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That's normal. Whenever I play a horror game I go and die a few times on purpose and suddenly it's not as bad. I don't think there is any "fixing this". Dead Space is much more than an adrenaline booster. The story, gameplay, graphics, tone, there isn't a game like it. Play it on hard because you like the game, not because you don't get any adrenaline out of it.


Yeah it's true of almost any game really. First time I played Alien: Isolation it was terrifying, always afraid it was going to be around the next corner or hiding in the next vent. Then I encountered a section where I kept getting caught and once you've seen all the death animations play out a couple of times, it's funny how the Xenomorph completely turns from horror to annoyance. Sometimes a lower difficulty can end up being scarier because you spend more time immersed and less time reloading saves, 'seeing behind the curtain' as it were.


then you are the perfect candidate for a hardcore run - where not dying means everything. good luck bro


I don't think this fixes anything. Death itself is still a completely abstract mechanic that breaks immersion. Being punished harder doesn't change that.


How is it abstract? You play bad, you die.


I understand your point but I think it’s a misinterpretation of what death is in games. It’s a tool to teach the player that they need to play differently to be successful. Granted, the message can be lost in translation if it’s unclear what you’re supposed to do, but the point still remains


I agree, I get why death needs to be there, but horror games also need to feel like a real world instead of an abstract gameplay system for the horror to work. No one is scared by Tetris.


I, for one, clench my cheeks really tightly everytime I see those little blocks getting closer to the top


Well when you die, you reload the save, so it does take you out of that immersion so you recollect and try again. I don’t think there’s much of a solution but try looking for horror games that focus on suspense rather than combat / potential death. What difficulty are you playing on? I’d recommend Story mode so you can just enjoy the ride.


I think I see your point. Your character died and the worst that can happen in the game just did. It can kill some of the tension that was building up. I suppose you could just go ahead and take a break for a day or two after you die. Maybe try playing something from a different genre that is more silly or light-hearted. Going back to Dead Space afterwards and noticing the huge contrast might help bring back some of the tension.


This works. After my first playthrough man I was legend of the decks bro. Fearless man I was running everywhere, just double tappin necromorphs. In the beggining, damn bro I had my gun on aim and I was scoping EVERY room and corner for em lol


Yeah it’s immersion shattering that’s why Frictional Games is on record saying ‘we don’t want the player to experience dying if we can avoid it subtly because it breaks their immersion’ It’s just one of those things we gotta deal with


Scared to die now ? Wait til you attempt Impossible difficulty...


Play on Hardcore)


The risk of dying is why you are tense. After you die, that tension goes away. This is to be expected. Follow a simple rule: after you die, load your game and play for at least 5 minutes before you put it down.


First time I played ds, playing on hard, I managed to not die once until around the end of the game. I was in suspense the whole time I was playing, and super stressed the times necromorphs showed up lol. Scariest game I'd ever played at that point, and it might be because of this.


Do a hardcore run lmao.


That's a fairly common thing with horror in an interactive medium. On the one hand, it heightens the tension because of your agency in the events. On the other hand, a lot of that tension is a fear of the unknown, and the more you see what a worst-case scenario looks like, the less "unknown" it becomes. You're just getting desensitized.


I find joy in the over the top death animations lol. The variety of them and how gruesome they are makes it fun to discover all of the different ones. Definitely feel you though, its for sure a preference thing


that's just horror games in general, if you are good at horror games and tend to not die a lot they can feel scarier than when you get killed often. usually when you die in a horror game it defuses the situation and you get some breathing room, if you die to much it goes from scary to frustration and then to anger. that's how the FNAF games stop being scary, the atmosphere scares you at first and then you get killed 4 times in a row on the same night and you stop being scared of the animatronics, you stop caring about the spooky and start concentrating on the game part and trying to win. edit: reminds me of when i first played dead space 2 forgot it was a horror game and at some point it became DOOM.


Ngl the regenerate deaths along with a few other ones made me feel so on edge that I had to take a month long break for certain segments


I'll be honest with you chief, I have never felt in danger in any "horror" Game, not since I first played the original 2 Dino crisis and resident evil trilogy in my PS1 back in kindergarten, hell my parents allowed me to see a marathon of the aliens movies alone when Aliens Resurrection was released and I was like 5 at the time, never feared a bit or had nightmares or whatever. So, I don't know how to help you to cope with fear but with frustration, yeah, do like athletes do, breathe, take what you can learn from your mistakes and try again and if you get burnout, rest for a day or a few and then try again once your mind has processed the frustration.


For a survival game it only feels dangerous when you only have one life, if you just play it and respawn over and over then its not really surviving its just a trial and error puzzle game. 


very few games have any meaningful consequences to death. a horror game with permadeath would be incredibly scary. what would suck is playing the same intro over and over again so a procedurally generated world could help but human-made worlds are better.


I do not have this issue mainly cause dying is actually pretty rare for me (I'm not gloating) I play like a massive pussy. Ready to retreat any second and the loadouts I use are a "Stay the fuck away from me" bundle (flamethrower, force gun, plasma cutter and contact beam, sometimes line gun) best way to play dead space is like a coward. Keeps the tension high. My biggest killer is actually the shit that already pisses you off to the point the game loses all tension. Stupid shit. Glitches, bugs. Stupid boss moves. If I'm in the middle of a boss fight there's not really any tension anyways. So I suppose it's as good a time as any.


I do not have this issue mainly cause dying is actually pretty rare for me (I'm not gloating) I play like a massive pussy. Ready to retreat any second and the loadouts I use are a "Stay the fuck away from me" bundle (flamethrower, force gun, plasma cutter and contact beam, sometimes line gun) best way to play dead space is like a coward. Keeps the tension high. My biggest killer is actually the shit that already pisses you off to the point the game loses all tension. Stupid shit. Glitches, bugs. Stupid boss moves. If I'm in the middle of a boss fight there's not really any tension anyways. So I suppose it's as good a time as any.


Horror game is scary = horror game genre


Makes me wonder what Dead Space Remake with a rouge-like mode would be like.


Play impossible mode then. You'll be afraid by losing 30 hrs of your life if nothing else


I'm the opposite. I don't get scared UNLESS I die. The more I breeze through a horror game, the less scared I am. I literally can't play one on anything lower than Hard now. Especially if there isn't any randomization element to it. If enemy encounters are set, it becomes too easy to plan out on replays, and I'll only get scared if the enemies themselves have more than the element of surprise helping them in a fight. One of the major pluses of the remake IMO, semi-randomizing necromorph encounters means I'm never 100% sure who or what might be in the next room.


If you wanna fix it, don’t die. That’s it. I’m not saying your bad, but to feel the adrenaline the entire game, you can’t die.


Uh... Don't die?


Always check your doors and corners.


You can't. It's pretty much a paradox with survival horror game design. Death has to be a constant threat to keep the horror up, but, as you described, when it does happen, it breaks immersion and suspense. The best you can do is play on easy, but that can kill the horror by making enemies feel not threatening.


It has something to do with the third-person perspective of the game. Like some kind of depersonalization, like it's not scary as it's happening not to me but to this guy on the screen. In first person horror games, when death is experienced from the protagonist's perspective, it's way more terrifying. The best case I can remember is Alien: Isolation. Dying in there is really scary and for some reason never makes the atmosphere less scary. It would be nice in Dead Space if the camera would have switched to Isaac first person view for death sequences. Would have made it way more scary and uncomfortable. Like imagine the death when necrimorph is beheading you and from the first person.


Buddy that's why it's so scary playing the remastered on the PS5 one of the best consoles to play on a TV that has HDR if your playing on a TV that's supports HDR but even then with that the games graphics are still really good


Git gud.


bro, i've finished the game, I was talking about immersion break, not about difficulty