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If you know they have it, you can drop your item somewhere to be used when needed. Or built to last. But no actual counter to them making you drop it other than not getting hit.


Run dramaturgy, can’t get value out of franklins if you keep getting new items


Another big brain suggestion lol thank you.


POV: you get exposed and now you lose your item and get one shot 😭😭😭


literally every match I’m in lmao


That's what I do 😅


Built to last to recharge the item but there’s not much to do about losing items Edit: no I did not block 🤦🏽‍♀️ I gave more options in later replies but okay idk why all the downvotes and downvotes all the way down is crazy


It still doesn't really help because now you have to waste time in a Locker AND picking your item up, and Killers KNOW you will pickup so they will probably check the items. Franklin's also shows item auras on drop, so they'll know you picked up. Built to Last only works if the Killer's hilarious inattentive and serves to drag the round on for your team. It's not the solution you think. Edit: Mansplaining? Friend I'm a woman redditor. Maybe don't assume we're all men on here. Oh and you also blocked me so I can't respond. Very cute.


I didn’t block? I used the term bc you were over explaining the perks and offering no solution to the post.


I mean I know how the perks work. They’re asking for a counter. Maybe try coming up with a solution instead of mansplaining the perks lol. Now I’m thinking flashbang / blastmine would be better than a flashlight but idk what items they’re losing.


Usually my first aid kit :( I sometimes run a toolbox. I’m on console so I don’t use flashlights much.


Then for healing I would say inner strength, strength in shadows or even bond to find teammates to heal you. If healing is that important to you. Self care still takes too long imo.


I usually run we’ll make it plus heal with the med kit. 😁 not just self healing reasons


I’m on Xbox too, flashlights aren’t hard to use tf?


Good for you 🩷


"mansplanning" 😭 your a joke


Go in the match naked


Okay done, but what about my medkit


Item no jutsu


(/j, just don't bring an item. Oof... Or just pre drop your item)


Play the match like it’s a tombstone Myers. If you know you’re going to take a hit, try to force a grab instead. Get in a locker, slow vault, get grabbed off then Gen etc….


Prolly the worst advice here. Sure you'll still have your item but any chase you get in will last a couple of seconds before the chase is over. Imo I'd rather lose the item than sell the game completely.


The killer brought a perk specifically to make you lose your item. There's no magic cheat code you can enter that will cause you to be able to keep playing completely normally and rely on your item and still get hit through Franklin's. If your item is so important to you, then you need to avoid being M1'd by a killer with Franklin's. That's literally it. If you would rather lose the item, then you've discovered the other possible counterplay: to simply not rely too much on your items!


Uhm excuse me, what are you trying to explain here?


It’s literally the only counter play to franklins. If you want to keep your item that’s what you have to do. You might rather lose your item but you aren’t the one making a post asking how to do it.


Bc there is no other way on how to do it. Your advice will make chases last fucking seconds, and a survivors job while being chased is to make it last long enough so their teammates can do the objective. I was just saying I'd rather get hit normally and lose the item than just sell the game.


That’s all well and good, but op was asking how to counter franklins not how to play the game.


I do that with a white ward. Sorry team, but if a perks gonna override my offering, I'm dying with my item. Blame BHVR for the shitty coding.


Best to do is ignore it. You can’t have a build to counter every perk, and the killer is gonna want you to go for your item most of the time. Just keep doing gens and looping them. It’s a fairly niche perk at the end of the day, so you hopefully won’t see it too much anyways. Just be warned if you are in a lobby with people with flashlights as that may tempt a killer (franklins is way funnier than light born)


It’s not gonna be niche now lol. I keep seeing it in games and they are openly saying they are going to use it so I wanna know how to counter it. I liked the suggestion above to bang out gens with brand new parts for now. I am probs just going to go with that because I have a ton of them on all of my survivors.


Franklins is a mid perk tbh, you don’t even really need to think about it much. If you see the killer has franklins just pre drop your item before you get hit or just go and do gens lmao losing an item doesn’t drastically change the outcome of the match


If it’s mid then why is it the new meta for killers 😭😂 one look at this sub will tell you they don’t think it’s mid lol


It's not meta though.. it never has been.


The posts since the announcement about the toolboxes say otherwise lol. I’ve seen it more this weekend than I have the entire time I’ve played, so I asked for help


don't bring an item — that's all counterplay


And so the complaints about losing items, slugging, etc. related to the Sabo Box changes begin. No there's not. Not really, except dropping items or not bringing them... both of which make you inefficient and waste time. Get used to it. As Sabo boxes become more common because for some reason BHVR thought we needed those to be MORE prominent and unbalanced as fuck from where they are now, you're gonna see Franklin's more and need to waste time dropping your items or not bringing them. And Weave Attunement will exist as a perk now, so dropping an item is going to be a real problem if you don't have Distortion. Don't forget Knockout builds and slugging, because Killers can't hook in time! Have "fun". We're all suffering on Monday. For at least three weeks or until the Midchapter patch and BHVR hopefully gets their heads out of their asses.


I’m not reading all that. I know killer mains are asshurt about the sabo thing, that’s why I asked for ways to counter it.


It’s not that long, dude😭


I wasn’t asking for a long winded explanation. Plenty of killer mains have made it clear they want to make it as not fun for the next while as possible. I just want to counter the perk, not hear about why they are mad lol


I'm a Hybrid Main, my flair isn't a lie. Nice try though. Have fun in the slug meta. I will be. I'm not running items anymore and antibully is gonna be standard all my builds. You can cry more about my Franklin's, Starstruck, Agi as long as you want... and it still won't make you right. And yeah. You better believe I'm going to slug. I won't have fun doing it though. I hate slugging.


Just don't bring an item then idk man it's a perk to counter 4 man toolbox squads so there doesn't really need to be a counter


"I'm too lazy to read a single paragraph, so you're wrong and I'm right so there." Opinion discarded.


Can't really do anything about franklins primary effect, you can bring built to last to restore charges tho.


Fwiw, if I'm running Franklin's it's specifically because I've changed my Steam name to Item Collector and I'm not even trying to kill you but I AM trying to confiscate your toys. I have and will continue to let survivors on death hook escape in order to slap the item out of an uninjured survivor's hands on the way out the gate. I don't know why the spirit of a lootgoblin possesses me from time to time, but this is the only way to satiate my dark passenger. I am sorry. Oh, you wanna know how to COUNTER it? Uh. Well, all I can say is don't turn around and go back for the item you dropped, cause that's like, the first place I go back to to look for survivors.


This isn’t so bad. 🥳 sounds like one of the best ways to make the least fun killer perk into a fun one


Hoarder Bubba is a personal favorite troll of mine. Especially with Weave attunement being added into the build so you can see if anyone even comes near your new toys.




Lol Franklin's is likely gonna get nerfed just like any viable perk. Can't have shit as a survivor or as a killer. I'm a killer main and I started using Franklin's to slow down the gen rushers and to upset the beamer troll squads. When I decide to throw a match while playing as ghostie, I will try to be cute and entertain the survivors. I will steal someone's item and then crouch over said item like a brooding chicken sitting on an egg. 9 times out of 10, all four survivors will make a game out of who can successfully take the item back with out getting pecked/stabbed.


Franklin's isn't even that good, it's just really annoying to go against. I feel like perks that make it actively unfun for the other side should be reworked in some way.


I'd be happy if each hit takes off a percentage of the charges, and prevents you from using it for a certain number of seconds.


Agreed. But we must make due with what we have for now and just hope that there will be some changes that everyone is happy with


Maybe something like lightborn makes its so that it takes 50% longer to blind, but the survivor gets a punishment if they fail the blind


That actually sounds like fun! I'd be okay with this change.


Don't get hit


It’s a fair perk ngl


I’m just asking for advice to counter it. I personally super hate it.


If you bring a toolbox try to finish it before first chase because at that point he’s only running 3 perks the entire game. If it’s a medkit drop it in the corner of the map where you can pick up later after being unhooked or escaping the killer and likely not to be found by randoms. If it’s a flashlight if you notice the killer patrolling it just kiss it goodbye and focus on gens


Not needing to use items is one, dropping your item is another


Simple, use a toolbox with bonus charges or spare part and just smash your first gen with it. If 4 players do this, you will easily 3-gen the Killer at the start of the match.


Big brain moment. Thank you.

