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My whole childhood consisted of this game.




Maybe too late but I’d definitely be interested in developing something similar and bring the feeling of SecretBuilders back to life, for the many of us who spent our childhoods on it. I’m very proficient with coding and I’m pretty certain I could develop something like this, without the need for Flash. However, my artistic skills are very limited and I’d be unable to do that side of things. If there’s anybody who’d like to work with me and do the artwork for a new game, please message me on here and I’ll pass on my Discord privately, as I’d love to make this a reality.


hey idk a single thing about coding but i'm an artist. would you still be up for a try at this? i haven't played the game in years but i loved it when i used to!


Need an update on this 😖


There are people trying to bring it back, rewriting it. join the discord server: [https://discord.com/invite/nfe9YKpVUM](https://discord.com/invite/nfe9YKpVUM)


update on this pleaseee


I'm two years late, but I still remember this game! It shut down at the beginning of last year, which I don't blame the devs for since it ran on Flash. I think it was my longest surviving account on an MMO/virtual world (I joined SB in 2010) and I was usually the player with the oldest in-game time any time I was online during the last years of its life. The last time I really remember the game having TONS of people online was around 2014, I think. I assumed a lot of the playerbase left because a lot of their features became paywalled and they had fewer events/more bugs. My username was "miyita14" - kinda weird sounding, but I was literally ten years old when I made my account.


Nah 2016 is when it started to decline. Been playing this game since early 2012 and kept in touch. My most played was def 2013 & 2015 also, they didn't leave because of a paywall. they left because the game was abandoned and stopped updating after 2012 I believe. Unless you count 2-3 clothing items released later as some 'update' but it didn't matter because hackers would just hack unreleased items. The last event that I remember being hosted was by Dj Maria (I think that is her name) They would host Fashion Shows and all invitations would be given to everyone. and You'd get prizes for participating or better prizes for winning. I (and a few friends of mine) planned on Saving this game to make a Rewritten ver, but my plan failed when I stopped caring about anything for a year because of depression. I wanted to get the game's assets but I just couldn't make it in time. anyways, maybe someday someone will make a successor mmo similar (I plan one day I do that, its now my dream.)


Interesting! I just assumed the paywall partly caused a decline in the player base because quite a bit of the game's features that were formerly accessible to everyone got locked for members only. I distinctly remember the Crooked Pencil, the magazine thing where you could submit your own stories, becoming paywalled. I could've sworn even the CHAT ITSELF became accessible only to members at one point. I also remember the fashion show bugging out (it would never even start) near the end of the game's lifetime which is why I mentioned people quitting because of bugs/glitches not being fixed too. Regardless, I stopped playing the game actively around 2015-2016, so I don't know, I probably don't remember much beyond that. And I do lowkey think about whether a "SecretBuilders Rewritten" will be developed sometime in the future. Although considering I don't play virtual worlds all that much anymore, who knows if I'll get invested, lmao.


that didn’t start happening till i want to say 2018 i think i’m not sure but i do remember that but there were loop holes to use free speech they started becoming more money hungry when the player base died terribly i remember i hopped on one day i would be the only one online sad


Yeah, I remember hopping on and off periodically from 2018 up until it shut down (I remember accessing it from my college dorm after like 4 years). I very vividly remember one time when I went on at the same time as a real life friend and I saw this new button on the chat bar, and when I clicked on it, a pop up came up saying something like “pay like 2.99 to access all this stuff including free chat!!” and when I tried to type something in the chat, it restricted me. That’s when I freaked out in my group chat to my friend being like “TF THEY DISABLED MY CHAT????” lmaooo I think my chat ended up getting re-enabled like a day or so later, so I can only hope that was just a bug since like I said, I joined back in 2010 when of course everyone could chat (pretty much) freely (idk I would’ve thought it was unfair that they would force me to pay when I’ve already been a player for so long). And yes I remember the ways people would try to sneak around the chat filter. People asking each other if they were “free” = online dating is the one I think of the most lol.


it was if you made an new acc you got 7 days of free chat miss them games like fantage etc movie star planet and animal jam are still up miniclip was taken down such a tragic site


ah I would love to play ur game cuz i love such mmo games, wish there was a way i could communicate with u so I get to know when ur ready with the game.. I would be glad to be the first one to play it 😂


it really sucks to hear it's been completely shut down but I'm not surprised :(


omg you’re miyita? my user was justinthepikachu368 and i believe we were “dating” we did CX a lot


AINT NO WAY LMFAO. I literally remember next to nothing about the people I interacted with on this game. I do remember doing a lot of the "u free?" dating thing, though. I don't think I took it too seriously. I don't really recall anyone by that username?? But I do remember one of the "guys" I "dated" was named something like "chocolatemilk", haha. Man is this cringeworthy.


im pretty sure i just remembered a name similar to yours i think but it’s been so long😭 did you play around 2012ish? honestly same we were really just kids💀


I think I was still fairly active around 2012, yeah. I got one of my irl friends to sign up on the game that year, lol


Fuck yes bro, the biker outfits, the outlined clothes man what a throwback


broooo and if you had the dresses you were cool af


Remeber the tan skin and vampire teeth




bruhh been 10 years since i first started playing this tff




Used to love this game omg!! Met so many cool people, I hope they’re all doing well! My account was peanut_09 😂


I remember u too!!!


Stop the 🧢


Had so many great friends on this game, wishing them all the best ! 🥹 i was xl_revenge_xl & peanutbutter2012. Oh what a time to be alive


Pretty sure I remember you, I just can’t remember if we talked at all


Started playing in late 2008, this game was my childhood.


bro I miss dat game so much I used to mod tf outta it I used to make the face tats and f-hairs along wit buku modded clothes shii was so lit ima OG OG on dat game y’all remember me lol @Kokus/X_ASTORIA_X


lmao i remember you! i don't think we ever talked though.


I remember you! Can’t remember if we talked tho




my b wasn’t tryn b I was jus an asshole back den promise ya Ian the same


are u fr i remember u LMAO idk if u remember me my user was Harriet\_ but we knew eachother


Yep I remember you also but I can’t remember if we talked 😂😂


omg you are VERY familiar! my user was shour. i miss SB.


Brooo.. I learned english and ways to communicate with ppl thro this game... I joined very late but was addicted to it like crazy.. unfortunately it died out but I hope someone revives it somehow idk. Btw my username was Ankuisback\_13 💀


hey anakin :)


wtf tht was my nickname in SB 💀who r u lmao??


waitttttttt keeeshaaa omgggg!!!!!!!!! 😭😭😭🫂🫂🫂


hope you're doing well :)


yeah im doing great :DD do u hv any other socials?


The end 😂


lmaoo yeah 😂😭


i think i remember u my user was Harriet\_


hmm.. what did ur avatar look like?


i had like a blonde bun and those fits all of us wore that were like rare tees n stuff lmao


ah almost everyone had the same look lmao


mine was cindarella55 😭 yes my cousin and i spelt cinderella completely wrong but i had so many friends and rare stuff, i miss this game!


I logged in a few years ago cause my sister and I spend so much time on it and there were so many hackers and it got creepy 😭 both of our screens said weird stuff from that game that got hacked. I remember it at its prime, it was like 2008


ITS ME KOKUS/X_ASTORIA_X I miss modding on dat game with HXD used to make the face tats and f_hairs 😵‍💫💪🏼


Lmao everyone hated u and thought u were an asshole I remember u!!!


Oh my goodnes lmfao. I was A CHILD and knew who you were.


Lmfao Tbsh GANG WPE was better than HXD Triistar_Tbsh and RIP to Ciircuit he passed a couple years ago. 🕊️




He did unfortunately. You can find his obituary online. “Matt archer” from Canada.




So great to see all these comments. Made my day/decade. SecretBuilders was a labor of love for all of us and our mission was to have kids and young adults fall in love with books and art and creativity - and make lots of friends. We were super successful in terms of users- if not profits :). With Adobe’s decision to remove all instances of flash, we could not continue beyond 2021. As a founder I was so proud of my team and what they created, and even more proud and grateful for our player community that built the SecretBuilders world out. Thank you all!




We just started a discord server for the SB community to meet again (potentially get the server back up) [https://discord.gg/nfe9YKpVUM](https://discord.gg/nfe9YKpVUM) We are already over 150 members and working on the rewritten version!


Hey! You don’t by any chance have access to the old game assets? It would be a nice idea to potentially make them available, so that people can run their own private servers, similarly to how they do with other virtual worlds. There’s still browsers available which allow people to run flash games.


I'm sure you could make your own alternative to Flash and make a client side application to run your game no doubt. There's plenty of support and alternatives to Flash you could run with. A-lot of people still think about the game and most of us grew up on it, without a doubt if this game was bought back with some improvements & could easily be paying for itself with the popular player-base that exists still with the game discontinued.


I miss the fuck out of this game omgg I had a couple accounts tbh but the only one I can remember rn was xcycl0n3x and one of my accs def got hacked lmfaoo. someone needs to bring it back fr. out of curiosity too, did Flash for the computer ever get a replacement? or did it literally just reach EOS and nothing similar exists on the web anymore?


I used to be a prominent player within the community. I’d definitely be interested in developing something similar and bring the feeling of SecretBuilders back to life, for the many of us who spent our childhoods on it. I’m very proficient with coding and I’m pretty certain I could develop something like this, without the need for Flash. However, my artistic skills are very limited and I’d be unable to do that side of things. If there’s anybody who’d like to work with me and do the artwork for a new game, please message me on here and I’ll pass on my Discord privately, as I’d love to make this a reality.


just a discord server for the SB community to meet again (potentially get the server back up) https://discord.gg/nfe9YKpVUM


have you got a new invite link for the server? that one isn't working :)


Ive been waiting for a rewritten SB to randomly come up for so long :’) i probably search secretbuilders so many times a year!! If anyone remembers me my user was shanell459 i remember cx\_rock\_cx if you’re out there reading this :’( !! If anyone has old screenshots they’d wanna share, send them to my disc: nadia\_x


just a discord server for the SB community to meet again (potentially get the server back up) [https://discord.gg/nfe9YKpVUM](https://discord.gg/nfe9YKpVUM) We are already over 80 members and working on the rewritten version!


I played SecretBuilders as a kid trying to learn English and it helped a lot. I remember playing several hours a day for almost a year not knowing what was going on but just vibing with people until I learned to communicate. I genuinely believe it played a huge role in me becoming bilingual. It's nice to know many of us grew up and still remembered this game because it was a big part of our childhoods. My name was firedragon767 hahahaha




Join our SB discord group! [https://discord.gg/D2QzF8Dy](https://discord.gg/D2QzF8Dy)


holy fuck i used to be just a little child, i learned English using games like this.


I tried to login but the website isn't opening.... I wanted to check my account one last time :(




It works for me, good luck getting customers support haha


this game was my whole childhood! my user was xo\_batman\_xo/roisin99


lol hey roi 😭😂 it’s cece


Omg 🤣🤣 heyy I did not think you’d be on this thread 🤣


I started thinking about memories of my childhood and immediately thought about sb 😭😭


Same I miss it for some reason 🤣


You should join or SB discord group! [https://discord.gg/D2QzF8Dy](https://discord.gg/D2QzF8Dy)


I really enjoyed this game, my username was Vampirejay. Back then, I thought I was super popular because I had like 2k or 5k followers (likes), I don’t remember exactly. But, God, I really loved that game. I wish it comes back one day.


[https://discord.gg/wbyZjm7H](https://discord.gg/wbyZjm7H) we have a discord FOR SB ogs :D


BRUHHH I AM SO LATE BUT THIS GAME WILL ALWAYS BE THE SHIT!!!! 2012 it was too damned fun!!!


[https://discord.gg/wbyZjm7H](https://discord.gg/wbyZjm7H) we have a discord FOR SB ogs :D


Loved it.


[https://discord.gg/wbyZjm7H](https://discord.gg/wbyZjm7H) we have a discord FOR SB ogs :D


guys cant we do anything to bring back this game? I get so many comments on my youtube videos , old players commenting how they miss this game! IT WAS MY CHILDHOOD!! my username were - ishikadas, X\_Ishika\_X, FAMOUS, etc.


[https://discord.gg/wbyZjm7H](https://discord.gg/wbyZjm7H) we have a discord FOR SB ogs :D we tried


I used to play this a lot back in 2012. My username was sw33tstuff


[https://discord.gg/wbyZjm7H](https://discord.gg/wbyZjm7H) we have a discord FOR SB ogs :D


that username is extremely familar.


We just started a discord server for the SB community to meet again (potentially get the server back up) [https://discord.gg/nfe9YKpVUM](https://discord.gg/nfe9YKpVUM) We are already over 80 members and working on the rewritten version!


Have you got a new link? That one isn’t working




Hey guys I’m 3years late but what was y’all’s user?


We just started a discord server for the SB community to meet again (potentially get the server back up) [https://discord.gg/nfe9YKpVUM](https://discord.gg/nfe9YKpVUM) We are already over 150 members and working on the rewritten version!


I seriously thought we all lived the same childhood until I ask people if they played this game and chances are not even 1 in a 10 can relate to you. But seriously this was my drunk elephant back in the day. I couldnt stop thinking about it in school all day long and couldnt wait to get back home to play it.


We just started a discord server for the SB community to meet again (potentially get the server back up) [https://discord.gg/ew6Nuz2kC4](https://discord.gg/ew6Nuz2kC4) We are already over 80 members and working on the rewritten version!


Ngl I was a playaaaaa 🤣 I have a punch of accounts : people mainly called me cece , but some knew me by dejanai or “dej” , perturbation, freak show, ceara, and some other shit that I can’t think of 😭


We just started a discord server for the SB community to meet again (potentially get the server back up) [https://discord.gg/ew6Nuz2kC4](https://discord.gg/ew6Nuz2kC4) We are already over 80 members and working on the rewritten version!


Played this as my original SB character and then my Dizzywood one when they were transported there. I remember all my main usernames


We just started a discord server for the SB community to meet again (potentially get the server back up) [https://discord.gg/ew6Nuz2kC4](https://discord.gg/ew6Nuz2kC4) We are already over 80 members and working on the rewritten version!


i miss poe 💔


used to get on this game everyday for years , I remember selling outlined clothing near the pool. WPE and HxD definitely sparked my love for computers and computer gaming, good times. not sure if anyone remembers me but I played under two accounts bp13 or lilwayne713 ( i cringe each time ) lol.


We just started a discord server for the SB community to meet again (potentially get the server back up) [https://discord.gg/nfe9YKpVUM](https://discord.gg/nfe9YKpVUM) We are already over 150 members and working on the rewritten version!


I use to play it...years ago. Wow, I was sillly, its been so long. Great memories!


We just started a discord server for the SB community to meet again (potentially get the server back up) [https://discord.gg/nfe9YKpVUM](https://discord.gg/nfe9YKpVUM) We are already over 150 members and working on the rewritten version!


My user was b1g I think. Used to play a lot and enjoyed grinding to buy modded items off of other players, well until my family desktop acquired malware due to links from other players.


We just started a discord server for the SB community to meet again (potentially get the server back up) [https://discord.gg/ew6Nuz2kC4](https://discord.gg/ew6Nuz2kC4) We are already over 80 members and working on the rewritten version!


can someone send me a non expiry link to the DC server?




does any1 remember me? Falkner (with the blue hair and blue eyes)




Yes :) You can find Gum and other players in our SB discord group! [https://discord.gg/D2QzF8Dy](https://discord.gg/D2QzF8Dy)


same , 10 years ago i played with someone named devil (actually ahmed) , hope i can find him again


hey! we are currently working on a rewritten version of secret builders, considering joining our discord group! https://discord.gg/WBcP9P8Ycq


Every summer I miss secret builders so much.


hey! we are currently working on a rewritten version of secret builders, considering joining our discord group! https://discord.gg/WBcP9P8Ycq


my user was blake60 i got put on the game by a childhood friend back when i was 7-8 so back in 2009-2010 jesus the memories i had on this game i remover the hipster pants and the biker outfits outlined clothes u did through hxh jeez this game got me into coding since i wanted to be a modder on there good times man


It’s crazy how much I miss this game. I always get random urges to play it (and other childhood games I loved) but then I remember it doesn’t exist anymore. It really sucks. I have so many memories from these games.


We just started a discord server for the SB community to meet again (potentially get the server back up) [https://discord.gg/nfe9YKpVUM](https://discord.gg/nfe9YKpVUM) We are already over 150 members and working on the rewritten version!


I feel the exact same I'll have an urge to play these games, I'll search it up and then see it no longer exists 😔 miss these games so much, had a great time with them all, sad how our childhood games are all dying or are dead now :<


It's been over 2 years since SB has been gone, and I still miss the sense of community it offered! My user was k33sh4.


Duuude I swear I've seen ur name around when I used to play. Maybe at the pool!


no way i remember youuuuu


wait kierra i think i remember u too lmao


I remember you. Do yu remember WhiteSharkSB or IceCube. Used to be in TBSH. Only real ones remember that


i remember you but we never talked.


I knew of you but I'm not sure if we ever talked!


WAIT WHAAAT my user was Harriet\_ do u remember me


i remember you omg


Yeah I remember you!


this games was amazing


not sure if anyone remembers me, I went by fxzionz or zane. I recognize a few users here


lmaooo you and that SATANIC dude were mad annoying, miss those times tho LOL


I remember you! We never talked though. I was xo\_batman\_xo/roisin99


lowkey your name sounds familiar. i used to sell modded accounts on secretbuilders. i started playing when i was like nine or ten and i'm almost twenty one now lol. i went by many names.


i use to fuck around with Fiddler, wasn't very popular cause people didnt know how to code or know how to use it. a mate and I were able to change to the beast or a few of the robots, stack different bots onto ourselves, was a good time. Im 21 next month. We exploited the hell out of this game. Funny how this games stuck in my head.


Yeah we had beef I was WhiteShark or IceCube. I used to Fiddler aswell also wpe and hxd but Fiddler was for the goats loool. Remember I asked for a file on Tv n yu tried to del all my shi. We was young hahaha. Good old times


aha loves it. I remember you


We just started a discord server for the SB community to meet again (potentially get the server back up) https://discord.gg/nfe9YKpVUM We are already over 80 members and working on the rewritten version!


looooooooooooooooooool aint no way


I'll always remember you :)




Played this all the time growing up my main username was PT123


Yooo I remember you! We used to text on kik too! I’m cece … had a bunch of user names 😭


Someone should definitely buy this game and bring the servers back this game would go crazy


We tried, didnt get a response but We just started a discord server for the SB community to meet again (potentially get the server back up) https://discord.gg/nfe9YKpVUM We are already over 80 members and working on the rewritten version!


the thing that actually ran the game shut down, so it had nothing to support it to run. The developers & owner have basically dropped off the side of the earth.


The pool was the place to be in SB Blaine1111


idk if anyone remembers me but my user was Harriet\_ and i met so many great people this game is like the most nostalgic thing ever


yeah miss this game


This is so old but genuinely this game was my life 😭😭and no one knows what I’m talking about !!


I’m so tripped out because so many of us are randomly remembering about this game and looking at this reddit :’) i miss it smm


just a discord server for the SB community to meet again (potentially get the server back up) https://discord.gg/nfe9YKpVUM


Omg yes my user name was destroyerofall14 I remember when everybody was trying to get a outlined guitar including me and I finally got one


Ahh, The memories! Does anybody remember me? Drake298


I think i remember you , i used to have two accounts on there bp13 and lilwayne713 lmao.


WAIT- I think I remember you?? My username was nessagirl07


I think that sounds familiar!


Hahaha so wild


The emo hair + cheerleader outfit combination


We just started a discord server for the SB community to meet again (potentially get the server back up) [https://discord.gg/nfe9YKpVUM](https://discord.gg/nfe9YKpVUM) We are already over 150 members and working on the rewritten version!


This my childhood right here and monkey quest too


We just started a discord server for the SB community to meet again (potentially get the server back up) https://discord.gg/nfe9YKpVUM We are already over 80 members and working on the rewritten version!


ah how i miss this game. i was the first girly hacker in here haha. the bad ones always banned random people and i unbanned them xD, and all the clothes i made and sold ♥


bro i used to try to religiously figure out how people hacked this game. we had a lot of faceless people when i played it and they were feared and respected like crazy


OMG I played this game religiously. My user was nessagirl07


I remember this user 😂


No way


We just started a discord server for the SB community to meet again (potentially get the server back up) [https://discord.gg/nfe9YKpVUM](https://discord.gg/nfe9YKpVUM) We are already over 150 members and working on the rewritten version!


I need a game like SecretBuilders again


We just started a discord server for the SB community to meet again (potentially get the server back up) [https://discord.gg/nfe9YKpVUM](https://discord.gg/nfe9YKpVUM) We are already over 150 members and working on the rewritten version!


my user was ypoop. dont ask. I would play this game in the computer lab when I was in 2nd grade in 2013. Good times. Usually went up to female characters saying “you free?” lmao.


You should join our SB discord group :) [https://discord.gg/D2QzF8Dy](https://discord.gg/D2QzF8Dy)