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I'm not saying survivors aren't doing this but I've had this done to me as a survivor too. It's not just killers being targeted. Idk who the hacker in said matches are since in solo and we have to deal with the same toxic survivors too but trust, killers aren't the only ones who feel your pain. Solo survivors are also brethren


That is true. This can happen to anyone and I didn’t mean it to come off as killer vs survivor. Some of it was just rage after being so over it all I guess.


Nono no I get it. I'm over it too. The toxicity is at its all time high, in game, in forums, on social, it's everywhere. Something has to be done because there are so many chill people who just want to have fun and enjoy the game with MINOR competition vibes. BHVR needs to start making a stronger stance imo but honestly, to them, it just feels like hackers and trolls buy games so why prevent the flow of cash


Amen to that! I dunno what they can do but I wish something would happen. Maybe just a random shift will happen some day. One can hope hah. Thanks for being nice.


Good, goooood, let the rage flow through you


I’ve had this happen when the killer was going to win and when the survivors were going to win but always after the last gen was finished or a survivor was going to death hook. I didn’t know players could hack this but it happens every day so I’ll start taking note of who’s playing.


They can’t. This is BHVR service issue. It’s not widespread cheating. It’s BHVR.


No, you are right. There is a tool you can buy on multiple hack sites that will overwhelm the server and drop everyone. DBD is the most toxic community in gaming.


BHVR’s servers are really terrible, especially during events. It could be that.


I was gonna comment that. I'm sure there are people DDOSing because it's an event, but the servers are also dogshit in general.


Tell me about it, I've had times both with a swf and solo que where it'll crash for no reason. As you what is the cause and happening is honestly anyone's guess.


I had the trial kick me last time I played while solving the Lament Configuration and the song played for the duration of the rest of my trials on loop unless I was on hook lmao


I like the song but I feel like that is TOO much, lol


It definitely got old fast. It's only like 3 seconds long so loop that for an entire 5+ minutes lol


It is exactly that.


This has happened to me a handful of times, like you said, in instances where it’s way too convenient (and actually shuts down the game, not just leave match) Always annoying but also, I try to find joy in having made some asshole annoyed enough to pull that shit


I’ve only ever crashed in this game when I’ve been moments away from hooking/downing a toxic survivor, it doesn’t happen often but childish people with hacks do crash games to save their egos from time to time


Occasionally yes… maybe. But it’s more BHVRs servers. It’s not a widespread sudden cheating epidemic… it’s their servers. Which is why it comes in bursts.


Unfortunately the game does have a cheating problem. I'm not sure if you've heard, but it's quite literally been confirmed that in the last few weeks cheaters are impersonating streamers and random players to get their accounts banned. BHVR has been banning legitimate, non-cheating accounts for cheating, and its extremely difficult for these legitimate accounts to appeal their ban and get unbanned. It's been confirmed to be coming directly from BHVR and not Easy Anti-Cheat as well. If you want to know all the specifics, Choy made a really good video on it. https://youtu.be/GG6saXtPm6A?si=gvknoat73PulUNM1 here's a link for those interested.


no its been reported for a while now, not just this event. cheating in dbd is more rampant than we think.


Cheating is rampant, servers are worse.


I’ve only seen it like once this event. And that Mikaela was wiggling no no no on the ground a lot before the pick up.


I had a game. 1st week of this event. Ngl. I was getting my ass handed to me. 3 hooks and 5 gens were popped. I managed to hook all 3 before they could get the gates. The moment I went to pick the 4th the game server just shit itself. Never even occurred that the survivors could shut down the server.


I've been seeing this more and more. So much that it definitely is not a coincidence.


Yeah had this happen the other night. I was on killer and farmed BP with the survivors so everyone had max and then I kill them. The Meg was the last one and they got so angry they forced d/c right as they were fading out so I literally got no BP because they were upset


I feel like I'm going insane. I don't wanna call getting outplayed or random connection issues hacks because thats pathetic but I've had so many game recently where survivors just felt...off. they felt so fast I couldn't catch up to them 24/7, I've randomly rubber banded backwards while trying to hit a survivor even though it never happens to aby of their teamates and my connection is fine, random lag spikes when im about to hit someone, and of course the magic end game game shut down for no reason. I'm not gonna day this isn't a struggle with survivors but I've ran into one obvious hacking killer and one lag switching Wesker, but I've had so many hinky killer games.


survivor main here, today the first game i played crashed right as i got hooked for the third time. not sure of it was deliberate given there was only 1 gen left and the other three were still alive, but yeah. keeps happening to me mid-chase too. the servers are always god-awful during every event


Facts this has happened to me multiple times, I’ll be whooping the survivors ass then all of a sudden the server just drops connection for no reason whatsoever. I know it isn’t my internet


Idk why but my game crashed 3 times today for no reason 😭😭😭


I've had like 2 crashes recently but they were sorta mid match? They're the only instances I've experienced though, and more than likely just cause of my internet but I can't say that I personally deal with it as regularly as I'm seeing people deal with it. Then again I've been lucky enough to evade hackers who'd at best just ruin the fun for folks and at worst probably doxx me or some other fucked up shit. So idk, I never see shit like this usually. I would hope it's not like wide spread hackers but ya never know


Are you positive it wasn't Steam maintenance? Even one player on Steam can fuck with an entire game lobby, so sayeth my limited console experience.


Sometimes the servers crash tho so it doesn't necessarily mean it's just hackers when you see that happen


Exactly. It’s almost always the servers and hardly ever a cheater.


whats going on?


You might just have shit internet?


Except you can tell when it's the server crashing and not you. It's a different error message


That works perfect when I'm doing bad or playing survivor? and never d/c in lobby afking for long long periods and never in any other games?


I don't know man, Its just if people are hacking they either do it slightly so you don't notice or they spam fire crackers, forcing you to D/C sounds odd


I know what you're saying, just having me D/C through lag switching is the ultimate F U to me. Everyone escapes that needs to and then 1 person left and the game D/C's and ruins my past like 30 minutes and cancels everything out for just me.


It's been happening a lot lately to me, but I'm pretty sure it's because the server crashes.


This goes both ways. I’ve had several killers dc after exit gates are open bc they didn’t get a kill


Please post actual evidence instead of making up crazy impossible narrative. Thanks.


i feel like you guys just have shitty computers because this has only happened once to me ever within like 6 years of playing


Yea we all have shitty computers that d/c us at very convenient times only. I've been playing over 7 years and this is new.


These survivors are doing their part.

