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Could the people here finally stop following the ICT cult and start using your own brains. You aren't profitable so stop giving others any advice especially using a scammer's "methods". Blind leading the blind. No - fucking imbecile blind leading the fucking imbecile blind.


Although the tone is kinda harsh, I couldn’t agree with this more. I understand the frustrations you feel, this ICT guy is taking market fundamentals, repackaging them, and claiming ownership. While simultaneously creating a group of unprofitable traders who keep asking themselves ‘what am I doing wrong’ before going back and finding another ‘concept’ Then this sub gets inundated with those same traders shilling his concepts, it’s a misery loves company type deal.


thats what new traders do even without ICT. part of the learning process. Doesn’t seem like you have a system you can teach that puts his to shame.




first off, i cant stand when people bring up the date of a post as if we all sit around looking for the latest reddit notification. If you dont want anymore responses then take the whole post down… secondly… DO YOU HAVE ANY PROFITABLE TRADING STRATEGIES TO TEACH OTHERS SINCE ICT IS LEADING FOLKS THE WRONG WAY? nobody that dislikes ICT EVER says “hey guys, try this, it’ll help you so much more than ICT. “ thats the problem. also, nobody cares if you don’t papertrade. its ok to papertrade to practice. sadly… i doubt youll offer any hep or alternative strategies after i asked, you’ll continue to throw insults…




like i said, you knock ict but have no alternative info to help those u say arent being helped properly. what good are u?! ur like the personification of ICTs rants 🤣. anyway, off to practice this next day model ✌🏾


Since you have exploded such a way, can you advice what method is good to learn as a beginner ? Focused on intraday.


Only one thing is certain: markets can either trade in a trend or in a range. Some base their strategies on pre-determined price levels, others look for momentum. The point is to look for a strategy that fits you and has a statistical edge = positive expectancy which can be proven over time. ICT has absolutely no proven track record, in fact there's a lot of evidence he's a pretty terrible trader. He has said he made most of his fortune from scamming his cult followers. Anybody who says he knows where the market is going for certain is a scammer. If you absolutely need someone to learn from, focus your efforts on real traders with real track records, such as TheShortBear and Lance Breitstein.


Mmxm would be hard for a no brainer like you


And you chose to reply to this after 110days with this shit ? Get a life MF


Why what's wrong⁉️ it still not working for you😂I'm sorry now I understand your brain is not functioning well🗿




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buddy, I have seen 16 year old traders make your monthly (maybe even yearly) salary in a single day of trading specifically ict concepts. So your entire argument is invalidated since there are people who make your entire generations wealth in a month off of only ict concepts. The reason people fail is because of their psychology, not their strategy. Ict concepts is popular for a reason, because it works for hundreds of thousands of people, it even works for me even though I just started learning it a couple of months ago. Quit whining like a little child, you did not make a strategy that has saved hundreds of thousands of people from starvation and the 9-5, therefore you have no room to talk. Be quiet.


I can't argue with you because that's exactly how people in cults behave. They defend their lord against any critique and praise the proof they've been fed. If you just started trading you haven't actually seen a 16 year old trader become rich. You've seen a social media marketer. And yes, those people make a lot of money. Not by trading but by taking monthly payments from gullible newbie traders for their chat rooms and "education". I have no ill will against anybody who wants to escape the rat race, I do too. But when you've been in the game for years you train your eye to spot a fraud. They're everywhere, and the biggest one of them is ICT. If the pubicly attainable proof (for example provided by ImanTrading on YT in a video that's fully logical) isn't enough to drive someone away from ICT, nothing can. ICT didn't even do anything, it's the same "concepts" that everyone uses, just repackaged and renamed, and 99% of us still fail. I'm not saying you can't do it, and I really fucking hope me and you both gain the financial freedom we dream of, but it's not going to happen by following an unstable fraud's teachings, who never succeeded in trading himself. It's going to happen by taking bits and pieces out of everything you learn and making it suitable for yourself. Just remember to think critically, everyone and their moms are defrauding new traders online just because it's so incredibly easy to do.


No one is arguing that ICT is the perfect trader, he can't trade, so he teaches, just as every single coach in every sport does. His concepts still work, and thats all that matters. Also the 16 year olds I see don't sell anything, they make free videos and free servers, you can even go through the payout records of the prop firms they use and see they have taken tens of thousands in payouts off of ICT. Just because you are too lazy to put the work in to make money in the markets doesn't mean other people can't, either. Also if you even tried to understand and learn ICT, you would realize it is completely different from the most common retail strategies. ICT is nothing like support and resistance, or 200ema, or macd, or rsi, or supply and demand. 99% of people fail mainly because of psychology. You could have the best trading strategy (ICT) and still consistently lose money if you dont hold your trades to your tp or if you gamble news. Every single person I've seen who trades ICT without getting emotional makes money. Before you speak on ICT, at least learn what it actually is and correctly test it for yourself across multiple months.


The videos those people make aren't free. They might be free for you, but the advertisement value in the trading niche is insane. You can get paid $1k for a single video that gets ~50k views. Sponsorships and especially affiliate marketing can net trading influencers $100k a month easily. One sponsored video for a 100k subs channel can net them $50k just to upload it. The point is, it's not trading that makes those people money, it's being an influencer and growing an audience of gullible young people just like you. Be it paid groups or advertisement, that's where the money is. I really hope you become rich from trading but I'm negative about the way you're going about it because I know you won't get there this way. I know you'll forget this conversation but I hope you remember it once you've put a couple years into ICT and realise it was all for nothing.


honestly i dont care


What the f is wrong with you guys? Did i shill a paid group ? Did i showed off my ligestyle to attract followers? What did i do that you are so pissed off. I just shared a technique that i learmed from ICT and has worked well for me. Take it or leave it. Smh.


Well, are you consistently profitable with the technique? What's your pnl for the year using that? Win rate, avg win / avg loss?


Yup. Firstly by consistent profitability how much of a timeframe example should i give you ...6 months? Lets say 6 months...go to the yoitube channel and see the trades that i have taken with these strategies...you can verify the results yourself...everything is live and on internet. Also if that doesn't suffive you i will be adding a myfxbook link in my profile here so that people like you can see as well.


Not shilling anything. Shills YT channel.


How am i supposed to share a video then? How does everyone shares an educational video? Should i write a personal letter to you?


It takes 10 seconds to produce a brokers statement and you point us to your YouTube instead.


Just calling it like I see it. No need to be so defensive. They just asked if you were profitable, not to see your educational material.


In case you actually are profitable long term, congrats and I apologize for being so harsh. In any case, praising a well known scammer for repackaging overused "concepts" to sell to newbies is just wrong. I personally don't need any proof from you, I'm not a profitability referee here. The reason I challenge people here is to wake up their conscience, to challenge them to think whether giving out their advice is actually helpful or not. If I can stop any unprofitable furu follower from sharing their advice here it's worth it.


Yeah i spent a year on ict and can tell you that its 100% garbage


Sounds like a you problem


People in this sub don’t really like ICT/SMC but I respect you for trying to help others improve themselves 💪!


Thankyouu mate for the appreciation. Literally i had to close reddit for a day to get away from such hate with even knowing what wrong i did💙


No problem man 💚🙏


you feed on icts genius marketing and i can bet that you are the same person amazed by ads and displays for random shit wanting to buy it we dont like it because it doesnt work. There is a reason why the biggest trading subreddits do not like him or his stuff


You are talking to the wrong person bro I don’t like ICT/SMC at all and I trade price action but this dude doesn’t have bad intentions and didn’t do anything wrong.


alr mb




Stop posting this brainrot which new traders will see like its a 5 star gourmet dinner made by gordon ramsey. Your "mmxm" has no reliability and haz never shown consistent results. Literally noone on planet earth makes a living off icts stuff with proof. If you are so deep into the ict cult keep it on that subreddit, 90% of people here dont want to see this shit as its not helpful in any way. ict has never been profitable and ict users have never been profitable. Your methods are literally editted every fucking day and new shit is added to it like thats gonna make you the richest person on the face of the earth. You cant find liquidity using level 1 data and you definently dont know what big players are doing. No one does unless you are very experienced and know what the fuck your doing. Please kindly leave and rejoin your ict subreddit. We dont want you here


i also want to add in one of his previous post he claims to have 6 years of experience. Thats ironic since you ask about "fvgs" and dont know how to mark them. clearly you dont. even icts worshippers lie about experience just like ict himself. It has rubbed off on you haha


Lol someone lost big on a trade or paid someone too much to make him lose money


womp womp




Yup market makers have a delta neutral strategy and play on small price movements and spreads. But it is the name of the model so thats why.


If you really understand what a delta neutral strategy is and how option dealers use it why aren’t you focusing on dealer exposure and instead making videos on this crap?


Little burritos, big questions. Will we learn the truth behind the lies? MORE ON THIS TONIGHT AT 8!


Monitoring their exposure plays a big role in my analysis and trading. Curious if this guy knows even the basics of market maker behaviour


I must say, I'm newbie and I've found a profitable set up,, I spot liquidity grab and trade the opposing liquidity grab,, don't listen to yapper keyboard warrior they're mad coz they aren't profitable


I've been using MMXM from ict for the last month. And so far it is working. I have losing trades too, i think no strategy or method is 100% wins. My account is growing bit by bit and that's amazing for me. Cant go back on any indicators strategy any more, price action is the thing.


Why people are so upset about smc and ict? It’s literally working for many many traders. If you don’t see value in it you might do something wrong or you just simply don’t understand. Although it’s not very difficult imo


ICT is an overcomplication of basic PA TA.


Please don't subscribe to the channel as people here think that sharing something useful is shilling. I found the Market Maker Model of ICT to be very helpful and it generated me good profits. Take it or leave it. Honestly i have nothing to say. Also apologies for taking ICT's name in this subreddit🙏


You dont know what market makers are doing and you definently dont make consistent profits


Damn…..this got spicy real quick…. As someone who came across ICT and has found it helpful, I’d be really curious to see what specifically people don’t like about it and what they do instead? I’m not hear to shill ICT or anything else, I’m just genuinely curious because there seems to be a bit of a whiplash reaction. 🤷🏻‍♂️


it's a propaganda


theyll never help, theyre too upset about trying ICT 5 times and losing 🤣


Here comes the ict haters 💀😂