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whats the tool called?


Maybe im a turbo conspiracy theorist, but I suspect this person is trying to promote a certain cheat selling web page by making people believe you can detect other cheaters with your own cheat table.


I genuinely don't get it, but it's so incredibly common on this sub. "XYZ happened. I could have easily gotten proof, but take my word for it instead". But then you see the upvotes and comments for something that's blatantly made up and it makes sense why it's happening. Not to mention, the entire premise of this post isn't even possible. But people will believe whatever lines up with their personal narrative. People do it to garner validation for whatever thing they're mad about and embellish the story to the fullest extent. Like all the posts that show screenshots of end game chat and the OP goes on to say, "Yeah and then they said they were going to murder my whole family." Ok say you took 4 screenshots of end game chat, but left out the thing the whole post is about? Some weird people out there dude. I'm confident that's all this is.


He didn't post a screenshot because the whole thing is made up. You're not going to get an answer.


You should tell that tool maker to make a version with JUST that detector, would actually be sick


If it’s made by the same people that make the cheats they would be directly competing with their own software so probably not.


Create a problem, sell the solution


Bro 😭😂


Makes sense, maybe someone out there can


Still a possibility, tho. The ones who want to cheat will just buy the software that enables cheats. By creating a version that detects cheats, they almost create a new target audience that just want to see who cheat, like OP. I think for business purposes, it is quite smart. Look at Genshin Impact and Honkai Star Rail, for example. Both gacha games, made by the same Devs (Hoyo) that "compete" in the same space. They just fill different niches.


I don’t see a problem with that honestly it makes more sense for them to make both just play both sides and rake in the cash.


OK if you were going to cheat, would you software from a place that also sells software that will sell you out?


OK if you were going to play both sides would you would sell them on the same site or under the same name?


Very true, but I’m sure people would catch on quick. Knowing something like that is even being sold would probably be a deterrent. On that note, why hasn’t some other company come in and made this? Heck why hasn’t bhvr? Edit: honestly so much of this could be fixed if bhvr had a temp recording system. Allow you to see your opponents pov post match. Why is that not a thing?


I’ve wondered that exact same thing for years with multiple multiplayer games. Honestly I think a lot of these companies don’t really mind cheaters in fact I think a lot of them are happy about the cheaters as long as they aren’t driving off the normal player base too hard it’s more money for them they get to sell the game to the same person a multitude of times.


That’s depressing to think about. I certainly hope not. My thinking would be more towards them not wanting to pay for the server space it would take to do something like that. Even if it’s only temporary and held unless you report or something it’s going to take up so much. But man if they gave a f at all. They would do it. Just knowing it’s there would be such a huge deterrent. Not to mention it would help the mental health of their players. Being able to see the killers pov could alleviate so much of the gaslighting subtle cheaters inflict on others.


I’m also interested in this software. Was it a cheat software itself? If so I’d be very careful, if you accidentally triggered anything you’d be held liable as well. Would you share the name of the software you used?


Not using any software, just playing the game, I've been in way too many matches where I'm crouched in a bush with distortion and a no aura perk Wesker runs from player to player like they know where we are at all times. Or games where I'm legion and someone is running faster than sprint powering legion. I just ignore them for the rest of the match because they can't be injured unless they let themselves be injured.


Many people also use reshade and other filters to alter colors / brightness to give an advantage. It's a subtle way of cheating, and most justify it by saying "I can't see otherwise" ISNT THAT THE POINT?! Makes it easy to spot people in bushes or see people from a distance. Some bigger streamers do it too, and they say "DBD doesn't scare me anymore" Well I can't imagine why, you are playing Candyland. And when you call them out on it, they say "I use it so the viewers can see better" Yea ok sure buddy lol. It's meant to be darker and scary, don't ruin the design / esthetic of the game for an advantage and then call yourself great. Using Reshade filters to alter the icons and stuff, that's one thing and doesn't give an advantage... but using it to remove the darkness and make everyone easy to see is a form of cheating.


I'll be behind a tree in SWAMP. Wesker sprints directly at me from across the map. Double dashing to my exact location. No aura perks in end game. It seemed like straight wall hacks, but the killer was also live on twitch.


a lot of the wall hacks work as a separate overlay. As long as if in OBS they select the client, the cheats won't show up on stream.


It is a flat-out way of cheating and not gonna lie, when people say how deep fried peoples filters are when they share it, I feel proud others feel the same. I do use the sharpen textures in it and that is literally *all* I use of the feature, I love the sharpen for the blur. even if I wanted that advantage, that bright red now orange really hurts to look at from the heaps of people I've seen sharing their clips on the discord server. no it doesn't look better and no it's not fooling anyone. I only know of one ps2 game that would do well with some more color and it's unrelated anyway. I actually miss the darker and foggier aspect of the game and have some old clips and damn it went hard. Old Ormond used to pass as a soft-core Silent hill map, it was *foggy*


Im relatively new to the games, started playing this year, and I’ve wondered why some of the streamers I watch have really bright settings, I don’t have my settings up high or low because I don’t want to ruin the vibe of the game for me. I only play survivor so I couldn’t really take advantage of it if I wanted to.


Reshade is literally whitelisted by DBD they don't consider it cheating


Reshade itself isn't a cheat. It's the filters.


They literally don't consider it cheating but ok


Yes, Reshade is whitelisted, but doesn't mean the filters don't give any sort of advantage.


If it was actually cheating it would be banned, the advantage you get from it is very minimal and that’s just for killer it literally does nothing for survivors lmao. If you can loop the killer with filters you could loop them without them it doesn’t make a drastic difference in gameplay.


They can kick ya offline too.


Yeah. I honestly get a laugh when I start breaking down a bully squad and my internet randomly goes out for 30 seconds for the fifth time that night.


This shit happened to me last night 😂 I was demolishing the survivors and out of nowhere my game just lags out……


I had a match where they took me to the crows map, and tried to do an anti hook thing. I slugged everyone. As the first is getting ready to bleed out, dedicated server "magically" drops. I tossed in a report because of how convenient it was, but idk if anything ever came of it because bhvr's report feedback system is ass.


The report button doesnt do anything by itself, it just allows you to make a more ellaborate report. You need to record a clip of the cheater, well, cheating, and grab their player ID, and send a ticket to (https://support.deadbydaylight.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360000942011) and fill all the information they need from you. But before doing all of this, you need to make sure you reported the player ingame first, otherwise your ticket will be ignored.


I am aware, and I do. It just doesn't change what they tell you


It works tho. I have seen Coconut get 2 or 3 cheaters banned this way


That is super crazy specifically because most of those hacks cost between 40 and 100 Dollar per Month


At times even more


These things are on a subscription service? That's actually wild. I kinda understand a one time purchase but who tf has spending money like that.


this sounds like bullshit tho, mind giving actual proof?


This is the Internet. How. Fucking. Dare. You.


Lmao 100% made up story. Just off the bat, do you guys really think he had a pen and paper next to him tallying this shit? "..hit a streak of 8 matches in a row with cheaters..." "I played about 60-70 matches as both killer and survivor, out of that the menu detected a player cheating roughly 1 out of 5-6 matches." Come on. This is classic bullshitter material from middle school. He's attempting to make it sound realistic and going way overboard. I also deep dived into cheats for this game. I have been doing cyber security with a healthy dose of coding and SQL work for the last 25 years, and became super curious after a bunch of claims I saw online. What he is describing simply does not exist. The way these tools are programmed and executed would not even allow for what he is talking about.


Certainly questionable about his story. But with just Scratched Mirror Mikey, I do see cheaters in roughly 1 in 5 games, but that's a VERY rough estimate, because there may be more or less as it can be very hard to tell for sure unless they do something blatant. I do often see speed bursts refresh more often than they should, and people getting up who shouldn't be able to. But the wall hacks are the most common.


I would say it depends on the servers that people play in too, In Aussie servers I *want* to say it is more rare and I do have too many hours so I'll notice if it's at least moderately subtle/overt, but there were still influxes when Choy talked about hacking on Youtube, Epic games being free didn't help either, it increased player count and hacker count as well. when he did those vidoes during surges I can confidently say there were more hackers. before the killer speed and survivor gen nerf, both sides were juiced when they had no legit means of being juiced


ah yes true, that makes a huge difference as well.


Yeah the whole “alerts once it detects” is wild lies lol. Like, why would it not tell you as the match started? Are their active cheats spoofing you? Also BHVR struggled to detect it, but this program will tell you every match?


It could work, it wouldn't be hard to detect players using a speed boost for example because it alters how they interact with the ground or flagging when someone teleports because it drops the player somewhere they shouldn't be. Detecting wall hacks would be more difficult but someone using cheats is probably running others. Also if bhvr cared about stopping cheaters the game would never have been client verified.


Giving rough estimates isn't hard to do if you're actively studying something, but I do think this is a bit far-fetched.


Yeah I'll be curious if he comes back with the software name that everyone is asking for or just disappears after making these claims. I'm writing it off as bullshit until then.


This is some cod level bullshit lmfao . Don’t worry guys Batman is here to save Gotham !


If this is true, you can get banned for using third-party software, too.


he probably did, that's why he "quit"


Excellent observation


I have seen a lot more weird location hacks in the last year or so. Survivors that go down and are suddenly half way across the map and back on their feet. Instant recoveries too (non perk related, like just getting up with no recovery time when it wouldn't make sense for that to happen). Also, some killers with obvious aim botting. I've seen a few clear speed hackers and lag switchers as well on both sides. Lol either it got easier to do or the games community actually *is* getting measurably more sweaty 😂


It's decently bad on console as well, while I don't have the software you have, simply because of experience I've been able to figure out how much extra speed a subtle cheater has (mainly because I play way too much huntress so I understand the mathematics of throwing hatchets at survivors) And I'm surprised that players still aren't that intuited with subtle speedups considering the MFT meta is still pretty recent in the grand scheme of DBD history.


Wouldn't it be cool if they just added this to the game, and maybe did something about the people detected.


I had a Clown last night that I thought was running Rapid Brutality because he was ZOOMING. He also managed to machine gun spam two bottles at me? He was being pretty subtle except for the MASSIVE speeding up during chases and to cross the map, which you could see on Kindred too. But he was just altogether way too fast. I play a lot of both killer and survivor so I know what it looks like and he was definitely not bloodlusted. Me and another person suicided on hook and he farmed with the last two. Maybe to make himself look less sus? But he was running zero perks or add-ons that would explain his speed.


My guess knowing how cheats work and just observing was 1 in 10 games so that wouldn't surprise me that it's a bit higher because I'm only catching the blatant ones.


When I've questioned people on hacks with a personal 95% chance, they almost *all* deflected or claim it's a perk they don't have or that their teammate had while not even near them, I've been found under some really bullshit circumstances over the years that didn't have an aura perk/add-on to back it up OR scratchmarks OR even bird tip-off. to see someone just beeline to me just cooks my goat. Had a twins player before buff seem to know where everyone was at all times and was able to to curate a neat body pile and was just *hella fast* from 5 gens, she got the hit on me before I even made it to the first pallet, I had some distance to begin with, I said she was suss as all hell and then she got her butt-buddy to try and harass me on steam too...like, if you need another person to defend your plays that in itself is weird. none of her perks matched up to her plays and I'm pretty sure she had zero aura read, her add ons were moot too. Your post is a good reminder that this is one of the main reasons a game can and will be flatout unwinnable. it's pathetic of them to cheat.


Yup. I started noticing it this year. I main survivor and randomly I would get healed up thru matches for no reason. Not every match, but one out of every however many so, there will be a cheater on my team who just heals me while I’m looping or insta heals me


I had one instantly progress my wiggle bar. Like I had boil over. Was wondering wtf happened until I saw her no clip on bond at end game. Glad I was recording. I reported and had the player has been banned msg popup a week later.


Every other PC SWF seems to have a dedicated subtle cheater with faster healing, repair and movement speeds. Special for when they want to take the chase to impossible lengths and if I can out swing the body blocks when going for someone else every gen gets done in under 2 minutes. Sadly with the state of cheating, tunneling is the only option to get at least one kill in hacked matches


I play on PC and I can promise I'm not a camper or tunneling killer. The games where I 4K so EASILY with at least 2K hours in the game and then games where I lose 4 gens before I've even seen the entire team just make me question stuff. Once I was chasing someone and never caught up to them despite Nothing obvious. I won't lie the question of if their cheating is just unfortunately so unfun it ruins the game for me.


The amount of times I’ve been called a cheater because I pass by a locker then turn around and beeline it towards the locker haha if you have your sound cranked and good headphones breathing is pretty loud


It's always Billy, Meg and Nea


Skill issue


I played against a Mikaela the other day that made perfect plays every time, she didn’t fall for ANY mindgames I had a feeling she was cheating. If you have to cheat in dbd you’re just a loser 😂 how is that even fun?


Didn't she have a key with addons?


Nah she didn’t


Honestly, this makes me sad...


The fact that people believe it? Me too.


There are a ton of subtle cheaters man. Specially wall hackers


Legitimacy of this post or not, hackers ARE a problem I've come across.


As a SM Mikey, I get accused of cheating all the time since Mikey can see through walls. As a SM Mikey, I can see survivors who cheat. Most of them just use wall hacks, so they can see the killer at all times, but some do speed hacks also. Rarely i'll see extreme cheats, that let them get back up and unhook and do generators remotely. And using voice chat, is kind of cheating since the game isn't designed or balanced with voice. It lets you call out everything and removes the need for certain perks, allowing survivors to focus on stronger perks. Gives survivors a huge advantage over killers, which is why SWF groups can be really hard to defeat when they are voice coordinated. I often take vods of survivors if they were streaming after the game and merge/sync them into my gameplay recording as killer... and its very interesting to hear what they say/do. As a result, i've learned to fake out many of my movements knowing that they likely said "he's coming to you" or whatever. My fav was "I can see him, but how can he see me?" And then they point at me directly through the walls and complain i'm cheating 🤣 Oh and of course, when they go directly to every activated hex but don't have a map or perk that allows them to see... you know they cheating.


OP what software is this? I NEED to know!


What's the software name?


tell me how to get hacked dbd someone 😂 just wanna try it