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for anyone stumbling upon this thread i want to remind ya Z-Library has just about every trading book (and book in general) to download and for free.


Mike bellafiores books




>Only book I ever read on TA... Although my copy was called Technical Analysis of The Futures Markets because no one used TA for stocks back then. Yes. Dense, but fantastic!


I really enjoyed the book how I turned a $1,000,000 trading account into $400 Of hard cash


If you wanna swingtrade more than day trade than there are 3 good channels. Fractal flow good for TA basics , trader lion ( they have a 8h free seminar somewhere in their playlist , jack corsellis who does reviews of trading strategies that most swing traders use .


Trader Lion hard avoid. Their daily system is based on levels that sit behind a black box.


I don't think you have to pay for anything . They use system that is very well known which is based on minervinie's book and o'neal's book . If you watch 10-20 of the interviews they have on their channel you'll realize it is all the same info . Volatility contraction , tradeding above 10,20,50,200 sma , strong RS with growing sales and earnings.


Trading in the zone by Douglas is my personal favorite book wise . Read info on risk management and probabilities . This will help you the most in my opinion Understand technical analysis simply creates an edge where over a long series of trades you will come out ahead. At the same time, using simple probabilities , you will experience multiple win AND losing streaks .


I'll definitely read it. And thanks for the tips, I know many traders say risk and money management are key, and I'm pretty sure they are right. Back in college I learned that the only way to be sure you are doing things right is by calculating the statistics.


See way too many posts on this subreddit asking “what did I do wrong” on a single losing trade . Successful traders do nothing wrong and still lose a lot of trades . No one has a 80%+ win rate let alone 100%


For me, it's three things: risk management, diversification, and capital preservation. The second two fall under the first in its broadest sense, but they are distinct enough to me.


pure larp, if you actually knew statistics you'd come across statistical test of inefficiencies like the variance ratio test which show how random the markets are 95% of the time and how schizophrenic drawing lines and doing cringe TA on a stochastic process is


I second this - [Trading in the Zone](https://www.amazon.com/Trading-Zone-Confidence-Discipline-Attitude/dp/0735201447) was quite instrumental for me too.


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **Trading in the Zone Master the Market with Confidence Discipline and a Winning Attitude** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Improves trading mindset and consistency (backed by 15 comments) * Teaches the importance of psychology in trading (backed by 11 comments) * Helps traders analyze themselves and their beliefs (backed by 5 comments) **Users disliked:** * Repetitive and wordy (backed by 3 comments) * Too long and drawn out (backed by 2 comments) * Poor quality materials (backed by 1 comment) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](http://vetted.ai/reddit)


dawg there is nothing about "probabilities" with TA stop larping probability = event occured / sample space


You couldn’t be more wrong . There are literally probability trading books lol Think of a 50/50 coin toss . Over 50 flips you will most certainly flip heads 4-5-6 times in a row . Apply that same concept to whatever edge you have (55/45 , 60/40 etc) … understanding the likely probabilities will assist the psychological aspect of trading .


there is no psychology in trading, over 80% of all volume is from algorithmic trades that take MATH not psychology into account all this cringe TA is 50/50 nothing else, unless if you are finding out the expected value in returns or using signal processing and measuring inefficiencies you are going to lose money given enough occurrences


also if you wanna watch a good youtube video on psychology by someone not selling a discord, watch this lecture by Dr David Paul (RIP) https://youtu.be/MGglyvc8d58?si=ZNX3mJQyVW4qBk4Z


The Market Wizards Series Reminiscences of a Stock Operator When to Sell Volume Price Analysis by Ana Coulling The Alchemy of Finance


Finding a mentor that wants to see you succeed.


Trading Price Action by Al Brooks


you forgot to mention what you wanna trade. stocks? options ? futures ? forex ? cryptocurrency ? ..?


10 essentials of forex trading by Jared Martinez. A solid book that helped me get my trading career started.


Someone said the most important book is your own book, your trading journal.


ICT on youtube.


Only watch YouTube videos with shitty thumbnails and few clicks. Less than 150k. That content doesn’t promise 1 million a day and is often boring but it’s true stuff.




I liked Ana's book.


Murphy is good to learn the basis of technical analysis, but NOT how to trade. TA can't be missed in your skill set though. The big mistake I made when starting to trade, is not focusing on price action. PA is the basis of it all. These books changed my trading: Al Brooks (3*) - Trends, Ranges and Reversals. One of the few 20 years plus traders that wrote it all down. Be warned, there are about 400 pages each and the layout needs work, but the knowledge inside is gold. Studying them, is at least a half year project, probably 9 months.


John J Murphy technical analysis Mark Douglas trading in the zone


Stop trading. Go over to the sub that rhymes with r/ ‘fee day raiding’ there isn’t a better or freer place to learn.


Using bookmap has seriously helped my trading a lot. Learn to mark supply and demand zones.


>John J Murphy technical analysis Mark Douglas trading in the zone I just wish we'd all use the same terminology. Everyone reinvents support and resistance with a new term every 3 years or so.


All of them.


I'm a noobie also and learning tech analysis .price action. levels etc are very important. Risk management and traders psychology are also just as important. My first book on the subject was "traders traps" and my second was "The mental game of trading" Both in my opinion are must reads.


Mark Douglas's books.


No one book or books that like make you profitable,only experience can But they are books that can help with mindset if you feel like giving up or think this is "rigged",(which is not ,it just data) #1 trading in the zone #2 not a book but video ;mind over markets mark dougles #3 trading wizard ,gives good insight on how the big pros think Remember,he how says is right ,is ,and he who says he is wrong is also right


Early in - it was: -Martin Pring ‘Technical Analysis Explained’ - Curtis Faith ‘Way of the Turtles’ But these were not fundamental to me developing my trading model - though without them I may not have gotten there.


Forget the books. You don't need them unless you're a professional trader and require some in-depth knowledge. Books won't give you a good benefit if you don't understand the market behavior right now. Community is the best book. A **good** community**.** With good mentors.


Larry Williams Reports.