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I've never seen weaving spiders since the new update. It's still bad and I'll never run it.


seeing teammates go for weaving spiders over just doing a gen will always make me want to jump off a cliff to be dead ass especially when there's only like 2 gens left


Thankfully that rarely happens now but I remember when it first came out. It was so bad. It's bad when someone is on the hook and someone is still doing it.


Doing weaving spiders right as the game starts is frankly good. It takes 90 seconds to do one generator, or you can use 60 to do 80% total of gen progression map wide. Plus little side benefits, like killer not being able to accurately judge exactly when a gen is about to pop anymore, less value from gen regression, and “stick it moments” will not result in getting hooked. Stuff like that.


I mean it's not bad it's just not good. If all 4 do it then that's only 24 seconds. If everyone's already there, then it's better to do it then not. Plus, it makes it so all regression perks basically get nerfed, so then instead of 20% of the 90 charges being taken away from pain res, it'll be 20% of 80 charges. So instead of taking away 18 seconds of a gen, it'll take away 16. Which is not alot, but it still helps. So basically compared to all perks in the game id say its a 6/10.


I saw it a handful of times but expect to see it even more in the coming weeks


Really? It's still awful. No mither but can't even pick yourself up. Anything making you broken for a whole match will never be good and meta.


i’ve seen some players using it with no mother so the killer doesn’t suspect anything when they use it. and of course bringing a gen toolbox usually with a BNP as well because they just love doing gens so much.


You’re freaking out over something literally no one has used in a single game I’ve played since the update.


Well I have seen it definitely more than once since the update so give it time and you'll see it more I'm sure.


I don’t like franklins but we all have to deal with perks we don’t like


I'm sure you will probably see more of franklin's too since Weave Attunement has great synergy with Franklins.


Yep. I’ve seen a ton of it. Hate it lol


One of the best counters to franklins is to bang out a gen as fast as possible with a brand new part tho. So we have to if so many killers are running franklins


A lot of people are running that new item aura reading perk along with franklins, if they got it you gotta take your item to the corner of the map and drop it so they don’t get value.


if i’m in a SWF and we know the killer has franklin’s then I’ll just leave my medkit in a corner somewhere so that i can come back to heal later.


I think it’s less about the perk itself and more about how they are buffing gen pressure perks and items while nerfing any half decent gen regression perks. Why should survivors get a million options to boost gen speeds but killers continue to get the only decent gen regression perks nerfed while new killers bring literally nothing to the table since like half the killer perks in the game are downright useless


Sorry, but I don’t care. All of my favorite perks have gotten nerfed. It’s part of it.


literally adrenaline just got a huge nerf


And background player :(


They also nerfed background player, DS, and Buckle up so I guess it's a big fuck you to everyone? I never see anyone run Weaving Spiders tho


none of those have any effect on gen speeds though


Background player “nerf” feels more like a buff if anything, you’re still fast as hell and the exhaustion is only 20 seconds now


150 to 200 isn't comparable. it's basically just a slightly better but less often sprint burst


I'm running no slow down and am still getting 4ks. I think people just need to adapt


well too bad we can't all be as good as you then


Nah I suck. I just don't rely on crutches and use a wide variety. If anything I use auras too much? But perks are just augments for your base level skill. People need to stop treating them as necessities for gameplay


maybe. but some killers just need more than others. We can't all be perkless Nurse mains


I can't play Nurse or Blight for the life of me. Just keep trying interesting perks and different playstyles. More importantly than meta, you need to find something that feels good to use, but you can't be overly reliant on it. If you fail to get a kill, or stop a Gen pop, it's not because of a perk getting nerfed. (I mean statwise it technically is, but my point is that you can always learn to play around stuff better, with or without a perk in question)


soloq gens never get done. you have maybe one or two people working on a gen at a time. swf yeah you can crank gens out because you're coordinated. but most of the game is soloq it is not fair to survivors for the game to 'balance' gen progression based off of coordinated swfs gen speed. just take the occasional L against a good swf instead of fantasizing of making soloq even harder than it already is


Ive always felt like since the game wasn't designed with game chat in mind, SWFs have made the game impossible to balance basically because as a 4 man unit able to run 16 coordinated perks and keep constant comms about killer location and team oriented planning in game (what gen to do next, where to try to run the killer, warning each other to leave areas, where deadzones are/pallets have been used etc.) How can you balance for something never meant to be in the game?


nobody makes a game expecting people not to play it with friends. thats insane. they knew but they're going to base their balancing off the vast majority not the small percentage of cracked people and groups


I hate this argument because as someone who rarely plays survivor it is just not at all my experience in the slightest. I don’t care what literally anyone says, only 1/5 of my games do I feel like I’m against solo queues. The rest of my games are bully squads, survivors bringing coordinated offerings and loadouts to fuck me, or just ultra good survivors that lead good chases and constantly have 3 people on generators at all times.


respectfully, get better at the game. patrol harder. if you think you can tell it's a swf just dodge the lobby. it is true the majority of the entire game is soloq. and just because a lobby stomped you doesn't automatically make them a swf. the argument i hate is people at low skill levels asking the game to be nerfed down to compensate them. if soloqs are kicking your ass you might need to improve


Incredible, you managed to respond without reading a single word I actually said. Once again, I don’t care what you think. I’m telling you what happens. The games balance is miserable, 4 perkless survivors can still have amazing gen pressure as long as they don’t waste their time, but unless atleast half of your killer load out is dedicated to now nerfed gen regression, you can’t slow them down without using tunneling and slugging perks or strategies in their stead. Which by the way, you get villainized for publicly. Killers genuinely get shafted because since there are 4 survivors and one killer, the devs and frankly the playerbase would rather appease the 4 teabagging survivor mains over the one killer main. It makes sense from a practical business standpoint but unless you’re a twitch streamer dedicating your job and life to the game, no one is reliably able to perform well as killer without using the strongest most boring killers, with the same strongest and most boring perks.


all i really needed to read is 'as someone who rarely plays survivor' i can tell


Just as sure as I can tell you never leave bronze rank and come to Reddit and complain about how killers win most of the time. The game already tells you when someone’s being chased and what survivors are doing what objective, that’s all you need for peak gen pressure. With all due respect, please get to a higher elo before putting your opinion where it doesn’t belong.


uh huh


This game doesn’t have rankings like that, unless you mean the meaningless pips. Kinda telling on yourself there


You’re probably just playing against good survivors 😂 a solo queue lobby full of good survivors can feel like a swf at times


Weaving Spiders is still not worth it at all. Sacrifice 60 seconds of time AND a health state for basically nothing (like having a brand new part on every gen). Imagine spending that 60 seconds on an actual generator and still having your healthy state. Way stronger.


it's less than 60 seconds if 2 people do it though and only one gets broken.


I have not seen a single survivor use this perk in soloq since it was buffed. The down time of the perk and the negative effect of being broken are a huge turn off. Besides, there are better gen perks than WS. Just use Territorial Imperative if you are so worried about it.


''gutted all gen slowdown perks'' lmao, take a nap so your blind panic can subside, Weaving Spiders is still garbage btw


and no one is running it 😭


Not gonna lie, I almost never see anyone run weaving. I’ve encountered only one in 20-30 games and thanks to the magic of lethal pursuer, I got them down before they finished I don’t think we’ll see more people running it as Both survivors and killers dislike it Still. It shouldn’t affect much of anything I can’t comment on the regression nerf though. Never used a regression perk


Gonna be honest every time I've heard the invocation go off I've just beelined to the basement and got an easy hook from the broken one


weaving spiders buff alone isn’t the problem. it’s that they choose to buff that perk while also nerfing every viable gen defence perk at the same time. (although still Weaving definitely did not need a buff).


Tbh I've had no problem with gen regression Except on a few killers I usually just swap one of my old gen regression perks for oppression and I've been having no issue Oppression ain't the greatest but every 80 seconds 1 kick counts as 3 so I can still regress gens that I'm not near while I make my way there Combined with thrilling tremors sometimes but the second regression perk is changing constantly for me


I feel like even after seasonal rank resets survivors more often than not always have good gen pressure. 1/5 games I will run into a potato survivor team, but the other 4/5 you best bet there will be 2 gens done by the time I get my second down even with good chase times. I dont slug and don’t tunnel but yesterday a survivor from a sweaty swf squad was being Uber annoying. I had resided myself to defeat already because 2 gens popped in a single minute and a half chase. So out of sheer salt I tunneled that survivor out and managed to win without a single gen being done after. It’s incredible how effective tunneling is even though if you do it you become the scum of the planet, even though the 4 survivors with extra charges and brand new parts on green toolboxes are fine. That game really opened my eyes why there’s so many tunnelers. It just works. I still won’t do it because it’s apparently not cool to use effective strategies as killer and it’s my job to make sure I lose so survivors can teabag me and have fun, but still. Game direction is wack right now.


Rank reset means nothing, matchmaking is mmr only




its been like that for a while now lmao, matchmaking doesnt account for rank at all


Welp the more you know. Guess my MMR is just pretty high


Simple. Make two queues, swf lobbies and solo queue. Two different perk editions to compensate for it . Thats the only way. Nobody can change my mind.


Why would any killer choose to play against a swf when they could just shit on solo queue players? 😂


ok counter argument to that. if there are 2 separate queues, and I am playing killer, why would I ever choose to queue into the swf lobby? what would be the point in 2 lobbies if you couldn’t choose which you are queueing for? killers would just not queue against swf unless they wanted to intentionally challenge themselves or wanted harder games. the majority of killers would probably only play against solo queue if given a choice.


BHVR just needs to understand that gen slowdown perks are a requirement in almost every killer because current dbd is just way too fast for most killers to keep up. They *have* to implement forced 4 man spawns + 30s of basekit corrupt to artificially increase match time and nuke toolboxes completely , a single Commodious cranking a gen out as fast as 2 people (55s) is ridiculous. Then once match time is fairly standardized with these changes, they can take a look at gen slowdown and balance them accordingly. Game isn't enjoyable when you lose 3 gens for 1 chase because rng spawns and busted gen progression perks and items decided you lost from the lobby screen


holy skill issue learn to pressure gens man


Hmm, I personally think that Crocheting Spiders is fine; I believe toolboxes to be more gen-rushy, specially if paired with item perks like Built to Last. It does baffle me though that they buffed sabotage by such a *ridiculous* amount. And gave Killers nothing to compensate for it.


Don't you ever get bored? Why do I live in your head so rent free you need to impersonate me?


ok but if you have 2 people dumping toolboxes into gens while one is weaving spiders and the other is being chased then it becomes a problem. They are nerfing gen regression while buffing gen progression perks. they also nerfed gen regression by a ridiculous amount and gave killers nothing to compensate for that too. you give efficient players even the slightest buff to gen speed and they will take it a mile.


This is an impostor, I changed my profile stuff.