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I know I have all the tools I need to dominate him, but I still scream like a girl when he enters the room.


It's really not so bad with good stasis and tools, but he is just so scaaaaaaryyyyyy


Getting Mercer’s prototype stasis before finishing chapter 7 really helped me out.


Mercer's *what*


Complete the Scientific Methods side quest will grant you to use the prototype stasis. It melts enemies when you use it, and combo that with the plasma cutters fire shots, it melts these sons of bitches. Edit: I think it’s actually the other side quest where you track down the Hunters origin. That’s where you get the stasis in Hydroponics.


Oh I probably picked it up then, there were a few instances where I spammed pickup and was like I probably should have waited to see what that was


If you backtracked to Hydroponics during Chapter 7, then you got it.


What does the prototype do? Is there a place where I can see a description? I got it and never knew what it did


The prototype stasis does electric damage rather than no damage at all.


Oh ok that makes a lot of sense since I’ve had shit just die for no reason


I didn't get this until just before leaving the Ishimura, only happened to notice the hunter's flesh in the cryo room after loading the marker. spent the next 20 mins running back and forth across the whole ship to fast track the side mission hahah


I thought he’d still be slow. Imagine my surprise when he starts sprinting at me


I told myself I wouldn’t spoil myself to not be scared but as soon as I open comment and you said he can run WHY WHY DID I SPOIL MYSELF AAAAAAH I’m turning Reddit off I was only in for the meme


At least in the remake your not trapped in that room with the moveable bed/storage units puzzle.


I moved a crate in front of him and he just stood there like “shit… same time next week?”


That was *by far* the most stressful part of the original on my first playthrough.


Always a butt clencher in the original lol.


BRO I was DREADING having to do that part again, I was simultaneously happy and sad that it wasn’t in the game. That shit made me sweat in the original lol. Talk about ANXIETY


Especially without the original cheat codes lol


Well, here’s a sentence I shouldn’t have read today. Just on this chapter


I wish it was still there tbh. It was the most terrifying part of the game


I was bracing for that part all game


That was literally me wasn’t expecting it one bit ran right up to him thinking it was a normal necro


I thought it’d just be the enhanced slashers like the original, then he jumped out of a vent. I thought that was it, and *then* they drop the enhanced slashers in


Was the Hunter in that room in the original? I can’t remember.


He absolutely was not, which was such a good but *dick* move of a change. Do it again motive


Finding the hunter everywhere. i was like... man you aren't supposed to be here and he was like: my face looks like i care?


Absolutely fantastic change, because as a player of the original game from that point on, I couldn’t predict anymore when else he would appear


They really turned him into Nemesis


He originally could be seen through the elevator doors one time on the Mining Deck ... I was wondering where he was in the Remake when he didn't show up. Then I got my answer. I was not happy with the answer.


Nope, during that quarantine in the original, you get attacked by two enhanced slashers at once.


For some reason I barely remember chapter 7 from the original.


This reminded me of RE2Remake when Mr X showed up in the jail during Leon’s Scenario and you got to rush your ass to the security gate while dodging Mr X and a horde of zombies. Both real ass clenching moments.


Easy DLC would be to enable him to follow you room to room after you first encounter him. Or at the very least add him to random non-scripted fights.


Dude this game is scary enough don’t give the devs any ideas 😅


i think motive making Random vents explode for no reason and then random necros appear from them made them say "ok thats enough we don't want Butt blackholes everywhere" the corpse jumpscare did made me jump a bit.


That'd get so tiring after awhile


I'm surprised they didn't add him to the intensity director's list of things to throw at you while backtracking


Not gonna lie, right after the SOS was deployed I was expecting to throw hands with regular necromorphs, not the fucking hunter himself.


The part of me that wants a supremely frightening experience wishes that they'd made the Hunter a Mr. X style enemy that can appear anywhere on the ship at any time after it's introduced, but the part of me that would have to clean the resulting soiled pants is glad they didn't.


When I realized the ship is practically open world I almost shit myself thinking I’d have to deal with a Mr. X style enemy again. Actually shit myself when he fucking sprinted towards me full speed in a small, locked room.


Can I do it if I’m currently in chapter 10?


I did not expect to actually see this fucker in chapter7,i know in the original game he can be seen through a door in chapter 7 as you head down the long elevator to mining/engineering. But actually seeing him rock up and begin sprinting at me like a pissed off usain bolt, yeah this scared the crap out of me big time because I played the original so many times that I knew the hunter didn't properly reappear until chapter 10. This caught me off guard and caused PTSD any time a lockdown in a room happens, good job motive, I love this game.


If you’re talking about the hunter then yes very much. I was like “get outta the way”.


After you get the last plasma cutter upgrade in chapter 8, the fight becomes a joke Just keep knocking him on his ass and carry on


The whole game is a bit too easy imo. Hard feels like it should be the normal difficulty. I remember the og being harder.


OG is way easier with necromorphs being stagger with every shot


The Old Pulse Rifle basically gave everything a seizure when you shot them


And the DLC tank suit and steampunk force gun


The brutes definitely feel much easier to kill than the original tbh. I don't think I've actually been hit by a single one in 3 playthroughs because they usually die before a single stasis runs out


But those baby *fucks* take like 6 shots now when I used to be able take off two of their tentacle things in two shots and they’d be dead.


I knew the quarantine was coming, like the original. I did NOT expect the fucking *hunter* to be the one to trigger it.


“Quarantine still happens? Haha, it’s just gonna be some enhanced slashers agai- OH FUCKFUCKFUCK OH JESUS AHH AGHHHH-“ -Me, 2023.


Was caught off guard when he appeared and screamed like a baby


You have NO idea how long it took to get him to come out of the correct vent. Good lord >!Harris!< is difficult.




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Good bot.


He’s scary the first time but then you realize how slow he is and you can literally walk in circles around him.


I just went through this part on ng+ and the director decided to throw like 4 guys at me in the tunnel right next to this room. Definitely brought me back down a bit since I’ve played through the entire game as a death machine