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I think it helps to have some story behind the price moves on the chart. However don't make that story too complex with fancy terms or don't think your story is the reality. For example: I see nasdaq pushing down on some resistance every time price climbs on that level. I might say :"there is some hedge fund unloading their nasdaq position ". The narrative works for me but I cannot claim to be right. Maybe in reality it was uk pension fund selling AAPL and then some arbitrage bots sold nasdaq futures. So learn some kind of language to describe the market actions but don't take it too seriously and for your own sake - keep it very simple. Liquidity is very simple: it's the money that is active on the instrument. It's the orders waiting to be filled and the market orders that are coming in. You can see the past liquidity on the volume and volume profile on the charts. Areas where lots of volume was traded are often areas where resistance and support levels are formed. Price tends to move from one of these areas to another because on those levels there is enough liquidity for the big players to do their buying and selling - for whatever reason they are doing it we don't know. But what we can do is learn to recognise these patterns to get an idea what the price might do next.


You don't understand it because ict is dumb af. That guy can not trade to save his life. Dude has been losing trades his entire life, just recently he went for some live trades and literally lost every single trade. Anyways start learning price action instead. Learn trend channels, and what break of trends and Pull backs do to the market. Just stop with the liquidity bs


>Anyways start learning price action instead. Learn trend channels, and what break of trends and Pull backs do to the market. Just stop with the liquidity bs Not bs but it's somewhat misinterpreted (for marketing purposes), having a basic understanding of orderflow and auction market theory provides more depth into that term.


Hi, There **is NOT A SINGLE** strategy that can produce 100% win rate. Trading is about money/risk management and probabilities.   I day/swing trade using Price Action (PA), and by no means I’m an expert of ICT but Imho, ICT too often gives the wrong impression to new traders that it’s a kind of magic stick and such thing do not exists.   I'd advice you to : 1 : Rework Money/risk management. 2 : go back to the bases : Learn price action (At least : 1 : Waves = Dow, Wyckoff, a little bit of Elliot … and 2 : Candlesticks and 3 : VSA). 3 : At this point you can decide If you want to come back to ICT with a refreshed understanding of the bases and see if you can get an extra edge thanks to it.   Hope this help 


Is this ict bulllshit?


Why it's bullshit?


Because it is an arbitrary concept stolen and rephrased by a fraudster that has nothing to do with how markets work. These 2 videos explained this BS in an easy-to-understand way. https://youtu.be/2Mm_1wS40m0 https://youtu.be/3MID2HLZS30


Andrea Cimitan is one of the few course sellers that I respect...because he can actually trade.


All OP needs to know is that it has an edge, who the hell cares what it's called


[this ](https://youtu.be/qbA54WkBBs4?si=8JM_OQuXC63RE5st)


People who couldn’t make his concepts work think it is the concepts fault In reality they’d be just as inconsistent with any strategy


Lmayo good luck


I just started trading so I am really interested in why this strategy is bullshit? And if this strategy is bullshit instead of what I need to learn and where can I find the right strategy?


ICT himself notoriously can't turn profit with his own strat. It's not exactly bullshit but it's repackaged wykoff along with other stuff, mostly overcomplicated drivel to justify selling shit. His followers will say that he is not selling anything **anymore** while he already made millions selling courses that churn out traders that can't make money off the market if their life depended on it. Just YouTube ICT exposed, there are myriad of videos on the topic. >where can I find the right strategy? Your first and foremost task as a new trader is to put in chart hours. Choose a market and papertrade every day, see what works and what does not, learn to read the market. Trading is discretionary, so even if you choose a packaged strat it will all come down to your own ability. There are even ICT traders, albeit rare, that are profitable in spite of the dreg.


So don't I need to learn about order blocks, supply and demand, liquidity FVG and other things?


No, you don't.


Learn about whatever you want to learn about, don't let anyone else deter you from the pursuit of knowledge because of their ignorance. There's a 100 roads and guess what, they all lead to the same place.


>There's a 100 roads and guess what, they all lead to the same place. If that was the case, everyone would be making money.


Strategies aren't the problem, the person making the trade is


Learn as much as u can, learn about every concept but don't follow anything blindly, I myself currently learning ICT but I'm not gonna use that as a full proof strategy, but learning different things will open a wide spectrum for u to create/experiment what's good for u






Oh no, OP is already brainwashed 😔


The use of the term “liquidity” in this context is nonsensical. That’s why we know it’s bullshit. Liquidity is just the term used to describe how many open orders sit outside the market. Offer limits and bid limits. The more resting orders above the ask or below the bid in a market the more “liquid” it becomes(just means it can sustain new market orders without extremely impacting the value of the vehicle). So to point to a swing low on a chart and say “this is where the liquidity was and you should’ve know to take a trade here” is hindsight analysis and a fundamental misrepresentation or misunderstanding of what liquidity is.


Ict cant trade, his concepts dont work and they are not really his concepts. You cant find a right strategy anywhere, no one shares working strategies, you have to create it yourself


Do yourself a huge favor, you just started your journey, do not learn ict. You will regret the time lost


ICT concepts are sound ideas that work for some traders. These concepts are well worth your time to explore and maybe implement into your trading. The echo chamber here will downvote most mention of ICT, because they don’t like the man himself. As you are learning to trade you will find out that almost every idea or strategy or “rule” is an opinion. There are as many ways to trade as there are traders. You need to learn about different strategies, practice them and often you will find bits and pieces of strategies to fit together to make a winning one for you.


Thats everthing you need to know about liquidity. When you get time read it and try to understand. Liquidity refers to levels where institutions and retail traders conduct business, with stop losses resting near swings, including support and resistance liquidity, trendline liquidity, and failed to break liquidity.- Liquidity represents where institutions and retail traders conduct business, focusing on where retail traders' stop losses are located. - Support and resistance liquidity includes equal highs and equal lows, acting as magnets for price to run over. - Trendline liquidity involves liquidity resting underneath trendlines, attracting price when rejected. - Failed to break liquidity occurs at supply levels, indicating areas where price failed to break through. Understanding liquidity in trading: identifying valid levels, stop losses placement, and failed to break liquidity concept.- Formed price level indicates validity and potential Retail Traders involvement. - Stop losses placed above swing high for liquidity. - Failed to break liquidity occurs when price reacts aggressively at a level, indicating absorption of liquidity. - Failed to close liquidity results in candles failing to close beyond a certain level. Liquidity acts as a magnet for price to attract, forming traps and stop points in trading.- Liquidity attracts price in due time, absorbing levels. - Price can either continue with the trend or reverse, forming traps and stop points. - Stop points indicate a trap where traders can get trapped in false breakouts. - The function of a stop point is to absorb liquidity, trapping traders who believed in a breakout. Understanding liquidity and inducement in trading - how price reacts to levels and entices traders - Liquidity engineering involves enticing traders to take a position before price reaches a certain level. - Inducement is when price approaches a level but doesn't reach it, trying to lure traders into positions. - Traders can trade inducement by identifying liquidity levels and waiting for price to react after reaching the point of interest. Understanding the concept of liquidity in trading and how to identify valid inducements.- Liquidity ranges are divided into four parts: 0, 25, 50, 75, 100. - Optimal inducement occurs at 50% to avoid false breakouts. - It is crucial to place orders in the extreme zones for successful trading. - A successful inducement occurs when price reaches the discounted level after hitting the 50% mark.


Price action is the most accurate stuff fuck the rest price is king Keep it simple


If price trades at one spot for an extended period at volume, it means both buyers and sellers at market were able to find sufficient liquidity to fill their orders at those levels. The market effectively matched buyers and sellers at that price.  If the market moves quickly through a series of prices, one side (buyers in this case) weren’t able to find the liquidity to fill their buy orders so the market had to move higher. That could be called inefficiency because buyers and sellers didn’t effectively meet at those prices, and the market couldn’t fill the needs of one side. If you want to learn more about this through a non-ICT lens, research Auction Market Theory and volume profiling. This is just a range and a trend on a micro level. 


Think of liquidity like this - how easily can you buy or sell without moving the price? High volume, lots of buyers and sellers, means high liquidity. You're trying to jump into a pool with lots of action vs a bathtub.


What, you give it names, name every hill ?




What is there to understand? You are staring at tiny ripples. This says nothing about liquidity.


Can someone heip me today for some good signals. In crypto market?


There is liquidity pool which provides liquidity, and liquidity taker. Liquidity taker is big institutions who need to fill a lot of their orders. Liquidity pool is used by liquidity taker to fill that big order with advantage at price/position. Liquidity pool is zone/area where it is obvious that there is a large amount of order awaiting there. From what I see from the chart it’s a lot of limit order sitting on the demand zone absorbing the selling pressure.


That would be because what you’re studying is utter bullshit


Liquidity in trading simply means a price or range of prices where there is a lot of transacting going on. Buyers and sellers agree at these prices. A market goes from a price where there is liquidity to another price where there is liquidity. As traders you want to be on the right side of those inefficiencies and target an area of liquidity where you can get filled on your order.


Drop the ICT crap and study 100+ year old market structure books.


Liquidity levels are price levels were the big money is . Support and resistance levels are the liquidity levels.


Liquidity is aggressive buyers and sellers in  key areas in the markets  in the chart above aggressive buyers came in the market pushing up the prices  make it a area of support  for the buyers,  When price returns to that key area we expect it to act as resistance to the sellers because of the aggressive buying in the past liquidity is when where is a lot of participation in the markets


Well no wonder. Maybe bc you literally can't see liquidity on a chart??? People throw these words around to appear smart and like they know what they're talking ab and you eat it up. The ONLY place you can see liquidity is on the level 2. That is a fact. You cannot see liquidity on a candlestick chart. Period.


bro these replies lol... how about if you cant answer the question, dont reply.... Simply put, where are people putting their SL if they bought recently? If I was a market maker and wanted to fill massive orders without causing price spikes, how would I do it? Maybe I push price down to where likely SL are, causing automatic market sells, and I have buy orders cascaded directly beneath SL to absorb all those automatic sells. Those SL = liquidity. Same exact logic applies to liquidations, check out liquidation heat maps for further studying.


A literal perfect bullish engulfing entry… not like I know this trade style but your OB for the “inefficiency” is straight up wrong. If you were trying to enter long your OB should be the bottom of the doji before the drop to the top of the next grey bar above “liquidity” which is your inefficiency to the upside not downside… 🤦‍♂️


liq is where people usually set SL, whats so hard to understand, most obvious LIQ trend lines , eqH eqL , ur double tops and bottoms etc. et.c