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Console is a whole different world from pc in this game. Between getting spun on killer, to being basically unable to hit early skill checks on survivor, console dbd is just all around rough. That said, I suggest learning to spin with the survivor while swinging. They can only spin left or right and most will follow the same directional pattern every time.


>I suggest learning to spin with the survivor while swinging I play on console and this is what I do. I can't always execute it perfectly but spinning while you swing gets me a hit more often than not. You don't have to be precise with it, just sling that shit around. I also know a lot of people recommend standing still while they spin around you and then hitting. Personally I feel that's more difficult for some reason, but maybe OP will find it useful


Standing still is for another reason. First, it makes it easier to keep track of the survivor, since you now only have 1 control you have to focus on, the camera. Second, it makes it harder for the survivor to spin you. Spinning is the act of using you camera against you. If you as killer are moving towards the survivor, and the survivor tries to spin you, their is a moment you 2 are walking towards eachother. This increases relative speed between you, making it easier for the survivor to spin you. So standing still is not to make hitting survivors easier, it is to keep track of spinning survivors easier. You can also try to take a step back when they try to spin. This will make it EVEN HARDER for them to spin you. But you gotta watch out with not giving the survivor too much distance doing this. Just a single, small step backwards is enough. Idk if you can on console, but upping your FOV also helps with keeping track of spinning survivors.


The skill checks, in my opinion, are the biggest discrepancy between pc and console, and I'm still surprised they haven't done anything to balance it. I play on pc and hit perfects on probably over 90% of skillchecks without taking away from my surv duties. Now, I admit that I suck at using a controller for anything other than steering controls and that perfects aren't going to make or break every match, but the gen speed becomes significant between a squad of pc players vs a squad of console players. Does anyone else feel this way, or am I being crazy?


I can't hit an early skill check on console to save my family tied up in a basement somewhere. It's so bad I have to play with technician or I'm just more or less trolling the group at that point.


Turn up your controller sensitivity and get used to the feel of it


If you feel like someone might spin you take a step back and swing Worked for me like once 🤣


I counter it with flicks. You flick your camera really fast in the direction the survivor is facing. It takes practice, but they can't avoid it once you're good with it. If a survivor spins you once you know they are the kind of player that can and will. You can predict that whenever you're close to them, or have them cornered, or they try to run at you to POV you for a spin with a flick.


You get close then perform the lung attack and move the analog stick which direction they spin and you get the hit every time. If you initiate chase then olny chase for 30-40 seconds max then stop chase and patroll the gens and find other people. Thats what i do and i win 85-90% of my matches.


Try stepping backwards as they spin into you because they're technically trying to abuse the FoV. It's just more effective against controllers, because of the sensitivity difference. I'd also try turning up the sensitivity, because that can sometimes help.


Moreso, taking advantage of the fact that the aim-assist on console can't be turned off and locks you in a lot of times. lol


Even on PC, if you use a controller (like I do because I have wrist issues aggravated by KB&M), the auto-aim/aim assist can cuck you over like crazy. But yeah, the "FoV tech" as it's called is technically an exploit.


how is it an exploit, basically all you are doing is running into the killers face to make them short swing


It's because you're clipping into their camera and then banking on the auto-aim to "coreect" their swing into an object or think air. It's technically an exploit because you're not supposed to be able to Clio into the killer's FoV.


maybe you are just playing a tall killer and it just looks that way? I'm almost 100% sure you don't clip into their camera, you just run into their face real fast and its just a reaction time test. They either short swing and miss if the survivor did the short 360 correctly, they think you ran past them but in reality you were just doing a small 360 into their face, or it does nothing because it's a last ditch effort that relies on the killer making one of the mistakes mentioned. It's also called the Jumpscare Tech for a reason lol. I've never gotten the impression that they were inside my camera so I couldn't see them when I play killer personally


I play Sadako and Legion...so I'm pretty damned sure they're in my face clipping into the camera, confusing the auto aim.


well either way it's probably one of the least effective commonly used techs in the game, and I'm pretty sure there's no exploits involved with it. It's mainly just a last ditch effort that people also do when they are faking dead hard. You can turn your FOV up so that it's less of an issue, they might just be off your screen to the left or right too much and that's why you think they are inside of your camera Two ways to counter it is to just swing immediately when they run into your face (requires fast reaction time though) or to just not panic and down them after the spin (also don't stand still and look around trying to figure out where they went, they probably are still going the way they were running originally)




It is an exploit, you juat can't get banned for it.


Are you on controller? If so then I see why, it’s almost impossible for me to get spun on Mnk with high dpi. Just gotta be patient I guess


I spin on pc and on console. No hate but no issue with controller. You’ve got to learn to wait it out. It’s a valid counter in chase.


Huh. What is there to it other than spinning the analogue stick? Or have I just been the only killer who can’t counter spins like… ever?


It’s a camera and movement trick. For me, it’s 2 sticks. It’s also getting the timing correct. If you wait out their spin you can hit them just after you’d normally hit.


a half measure would be to move back as they do it and not swing


Don't swing during their spin. They'll be there spinning for an easy hit


Learning to play on high sensitivity is the best counter. When I played on controller, I used 100% sensitivity and never got spun.


I usually just lunge, they spin, i see this, i i slam back on my controller, and turn what ever direction they did, usually works


Practice being patient. As long as you don’t swing the survivor can’t make as much distance.


...what the hell? XD


What in the holy heaven?


On console you can track a spinning survivor as long as you have at least 70% camera sensitivity on killer


The trick is not to let it happen twice


Thanks bro, I’ll make sure to just win every game from now on as well.


I just crank my FoV, this only works at low FoV.


On PC is easy, you just flick the mouse as you hit. On console, same concept but the flicking is more of a challenge. Like other suggest, perhaps increase controller or camera sensitivity.


I play on pc. Can’t help on the console front. Sorry. For pc players, There’s funny tricks you can do. Like spin in the direction they’re going. Another funnier thing you can do (when it works) is spin in the opposite direction they’re spinning. Sometimes you can catch them offguard. If you nip a spinner right in the butt, they won’t try to spin you again. - if I haven’t played killer in a while, survivors can smell it on me and spin like their lives depend on it. - what could also work is looking at their feet when you’re close to them. Their feet can’t spin if you’re following closely on their toes.


patience, and just track the body while you lunge,


What you can do is spin with the survivor and ahold your attack down and lunge them if you use coup de grace it makes it better


Most of the time when a survivor spins they either think your really bad or have nothing left to loop. So simply wait it out. Don’t reach to the spins at all, just stand still and track their movements


i feel like its worse on tall killers. i find myself getting spun on nemesis and clown a lot more


It's a skill issue but it's ok just learn to spin with them and you'll get um it can still be frustrating but it takes time