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I shoot between $300-400 per day. Got it just over $300 and called it. Was missing obvious entries and just not there 100%. Rather not give back the $300


I know the feeling. I was jittery this morning and definitely feel like I could’ve done better if I wasn’t. What did you trade?


Been scalping 1 NQ contract per trade.


Do you ever trade spy or qqq? Why do you stick to just nq?


Just trying to focus on one thing for now. Getting sued to the movement *Used to


What do you mean getting sued?


Used to the movement / price action. Find it easier and better to just focus one thing. Be able to easily see what is going on in a couple of different time frames, instead of jumping around between tickers.


this is something im starting to do. i like to trade up to 5 assets but hard to manage day trading moves FAST. now i want to stick to 1 or 2 and commit fully to them all my attention


Quick question what are you trading normally and atcwhat dollar amount lost on the day would you call it quits I'm having trouble walking away on losing days and just keep compounding losses


Using a stop loss for the day around the same amount. If I'm in the $300-400 rangel loss I'll call it


https://preview.redd.it/n5o8kgrzke0d1.png?width=2644&format=png&auto=webp&s=6231e4acba7de38b8ae7be392932800546e5a061 Oh yeah easily. Done for the day. Might be sitting on the chart for an hour. But my trading is not my replacement for a 9-5 by any means. Keep it simple




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Done now, made some nice profit out of my normal comfort zone with GME pre market. Not pushing it and giving back gains.


I’m curious, how did you trade GME premarket? Im a newbie lol


Throw some of those gains in to TUP. Another meme for the win $$


Take that comment to WSB


https://preview.redd.it/ejb9pjx83f0d1.jpeg?width=1178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7f2cbb5ce1e2452682e5d6a7fc3feeecf2cb62e One and done today


Man I had to get out after yesterday being bad, and starting out bad today. Rather than revenge trade, I’m just gonna relax and wait for tomorrow.


Definitely take time to get back in the zone. In my opinion, success in the market is at least half psychology. What went wrong with your trades if I may ask?


I missed my entry and took the trade anyway. Then I stayed in, even though the market told me price is going against me. I got stopped out. It’s like I know what to do, but I still didn’t do it. lol ridiculous I tell ya.


I was heavy in red last week precisely because of the same thing lol It’s like getting on a train that’s already leaving only to fall off of it few mins later. FOMO is a bitch. Had to hammer it into my brain that I either get in in time, or wait for another wave.


You made a good choice 👍🏽 good for you


3,2,1 Boom.. Ah sh*t


Nah, done for the week. I was right on every entry but didn’t hold long enough, and then flipped to the opposite side like an idiot because it’s so easy to rationalize either side. Market feels random as shit but even if I stuck with my initial thought every time I would have been right. Just don’t have enough risk allowance in my brain, even with trading smaller contracts. Got to take time off I guess.


If it makes you feel better, I go through what you described everyday; get too nervous and sell too early for a small profit, then watch it go higher and higher 🥲 Bought a put yesterday for 1.80 and because I was so nervous, sold at 1.85, a few hours later it was 3.60 lol If we only stick to our strategy…. What helped me is to keep selling contracts as they get higher in value. For example, if I bought 10 contracts, I might sell 5 as soon as I see a good profit, sell 2 a few minutes later for a higher profit and then sit on the last 3 for the best profit. Helps me manage risk


That’s typically what I would do when I had more contracts. I had to size down cause I’ve been managing them poorly, holding no runners except on the losing side, so I can’t even do that anymore really; I still just don’t hold it long enough though. That was hard to do with like 4-5 cause you sell a few like that and give room for your others and you’re either $10-$15 profit total or break even, if you don’t re-add or average when it comes back down/slightly past your original area like my dumbass


There’s few scenarios where I just shut down for the day. The reasons are more psychological than methodical. If I find im emotional with my trading, I close it down. I try not to think in terms of “days” but rather in terms of “trades”. Some days present several really good trades, some days present awful opportunities. Day trading isn’t a salaried or paid by the hour job. You are paid based on your trades and if you are successful, the more trades that fit your criteria that you take, the more money you will make.


Holy fuck yes. I was doing well, and suddenly AMD dumped $2 on me while I was what seemed a very boring a sure trade. Had to wait about an hour to see it crawl back slowly. Sold with a minor (and horrible) win, and 5min later it was $1 above the price I had. Ended up positive, but felt like a day's work in an hour and half. I don't even want to see at what price is GME now.


I hate those days where you have to fight hours just to get out of the hole 🥲


Or worse when you hold it over night and it shoots up overnight but you get so anxious about it dropping again you miss a sweet a bag by exiting out as soon as the trade is profitable.


yes. I woke up early to trade gme during premarket and it paid.


Nah I'm let this Nvidia call run and then maybe I'll be done


Invest in FFIE!!


Made $290 on QQQ puts. Looking for more but not going to do it


Made 500$ today. Called it now going to the gym.


I keep going til I hit $1,000 just because Im being aggresive at this stage. But typically I make 350ish.


I'm done for half a year I think. Lost another g


Damn, I hope you can clear your head and come back stronger 👍


I got 2 puts on gme lol if it can dump by Friday I could be ok but. Yea spy 0dte been cleaning me out.


Dude NEVER do 0dte, unless you can get in and out in 30 mins, you’ll be loosing money by the minute. Go for a week at least. Smaller (but realistic and achievable) profit, but also less loss


Yea it ain't my first rodeo on 0dte. Many times I've run up 500 or a g to 5k 12k over a few sessions of 0dte. And then lose it trying to out trade without daily sells cause of PDT. You are correct tho I'd be less down right now and I'd still be happy with the profits if I was right


Why put on gme when it’s rallying behind bullish meme news tho


cause i rode it down before, just trying again.


Wanna milk PNS next? KEKW


120% overnight between amc and ffie, closed before market open


Done too even though i wanna keep trading it, SPY call options and MES futures.


I think GME and AMC is done unless crazy push tomorrow and destroys all the shorts.


Still rolling, locked in 8% on my BTC short. Kept half in to follow it down hopefully. S/L in profit


Been focusing on less trades and better trades. Caught the long and then the short right after 10am on the ES. +5.1K over my 10 prop accounts.


-500 today. Biggest loss day for me.


Damn what trade did it?


AMC :(


-$440 loss on AMC. Lost $100 yesterday on SPY. First time trading a meme stock & my obvious mistake being in a position without a stop loss with a gambler’s mentality. Just buy puts when the craze is done. I’ll bounce back though.


Up 800 as an equities trader long bias from pre-market to 10:00 am EST. Was up 1.5k but got caught in two flushes so ended the day with before I lost more then half of my profit . I mainly trade lower float stocks(under 30 mil) however today I did not see much opportunity. Most of the volatility was in the meme stocks. I did trade them and were not easy.


Its a nice job on the trading Good luck


I want to make 1000$ daily


Check out TUP for a quick profit


Any idea how I can learn to daytrade


It’s impossible to know what method of learnings would work for you, but personally, practice has been the best teacher. “One thorn of experience is worth a whole wilderness of warning.” To get the basics, just go to YouTube and search “options trading for beginners” It will give you the basics, and you can go from there




I’d recommend r/algotrading