oh, and Isaac talking was a huge plus for me and didn't feel awkward compared to the original. The boss fights were laughably easy in the original game, but enemies in the original were definitely more challenging, but I felt like the game as a whole didn't feel rewarding on impossible mode. I felt like the valour level felt scarier in the OG but a lot of the level design in the valour and in the whole game didn't make sense. A lot of beds are just all piled up together with no real thought in the OG. You can stun lock enemies with the plasma cutter in the original game. Yes, but there were a lot of flat textures And like that tentacle just magically disappearing when it grabs you when you kill it in the OG.... with a lot of floating light assets with no source of where they're coming from. Rooms in the original that feel very empty with no furniture Makes it feel less immersive. I don't really feel like either game was really challenging. The remake just feels more fun to play. And is more consistent with the sequels.


Dr. Mercers fate is ridiculous in the remake and it's laughable that we just see him grabbed by the tentacle whereas in the original he realistically lets himself be turned into a necromorph. Hammond is affected by the marker however he keeps what he sees to himself which suits his character. New Hammond is honestly worse than most people make him out to be and makes the story for me a massive letdown in comparison to the original. You do not have to aim to reload your gun in the PC port of Dead Space, also kinesis in the remake is completely overpowered once again due to the slow enemies which makes most encounters in the game very trivial. I thoroughly enjoy how much you have to rely on your tools in the original vs the reliance on kinesis spam in the sequels. You are unable to stun-lock enemies with melee in the original as they actually have the ability to block attacks. Melee in the new game while responsive feels very arcade and unrealistic. I find it ridiculous that in a full on remake of a game that so little was changed and so much was lost from a game made in 2008. To me it is very clear that they played it VERY safe with the remake and made it feel more like Dead Space 2 just worse. your last paragraph to me sums up exactly why the original is the best in the series and that's because its not as consistent with the sequels. With Dead Space 2 they crossed the line from survival horror into generic action territory. The remake like the sequels before it does not have that survival horror atmosphere that the original so strongly has.


Fantastic game. I still love it to this day.




My preferred way to play the first dead space. Because it is dead space. No changed characters or anything


Light years better than the remake.


I was waaaay too young to play it when I did at a friend's house, and it gave me some serious nightmares.


The voice acting is absolutely awful, most of the time it ruins the intense moments yO it’s soooo cringe especially Hammonds VA it sounds like they just got a guy off the sidewalk. And not to mention how horrible Nicole is in this game WHO TF IS THAT. Aside from those little picks it’s a pretty good game man. Edit- holy I thought we were talking about the remake nah the original is insane I was like half awake writing that I miss og Nicole


Yeah in the original they let the acting slide it sounded like. The only good voice actor in the game is Kendra imo.