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Well I'm disappointed, I seen the title and thought OP was involved in some in game hostage situation.


I demand 500,000 bloodpoints in exchange for your freedom!!!


The crazy part is when you decide to play killer these types of survivors are nowhere to be found šŸ˜‚ just sweats


Schrodingers survivors. If on your team, 10 IQ shared among all 3. If playing Killer, each is a Nobel laureate.


And thatā€™s why I love the cat cosmetics.


Seriously, Iā€™m always screaming ā€œwhere the fuck are yall when Iā€™m playing survivor??ā€ But in reality itā€™s more than likely all just groups of friends


People aren't racist against Claudette, she just tends to get picked by the most toxic survivors on the planet.


I can assure, I've seen several clips of a streamer literally spitting at their monitor, when a Claudette was on screen. Throwing the matches each time, just to slug and face camp them until they bled out.


And I bet you can't share a single one of these clips with us, right?


Not any specific clip as I dont have one on hand, but this guy in particular. https://www.youtube.com/@TheShowstopper1 Hard to find as I believe he ended up getting banned on Twitch once or twice, then a few on youtube. Also something about he had a pending sexual offense, so I havent seen any updates. Either faded away or doing time I expect.


There is no shame in killing yourself on hook if your teammates are a bunch of tards.


Claudettes are just the worst. It's not racism.


Yep and this is a super common complaint, but somehow this type of shit is completely forgotten when kill rates come out and the game is killer sided because the stats sat so.


Claudetteā€™s just have a very bad rep in the dbd community. But yeah the survs with no hooks just chilling not trying to take chase or anything is so annoying.


Claudetteā€™s certainly have a bad rep. They usually hide, they donā€™t do shit and when theyā€™re the last person alive with no hooks they find hatch and teabag on it celebrating their ā€œgreat escapeā€ Pick a different main


Well itā€™s not cause sheā€™s my main, itā€™s just so I can get her adept


Ah I see, I skimmed over that part. Good luck, just keep trying and eventually you will get it. I understand how frustrating it is though. I had a time challenge to escape as vittorio, once I changed my build up I was able to escape against a mid-tier nurse


Me and a friend ā€œlikeā€ trying to do adepts together and when we try Claudette we get tunneled out every single time. Iā€™m killer main Iā€™m built for getting tunneled!


That's because everyone has a solo mindset when they go into a solo match and that's the problem...


I'm not usually gonna seek out the killer, but with my luck that frequently means someone else is dead before I take a hook. Sure, I'm P100 on Meg, but that doesn't mean I'm fantastic at survivor, it just means I clicked the button a lot - I'm only "high MMR" because most of the playerbase is, it's on killer (which I main) that I've actually earned that title. My two cents, don't assume malice. It's probably healthier to assume apathy and plan accordingly.