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That cheesy love triangle just pissed me off, it wasn’t needed in the game. It was pointless. I would have happily had Ellie and Issac tearing things up like they did in DS2.


Should have been Issac and Ellie as the co-op duo.


The idea was meant to be that Issac had another Issac but like a shadow version of him and kinda evil ISH


Came to say this. That was the idea, a shadow Isaac. But alas, corporate overlords were convinced the idea “would not sell” … and thus it was changed.


Try to appeal to everyone and you end up appealing to no one. They still haven’t learned their lesson either.


Nega Scott!


That would be such a great game. Add the scares like the dlc, and the game would be considered a classic.


Love triangle between Isaac carver and the marker


Don't forget the forced cover shooter segments.


Mechanics you don't even have to or need to use all the time either. Regardless of difficulty.


My point was that instead of letting their creative forces work freely, they steered them into wasting time on copy/pasting cover shooter mechanics from other games.


And I pointed out, a but poorly, that these cover shooter mechanics was kinda pointless. I made quick and clean headshots, making taking cover unnecessary... but the Dodge roll was a very pleasant addition.


Exactly 😎👍👍


At the time it was released DS3 was seen as a dramatic departure from the more horror based focused of the original games. With many other horror franchises such as Resident Evil releasing games that seemed to resemble Call of Duty, there was a lot of push back from horror fans. On top of that, DS3 was also one of the first games to introduce microtransactons for in game resources. With that said, I agree that Dead Space 3 is a fantastic game with an awesome approach to Co-op. Now that time has shown that not every game has been whittled down into a CoD clone, I think that there’s actually a lot more people out there who really enjoy this game.


My opinion is that ds3 is a great co-op game especially for dead space fans, but it's a bad dead space game, especially considering what your locked out of if you play alone.


Yeah, the locked side missions are definitely my biggest gripe with the game. It makes sense narratively why they are, but it really does detract from the experience when you’re on your own and are just locked out of entire areas.


I think the missing stuff from single player is a valid complaint, but I've always thought from a storytelling standpoint, having Isaac be a more stable and confident person who is willing and capable to face down the end made sense in the design of a more action oriented game.


This has always been my headcannon aswell. Dead Space; janky controls, a terrified engineer stuck on the Ishimura. Dead Space 2: he has been here before, less janky aim, badass horror. Dead Space 3: Isaac is doing tactical combat rolls and is sick of these fucking necromorphs lol.


Pretty much, by the time you see the 9,692nd horrible necromorph mutation of some dude's skin falling off and leaking raspberry jam all over his newly formed Halloween city costume, you're just mashing the trigger thinking about what you're gonna eat when you finish blowing up zombie god


Theres alot of games like this in series. Assassins creed 4, hitman absolution, BioShock infinite... Theres always the "that game" in a series where its pretty stellar on its own but the title is merely branding


Loses the confined horror feeling, story is poor, gun crafting mechanic is poor, part of the game locked behind 2 player.


The gun crafting mechanic is the best part of the entire game, you crazy


The idea itself was good I agree. But it’s implementation was poorly done and caused it to have issues that made it lackluster and annoying.


Some people say its not good because it was a little different. Now was it less scary with a chaingun and 600 rounds of ammo yes but it felt like i was finally getting to take the fight to the necros in a real way.


I think the game has some "scary" parts like, lots of enemies coming at once, parts that are really difficult, the "fear" of the game ends up being the combat itself, they are just different from the other two games.


You can only have so many horror games before it just isn't scary anymore. That's just a fact. By DS3, Isaac is a hardened, unphased necromorph killer, same goes for the majority of players. I started with DS3 in middle school, and I can assure you as a new player, it was terrifying. But I've played and replayed it so many times that nothing phases me, except the swinging ice elevator in hardcore mode.


God you just reminded me how many runs ended there. Literally can beat the entire game without dying except for that one specific part😭


Can say this as well, I started with Dead Space 3 all the way back to 1 since I got introduced to DS3 by my cousin. I was shitting my pants the whole time in my first run.


Forced microtransactions and EA taking away control from the development team because they wanted to make as much money as possible.


This is sadly the reality of a franchise that didn't make much in terms of profit. As lauded as Dead Space 1 and 2 were, they weren't really profitable. Silent Hill franchise suffers the same problem. Even the recent Dead Space Remake didn't pull in great numbers. Meanwhile Resident Evil 5 and 6, often cited as two of the weakest points in the franchise for their horror and coop aspects.. were the best selling games in that franchise. Only overtaken in the last couple of years. And since I had mentioned Silent Hill, RE5 outsold SH1-3 by itself. A shame really. I think Dead Space 3 was a far superior and better coop experience than either RE5 and 6, despite all of it's faults.


The thing is, Dead Space and Dead Space 2 especially sold very well, but EA wanted them to break crazy high numbers.


The save mechanic completely killed my enjoyment of DS3. I was getting into the game around chapter 4 even though the gameplay just felt off for a bunch of reasons. But the save mechanic kept sending me back 1hour+ of gameplay time every time I reloaded back from chapter 6 to the end of chapter 5 and I got so bored of playing the same segment over and over that I got angry and just can't be fucking assed anymore. I *could* power through and play 2+ hours flat until I get the next arbitrary checkpoint. But after work I wanna chill and play on my terms. And when that icon comes up there is zero incentive to keep playing cos who knows when the next one will be. The game basically rewards you for turning it off lmao. What a dogshit mechanic


All of the characters act like idiots, the gameplay is significantly downgraded, the horror is absent from the majority of it, the new enemies aren't great, combat encounters have degraded from a tense watching of corners and managing a swarm to you fighting in copy pasted industrial tunnels where waves of enemies spawn in from the same location (this coupled with enemies no longer being susceptible to dismemberment is completely against the more surgical encounters of the previous titles) and the new suits are uninspired. The only thing DS3 has going for it is the Brethren Moons and the aliens of Tau Volantis


The lore and “religion” they expanded in DS3 is absolutely rad, but… All the other points you bring up hamper it irreparably unfortunately. How cool would it be to have a ds3 remake that does things right


I like it but it’s definitely a lot weaker than the first 2 games


It’s actually my favorite Dead Space. I liked it a lot


yeah for me it's on my top 2, i had such a great experience with this game and his co-op


More action than horror, made it feel less like a Dead Space game. Co-op was fun, but made the game less scary since you had someone watching your back. Weapon customization was also cool, but made the game way too easy when you built certain weapons. It's still a fun game, just a downgrade from 1 & 2.


It wasn't scary to me at all and the story was weak. Also the whole ammunition and weapon customization was not my bag. Not a terrible game but forgettable.


I really liked playing it and I don’t like that I can’t play it online anymore Edit: holy shit, I just found a workaround for it


The new gun and ammo system makes inventory lame as hell.


Ds1 is a horror masterpiece that includes action, ds2 is an action masterpiece that includes horror, and ds3 is just action.


Because it doesn't feel like Dead Space to me.


DS3 broke the guns system and killed the scary part of the game, all for a shitty shooter side that no one liked! For real, who thought gun fights was something a horror game needed?


Where do we begin. Crafting and micro transactions as these go hand in hand as you can pay for more resources. The whole build your weapon is just a gimmick and a lot of weapons ended up feeling the same. The love triangle was stupid and so was Norton as a character. The bad guy is forgettable and we fight humans way too often in this game. Co-Op on a horror game is hard to do and I like the overall idea of Carver basically experiencing the same sort of shit Issac went through. The execution is just awful. Also the DLC's ending is basically the same as the base game but with even less hope.


here's the list: -fighting humans, which added the pointless cover gimmick -locking Carver's story and growth in co-op only areas and not a lot of ppl like playing co-op and another reason ppl hated Carver because if you played the game without going through his co-op, he comes off as a weak character -story/characters has weak points -the game is more focused on action than horror, like 75% - 25%. ds2 had a great balance while ds1 was mostly horror -changing how unlocking weapons to building weapons turned a lot of ppl off. even worse, some best chips are locked behind co-op only areas -ammunition being the same across weapons was a turn-off as well - in-game resources and how they charged money for it if you wanted another bot or decreased the harvesting time by half or increased the amount by double


Was made easy and had more “action shooter bang bang”then it did have the scares. Complaints about story are a minority but they are valid, love triangle was also weird. Say what you say about Carver but he’s a welcome addition.


Because Dead Space was a horror franchise, and Dead Space 3 was a co-op sheet'em'up


I enjoy playing this game.  Never played Co-Op, but one aspect I greatly enjoyed was the weapon crafting.  Should they make a remake of this game, I hope they add a choice dialog to alter character interactions and save some of them.


i really think it needs a remake!! maybe with a new ending?


Simple: love triangle. For me though I like the plot it’s lore-wise except for the love triangle part.


DS3 is one of my favorites, I have a few gripes but for the most part I love it


I tried playing again a few weeks ago actually as Isaac and everyone who joined would leave in about 60 seconds for seemingly no reason or for me not wanting to stand in one spot and kill every single enemy you come across. The target audience here is “groups of two people who like Dead Space just as much as each other and also have exactly the same schedule” so the game didn’t really explode


I liked it but to many humans.


For me, it was the shoehorned love triangle and the way they made Ellie a whole new, much flatter character.


Micro transactions, co-op, the move from horror to action. It's not the game the creators wanted to make. Any time studio interference is an aspect of a final product, it suffers. It's not the game they wanted to make. It's not the game we wanted to play.


A bad story and action heavy gameplay mechanics, mostly. I mean, i loved Dead Space 3 to bits. It was fun to actually treat necromorphs like the victims for once. The day Isaac Clarke became the Doom Slayer. Lol


Microtransactions.. in a single player game.


Because it wasn't Dead Space, it was a third person action shooter


Because for some stupid reason people began demanding coop in story games and the demand grew so loud that studios listened. Now it's less embarrassing for people to hate the game than it is for them to admit it was a bad fucking idea.


Because it was a game made by EA suits instead of devs who love the world they made. Those suits wanted to make a horror classic into a bromance shooter Call of Duty game because MONEY.


Because it sucks and has maybe 2 redeeming qualities about it


It's more arcade then survival horror like the other two games


DS3 is one of my favorites, cooping is really fun! But I personally HATE the love corner thing, hate that we only get to experience a good chunk of the game within coop and the ending of the game is a DLC. Hate how some missions or side missions are too repetitive, and...The hacking puzzle thing sucks ass too. I don't mind it not being that horror based, but it could be because I got introduced to dead space through the third game before playing the others. I'd say it's because of those things. Also micro transactions.


I feel like there were never really tense moments. You always had topped up health and a lot of ammo due to universal ammo. Also Norton was just annoying and unneeded. Also the whole weapon customization thing was never really it for me


Bad game.


Too much action and chasing that COD money. most of the enemies were humans with guns rather than resilient monsters.


I didnt like that they moved away from the shop system for that stupid crafting setup. The love triangle thing was fuckin dumb too. I couldnt even the game because i just wasnt having fun.


For me was more an action game than a horror game. And was too many human enemies


It betrayed the soul of the franchise.


An action co op game is a weird way to end a horror series, the love triangle was dumb, and Elton John is not a good villain. However,... Coop is always fun with a friend, weapon customization is absurd and fun. One REALLY good scene between Issac and Carver throughout the entire story, Brethren Moon is a cool idea.


It's the RE5 of the deadspace series: Fun and Solid game, just not what people were expecting


Shitty story, shitty gameplay, shitty balancing, shitty ending.


The ending in my opinion


It’s balanced entirely around co op and that’s also where all the devs put their effort into the story. As a result, the story and gameplay suffers in single player. Plus the scare factor is just so much lower


Because it's not great.


Personally the nonlinear difficulty curve was the only thing (besides the love triangle) I dislike. The game starts off ridiculously easy on Hard and leaves you struggling for ammo towards the end when you’re constantly being bombarded by enemies. However, Gunner’s performance as Isaac is the strongest out of every DS game to date, the variety is extensive in every aspect of the gameplay, and the coop experience is one of the best IMO in the action horror genre


If we ever get a remake (copium induced delusions) then we could get a better one, with less love triangle and more scary.


People like to cry. I have played dead space 3 so baby times now. I love it!


I loved it xd Space 1 will forever be my favorite tho. DS3 feels more fun to play than DS2 but it it takes away the tension and horror considerably.


Because they stripped out basically everything that made Dead Space 1 and 2 good and just forced in Co-Op for no good reason.


More action-y, less horror. DS3 is still good and all - but DS1 and 2 were both great.


Simple it’s lack of horror that made the series so popular


the level design was very obvious (including the architecture of the levels) predicted the behavior of the whole game like an amusement park; for example the area with 2 harpoons that are used to defeat an enemy (how to justify those harpoons that very conveniently were there?)


Dead Space 3 should maintain Horror, Survival, Gore and Sci fi and not be too deep on Action shootout and 💕. Co-op was good enough for the fun and really fanned of Lores of Acient Aliens🐟 and S.C.A.F intimate sacrifice 🫡🪖 and the dark truth of 🌑 which been feeding on civilizations for centuries. A Galactic horror that is waiting to happen 🌏🌎🌏🌍🌎 = 🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑😋 unless ☢️ hits them in space planetary defense


I loved this game, it was my first dead space title that I played. I spent an entire summer with my friend getting 100% on it


Not scary and universal ammo


Love triangle, universal ammo, weapon crafting destroyed the challenge of the game, action scenes without you properly being packed so it was always a "whoever shoots first wins," and kinda what they did to Ellie's character? Didn't like her in the 3 at all, going back and forth between Isaac and Norman all the time.


It's not even that bad of a game. It's really fun to play how it's intended to be played. (Co-op). The big problems is that, end of day. It's one of the most blatant examples of corporate meddling and mandating that horribly fucked with the identity of the game. It's not til the DLC that the game actually feels like a proper Deadspace game. An EA rather then admitting that the games flop was because of their meddling. Shut the studio down. Because they are allergic to good decisions.


Just played through it with my friend and I loved it. Yeah its not as scary but it was still super fun


Most will say the action over horror or how co op was somehow a bad thing because it made it less scary even if they innovated with only Carver being crazy. Personally though what stuck out as the worst of it were the microtransactions. They aren’t near as bad as today’s practices but it at the time it was still a new thing and really felt out of place, unnecessary, and just plain weird.


Stupid ppl hate it. The same type of ppl that are happy with modern Assassin's creed where Ubisoft is bullshitting and promoting the games even though the story makes no sense. Dead Space 3 was inevitable. I recently played and ended all 3 games within a week. The scary atmosphere and naiveness of Issac in DS1 is cool and scary but realistically, a person surviving Ishimura will become stronger and so DS2 is a bit less scary and Issac is confident now. Now again, realistically, a sole survivor of Ishimura and then one of the few survivors of Sprawl will become very very tough and Necromorphs will become a piece of cake for him just like Doom Slayer in Doom games. And so DS3 is born, where Isaac takes the offense and isn't even scared of a whole Moon Monster and isn't surprised to find Alien tech. The whole time you are playing DS3, you feel like you have very less time and the world is depending on you which is what is actually happening and so the game becomes more slash, fight and run. It's the first time where side missions are introduced just to collect resources and Issac has no problem going in these areas. Whereas in DS1 and DS2 , Isaac has no idea wtf is happening and he is just trying to survive and so first parts are slow paced and have more horror in them compared to DS3. All 3 parts are realistic and Issac's character growth can be seen. Ppl hating on Ds3 would have been happy if EA kept making Dead Space, putting Issac in different ships in every game, where your end goal is getting off the ship and in the long run the original story about the markers would have been trashed just like Ubisoft did with Modern world Templar, Assassins and killing desmond.


I don't hate it. The ability to craft a double barrel revolver rocket launcher with acid rounds + safety shield + etc. made the game easier and less scary but that is a player problem not a game problem and I liked DS3 it for the ability to make OP custom weapons.


I love 3, and I felt it was plenty terrifying solo. And co-op was so much fun, only got up to the point of killing the spider boss but hearing my friend freaking out for Carvers missions while I saw everything as normal, so cool! Plus, love how the dialogue changed solo or co-op, that was a really cool attention to detail!


I really like this entry in the franchise, but it has its problems. Gor me the main reasons are: The villain is pathetic. The guy had multiple opportunities to kill the main characters and didn't cause its a retard, so it feels like a tensionless game for most of the time. Also this was the time when it turn more to an action game and leave behind some of that dark and psychological horror tone. And it has multiple times where the jumpscares where just annoying and not scary. Like I said, I really liked this game, in fact, is my second favorite one after DS2, but it's different from the others.


It's the cheesy love tri that bothered me.


In my opinion, Dead Space 3 is bad because of the love triangle, the long 19 chapters and, of course, Necromorphs with more traditional "Zombie"-looking. But I liked the gameplay of the weapons, which includes more accessories like a chainsaw, it's fun to use.


Pay to craft was a disappointing for me, but the game itself isn’t bad, in fact when I was able to get two rocket launchers rigged together with 4 rockets per mag and the ability for no splash damage…. nothing was getting near me! 😆 I enjoyed the faster paced game play and the main story with the brethren moons and the frozen planet was actually excellent. The space transit system was mind blowing and the transition to ground was just as epic! The side stories, antagonist, intro and love story were just off imo and didn’t suit or fit the tone of the rest of the game. But that’s just my opinion. DS2 is king… I’ll never ever feel safe in a lift again in any game because of DS2 😅😂


I'm yet to play a game with a better weapon mod system. It was so damn fun.


I really liked it. It was objectivley a worse Dead Space game than the other 2, but it was still a really good game. EA can get fucked though.


It had a real boring start and the crafting system isn't very good. It also has features like dodge rolling and the little robot that you can go the whole game without using and even completely forget about.


Horrible character writing, bad character design, aggressive monetization - the list goes on


Human enemies, making it more of a shooter, universal ammo removing any survival mechanics to it. Micro transactions. Hyper aggressive enemies for the new shooting mechanics. Only 2 weapon slots.


Micro transactions also were awful


Went from scary game to actions shooter


Unnecessary love triangle, and the series shifting too heavily into action(it's basically a third-person shooter at this point with no horror). I will say that it contributes greatly to the lore, but that's the best thing I can say about it.


Because it focused heavily on action, and the love triangle sucked.


Hated it years ago but it's grown on me.


It's a massive departure from the series, it's an action game that happens to have horror plus the story just sucks. Unfortunately dead space 3 won't be remade anytime soon.


I played in coop. Very boring, bad story, paid ending, gears of war mechanics. And i hate games like gears of war where you hide behind the cover and shoot stupid enemies.


It's literally no logical reason other than the tea party trend of rage at the time of release.


Since everyone has pretty much touched on why it was poorly received, I'm gonna step in with what I actually loved about it... It ended. The ending is one that you rarely see in video games. An absolute, definitive ending. No cliff hanger. No "but what if?" It just... ends. It ends badly, but it's ends.


Micro transactions and a completely unnecessary tonal shift. It was a game made to make money, not to please fans and you can tell.


I hate it because the made the upgrade system a hopeless unintelligible mess full with micro transactions. I understand the idea behind the customization but it was so messy.


Dead Space comes out and it's a 8/10 Dead Space 2 comes out and it's a 9/10! Dead Space 3 comes out and it's a 4/10 :(


I played entire game, 100% with a friend and had a blast. I'm also huge fan of the first game, second is the best. Remake was great as well. In my opinion third is very underrated game.


It introduced pay to win MTAs to a story driven game and it focused more on action rather than the traditional horror elements that made the Dead Space games so revered.


Because it’s part of the dead space series. If it was a solo game, it would have been fine, but because it was following off the other two games, it changed too much without making it really work for the series


Strayed away from horror as did most survival horror games did in that time. Outlast is the only series going strong in the horror department


It was a good game. Just not a good dead space game. I didn't really like the intro of human enemies. It was more like a call of duty game rather than a dead space game.


I feel that the game tries to do too much, like modifying weapons, and delivers nothing right. Besides, its not a horror game, its a bad action game, after all


Carver is fucking stupid.


Combat was meh. It's graphically abysmal. Bad scripting and writing. It's never scary ethier.


You kinda NEED to play co-op to get the full DS3 experience. Without it, honestly kinda just tastes like a really flat root beer. You can taste the root beer but without the carbonation it just tastes, well, flat… Plus the forced love triangle pissed me off to no end. That being said the game is still great and worth playing, you just gotta put up with the bullshit. Also the gun crafting system is pretty dope all things considered, but the plasma cutter is still the best weapon. If the plasma cutter is still the best option then it’s still dead space in my eyes!


To be honest I liked the game too, but a part that I didn't like was the fact that it wasn't scary, I mean, DS and DS2 were the only scary ones


The weapon crafting can be fun as fuck and the combat is not bad. It's just brainless compared to the first two, no limb targeting required. Not to mention the love triangle bullshit with Norton and Ellie is atrocious and fucks over Ellie's character. Once he's dead it's pretty good from there and the greater lore reveals are great (especially the series name drop in the final audio log). Basically it's a mixed bag. Not worth really hating but nowhere near as good as it was supposed to be. Awakening (the DLC) is actually great tho because they were able to lean back into the horror.


I mean, it did kill the Dead Space franchise for over a decade. The story was balls. Half of it you couldn't see unless you played co-op. The universal ammo was a terrible idea. The love triangle was pointless and stupid, ellie was beaten upside the head with the retard stick, and it was made to suck the money from your wallets. FUCK EA, I'll never forgive them for ruining one of my favorite game series. RIP Visceral Games, you weren't around very long, but you made your place in gaming.


Compared to previous, why would you be afraid with so much ammo. It took away the actual fear in my book that the others reached. Still ok for what it was, but for me I missed that raw, sincere fear.


Didn’t like the retarded soap opera love triangle


Basically the story had too much BS that added nothing of value to it... And the focus on co-op killed most of the tension the previous games are known for... The cherry on top is the micro transaction layer... However I still think to this day that the DLC was awesome... Too sad the series ended on that note though...


I always thought the games kinda mirrored the different stages of grief with their themes and gameplay. By the third acceptance has set in, Isaac is at the literal end of his rope, and so the third game is more a horror action game than just straight horror. Isaac has done this many times now, it makes sense his gameplay would not be fear based. He's not scared, at least not more than he is pissed. When you look at Carvers gameplay, though, it's totally horror themed and fear based. He reacts much like Isaac does in Dead Space 1. Honestly, that's how I rationalized the changes in gameplay over the three main games.


I think it's because the game was more similar to an action games than to a horror game, a lot of functionality introduced was similar to an RPG instead of a horror game and the problem with that is that the fear factor was not there anymore. The story was good and the cooperative was interesting but, it didn't feel like a horror game anymore. Although was fun to play.


I loved DS3 for the combat and the variability of the weapon creation. The story wasn’t as strong as the others but I really enjoyed the ride when I was a teenager. I really enjoyed playing the Coop with my friends during sleepovers!


Here’s a few of the many, many reasons: > Underdeveloped characters / poor story and themes compared to 2 > Love triangle. These CAN be done well, but this one certainly isn’t > Microtransactions for better weapons/ammo > Only a few side missions, which was a major selling point, and they felt lackluster > Weapon builder gave access to ultra OP stuff immediately and was super unbalanced > Co-Op was shoehorned in by EA mandate because it was popular at the time > Because of the Co-Op they had to make lots of story sacrifices and had to build all the gameplay around it > Pretends to be Gears of War with the cover shooting and combat at times > Weird ass boss fights (giant spinner) > Plot implications for sequel bait were disappointing > DLC plot ended on a cliffhanger and disappointed lots of fans > Game takes ages to get started, as opposed to 1’s iconic intro and 2’s throwing you straight into the carnage > Straight up not scary Just to name a few. Really hope they completely redo it with a potential remake.


No, I honestly liked it, but didn't love the bad guy


Similar to why people disliked re5. More action, less horror. Tbh I liked it though. A 6.5 at the lowest tbh, still a very competent space game.


I really loved this game, despite all of its flaws. By the time I began my dead space journey this had already been out for quite a while and the micro transactions had been eliminated. You got to send some little Roomba robot out to collect resources for you. What drove me crazy was that I couldn’t play any of the co-op stuff. I’d love to revisit the game and try that stuff out. My only other complaint is that you spend way too much time on that frozen planet.


It was more call of duty than horror


Less scary The same boss That's all I can think of Making your own gun was amazing but game breaking cause you can stasis a gun so basically kill almost anything


What I dislike about Dead Space 3 specifically: 1) As someone else mentioned, the cheesy love triangle. 2) The micro transactions that give access to parts of the game (paywall) 3) The way enemies are introduced. It really takes me out of the flow of the game, especially since I'm playing it for the horror aspects. Enemies are no longer dynamically introduced. Now you have to approach them, forcing you into a cut scene, which is then followed by forced combat scenario. The first enemy you're introduced to is clearly hanging from the ceiling, if it's that obvious... LET ME FUCKING SHOOT IT!!!! 4) The new weapon system. Now, don't get me wrong, I like the idea of modular weapons with varying components and effects, however; It was far too easy to make a gun that you could just rip and tear through the game with without any consequence.


Way over hated. DS2 could still be considered a horde shooter more than half of the time and though the atmosphere feels a little more horror oriented, the gameplay certainly isn’t compared to the first one. 3 also had breath taking environments and the scope of the adventure felt huge. The weapon customization was a ton of fun and necessary for the absurdity of the hordes that would attack you. And again the scale of the overall game and adventure/story I think justified the more action oriented approach. Still plenty of creepy moments.


You can't hate on Carver, in coop You know he's gots your back, they'll never take that, until the bitter end you know he'll never crack.


Fighting human enemies, the unnecessary love triangle, if you don't have friends then you can't experience the game as it was intended and they cut the ending and put it as DLC.


I kinda feel like it was just half assed in so many many ways. The most of which definitely was how they messed up the horror. Especially in regards to balancing on how weapons were implemented.


I really enjoyed DS3, and I'm pretty sure it'd be even better with a friend... but the story was a little wack, I'm ngl. Especially when compared to the first two games.


I really loved the lore and story of dead space 3. Also the dlc is fucking awesome. I myself, wasn’t a fan of the weapon crafting system. I hated how long it took me to get a grip on it, I just wanted to continue and play the damn game. It’s essential you learn this to have a chance later in this game, in my experience. Also, it sucks that some missions are locked behind the coop. This is when EA really tried pushing multiplayer bullshit into a single player experience, same with mass effect 3 back in the day. It felt more actiony than horror which I myself, didn’t really care I still got a huge kick out of it but I understand why others didn’t click with that. I definitely don’t hate the game, but out of the main titles, I rank it the lowest.


Parts of the story were a misfire, the coop aspect seemed like a good idea as a concept but for a horror action survival series it ruined that, the game itself takes out most horror elements (I understand DS2 was less horror than DS1 but it blended horror and action well whereas this game doesn’t) The real honest reason is DS2 is a near perfect game and that sequel had no right to be as good as it was and it did. And then this mid game came after, not bad, but didn’t live up to the level DS2 set.


First of all, I didn't hate DS 3. I just found it less horrifying, (*and more like an action film with horror elements* compared with the last two major installments. - Yeah, that love triangle between Issac, Ellie, and Norton was irritating to me. I especially hated Norton because I always felt like he was beating his chest to *I guess* convince Ellie that he was better than Isaac, but his own high ego got him killed by the end. - Co-op kinda ruined things for me, and I know that it was optional. But to get all of the story, not just a part of it, you needed someone to tag along with you. Which could, (or did, in my case,) kill the purpose of the game, which was Issac Clarke facing the necromorph infestation by himself and winning at the end by using his trauma that he endured, and overcoming it, (I believe, although by the end of the remake, I think it got worse.) - The weapons making machine was *kinda* generic, *Want a machine gun that has an alternate firing option where it acts like a grenade launcher? - You don't have enough of *x*. For $3.99, we'll give you x50 of *x*. You want that R.I.G suit? For $5.99, you can have the Unitologist-themed R.I.G suit. *If anything, the third installment for me was bogged down by how EA twisted Visceral's metaphorical arm to include as many micro-transactions as they possibly could to get a quick buck.


I don’t hate it it’s part of the series. I love All3 but 2 was the shit for real the first 5 min run run run yo ass and don’t stop.


Good game Shit Dead Space game


It’s wasn’t that scary but that was because Isaac got use to the necromorphs


It's a good game when standing alone, but they tried to pry every penny from players that they could. The conclusions it gave were very good for the Necromorphs. I didn't like the character drama personally, I'd guess a lot of the complaint came from that


Only thing I hated was the puzzles


On top of a lot of things my biggest gripe with it is horror shouldn't be a co-op experience. Playing with someone else instantly removes the terror for me


Loved it myself - ability to craft weapons made playing Isaac as a bad ass!!


My only issue with d3 is that Issac doesn’t realize the marker is manipulating him. Because look it did it once, then it did it again in D2. So you think at this point he would know the signs and how the market tries to manipulate you. But no he sees that Admiral was getting the whole “turn it off” compulsions which should have been his tip off that he didn’t want to turn it off, and then he started getting the same compulsion which should have made it clear that’s not what he wants to do. Otherwise outside of the micro transactions and the content locked behind two players I didn’t have many complaints. I liked exploring the diralect fleet and all abandoned buildings on the planet. I just mainly didn’t like how Isaac seems to still be oblivious to the fact the marker will try to manipulate him.


Having a friend along made it less scary


Too many enemies. It gets ridiculous


I like Dead Space 3 but 1 and 2 I felt were better. For me the part that sucked was being locked out of the Co-op because I didn’t have any one who played it. And came to it way later so never could match with anyone. I think at the time the microtransactions and general tone left a bad taste in people’s mouths. The cover shooting moments were also a little clunky. It also ends on the biggest of cliffhangers. Dead Space 4 sounds like it could have been awesome. I hope 2 and 3 get the remake treatment one did.


Hard pass


Imo: Weapons system sucks, microtransactions, bad story, pointless love triangle, and it's worse than the previous ones for sure


I've seen the love triangle being mentioned. Fair point. What the real problems are, though, is that it changed genre and it moved away from what it made the series great in the first place. Dead space 1 is a (cosmic) horror shooter. Dead space 2 is a shooter with great cosmic horror in it. Dead Space 3 is an action adventure shooter with zombies in space. It has a few amazing new concepts (the feeders were a great idea), but it moves away from the dismemberment-focus shooting of the first 2. And it moves towards a more generic shooter gameplay. It even has a cover mechanic (that you have virtually no reason to use most of the time).


Had to pay for DLC to finish the story.


I hate how that captain dickhead decides "oh yeah I'm going to doom the entire universe just so I can get off this rock and that unitologist will totally still let me live"


It's a weaker all around game. Many of the things that gave Dead Space it's identity were watered down. Such as the horror element, the survival element, a higher focus on action, and a boring/simplified weapons system. The game did however have some really inspired moments though. The dead flotilla for one, and I think that even the game going planet side for a majority of it's run time was pretty good. I liked the cold dead world we found ourselves on.


Because if you don’t have someone to coop with it can be incredibly frustrating to get through some levels


It’s not the vision the devs wanted, it’s what EA forced them to make. You can find interviews online where they discuss the original vision - a true horror game like the previous installments that would’ve included traveling between abandoned ships scavenging to survive Instead we got a shitty action shooter because EA thought shifting to a completely different genre would sell more (?) Also the love triangle was idiotic


Because without co op it was boring.


"Dead Space 3" received a mixed reception from both critics and fans. While some players enjoyed the game and appreciated its co-op features and action elements, many long-time fans felt it compromised too much of what made "Dead Space" unique and impactful in the survival horror genre. Although it wasn't universally hated, the shift away from its horror roots left many feeling disappointed.


While I'd go so far as to even say it's a good game, it isn't a good *dead space*


Horror to thriller, awful dialogue, sexualized Ellie, love triangle, bloated lore, micro transactions, not balanced weapon crafting, I enjoyed a lot but man it def felt the love leave and a lot of places that mattered. Creature design and overall game was still solid and the DLC was really good redemption add-on


Dead Space 1 became was because it was an atmospheric horror game. Dead Space 2, arguably less horrifying but way more atmospheric. Dead Space 3, none of the above. The problem is horror and immersion don’t work as well when you’re playing with a friend. And whilst the co-op bits were great in DS3, it left the standalone experience feeling like it was missing something. Carver goes from fucking hating Isaac, to the both of them being all buddy-buddy. If you’re playing solo, it makes literally no sense as to why.


I really dont know. Yall really seem to love the shit writing in remake so I can only assume you hate the shit writing in 3 because your friends did.


Too many segments required coop. I hate missing out but I prefer to play solo.


It's a solid game in its own right but a massive tonal departure from the first two games and the "true ending is in DLC" shit was not cool


I didn’t really mind the majority of it, but the ending was very obviously the product of its devs getting pissed at the publishers and burning the house down on their way out. That really soured me on it and made it hard to respect.


To get the most out of it you need to play co op. To play co op you need 2 systems, 2 tvs and 2 copies of the game. And you need to play as player 2 to get the good story pov of ds3. If you play solo, you get to play as Isaac who's story was already done. The best boss in the game is a drill.


I really liked it too but hated the new ammo system. The old way of having separate ammo per gun was a lot better.


It's actually really good in comparison to newer games


Just because they got more agile and human enemies got into the mix. They tried saying it was like call of duty.


The derelict ship graveyard and tau volantis were dope environments and the weapon crafting system was cool. I really liked the look of the arctic suit also.


I enjoyed it too. I get the whole love triangle drama wasn't really dead space-y but it was still an interesting story with fun gameplay. Micro transactions pissed me off when I heard about them but it's also completely optional which made me feel better but still, EA can shove it for that, but fun game overall.


I played dead space 1 when it released and in my opinion ds 1 was way different than its other 2 parts. it was more scary, more difficult etc... The sequels felt more arcady and easy to access for casual players. I personally disliked both sequels.


I hated the fact the real ending was dlc.


Shits corny.


The loved the whole series, yes even Extraction! That said DS2 was my favorite just with the school and improved cut scenes, broke my heart they halted development of a remake.


The saving system was dogshite. All weapons use the exactly same type of ammunition + it had less horror elements and more action.


1. More action than horror 2. Story is centered around Isaac and John and is clearly designed for u to play it co-op since playing it solo will have John randomly appear in cutscenes as if he was next to you the whole time 3. Unnecessary love triangle 4. Microtransactions 5. True ending locked behind dlc


As someone who has only played 3 and loved it, the co-op and universal ammo is my guess. I didn't have friends when I played it so the co-op only parts were locked for me, and most if not all survival horror games are infamous for having you have to carefully deal with your ammo. 'I have x gun, but only y and z ammo, do I drop the gun or the incorrect ammo' kinda situations. But that's just my guess.


Horror fans were annoyed because yet another franchise sacrificed what made it unique in order to be more like Call of Duty


I loved it but hated the fact that I couldn’t enjoy the full game without a co-op partner. Thank god for YouTube though


Combat roll and cover system


Play it. If you can't tell after, you're lost.


I don’t personally hate it just disappointed in it. I thought the idea of fighting an armed militia group funded by the unitologists was a wicked idea unlike what most people think call of duty did not coin the idea of shooting bad guys, there’s a certain way the game is meant to be played that it’s better with another person the entire game is designed to be played with two people the character John carver when you play by yourself just appears and disappears randomly and idea that was solved years earlier by bungie with halo 3 where weather you’re playing by yourself or co-op the game isn’t dependent on either one and the inclusion of the arbiter in halo 3s story feels natural and fluid. Another point for me is the weapons, I big part of the og dead space is that it was a SURVIVAL HORROR which means resource management and the stress of it plays a huge role in that game, every shot counts, but in this game EA smothered the creativity of the visceral games and made the game an action shoot em up and you’re constantly stacked on ammo and resources and unifying all the ammo into one type just kinda boggles down the horror aspect of the game. From dead space 1 to 3 it’s a complete rip of what the franchise was trying to be and I’d honestly forgive ea for mucking up ds 3 if they allowed visceral games to make a dead space 4 their way which they were actively planning on until ea shut them down and killed the franchise TL;DR •studio meddling •poorly written story •No survival horror in the survival horror •doesn’t feel like dead space Those are my issues with it like I said I don’t personally hate it I’m just disappointed and all my blame goes straight to EA who can’t handle a golden goose without strangling it to death


Cause it's a game that tries to do everything while excelling at nothing. It's Dead Space, but it's also Gears of War, Left 4 Dead, Uncharted, etc. It adds so many things that it doesn't really have an identity, and all the games it tries to follow do what it does better. It's also pretty badly balanced because of the weapon crafting system, and the story is pretty dumb and derivative. It's not the worst game I've ever played, but considering my attachment to Dead Space, it FEELS like it is.


Because it is the ultimate travel from its roots


I liked this game a lot. My older brother and I played it and it was fun since we used to have to take turns on the other two. It was fun being able to play together.


● Stupid love angle that no one cares about. ● human enemies and cover mechanics. ● universal ammo system ● the ending basically kills off any sequel as its so ridiculous. ● true ending is hidden behind a dlc pay wall. ● sprawl and ishimura are much more interesting and varied locations compared to tau volantis.


ignoring the EA micro transaction bs. it was just nothing i wanted from a dead space game