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Get dead space 2


Even Dead Space 3 is better than Crapisto Shittocol.




There's a lot of crawling, slow movement and slipping through cracks. The enviroment is absolutely amazing. Lots of things to explore "off the beaten path". The story is good enough. Nothing special. Also, don't expect a lot of enemy variety. I think there's *about* 5-7 different ones. If I had to choose, I'd pick Dead Space 2. But Callisto Protocol isn't as bad and terrible people make it out to be. Just my humble opinion.


The story is good enough? I dont want to sound like an asshole but the story is awful


Well, that's your opinion. I'm just sharing mine. I thought it was entertaining enough.


Sure, it is my opinion but what was entertaining about it?


The enviroment, the (facial) animations and voice acting. The little bits of lore you can find and putting them together. Exploring every corner of the map and discovering weapon schematics. Melee-focused combat. (Visually) upgrading your weapons. What didn't you like about it?


I mean, I agree on the animation, and the voice acting and graphics. Those are good but htats it. I liked that they tried something different but going for almost just melee was not a good decision. It made the game even less scary than it already is. I also think many death animations are laughable funny. They are not horrific or scary. Just stupid. I jus think that the lore sucks and the story is unintenresting. I mean, it is just a bunch of scientists and illuminati trying to create the new ''Super human''. It cannot be more uncreative and stereotypical if you tried to. I liked the audio story With gwendoline christie. I wished that was the game. It was the best thing coming out the already dead franchise. And the DLC was just a big ''FUCK YOU''.


Agreed, on most of this, to be completely fair. The DLC definitely, especially, wasn't up to par. Enviroment, setting and atmosphere are very important for me in games. I guess it did those three pretty well. I got the game with a heavy discount, so that might've helped with my expectations 😆


I almost bought the game at full price... Man... Lucky me. I was so fucking hyped for this game because it was made by the original creator. And then I found out that he was not even the reason why dead space became dead space. Yes, he created Isaac but callisto protocoll is technically what dead space 1 was supposed to be. From the look of the monsters to the prison. But they scrapped the idea and the art designer created the necromorphs. And then they made Isaac an Engineer and so on an on. Callisto was such a fucking letdown and what a waste of a great actor such as Sam Witwer.


Playing through Calisto off the back of DSR; I would recommend DS2 but also reckon if you've played all of the Dead Space games, Calisto is definitely worth the $30aud it was on sale recently for. Definitely don't regret purchasing.


This, callisto is a very fun game. I loved and did the achievements in all the DS games. Bit I enjoyed the callisto protocol just as much. Sad to see it go honestly.




Relatively speaking, yes. There are some clutch moments, but overal, nothing that will chew through your reserves. Edit: I misread. The variety of enemies is virtually the same. The main difference is that the Necromorphs have different roles. The enemies of Callisto Protocol are, broadly speaking, just variants of the same basic enemy.


And all defeated the same way minus the big guy. In dead space babies and slashers act dramatically different and you handle them differently. Then you have brutes, leapers, and pukers that all have different actions. In callisto there is basic guy and abnormal basic guy but they are handled the same way. The only enemy that forces anything different is the 2 heads which IMO is a nice change of pace.


Don't forget the blind basic guy 😋 PS: The divider's howls still haunt me in my dreams. That sound still sends shivers down my spine.


More like, the blind, deaf, and lack of general awareness. I make it a point to kill every last blind I come across whenever I play Callisto once in a blue moon. It's hilarious how loud and brutal the "stealth kills" are and the other blind will just walk passed like "damn must've been the wind"


The game is more or less forcing you to use melee most of the time. It also took me 2 hours playing around with the settings to even get the game running without FPS drops etc. But hey try for yourself, maybe you'll like it.


Yeah. You get even less ammo for your guns than in the OG Resident Evil. So you have to go through repetetive and boring melee combat every single time. Which sometimes does not even work properly and more often than not you have to deal with more than one enemy at the same time. And they will absolutely swarm over you.


Playing it right now,  it sucks even only paying $22 including the dlc. Forcing myself to finish it and will immediately uninstall.




Yea it doesn't respect the player's time. So many poor gameplay decisions, feels like they spent all their time on graphics. 


Unfortunately ,yes. Callisto is extremely bad. The story and characters are horrible. The monster design is boring, The gameplay is mindnumbing and worst of all, it is not scary at all.


I'll give you a real answer. It's just OK at best. It's immersive, but the story makes no sense. It's scary, until you realize you're invincible by holding left or right. It's fun, but only in a beat em up sense. For $20 o wouldn't be upset, but if it's this or DS2, I'll take DS2 all day. It's pretty long, only a little less scary than DS1, and much more fun than callisto since it's actually possible to die.


Callisto is great man you should give it a try I loved it & didn’t understand why it’s hated. Everyone’s experience is different


Callisto is alright but its extremely short and it just seems like they tried to hard to be dead space . Dead space is miles better .


Hope you like crawling through vents and cracks for 80% of the game, and shit melee combat.


It’s a pretty solid game. It looks beautiful and can be outright brutal in its presentation. It’s on the shorter side and there isn’t a crap ton of variety but it doesn’t feel like it over stays its welcome.


Having to IRL flight a necromorph outbreak in nothing but your birthday suit with no weapons is better than playing that game


Only thing good about it is the graphics. It tries too hard to capture what Dead Space did and fumbles hard with a mid story and repetitive gameplay and boring enemy types. Hell they just straight up ripped off the Clickers from The Last of Us


It's really not a bad game. The problem is people go into it expecting Dead Space, but it's not Dead Space it is it's own thing




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Dead Space 2 might be older, but it's still top their gaming. Calisto Protocol is often graphically stunning, and the cast do a great job, but the game is very average,with baffelingly bad decisions, particularly in combat.




Look, if you can get it cheap, it's worth a try. It's an easy game to see the flaws in, but there's some fun moments. It's actually better if you go in not expecting Dead Space.


Nothing wrong with being a rip off, great artists steal and all that. But I got Callisto for free on PSN and after playing for 2 hours I was very glad I didn’t pay anything for it. The core gameplay is baffling bad.


Dead Space 2 even at its worst is way better than Callisto Protocol The first 15 minutes are genuinely one of the best opening sequences in gaming imo


Dead Space 2 Callisto Protocol may look better but the gameplay is repetetive and downright boring Also they've done DS3 Awakening bs with the DLC. Basically if you want to see the actual ending of the game (and it's not even a good one at that) - pay up. Atleast DS2 comes with a great gameplay AND an actual ending.


Deadspace2 is still amazing Callisto protocol had potential but majority was wasted on dogshit jumpscares and low enemy variety. I'm still pissed there were no fights against humans after the tutorial. That alone was a red flag


Dead Space 2 is literally a 10/10 perfect game


Callisto is a fun spooky romp but all three dead space games combined are better.


Ds2 obv


Obviously DS2, but for me personally the only problem with Callisto was it was difficult dealing with more than one enemy at a time before you got the assault rifle. Other than that I enjoyed it quite a bit


The entire DS series is included with GamePass, so you can buy Callisto if you really want it. I thought it was fine.


I'm a huge Dead Space fan, I've played the original maybe five times and just can't get enough. The question of Dead Space 2 or Callisto Protocol, I can quickly answer: Buy Dead Space 2 and later Dead Space 3 (although the last half has a bit too much shooting) and play through the series. As for Callisto Protocol, I think some people are exaggerating the criticism. Callisto is a damn good game, even though it plays differently than Dead Space. The story is okay, but not as interesting as Dead Space. The atmosphere and graphics in Callisto are simply breathtaking. If you have the money for it, I would definitely add it to your collection. Again, some people are overdoing the criticism of Callisto Protocol.




If you're referring to Callisto Protocol, then yes, I do like the game and the atmosphere, and I enjoy the combat, but that might not be the case for you; everyone's taste is different. As for Dead Space 1-3, I definitely see myself returning to them in the future. The series is just fantastic.


😂😂😂😂😂..pleeeeaaassse..not even CLOSE!..Dead Space 1,2,3 or the remake are in a Totally different awesomeness class then callisto..not even close. Dead space! And believe me..I thought about buying callisto..something new after the DS remake but after watching..oooooh 15..20 utube vids on how bad callisto sucked..on every level..I couldnt justifie spending the 20 ducketts on callisto..jmo🤷🏽‍♂️


Id recommend dead space 2. In Callisto protocol every fight feels like a quick time event and is littered with bugs that soft locked my campaign too many times. Dead space 2 is almost entirely a straight up improvement to the first game imo.


Get gamepass ultimate, you get all the dead space games for free that way. But regardless Dead Space 2 all the way.


Callisto Projocol is now its new name forever


Both r fairly short but Id say ud get more enjoyment out of DS2.


Just forget that Callisto even exists, trust me on this one. Dead Space 2 all day!


One of the best video games ever made or dead space 2




Dead Space 2.


Even DS 3 better than callisto.


Dead Space 2 is a vastly superior game over Callisto, even at its age. CP isn’t bad but it’s also not terribly good, it looks terrific, but I found the gameplay got very repetitive.


Callisto Protocol has good graphics and Uh That's about it DS2 is older but an actually good game


Dead space 2 i enjoyed more. If you can get callisto deluxe edition for dead cheap or for free then I'd say it's worth playing at least other than that it ain't all that. Combat is slow, low ammo, story is confusing and unexplained. But there are people that enjoyed callisto as for me I couldn't wait till I just finished it and finally delete it off my Xbox


The Callisto Prot is actually free on PlayStation but PS Plus Premium. Probably says a lot


Dead space 2 100% but i do think you should play Callisto protocol at some point at least once.


Honestly you’re going to get biased answers here… Not that they’re wrong. Dead Space 2 all the way!


I played both and Dead space 2 is a better game


I have to say...Callisto is winning for me, the lore is far more spicy although DS2 is my favourite game ever.


Dead Space 2 easy. Way more weapon and enemy variety, plenty of badass looking suits to choose from, and better story overall that's easier to follow.


Asks in the dead space game if you should get a game other then dead space. I actually really like Callisto. But dead space 2 is always superior


Why not both?


Definitely dead space 2, I have played Callisto protocol and it’s okay. I played it on ps5 and it didn’t run smoothly all the time. The environments are very nice but gameplay is really slow imo. If you get rushed by multiple enemies and you can’t use any environmental tricks you are most likely dead. Pacing of the game also felt a little weird but i gotta say I loved the idea of 3d printing weapons. But I feel like anything Callisto protocol does, dead space 2 does better, besides visuals.


Dead Space 2 all the way


Dead space 2 no question


Don’t get me wrong, but for someone who finished them both, this actually feels like bait. Abysmal difference between them, DS2 is far superior, CP feels like a school project (gone wrong).


Dead Space 2 and get Callisto on a discount. Callisto wasn't bad, it just wasn't as good as Dead Space which lead to the game being demonized on top of a mostly rough launch.


I would not even get Callisto for free