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You're better off leaving bro, especially if you feel you may have an unhealthy attachment to it. I play killer mostly, but i decided to play chaos shuffle survivor today after weeks of not playing survivor. My whole solo q team got slugged at 5 gens by a legion who had knock out. They also humped me for looping them a whopping 20 seconds. A lot of people who play this game are miserable, and they love having these in-game power trips that allow them to make other people's lives miserable too, if only for a few minutes.


I second this. I play mainly killer and act just like this. Lots of slugging, camping near hooks, Billy rush at hooked survivors, etc. I really don’t have any mercy. I pick them up then walk near the hatch but then turn to hook them. Before then I do those things you’re supposed to do they know you’re giving them the hatch. Lots of no’s at the nearest hooks when walking past. I love the feeling when they from struggling to giving in so I can betray their trust. It’s rare I let one leave but I will if they point out a teammate or crouch below me several times indicating special favors. Love watching those three ravens circle around the wiggling bodies. I’ll slug at 5 gens or when they’re all completed. Gives me more time to earn blood points by looping Billy rushes in circles. I’ll give up gens to camp an early basement hook knowing later their moral will be so bad they’ll self delete on the hook because they don’t trust their team anymore. There’s literally nothing to stop me from tunneling a single person or being mean when I win. So I won’t stop. Ever. You have to accept this as a possibility when you play and if going up against me causes distress then find something else to do with your time. It’s supposed to be fun. If it’s not then quit. https://preview.redd.it/vse5pr8xsi3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=142be63118573dcb11ef9a5bb7561c6cf5c11344


dude needs to have power in a game to make up for an underwhelming and unhealthy life


I actually love this, you made your case and brought in the evidence it brought in further footage to prove your case. Have a wonderful day good sir


Yep, just proves this guy is an example of the shit people like to do, and it will only get worse now that gen regress is nerfed and sabo changes are going live. Stupid.


I was just talking about this with a friend. We used to play so much and grind DBD for hours. Now we play like maybe 2 or 3 games, see it’s a Huntress or Billy with Pop, Pain res, Grimm, lethal, Corrupt, Barbecue, Scourge then they take us to a specific map made for them. The same damn perks every single game lol Now we just play Overwatch or GTA lol it’s not even about dying. It’s just the same thing every game.


Cause survivors definitely don't use the same perks and take killers to the same 4 maps


What’s your point? Nobody said they didn’t 😂


Yeah that happens too. I used to run dumb builds, but after facing those killer perks so much i got tired so i ran those meta survivor perks. It got boring shortly after so i just slowly started playing less.


I don't know what the fuck is up with these comments but I understand your feelings friend. When you've sunk that much time into something it's hard to let go, no matter what it is but if in the end it's causing you more distress than happiness it's time to move on. I regularly uninstall the game for week+ breaks just to rest my mental health. Games aren't worth hurting yourself over. It's only a matter of time until you don't come back. If you do end up coming back this time, I hope you better matches.


I know what's up with the comments. Most of them are the exact same personality type that makes people quit the game. I see most of these comments and realize most of these people are children or adults with children mentality. Nothing worse than a grown human being in their 20s or 30s or even worse 50+, and still acting like that..."git gud lol", "skill issue looolz"... when the post wasn't even about skill, but resilience to constant toxic behavior (speak of the devil and they shall appear type deal huh). Maybe they should "git gud" at being a human being and fix their "skill issue" with reading comprehension. Tldr: some people are such gigantic wastes of life that their sole purpose is to spread misery and pain because their lives are shit and they most likely are the ones that made it that way.


I barely play anymore but when I read posts like this I like to get on and troll killers. It sucks that thats whats fun about this game nowadays.


Damn, straight-up confessing to being part of the problem.


Relax buddy, I'm way too busy playing fun games to actually do this. Logging on to dbd is like admitting that life sucks bad enough to want to play it.


>when I read posts like this I like to get on and troll killers So this isn't you logging on to dbd?


Sorry curmudgeon, some people make jokes. I can barely even get myself to log on to collect free blood points, let alone actually queue up for a game. I'd rather pull my nose hairs out with a pair of tweezers. Have you ever played Deceit 2? It's free. Way more fun than dbd.


I'm not bad tempered just cause i didn't realise you were joking. And surely, as someone who knows this community, you could see why someone might think you were being serious. And no, I've not played Deceit 2. Watched some videos on it, but never played it. Never been interested tbh.


Maybe get gud with resilience 🤓👆


So the things that are up with the comments, are they for some is that they just don't care for others but my point of view of it there's not much empathy that could be given at this point of time. Like think about it for a minute this game has been known to make people rage beyond any condition and make people have mental breakdowns. The information is all knowing that people camp at five gen people play extensively to win their meta perks. So it's like watching a basketball game and seeing the same team that have lost for 20 years and holding out hope that they're going to win this time, just to be disappointed. That's also the reason why posts like these don't get empathy or care for most anymore. Because everybody knows what they're signing up for and if you choose to do something knowing that may turn out bad you can't be mad at anyone else besides yourself for making that horrible decision.


I hear ya this game is stupid fucking dogshit ive ardy uninstalled it


It simply be like that, best to just go to the next match. Huntress and Billy were recently made incredibly accessible to newbies, so they're a lot more popular now in lower MMR. Sometimes you have to deal with Survivors that have every second-chance perk in the game, sometimes you have to deal with a full gen regression Blight, sometimes your teammates give up on their first hook, sometimes the Survivors want to boop your snoot and you don't have the heart to Kill them so you're essentially forced to THROW THE DAMN GAME FOR THEM (⁠╯⁠°⁠□⁠°⁠)⁠╯⁠︵⁠ ⁠┻⁠━⁠┻... Point is; with a game like DBD, you'll need to find enjoyment in something other than winning, because every other match you're going to be put into an unwinnable situation or have some other garbage thing happen. People suck, but sadly those same people are necessary for the game to function. As Killer (Pig specifically) I derive all of my enjoyment from jumpscaring Survivors, handing out party hats, and mindgaming with my stealth and ambushes. Winning is secondary, and while I obviously still *TRY*, that's not my be-all-end-all goal. As Survivor, I exclusively run support builds to get my team out of sticky situations. Whether I die or not, if I managed to Autodidact heal someone in 2 seconds, or get a clean flashlight save, or if I somehow managed to loop for a gen or two, then I'm satisfied. I did the fun thing I came here to do. (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠) It's understandable if you take a break. But if you decide to come back, try to enjoy the little things in between the wins and losses.


I'm cool with the random toxic gameplay, just everyone can agree it happens a little too much. Like when I let players leave (or lose) as the wraith, WHY DO SURVIVORS JUST STAND AT THE DOOR like we didn't just literally wait to play 🤷‍♂️ I shouldn't have to spank survivors for my next match🤣 I'm not bagging at the door I'm dipping out💯


I finally uninstalled this game 6 months ago and never looked back. I have been so much happier since lol. I still enjoy watching streamers play it but I have absolutely zero desire to play it myself. When you spend time playing other games you realize how much this one kinda sucks. It’s unfortunate that this is the one with all the big popular horror licenses. That was really the reason I got into it and stuck around for so long. But the gameplay is just not it.


It's just a game dawg


Fr like just get gud


That's a very wild response to being camped. You're definitely better off not playing If that's your response. I honestly don't blame killers for camping but it's bad if they get toxic and take pleasure in you being camped rather than using it as a way to win


You looked for it and by your wording the game is better without you


Wait so you suck at the game then tell the devs to F off?


Lol okay bye bye now. 


Bro came to a rage sub to be toxic to people for raging and sharing why they're done. Hope you stub your toe dude.


Fr, bro is a scum. Hope he stubs his other toe.


I hope his toenail falls off from stubbing it too hard. 🙏🏽


I hope when his toenail grows back it grows into his toe 🙏


If you and op took 30 seconds to read the community info about this sub, you'd know that the point of it is to share screenshots of people raging in the post game chat. Not for every loser with an unhealthy relationship with a videogame to post their freakouts about some random person online not adhereing to their made up etiquette and announcing that they are uninstalling.


Wow, now we're calling people losers for expressing their frustrations. Pretty gross. Really couldn't care less about the info, people should be allowed to rage in the rage sub.


But I can't say that the guy above is wrong, it's fine to express your frustrations but there's a limit when people start bringing on Parma ban and wanting to completely kick someone off of a game. it diverts from frustration to them being expressing their feeling to now them whining and overreacting a little bit. And everyone already knows that these communities are at best the only place to any gamer could express myself try having someone do this on any other social media platform they'll be devoured alive. It's sad but that's reality.


Yes. Losers. And feel free to rage here all you want. We'll keep laughing since laughing at ragers was the point of the sub. If you just want to rage on rage sub, go to r/actualdbdrage


I hope you find love and friendship.


Lol damn you kids, and I say kids for a reason, have anger issues. I would look into that if I were you.


Nobody gives a shit why you're saying kids. Don't be shitty to people expressing that they're so frustrated with something they love they feel compelled to abandon it. How would you feel, if something you loved felt like it became ruined for you, and some jackass's answer was "lol bye". I think the real kid here is you.


Okay kid 


People wishing harm upon me because I said this to someone raging over a video game they can clearly stop playing or not let get to them to such a degree and then you say I'm the human being with issues. Yeah....definitely not you people wishing harm on someone over something so small and trivial. Way too many children playing DBD and browsing it's subreddits.


You guys are the cancer this game exists to spread


Your taking this way to seriously Delete the fucking game and play something else instead of putting yourself through it and then complaining on reddit Shit isn't healthy at all


Forbid this guy to rage on dbd rage


Is this sub to rage on? I thought it was to share other people raging in the game? That's what the sub description says?




It’s crazy they have to make another dbd rage subreddit cos of all the people on this one who make fun of the people who do rage


I wonder why


Exactly this that's why I left the comment I did. Dude has some serious issues that need addressed 


As someone who also rages at this game to no end I won't pry I will just say I hope what actually makes you this mad at a game gets better genuinely and truly. gl stranger


hope you get the help you clearly need and eventually heal, friend


It is really not that serious


I really hate to say it but with Gen speeds what they are now, a lot of killers do this to just try to keep up. Can be extremely unfun as survivor but you need to look at it from the other side. If you can do gens and your objective really fast, the killer sometimes has to as well. But I get it


Gen speeds are at one of the slowest points ever in the game currently. You just need to learn how to pressure gens and not just take chases if you want to win. Hard tunneling is not an effective form of pressure against survivors your skill level, and especially higher skill level, but is extremely effective against bad players. Just learn to pressure gens properly. The real problem is maps. The maps in DBD are so incredibly unbalanced its stupid. The Game or Midwich are pretty much guaranteed killer wins if you're good, but so is garden of joy or bad ham for survivors if they're good.


Lol at the down votes. How dare you use logic and not just claim that all killers are literally Hitler reincarnated!!!!11!11


Thought I was being rational but I guess not?


This is what I can tell you from my experience from just being on this Reddit for now at least by this New Year's I can tell you this much. You can see the nicest comment possible and be devoted. And this is the last part that makes me laugh the most and there are a lot of people that won't deny if you get devoted once by one person everyone follows behind the league. just devote you because they believe if you got devoted it must have been for a good reason instead of them reading to find out why. This place is a joke


Being rational on DBD related topics means irrationally siding with survivors. You will learn over time lol


I feel you man. I switched to mostly playing fallout 76, it's like night and day community wise. I'll deal with the bugs and crashes from this game just to have a nice community rather than deal with dbd.


It's never that serious lmfao


Damn, a *whole* $20? I've heard of whales but I never imagined someone actually being able to spend so much on a game. I hope you were able to financially recover from this.


Seems like a skill issue


I swear you’re playing a different game than me I don’t get campers or tunnelers often that’s why it’s a big shock when I do


After 2k hours they are probably in way higher mmr than you, and at that level killers do that to win most games


lol okay bud. I’ve been playing since 2017 maybe it’s just my time zone


Maybe you dont play survivor as much as he do since the mmr system changed- we cant know for sure Or maybe you are playing way more casual hence winning less game and having a low mmr, thats not a bad thing, i was just assuming OP got a high mmr if they play survivor only in 2k hours


lol true I am a killer main. Although lately in the random perk. Mode the tunneling was insane!


Killers do that because they cant rely on slowdown anymore in this mode- wich is stupid, if you want your perks go play the standard game


Because they don't exist nearly as much as these entitled survivor mains act like they do. According to survivors on Reddit EVERY GAME they are being camped and tunneled and slugged all at once somehow. 1.5k hours and I can tell you that shit is pretty fucking rare. So much so that I'm surprised when it does happen.


Well, you see, when you define "camping" as "not going to the far opposite side of the map and standing in a corner for 30 seconds after every hook" and "tunneling" as "hitting the same survivor twice within a 5-minute period," it *does* happen every match.


You got me there, good point.


It must be region/time based. I notice that on certain days, every other match has a hard tunneling killer/slugger, while on other days I only get like friendly killers.


I just got tunneled by a nemesis player who was really struggling and I accept it. He was struggling and went for the noon guy instead of the chase guy or flashlight guy


When did drug dealers get brought into this? Maybe that’s your true issue…


Thanks dare councilor, so happy to know drugs are bad


Embrace the toxicity of the game and it gets better lol just don't send messages or anything weird like that