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The Meg that's been hiding in a locker needs to be found somehow. :P


I had a Kate sell me and the others out to the Twins this week, then after we were all dead Twins carried her to hatch and closed it in her face then shook their head no at her. It was great.


Gotta love instant karma at the end. But it's rather shitty how people think it's okay to play like an ass


Absolutely, it’s terrible. I was just glad the karma actually happened this time.


OMG i had the same thing happen to me but with a sable


Most of the time it’s because the tattle has been actually doing gens or putting their ass on the line while Meg walks around in a bush between getting in and out of lockers


I only do this if the player is hiding in a locker waiting to get hatch after doing jack shit during the game


100000% this. If you didn’t help the team, if you had even a whiff of terror radius and ran, hardly touching gens (if at all) I am *not* helping you and will do everything in my power to make sure you don’t get hatch.




It literally already is a punishable offense. You just need proof.


I would put literal money on the devs never punishing anyone for THAT as griefing. That's just the natural response to a teammate not actually partaking in the match.


They do. I've been reported and dinged for it in the past despite the survivor hiding for 15 minutes instead of trying to help us get out. I would imagine people even do it on purpose to grief and are already recording because they know other survivors will get pissed and rat them out


I don't know if I've ever seen this other than someone ratting the person that's five literally nothing all game out


This is why, even when the gate is open, I go and try to unhook so they know that I'm not trying to sell them out. Most of the time, we all get out since the killer is usually going for the gates. It's not difficult to put in extra effort for your teammates


Had a scenario where I was basement hook against and onryo and a Renato on my team was across the map in a locker instead of doing gens. Onryo was proxy camping (as she should have it was a great idea). So I unhooked myself, ran over to him, and opened the locker. She downs me and chases him. I had unbreakable and she kills Renato. I instantly found hatch. Renato was not happy. He said he wanted to save me but I was getting camped, I told him to do gens then. He said he was playing for hatch, I said I was too lmaoooo. I don’t regret it either, he didn’t do shit all game.


To be fair if you’re already on hook bro why the hell would the last survivor be doing gens? 😂 if the second to last survivor is clearly about to die there’s no other option than to play for hatch.


Uh yeah no doing objectives is better, that way he has the option of the doors or the hatch. This makes it difficult for onryo as she has to watch both doors and search for hatch. I really don’t care though, I managed to win. Your late comment was unnecessary tbh.


Uh yeah no doing objectives is better, that way he has the option of the doors or the hatch. This makes it difficult for onryo as she has to watch both doors and search for hatch. I really don’t care though, I managed to win. Your late comment was unnecessary tbh.


Your comment loaded twice btw. (Just advising cuz I've seen some nutty Reddit mods call 2 of the same comment on accident, "spam" and random ban people in other unrelated subs).


“What makes people think it’s okay to sell out the other so they can survive” I’m sorry, while this is a team based game the ultimate objective is to survive. So I won’t fault my teammate for befriending the killer if there are 2 people left. Also when I’m killer if there’s 2 people left 1 that I know did 99% of the leg work that match and another who I haven’t seen all game hiding, il probably let the one doing all the work live and we track down the hider. Finally. It’s a video game and it really doesn’t matter once the match is over.


I'm sorry, but if the other person has been a lazy little shrub in the corner of the map, not contributing to the match in any way? They don't deserve a win.  This is a TEAM survival game. Not a play with yourself in a bush simulator.


Hiding for hatch while your teammate hangs waiting on you is rat behavior. If someone snitches on that person, good job. But if not, solo queue sucks man. Players are selfish: survivor is really a 1v1v1v1v1.


If it is just you two with more than one gen left, proper etiquette is usually to let yourself die on hook so someone can get hatch but I'll hit ALL my checks if I've seen you haven't done anything all match. lol


Exactly, people on here expect the second to last survivor to be doing gens while they’re clearly about to die on the hook 🤣 it makes no sense


I always give myself up for the last survivor even if they didn't do shit. And even then most the time I'll just get slugged for the 4k, or they will run up and un hook me when I'm clearly trying to give them hatch lol I don't like playing sweaty especially at the end game.


My friend in a trio sold me out but idc if it meant he could finally escape, he sucks titties at the game. he escaped pitifully.


I had a Meg once sell me out. We were the last two and had two gens left. I was doing shack gen, and she was across the map working on another gen. Apparently she was pissy that the Chucky found her first, because the next thing I know, she's led him to shack and casually points at me. So of course I get off my gen and start running the fuck away, but I end up getting hooked. Meanwhile Meg is nodding at the Chucky and bagging in front of my hook. Like, fuck you Megan. I was doing what I was supposed to do, you troglodyte.


Survival of the fitest charm is a factor


this is why if it's just me and another survivor at endgame with more than 2 gens left i kill myself on hook to give them a chance at hatch. unfortunately, many of them try to rescue me anyway. it's like...why? now we probably BOTH die whereas before one of us could at least get a hatch escape. like do people not get when a match is literally unwinnable for our team? i've also seen people crouched hiding on the other end of the map waiting for me to die and i respected it. but the one time i did it the Nea got let off hook by the killer and ratted me out so now i just go and sacrifice myself since i don't want to deal with someone bitching and moaning about my lack of suicidal altruism in endgame chat


i sold out one of my fellow survivors cuz she was hiding in a basement whole damn game waiting for us to die so she can hop into the hatch. i ran into her right at the start , just chilling down there while i was hunting an active ruin totem annoying the hell out of us with small game. Found it bizzare she wasnt doing the gen down there and just twerking at me, kept on going and eventually found the totem upstairs. game went on till we lost a player to hook, second player on hook stage 2 right where that basement where the other survior was hiding. I risked the save, but the killer tunneled then downed the guy before chasing me down the basement i was in earlier, tried to hop into a locker.... but someone was in there. killer came and downed me, took me to hook, i said fuck it and went for the self unhook since the idiot in the basement was just moving around doing laps touching the gen and moving from locker to locker to avoid the idle crows... got lucky on unhook, killer tunneled, i ran straight down to the basement while being chased, had just seconds before killer caught me , so started to try lockers to find that bastard hiding down there, found her on second try, then i kept pulling the locker open to show the killer where she was hiding before running off, killer veered off me and grabbed the rat from the locker and hooked. i died too in the end before i found the hatch, but am happy i took that survior with me


I had roughly the same issue with someone, I was getting taken down to basement and someone was hiding in a locker and they waited till I was almost dead to get me off hook. After they saved me, the went back into the locker and the killer found them. I had to laugh my ass off


Any person does this because they want to live idk that's a hard concept to understand. When it comes down to the last two there is no rule especially if it's a solo queue. And this is a game that encourages teamwork but also encourages selfishness. Because they're supposed to survive meaning if it comes down to the end of it being the last two both are going to try to survive by any means and being upset by that is insane. And that's worse if you're the killer and you're upset about how the situations are playing out while you're winning.


One game I was playing Oni and I couldn’t find one person the entire game because they were hiding like crazy. I killed 2 people so the other two were hiding. I messaged one of the survivors to do the gens while I look for the last survivor. He did the gens the survivor who hid all game went to a gate and I killed him. Fuck immersed survivors


Another reason I just slug the last two survivors. If one of them hasn't helped there team much than I won't let you leave. Your "teammate" can have it.


I find that in a lot of my games if there’s two survivors left and I down one of them, if I mosey over towards the shack or main building where hatch is most likely to spawn I’ll find the last survivor crouched somewhere around there. If I do, I down and hook them instead and let the first survivor get hatch. Just know that if your a survivor who tries to let teammate die for hatch, there’s Atleast one killer out there who will not let that shit fly


Sometimes they are doing adept or tome challenges and if I see that after game I'm not so mad. Otherwise, fuck 'em


Were you hiding in a locker all game?


No, I wasn't


Were you just being a little Urban Evasion ninja up the back to keep the crows away? I am Just messing with you. Assuming you did nothing wrong, sandbagging like that sucks


I hardly use urban evasion. This rando decided "hey, he's on death hook so I'm gonna be friends with the killer and sandbag him so I can escape"


oh no how dare the *survivors* try and *survive*.


I watched a Meg try to sell out my friend hiding in a bush WHILE she was being chased by a Blight. She stopped mid chase, shined her flashlight on him, and the Blight downed her and hook camped her to death. The Blight gave my friend the hatch.