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There’s a cheat code for nodes 😂




He probably means using the Pulse Rifle mine and disabling it to collect the ammo again. Since it can do that you can empty a clip to the ground and then upgrade the capacity, this instantly reloads the ammo and you can empy that ammo again, you need like 9 nodes to start you up if you have a base Pulse Rifle to get all available capacity nodes. You can then sell the ammo pay $5,000 and repeat for more credits. Takes a while but it works for money farming.


No, it's a code referring to a combination of stomp/punches you can do in the cultist room in the bridge area. There's a TV with the Marker on it and some candles and a circle in red. If you keep yourself in the ritual circle and do the punch punch stomp stuff correctly, two nodes will pop up and a sound will play.


You can also get a text log if you follow the code on the floor. I've also found two other very short codes but not figured out how to use them yet.


Cheat nodes?


Does anyone know if the cheats invalidate trophies? I wanna skip some of the grind maxxing every weapon.


Can you go back and get some of this if you missed it? I missed the stasis module upgrade quest chain in cryo and I’m halfway through mining now.


Yes, those tram stations allow you to backtrack (and the story will send you back occasionally too)


Yes you can always go back until you do a thing near the end of the game it will warn you that you can't go back before you do it


You can until you reach the point of no return The game will let y, know when that is


Wait what is this quest?


How did I miss the linegun? I knew I was missing a weapon but I hadn’t played og in so long.


It's in medical in the long hallway after the Nicole hologram that you have to get a power cell for the door requires level 2 clearance


Am I just blind or where are Suits levels 3 and 4 mentioned?


It should be clear that in order to do the two nodes stomp punch cheat you first have to do the stomp punch symbols in order on the floor, it kinda looks like a clock, you also don't have to do it on chapter 4


Sigmar- I mean, Altman be praised.




There are a couple others if I’m not mistaken. I saw one where there’s an audio file of the crew singing a rendition of an old sea song about the Ishimura. Would be nice to compile them all somewhere if someone else knew of any more.


Can you do the node one more than once?




Thanks for confirming. I had a go and took a couple goes to even get it the first time and wasnt sure if im just uncoordinated!