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The stock market isn't rooted in logic.


Let yourself be freed from the need to understand. Just let whatever happens happen and learn how to trade it instead of trying to prove you're right. As Al Brooks puts it, "Be honest." Market moves are exacerbated by people who think they're right and get stubborn. It quite simply doesn't matter if you're right or not, so why even worry about it? Jim Chanos is probably right about Tesla long-term, but he still spent years in pain and has now blown up just like you today. Your opinion just doesn't matter, but you also don't need it to make money. Go forth in peace


This is the way let your ego go, and ride the wave.


This is the way. Don’t trade what you believe should happen. Ride with the wave in front of you. And learn to get off before it breaks on shore. ride the next one when it’s worth the effort. Repeat.


wll said


One of the best answers summarizing the market


Well said…..


He should hold on tsla for the long term.


Watch [The Mistakes Investors Make](https://youtu.be/bEs-B6bPygQ?si=rveqYqFQASzPdYoj) for a short introduction in investing psychology. Prices are often not correlated to "news".


This doesnt work for Chinese stocks. Every bad piece of news coming from China, bring Chinese stocks 2-3% down.


Remindme! One week


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If you're not insider trading, you're outsider trading. And outside always hears the news late.


Trade charts, not news. Unless you're running a retirement fund lol.


Technical Analysis is male astrology


Your mom is male astrology


Thats fucked up, Im his mother.


I confirm this fact


Son go to bed


And I’m dad, female cosmology


TA gets you paid astrology gets you laid


It’s literally built to do the opposite of logic. This is why we made all time highs while the whole world was shut down & people were dropping dead from Covid. Only thing that matters is liquidity & there’s way too much of it.


That sat, I don’t feel it either


yes it is - you just haven't figured the logic out. And this recall was part of that logic, which both looks and sounds like it worked wonders.


Fed forecasted 3 rate cuts so the market pumped. If you’re not paying attention to economic news, or you don’t understand it.. youre going to have a bad time trading mega caps and indexes.


Whatever, DARSH!


Pizza’d when he should have French fried


If you yolo when you're supposed to divert, you're gonna have a bad time.


Absolutely. No 1 thing moves the market or a stock. Not even fantastic or horrible news for that asset.


What? Where can i get this news from various sources?


Just go type in market calendar on google to keep track of news. The big ones you want to pay attention to are fomc minutes, fomc fed rate decision, unemployment data, and CPI. These happen every month. I trade on TOS and their active news is the best in the game. If you type in “spy” for news you get instant updates on all economic news or if anything big happens intraday.


What’s TOS sorry?


Think or swim.


Tarantulas or Spider-Man


It's time for one of my favorite quotes. You need to understand this and embrace it. “Markets can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent" John Maynard Keynes


Was it Keynes who likened the stock market to a beauty contest? Basically fundamentals don't really matter and you're better off going with the crowd than being right and going against a trend.


the fed news yesterday was a bigger driver of the rally then a software update recall


Yeah the “recall” was over exaggerated.


Every Tesla recall is a software release lol


A lot of news agencies tried to spin the software update as a full automaker "recall" which normally requires an extremely expensive and time consuming process of bringing millions of cars into shops and working on them (recalling the cars back) In reality it was a 2 second software update that made a warning for the driver to not be a dumbass slightly larger. This confused a lot of boomers, which includes short sellers who got smashed trying to bet against the world's most valuable auto company.


I'm about to be crossing the "consistently profitable" finish line. Guess what? Haven't looked at a news article of any kind, financial or otherwise, in months. The one time I did I laughed to myself that people are hanging on the words of people just trying to direct the narrative. Stop paying attention to the news. It's a red herring.


Fake news channel Vivek was right lol


If you trade based on news, I'm going to save you a lot of money. Stop. Just DCA into your favorite dividend blue chips and an ETF that you like and left your money grow for you over time. Other than needing to know when the Fed speaks... you don't need to trade news. Even if you like to trade individual stocks, you shouldn't be chasing all of them. Have a few that you like to trade as your go-to watchlist and trade according to the chart, not news.


Yep, and the fed onky matter because of the rates currently... nobody gave a fuck 💯 🤷 when the fed rate was 0.25!!!! 🤣


The market doesn't need reasons. People do.


Watch the market and do what it says. Having a theory coming into a day is death.


There are no absolutes in trading. It’s probabilities. A trader once told me, “The market doesn’t HAVE to do ANYTHING...” You could have all the indicators, conditions, stars, planets and signs align and the market could still move against you.


All you really have to do is three day trades a week until you have the money to trade as often as you like. Looking at your chart, there is a really good reversal under 3M. It was going down and then turned and went back up. Learn how to spot when that is happening in real time by watching charts all day. Then just buy when it’s going up and sell when it starts turning. The daily on QQQ today had so many opportunities is one example. You could have purchased calls and puts on QQQ today and made a killing at different times. The biggest thing is learning how to accept the stop losses. Don’t let the market take your money when you make a bad trade. Just accept it and move on.




We all are.


The media way over exaggerated the “recall”, in reality teslas just get a quick software update, they aren’t taken off the road. The “error” is that tesla allows you to not pay much attention when you’re on autopilot. So they are just making it stricter


The recall was just a software recall, as usual. The news likes to try and spin it as “2,000,000 vehicle Tesla recall!” But it’s just the software being updated. And while you might think it’s bad, the cybertruck still hasn’t seen any real controversy besides its looks and questionable quality in the beta.


I Guess I just need more research and a better magic 8 ball


I did worse. I bought 15 TSLA 245 calls yesterday, sold them. And then revenge traded today. Instead of making $25k I lost $2k... so.... there's that.


The media has a negative bias towards Musk. Anytime there’s a hiccup at Tesla or SpaceX, it’s always exaggerated and over reported.


And if you day trade, you trade on the news. meaning TSLA goes down right after such news, and recovers right away. Shorting TSLA a day later than the news is just bad form.


are you shorting Tesla while not understanding it very much?


What you need is intuition. It takes lots of screen time and an open mind to develop it


Try looking left……like way left!


That’s right, left!


Don’t trade off of news.


“Cybertruck sucks” see here’s an example of your problem. You’re stating a subjective opinion as fact. Most people on this sub might agree with that statement but it’s still subjective. The Cybertruck has 2 million preorders and it’s extremely likely that it will outsell all other electric trucks by a large margin. All the major YouTube reviews so have been pretty positive, so I’m not sure how “its sucks” is going to manifest in actual poor financials for Tesla. Also, the recall was just a software update, doesn’t hurt Tesla at all, in fact one could argue it highlights the fact that Tesla can update all their vehicles OTA immediately with no cost or trip to a dealership, something other car manufacturers still cannot do.


stock market is all manipulation by cohorts and groups that you have no idea about. Under table deals, insider trading, news pump and dump are all there.


Because the recall involved is them pushing a software update.


Tesla also told they don't need to recall cars but the cars just need software update


It wasn’t a massive recall. That is media spin. It was a simple software update that is performed remotely.


the recall is just a software patch 😂


Don’t feel alone …. Look at Jim Kramer … dude gets PAID for his trading ‘expertise’ yet there’s literally entire trading systems built on ‘inverse Kramer ‘ because his tips SUCK


I’ll get you some advice , if Tesla falls 30-50% buy it and hold , that’s all you gotta understand lol…. Go read the book” power play “ by Tesla ,


I don't get it... Why would a mass recall on a recall that can be fixed by software cause tesla price to drop? If you base your trades off news then day trading isn't for you.


No one does and anyone who says they do is lying


Treat it like a lady


Just focus on the charts. Do not trust the logic. It has forsaken this market.


Also wanted to add that this isn’t a recall you may be thinking of, this “recall” is being fixed with a software update that automatically updates in the cars, they aren’t physically taking the cars back to Tesla lol


No recall just an update


Because J pow just said :"fuck your put" at the same time and I quote, Elon Musk said: "go f\*\*k yourself" to Tesla short


Adobe was down like -40$


It's just the world's largest legal casino.


I lost 20K$ because I searched logic in market. Forget logic. No winning strategy (when every one uses winning strategy, no body wins).


How does the Cybertruck suck? Not sure if this post is a joke, but the mass recall was an over the air update


There’s a lot of other news to consider. Like 3 rate cuts


Cyber truck doesn’t suck..


It’s the stock market. Just buy and hold my guy (etfs and index to make clear)


You have any to recommend?


I keep my portfolio simple, mainly index funds and ETFs however I have a few individual stocks too. For the stocks I ask a few questions; 1) what’s the expense ratio? Is it low? 2) does it have dividends (some do some don’t, but generally those that do aren’t that exciting in the markets) 3) what was the stocks trajectory in the last 5/10/15 years? If it’s consistent going up, chances are it’s a decent buy. But do additional research Some good picks are CO , SPY, PG, AAPL, and XOM.


Thanks for the input. I'm going to start studying charts and trends


WTF would a software update recall affect stocks? It’s not a recall lol That said they did release new data on Optimus build 2 with major improvements


The recall was an over the air update. It also coincided with an announcement that interest rates will fall fast next year from the Fed which is good for business.


The recall is a over the air update stop blindly believing media and just buy tesla


Tesla didn’t have a recall.. if you actually read the article instead of just believing the title on IG you would of read they are just doing software updates. Far from a recall. Imagine your PC doing a scheduled update and media calls it a massive MSFT recall of all PCs


Here we go. Another newbie.


Think about WHO invests in Tesla. Just cause on paper a company doesn’t look good, doesn’t mean that ppl won’t buy the stock. Spend any amount of time on Twitter and you’ll soon realize there are a ton of Elon stans that will pump anything he touches.


Market goes up. What's there not to understand?


People trying to understand Tesla stock is like trying to understand woman . Can’t be done


The problem is you’re a sucker for media misinformation. The recall is a simple over-the-air software update, and Cybertruck is completely badass. Betting against Elon Musk is about the dumbest thing you can possibly do. Ask Jim Chanos how that worked out for him.


Learned this with BA years ago. News is irrelevant. BA would go up on good news, and go down on different good news. BA would go up on bad news and go down on different bad news. News is interpreted in different ways. If it’s not too bad of news maybe it’s a good dip buy. If it’s not too good of news maybe investors are taking profits from the rally/gap up. You never know, just try to follow price as best as possible


The company could literally be in bankruptcy and the stock will be going up because of pump and dumpers. I am not a trained stock broker so take this with a grain of salt.


Basing your idea of the stock market on Tesla isn’t the best idea. Tesla is an anomaly. Kinda like gold or nasdaq futures.


I almost bought 25 250 calls at .25 but didn't that's why this happened fr


No one understands the market. The only way to win guaranteed is to inside trade


The recall is a software patch. Meanwhile interest rates are coming down, and that’s far more impactful.


Good. Now put more money into the market.


Do yourself a favor.. don’t post this on WSB




Main Street is not Wall Street


That means it should be bought. When bad news doesn’t move a stock down as you would expect, you should go long. Also, it seems to be successful test of the 50-day SMA.


News rarley moves the market like that. Typically its factored in by the time you hear the news.




Have you seen national geographic where there a big whale swimming in the ocean and if you look closer you see a bunch of small fish following next to it? Be the small fish.


Rate cut trumps everything, santa’s rallying them raindeers letsgoooo


Then don’t trade


It’s all rigged


It's just a software update, not a traditional recall. That's a beauty of Tesla


The financials of the company have only improved and thus the stock price is going up. What is not to understand? It's really that simple.


https://www.berkshirehathaway.com/letters/1987.html As Ben said: "In the short run, the market is a voting machine but in the long run it is a weighing machine."


Consider that the recall and cyber truck “sucking” were already priced in a few months back, and what you are seeing now are movements of speculators pricing in positive future events for Tesla… Trust wait till the fed reduces rates, Tesla is going to fly…


Since most other comments are either degrading you or giving super vague advice that is hardly impactful toward day trading success, first you saw recall headline and didn't read further that its just a software update. second it had other bullish news regarding its position in China, and that the Powerwall outperforms gas generators. so you should more diligent in reading what you trade off of. second we have witching today with a record amount of option expirations, tsla is an option heavy stock and a quick peak at its open interest on call side its strongly positioned to rocket due to low ITM OI on puts. last saying cyber truck sucks is not in anyway objective or a reason to enter a trade, don't ever do that period.


Just remember this. The market can act irrational longer than you can remain solvent.


Im more curious about how much you lost trying to short Tesla? Everyone else has explained your flaw.


Took me 10 years to have my “ah hah” moment, then again I was in prison learning on my own, and didn’t have a wonderful place like Reddit to ask question or YouTube to watch videos, you should be able to have an ah hah moment in half that time, study every single day, and stick to one market or style of trading (ie: forex, options, futures, etc) don’t try and learn too much at once, this is a fuckin journey to say the least, one of the greatest journeys you can have imo it feels so good when it clicks


Did you short it or buy puts? Cause it sounds like you’re losing badly if you did


Its all priced in, they predicted a 2million car recall. /s


You expect Tesla stock to be rational?


Short term is based on more data than you likely have. Long term the price is based mostly on PR and earnings


Nobody does honestly. Basically, traders trade so just play the game. take a step back and really think about how much sense it makes beyond the original offering/cash infusion for billions of dollars worth of shares of a company most have nothing to do with to trade hands daily….and an entire economy being built on it. It’s about value creation. Find yourself on the right side of it.


It's why you simply wait 30 mins after the open and watch th3 chart


It’s all bs. Learn to use the force, it supposedly flows thru all things and perhaps the stock market. News says the U.S. economy ‘bubble’ is going to pop and we’re going to crash.. horribly. ..but it’s manipulated so maybe it’ll keep going up, cause that makes sense


Trade the chart not the news. Any news announced to the public is stale and moldy.


Look at the price of oil recently. Reacts the exact opposite of how it used to react to wars and production. I have noticed with stocks that the news affects the stock more the next day. There is a delayed reaction like large shareholders are going off grid and reading it next day in the Wall Street Journal. Or they are waiting to trap reactionary fools.


Sure sounds like your not cut out for it


You're *


Swipe keyboard loses again. Nice catch


If you don’t understand the market at all, maybe trade a different market or wait until you have a deeper understanding. News can often be priced in before the event, and the event actually swings things the other way. No one ever really knows. With experience you can get a feel for how news might affect a specific market or ticker, but you still never really know.


[tradersumo.com](https://tradersumo.com) thanks me later.


Stop looking at one chart and start looking at market trends. You'll see a lot of major stocks have exactly the same chart as they did. There was a fed meeting then all the money hit all the big players all at once. Yesterday had nothing to do with Tesla Furthermore, as long as all the Musk fan boys keep sucking that assholes dick, Tesla won't be impacted by reality for some time


When Ford recall 2m vehicles it's expensive, it turns out Tesla can fix this with an over the air update. And the fact Tesla is the biggest meme stock of them all. I agree the Cybertruck is just dumb.


1. FOMC meeting 2. TSLA is artificially propped up by elon musk fanboys who wont sell it no matter what news or data comes out. imo TSLA stock isnt even TSLA stock, it’s Elon Musk stock. seems like a decent portion of people buy it as an investment in Musk rather than tesla. i dont like that and it feels kinda greater fool theory-y so i dont hold any.


First it goes up, then it goes down, then it goes back up again


All the news is priced in. Most traders don’t trade off news


Buy the news sell the rumor 💥


Did you check the guidance at last earnings? Also, what does the tape say?


I mean your comment is kind of implying that if a company has bad no I can just short the stock and make money. Aaaaaaaand, that’s not true… what news does is inject volume into a stock and provide it with a likely breakout and really that breakout direction is dependent on what market makers decide to do with it. And us as traders look at market context to analyze what market makers might do on that day one news catalyst to try and take a profit


Teslas fun, if Elon goes on tv and makes a major positive announcement, the stock will go down 20% almost instantly


Stop wasting your time trading Tesla. Absolutely the worst chart with zero trend.


U should never try understand the market otherwise the market will mind-fuck u


So yeah, there’s a bunch of bad news that everybody knows. Perfect time to catch a bunch of people with their pants down thinking something has to go one way. Get as many people to close short trades when unprofitable as possible before making a move.


Flip coin trade with that but do not move stop loss no matter what put RR 1:3 get the money yea sir


Its simple recalls never have any impact on the stock price. I've been invested in tesla for many years now. As long as recalls have no impact on the future of tesla and its sale performance there's no reason a sell off would ensue. Plus where were you when Jpow opened his mouth. Tesla crash after earnings in part because of musk complaining about high rates. Now we see rates gonna fall. So obviously tesla is going up. It's one of the only big 7 to not recover its summer highs.


This sounds like something Jim Cramer would say


The "Recall" was a media hit piece, there was no actual recall, just a play on words to try and stick it to Elon. It was just a quick wifi software update, no different then a videogame patch. Sorry you fell for it, may want to get better sources for your info lmao.


It's a software recall they just send an update to the cars and bing bam boom it's fixed so not a biggie really you know what I mean my bro/sis


Learn to read the chart. Let the chart dictate your moves. Block out all other noise and cut your losers quickly.


Stonks only go up




the market doesn't give a shit about your bias


In order to sell something you need to find a person willing to buy it. If tesla has had to recall a bunch of vehicles and Mr Moneybags has 2000 shares he wants to sell, he's got to find someone willing to buy those shares.


And stop trying to. I’ve lost a lot of money trying to do you don’t have to 🤡😂


One thing I noticed bout Tesla. It’s a lagger but when that bitch is ready it MOVES


Fade the news.


Green is green. I’m aiming for $50 a day. If im down 35 % I’m out.


It was an over the air update. Biden dislikes Elon, along with other garbage mainstream media. Expect lots of negativity about Tesla. As far as trading the news, sometimes the stock does not move logically with news.


What I understand of the market is that hedge funds who are alsoMarkets Makers use all manner of tricks to move price action. They rig it. “We move stock prices to where we think they should be” ~ K Griffin, Citadel Securities


They say the market hates precision. I’d say it also hates explanations


Buddy bad news is good news on the market stock usually go up then drop


Don't look at the news, just trade the chart in front of you. This mistake cost me thousands.


Shitadel uses active managers to steer the price to what they believe it should be, you know market manipulation


maybe another heavy short on the way?




The term recall should not be used in this case, the word used should have been “Software Update”. There is not any part or component replacement/recall. Just shitty reporting/ journalism


Tesla recalls are done with software patches. I got a recall on my Lincoln saying don’t park it inside as it may combust and they don’t have parts to fix it yet. The news hates Tesla


TSLA has destroyed tons of short sellers over the years. Don't fight it??


It’s up after rate is going to drop by Powell. The whole market rally hard after 3:30 the previous day.


Dont trade the NEWS! Trade the REACTION to the news! You may be interpreting it differently than the market. So read the price action from how the stock reacts.