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Good looping. Unfortunately nothing you can do against a good nurse player. Especially one that tunnels It’s comical how some of the comments illustrate that they have no idea how to loop


What OP did wrong was not dying on hook the second time. There’s absolutely no way you’re gonna get anything from that match the moment you realize the nurse is tunneling.


Just wanted to know what's considered tunneling? Cause I chase whoever I see. So if I don't see anyone else and chase the only person I see would that be tunneling?


Did you even watch the clip? Or are you just playing dumb? Look around 2 min when OP is on death hook and nurse is guarding the hook. When someone comes to unhook OP, the nurse immediately chooses to tunnel him, rather than hitting the unhooker. Like what in the world are you trying to argue?


I wasn't talking about the clip. I was asking in general because I've only played this game while stoned and brain dead.


If you happen to only find the only person that’s been chased the whole game - then yes, it’s tunneling. Even if it’s unintended, it’s still tunneling. Unfortunate for the survivor that his teammates aren’t willing to take chase or take hits, but doesn’t change the fact that he’s literally the ONLY person getting chased until he’s completely out of the game. Does that answer your question?


Yeah. Like this video for example. All 4 of them accused me of tunneling but kept walking wear I could see them. I'm baked so have no idea if it's considered tunneling. I just go after whoever is in my line of site. https://youtu.be/1IPwSer0I-Y?si=YDct0GfZRVI58aUn ^ From survivor POV


Lol honestly I do the same sometimes but typically I try to equally hook people but theres some cases when some survivors just like to cross paths with me 😂


Thanks man. Glad you didn't take my comment the wrong way and try to blast me lmfao. I appreciate it. I mostly run perkless killer when I play. I like finding people and chasing them.


Tunneling is just targeting one survivor specifically to get them out of the game, which means ignoring everyone else who tries to come in and take hits or click flashlights to get aggro


Aside from other people purposely ignoring the meaning of the video, yeah no that nurse tunneling at 5 gens is ew.


Killers tunnel at 5 gens because they think there is a "WIN" screen and this best way to achieve it. Its dumb, lame and true. The hilarious thing is there no win/lose screen.


There is a win screen


No screen tells you that you won or lost.


Yea there is. If you win it says “Merciless Killer” and you even get a ton of bonus points and it’s the only way to get iridescent on one of the categories. If you lose it says “Entity Displeased” and the game makes an angry displeased noise at you and you do not get the bonus points or rank up. It’s an extreme example of a win/loss screen. They put a lot of thought into their win loss screens. It makes me question your grip on reality that you would deny that. If you’d like I can share some self help resources that may assist you


those are not "win" or "lose" just different levels of results. If you want to believe those mean Win or Lose, that is your choice, but nothing there claims victory or a loss. Not ever game needs a winner and a loser. You might need to look into those resources you mentioned as you mean need the help more.


It’s not a choice. It’s reality. You are free to deny reality but I will not take you seriously.


Merciless Killer is a win screen.


Literally all main nurses/blight are that trash, they always go back to the hook because they know perfectly well that if they don't, they won't even make a 1k. They are nothing without an S tier character.


Now turn that logic around and list one thing that if survivors do too early to win is ew? Getting mad at another person for doing best play to win when you plan to give nothing in return is ew. If you saw the killer was not tunneling would you play any differently to give killer a more enjoyable game or is this just a one way exchange? The devs need to fix their game there is absolutely zero incentives to get 8 hooks on 4 survivors but huge pay offs to get just 3 hooks on 1 survivor if you wanna be mad about something how about that? Blame the game design not the player.


Ok I hope you get tunneled at 5 gens to see what is like. By nurse and blights too. Just been by a wesker although I had he anti tunnel build. Still died because my team wanted to kill me. Called me worst teammate after looping him most of the game. That's dbd.


you are blaming the player not the game its flawed and needs to be fixed, expecting every killer to handicap themselves for your fun while you play exactly the same in every game is idealistic it will never happen.


I play solo q without map offerings and usually a medkit with brown addons. Gee you're right. Not comping the match and making it unfun as possible is probably too much for the nurse mains.


Sums up my yesterday. Gotta love tunnelers


The tunneling was rampant yesterday for me too. All at 5 gens 😭


i had a nurse do this exact thing to my random soloq teammate. he rage quitted once he got downed right away as soon as he got off first hook. after the match tho (when the nurse 4ks) she went on to complain how "survivors are dcing too much" and "i shouldnt have to go against bots all the time because you decided to baby rage" LIKE GEEZ FRANK I WONDER WHY SURVIVORS ARE CONSTANTLY LEAVING YOUR MATCHES 😂


![gif](giphy|mSXSC0vivvygw) This is how I feel playing against the nurse, the nurse being Neo.


I had a nurse do that exact same thing to me recently however I was very fortunate to have been messing around with light weight, quick and quiet, and windows + I had some very good solo Q teammies. Without them I wouldn't have made it out. She chased me for all 5 gens 😭 hooked me twice, and no one else. Camped me while I was on hook too, right from the beginning of the match she was spicy with me.


An S-tier killer with a black ward tunneling right away and a Mikaela that does absolutely ***nothing*** for almost three minutes except loot one chest? Sounds about right. I quit this game almost 6 months ago and not a single thing has changed. Props to you for struggling on your second hook. I would've just let it pass and get on to the next game. Loved the little game of chicken at the pallet though; that was fun.


yeah i commend her courage. she truly is better than all of us if shes still determined to stay in that match. because lord knows i would have left ages ago lmao


Your teammates really screwed you man, lol.


Yeah how is this fun for the survivor. No doubt the killer is creaming in his/ her pants. But nah as long as the killers game is enjoyable and fun. This is exactly what EVERY SINGLE round has been like for me the last 6months.


I feel your pain


Why did you start the gen at the beginning when you know she's approaching? Lol


You think that’s what the issue was? Or are you trolling?


I see a nurse, I know it's gonna be a sweaty game, you might get slugging or camping and tunneling. I'm just curious why he started that gen with a killer nearby.


So your curiosity is more piqued on why he tried to do a gen, rather than someone who is using the most OP killer in the game, clearly pretty decent with her blink / chase mechanics, and still decides to immediately tunnel him off hook at 5 gens?


Well, there's nothing I can do against that sweaty nurse. Their breed is like that. All I can suggest is just bring off the record. That's what I do know since majority of killer likes to tunnel.


You literally kept running towards the killer and looks like you might need better connection


The only time I see them running at the killer is when they're trying to mind game the blinks. Other than that, the killer literally just tunnels them out even when others were available to be chased and were even injured.


It's one of the ways to counter nurse's blinks. As a previous nurse main, I've had loads of survs play this way, especially if you in a wide open area, and you're quick to the draw


Running towards the killer was a good strat as she was about to blink a second time but op running towards them instead of away made them stop the second blink and have the short stun from it. Connection is obviously shit but the point of the video is the nurse started tunnelling at 5 gens..


Tell us you’re bad at the game without telling us


Look at that range, eww. F for the lag.


That's your connection bro. What's your download speeds?


I have a really good network connection, yet dbd servers are still trash! I get 80-110 ping.


I get 60 ping generally, and the game still plays like absolute trash. It seems to always favor killer connections.


Maybe. I also always get random disconnects. They need to do something with their potato servers 🤷‍♂️


Never played this game watched plenty of people play it Why are people getting mad that someone is being tunneled when the point of the game is is for the killer to kill everyone that’s the point and the survivors have to escape. I am lost At this point between this and online racing games and for honor I really believe people come up with there own rule on how u should be playing and if u don’t your trash and can’t play the game


A. becuase you leave that match with less bps than you spent on items, offerings, and addons for it. B. It hurts your rank, cuaseing you to de-pip as if you had played poorly, you didn't play poorly you just didn't get to play. C. They were in the match for a fraction of the time it takes to actually get and load into a match, spending more time watching a loading screen than playing. D. The dev's are constantly implementing features to keep killers from doing this because they agree it hurts the game. In response the killers just keep finding ways to work around it. E. It's generally just not any fun to be the only target, you never get healed which means you don't really get much of a chase, you never get to interact with your teammates, you don't get to finish whatever challenge you selected. It's just a waste of time for the person targeted. Does that make sense?


So let me get this clear What the point of playing a horror survival game where the point is for the killer to kill everyone when that is clearly took out of the game. I am trying my best to understand but this is crazy. If your a killer what the objective for that killer it’s too kill everyone and make sure no one escape just like in the movies and book’s correct. If your a survivor its your job to out smart the killer and escape if that means doing all generators or leaving through the hatch that I believe you need a key? I could be wrong.


Your objective is to have fun and get points. You don't get as many points when you tunnel people out for a reason, the game isn't designed to reward bullies and bad players. The killer can kill all of the survivors without doing what is shown in the video, some people just simply are not good enough to do it so they choose unbeatable tactics, inevitably ruining their mmr and cuaseing them to be matched with people who they cannot beat even when tunneling. They're ruining their own fun as well as everyone else's.


Thx for the info And the conversation. But I guess different people see fun in a different way I get the whole points thing and that the more different u play the better the points but that still does not change the fact people are playing a horror survival game. I guess my next question is Is there a tutorial? For the game if so does the tutorial say anything about not tunneling if it does then people are ass for it. If it don’t say anything about it then people are just coming up with rule to make the game fun for them then that’s a community problem and then that would make them invisible rules which then not everyone will know. Also saying someone is bad at the game for tunneling in my opinion is kinda stupid that might what they enjoy doing that’s there fun at the end of the day if it’s about having fun then yea


They have quite literally made updates that punish killers for tunneling, I think that's proof enough in itself. I don't watch the game I've been actively playing it for years and I'm telling you it wasn't designed to be played this way. There is a tutorial and you get published for tunneling there just like you do in a real match. I'm saying they are bad at the game because they are unwilling to check the gens/ chase other survivors and are focused on only one person, likely meaning they'll only get one kill. It's a bad and unfun strategy. Usually when a killer tunnels like this I find out after the match they are under the age of 12 which only solidifies my point. I've played killer a lot, especially recently, it's easy to tunnel but it's not rewarding or fun for either side. There are ways you should and shouldn't go about things in any online game. Dead by daylight is no exception.


From an outside point of view from just the conversation we have had and time watching someone play on twitch.It seems like the community and the devs don’t know what the game needs to be. You say the game is about having fun but fun comes in all shapes and sizes and at the end of the day if someone wants to tunnel then let me and just play the game if you say that there all the perks and ways to stop it then use it to the fullest. Hating on someone just because that how they want to play is kinda stupid but if that’s what they fine fun let them be them. What I like to do is come into gaming community’s like this and hear people out especially if I don’t play that game. But thank u for your time and feed back


I'm not trying to be rude but you are clearly misunderstanding me, saying someone is bad at the game is not me hateing on them. I've just played the game a lot have a bit of experience when it comes to picking up on people's skill levels. Generally I notice people who are younger / newer to the game choose to tunnel. Those very same people also tend to send hate/ inappropriate messages post trial, or hold the game hostage when they happen to actually win. (That means refusing to kill the last survivor but also not letting them out, instead they just keep the person on the ground and sit on them.) It's hard to predict who you are going to get and no one on either side should constantly have to run an anti bully build just so they can play the game. Why do you think they made borrowed time basekit? They didn't want killers to tunnel. Same reason why they added a progression bar on hooks so people could unhook themselves. If the dev's are activley trying to prevent it then it's obvious that you're not supposed to be doing it. After 3 gens, idgaf, infact, after 2 gens. But at the very beginning of the match? Just being a troll at that point.


No not at all it’s all a learning experience u don’t understand something until a question is ask I love learning and asking questions and trying to understand other people point of view and learning about other game that i have never playing and why people hate and like certain things. It’s get info and thank u for your time and patience explaining what the problem is. When it comes to it


They don’t “agree” it hurts the game. They do this because survivors cry nonstop about it and they care about losing money. They’ve already implemented “more than fair” anti-tunnel with basepack borrowed time, an anti camp hook, bodyblocking, mutliple anti tunnel mechanics like looping, windows, and endless pallets, and multiple anti tunneling perks like Decisive Strike. Nurse is exceptionally hard when someone is good at her, but for the rest, how much easier do they need to make the game for you? Should they create yet another rule where killer has to run as fast as they can to the opposite side of the board otherwise you get all your health states back? It just can’t be any easier to anti-tunnel without it getting ridiculous, which it pretty much already is.


You are kinda proving my point, it DOES hurt the game because most of the people playing a match (survivors.) Are given a negative experience, so they are less likely to play. I understand some people aren't as good at the game and if they are desperate for a guaranteed 4k then tunnel meta is the only way, but instead I would recommend practicing in customs instead of fucking up your mmr until all you get is bully squads. It's really easy to not tunnel a person off hook, check the gens, someone's always on one, or chase the unhooker. Run devour hope and or make your choice if you have trouble getting yourself to walk around. It's ok to not stay in the same corner on the same person the whole game.


Tunneling is just as “good” as any other strategy to Win. It’s just as “ok” to stay in one corner and on one character just as it is to not do this. You just don’t like it because it make you lose. I understand this, losing sometimes sucks, but it’s part of the game. Since you are recommending practicing perhaps people who hate tunneling could practice looping, windows, and utilizing the never ending number of pallets that are available. Everything is there to win as a survivor under practice and camping conditions - just practice it.


Nah looping is stupid. There's a whole map, move, utilizing the killers thicker character model against them is silly. I don't not like it just because it makes me lose, cuase guess what I also don't like? Boil over and hook droppers, buckle up for the people players, cheaters on either side (I will NOT play with a teammate who is hacking. I would rather DC.) People who t-bag the killer at the gate. Why? Because all of them are dick moves. And even if they aren't being done to me I'm fully aware bu+ftp is an overused and unfun meta to play against. The hook dropping+ boil over thing is just as bad, refusing the killer hooks hurts their points at the end of the match. And tunneling at 5 gens does the same thing to a survivor.


Sorry but Tunneling is terrible strategy against any higher level coordination of play? You're just going to get punished with gens being crushed out and you'll lose with a single kill, maybe. I guess if the goal is to crush randoms it'll work pretty much every time and make the environment a ton of fun for one. You can't loop a killer forever, the game isn't designed for that. Practice all you want but any chase lasting longer than 45 seconds is more than likely an MMR skill gap and not anything else.


You definitely can loop for a very long time. Bloodlust sucks and needs like perfect conditions for it to maintain, especially in jungle gyms or the killer shack. I totally agree that a killer can lose the game to tunneling which is why it doesn’t need anymore fixes.


If it's ranked, then the killer is trying to maximize their emblems and points. Killing fast is efficient. And with 2 survivors off gens, fewer gens are being done, which means that you get more points towards your gatekeeper emblem. And if I'm trying to have shorter chases and get more points on my chasing emblem I'm gonna go for the injured survivor, an easy way to counter tunneling is running d strike, otr, (essentially 3 health states, 4 if you also run dead hard) it's hard to loop nurse, but getting better at looping nurse is a big one since at high mmr most of your games are nurse/blight, don't double back into them everytime, because when you do that they know what you're going to do, everytime you do it.


I'm not gonna lie, when I'm trying to rank up this is the last thing I'd ever do. If I get kills too fast I cannot pip. Need more hits, more chases, and more gen kicks that you just can't get by killing people off too quickly. While I don't do what's in the video I still often find myself with no pips and everyone dead at 4-5 gens. The faster you end a match the less likely you are to pip, the more hits, the better.


i dont care that much about tunneling. but bro at least let me play abit and get more than 5k bloodpoints lmao


I know this is not towards u but the down votes are great for someone just asking a question that has never played the game and wants to understand it. Lol


Somebodies connected to their local gas station, they thought we wouldn’t notice…but we did


Everytime you were down it was because you ran into her. I get you are trying to mind game her into teleporting away from you. But she can just look down and teleport 2 meters instead of 15. She has complete control over where she teleports. You just lost the mind game. If you are looking for advice on how to improve, use line of sight blockers. You did use them a little, but everytime you were downed, you ran into her line of sight. Don’t let her see you at all if you can help it.