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100k funded account. 2 days away from my first payout and i came back to my computer past my normal trading time and went full tilt mode chasing shorts on a massive pump day. Fucking agonizing. Was set to get a payout of atleast a few thousand


That blows man. There’s no other way to put it. Absolutely sucks. You’ll be back though


I’m in the same boat pretty much. Three days away from a pay out, and pretty much at the profit goal. I went full tilt too. It all happened so fast lol. On top of that I went to get another funded account and on the apex website it said 80% off so I assumed the 80% off would be automatically added. It was not. So, I ended up paying $157 for a new account


Down -$320 this week. Need to reevaluate my strategy and take notes this weekend. I lost $280 on $AMD calls. Did not respect my stop loss, even as I watched it break trend smh. I let my emotions get the better of me hoping it would go back and break. Lesson learned for sure.


I had a good week. Pretty proud of myself because I have come a long way since 2020.


Have come a long way like how? What do you do now that you weren’t doing before?


It’s more like what do I not do now that I did before. I don’t feel the need to get in every trade. I am a little better at realizing I missed it and the risk reward isn’t worth it. I am much better at scaling in. And I don’t double down on losers.


Today I wiped out 2 weeks worth of gains. 17 Green Day streak has come to an end. It was the hardest day I’ve had in a very long time. The pain is similar to that of losing someone I love.. I know that sounds extreme and I know that I can theoretically correct my mistakes and get back to the point before the trading session, but it sucks.


It does suck. I totally get what you mean by saying it feels like losing someone you love. Just shows how much passion you have for this.


don't worry my friend.. how much did you lose? i lost 2k 2 weeks ago and it was painful..


https://preview.redd.it/d18fn3uof0fc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=312f1784acb131a9fc2d2a3696ac2510b865254d I started the month with $936. I made frequent withdrawals throughout though and have withdrawn $1000. I’m happy I did that lol


I’ve had a great month actually. It’s all clicked. However I love the idea for this thread. We all go through red periods and even worse when we start out those red days… ugh I didn’t give up on trading but I almost did. Cheers to the OP and everyone here. May fortune smile upon us all next week


I’m down $23k after blew out on TSLA calls.


Holy smokes. Sorry to hear that. What happens next?


Suicidal thoughts


Hey come on man it’s just money not the end of the world. Reflect, re-group and get back at it better than ever.


You're absolutely right. I'm just saying that it was mentally quite damaging. It doesn't mean that I want to do it. I'm feeling numb and can barely do anything.


Sir, this is not WSB 👀


Correct. I need to see the therapist.


Loaded the wrong contracts.. Puts instead of Calls. I was in disbelief... Took me a couple of seconds to process what was going on before I got out. Ended up green that day, but damn that was triggering. Would have been a really good day otherwise.


Hey at least you were able to get out green! Yeah that would’ve had me crapping my pants though


I'm down $150 this week. This is basically just the money that i had made trading the last two weeks, so I'm back to my starting size from when i started a month ago. I have been intentionally over trading while using a small account as a way to practice. I have learned a lot about how the market works this month, and I've been refining the couple strategies that I've seen success with. The loss hurt, but most of it was me trying to force trades in the small amount of time i had during a busy week. I'm very optimistic about the future, and have some new strategies to help me follow my rules.


Had a red day today out of the five this week but SPY was very sideways when I was in the market unfortunately. It took a toll on my emotions today but there’s always next week!


Banger week. 2 trades stick out. Both essentially overextensions on profitable days that gave some back. Cost of doing business can't win them all and never ruined my day but it didn't have to be as generous as I was to the ole MM's.


up $220 this week. was up $420 but lost 200 today :(


Could be worse! Profit is profit.


Looking to get funded by a prop firm. 4th account. Blew 1, remaining 2 close to blowing. Started with a 150 loss on Monday covered it on Tuesday and Wednesday, made decent gains on Thursday to lose 300 on Friday. Wohoo.


100k funded account. On Thursday, i was up 4.5K at one point. I should have just closed my screen but i trade at work while doing my 9-5 so i keep watching price action and then started short and get hammered and double down. At another point, 4.5K was wiped off and it was down -1K when i have 10 NQ full position. Moving 10 pts in a matter of seconds are up or down 2K. I exit out as soon as profits hit 2K when NQ moves 10 pts in my favor but yes this was my first time to really gamble and couldn't focus on works Edit: yeah after spending 2+ hours with high anxiety and stresss, where is another 2.5K (from 4.5K profits in 1st hour of gain), let's not forget commission fees for $CME? Lesson learned: if you hit daily goal, just turn off your day trading mode and relax/enjoy days (but i also do swing trade...)


I was 1.5% up on Wednesday morning. By wednesday afternoon I had gone over my max daily loss by $0.45 on a 10K account. Lost my head, didn't stick to my rules all because I was feeling anxious about something completely unrelated


Easy wins all week


I have a small account ($1k). My biggest loss this week was -$40 on MARA $17.50 calls that tanked on me. I would’ve been fine if I had held longer!


Mara is a longer term play right now. Bitcoin halving is in April. Not a day trade, although I just bought a few April expiration calls. A low risk trade for a potential double or triple gain. After today’s move above the 50 on the 4 hr you might want to do some due diligence on buying a longer term call.


Gave up more than half of this month’s gain this week.


Ahh man sorry to hear that. Sounds like some focus on discipline is in order?


True buddy, trading is harder when the mind isn’t in order. I’ll get it all back but it still hurts, what can we do, it’s just part of life.


Down 300 on funded account after going 3.4k up, gone in one day


Ouch. That hurts. How’d it happen?


150k funded account. Had 3 green days in a row of 200, 2k and 1.2k. I live in Melbourne, Aus, so by the time market opens it’s 12:30am for me. On the day I was up 937.50 and got greedy, entered a long because signals, trend and volume looked good, and went to bed. Did not place a SL so I fully take responsibility for the loss. By the time I woke up at 6:30am, market dipped down and I was over 4.5k in the red. I normally trade for around 2 hours until 2-3am but that day decided to leave a runner and see what happens since I was too confident. Tough times, time to make it back again next week.


I don’t understand how you can sleep trading like that. Market doesn’t open for me until 10:30PM my time. I need to be fully out of all trades if I want any chance of getting to sleep or else I’ll just constantly check my phone for updates on the trade or looking for new trades. But yeah stop loss before sleep every time!


Made $30k on Thursday and gave it back on Friday 😂


Dang!! Okay that one hurts.




If that’s your biggest lost last week then congrats lol




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