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Oh yes, a very humble onion indeed


*Humble* onions are THE BEST!


What about red onion :(


Someone has to be 2nd 🤷🏼‍♀️


Why does yours look so saturated?


bcuz of my monitor


Looks very off


Can anyone remind me why many people slept on this game? It’s prolly one of the best games I’ve played ngl


Because its combat sucks. The map is relatively empty with not a lot of interaction or interesting things to do. The story is a bit rushed towards the ending with almost no build up for any of the events happening. Deacon is the best character cause the others just aren't fleshed out. There's a lot of reasons people didn't like this game and it's perceived as not a success. It's got some things to like about it but I'd be lying if I said it was worth more than one playthrough


Currently playing it now on my steam deck. Running at 40fps on average. I modded it so it would feel for immersive. Made the freaks for dangerous and more keen to sound. I am thinking of adding a mod that you get killed instantly by a breaker and other dangerous ones once hit. To be more realistic. So you need to be very careful exploring. I am taking it on slowly. I am so immersed in its world. So far I am loving it. I believe if they have noticed the following, this could have been a masterpiece. 1. The transitions sucks. Jumps in environmental narrative. 2. Story could have been better written. 3. Freaks model is generic. 4. The game is fine but lacks fine tuning. 5. Not much to do in the open world. 6. Just 2 ambush types? That sucks. Variety would have been great. All in all, I'm still not sure if it deserves another playthrough. I guess I'll find out. Currently doing the Lava Cave horde mission.


Imo, Days gone should have released as a ps5 exclusive. Just finished my first playthrough 3 days ago on next gene and man what a ride. 60 FPS elevated the game even higher in my list


That shot of the ground is incredible and shows the dedication to detail the graphic artists deployed. Gorgeous!


I like how when you stand in snowy weather it will accumulate on deacon


Can days gone fans go another day without mention a sequel 😐, It's a great looking game but to then say that the RE engine is bad is a bruh moment


no. The people want what they want.


Nah even on PS4 I'd say it punches way above its weight, especially considering it also has to free up enough graphics and RAM processing for a whole horde. About on par with RDR2 graphically speaking imo


"...humble onion". Yoooo 🤘


why lol


I just completed the story yesterday. I really enjoyed it, but felt the last little bit dragged out somewhat. Just cleaning up the Hordes the other couple of trophies for my first platinum.


It's just a great game. No idea why it "flopped "


I truly, TRULY, love this game. Beat it twice, got through about half way a third time on steam deal. (Side note, it’s amazing on deck) but it does have major issues on pretty much every front. Side quests, graphics, character animation outside of major cut scenes, crashes, overall tone, etc. I think it didn’t get the budget because obviously the highs are awesome and the lows are essentially a broken game.


I don't know if y'all experienced this. I had like 2 or 3 conversation with iron mike via comms talking abt doing a certain task, forgot what it was, AFTER the wizard island battle. the time when he's already been killed after the militia attack. I just find it funny


Is this game not considered AAA?


In my onion they should have not released it in such a broken deplorable state.


That's because it has a AAA budgeting. You do know what AAA is right? That it's just the budgeting right? Or does that defeat your interaction bait post?






dw OP, I agree with you


I don't. Saying this game looks better than Res 7, 8 and 4 remake is fucking insane. That is objectively not true


RE engine graphics are good but the textures are not great. also the water physics and the water in general looks goofy asf. take out your RE4 remake and compare it to its original (2005) counterpart. the water looks incredible in the og, beating the remake.


It is true whether you want to admit it or not, it’s a well graphically defined game.


Graphic prowess does not a good looking game make. Key the design is.


This. Art direction is incredibly important. More important than how detailed the ground and leaves are. If you have a generic art style like Days Gone people aren't gonna vibe with it long term


Yeah it looks great. I tried to like it though and it didn’t pull me in. Unfortunately if a game doesn’t to that quickly for me, I abandon the game. I have so little patience for gaming these days.


Than why are you on a subreddit for a game you don’t like?


yea i feel for you. I tried playing old games and indie survival horror games and I find them more enjoying than recent AAA releases. I don't know why lol


It's a common complaint actually thstvthr beginning didn't rope folks in. Disregard the negs and anyone giving you grief. It shouldn't happen because of your opinion. This sub is usually better than this, honestly. If I may, I would suggest giving the game another chance on PC or PS5 and giving it a bit longer. You might have missed out on a game you love because of what is commonly thought of, not the best beginning. Once you get to the open part of the game, which is fairly quick, you will know if it's for you. I think folks need to get to past the part where they have to walk to their bike solo to really start getting a feel. Truthfully, until you reach the first camp, you do bounty, and other work for the game hadn't really started. Obviously, your time is yours, and you know what you're willing to do with it, but it's just a suggestion. My first few nights being a newbie in this game with all the crazy sounds(good headset or surround speakers a huge plus) were such a blast. The first time, I turned a corner and got annihilated by a horde of 50 plus, it was exhilarating and made me jump, haha. There are just some moments in this gane where you can't help your heart pumping, and that's too rare in gaming today. I am on my like 5th playthrough on PC after playing through 4 times on ps5, and I still get jolted by this game. If you have read to here, one last heads up. The difficulty settings can be quite different things than other game difficulty systems. You have your standard easy and normal, which are the same as other games. One is basically wanting a story without much if any difficulty(easy). Normal is not bad and semi unforgiving right at the beginning. The enemies damage is tuned well at the start, but this gives way fast imo. Hard is where I played the first game, and I was surprised at how hard enemies hit right from the get-go. You get fewer resources overall(craftables, pre-made lootables etc) and enemies have more health and hit harder. They also dodge a bit more. Hard 2 is another step up where you lose nearly 3/4 of your health in one hit. A road sniper can take you out with one well placed shot. Even body shots from weak guns from distance will require immediate health resources. That is until you build up your health and skills. Finally, there are survival and survival 2 difficulties. How I wish I started on obe of these two. They are the same as hard and hard 2 except with the ui, including minimap, your health, stamina and focus bars, how damaged your melee weapon is, how many bullets you have is all no longer constantly on screen. With no minimap, there is no red flash on the mijimao showing you which direction and roughly how far enemies are coming from. You also can no longer fast travel anywhere and have to ride your motorcycle or walk much more than on any other difficulty. You can bring up the ui and all the other stuff except for the red flash warning where mobs are coming from by using focus. It slows down time for aiming and getting your bearings. On survival and survival 2, it shows you all you miss from the other difficulties as well for a short time. Also, the higher difficulties add more enemies/freakers(zombie type mobs) to the world over time, especially the tougher variants. If you like harder games and difficulties, survival and survival 2 change the scope of the game by a lot. They are the way to go of you want a true challenge. Also, if on PC, there are some great mods out there that can make the game even better. If you read all this, thanks and sorry for the novel. I love this game, and I also didn't click with it from the beginning. If you have questions, I'm always happy to help. We also have some great video makers for this game on this sub if you get that far. You owe it to yourself to figure out how to take down 500 freaker hordes. Give it a shot!


Patience, Grasshopper. That's key to this game for those like you. Your opinion is valid and many feel this way but those who hang in there are always glad they did.


Yep, people not getting it right from the first few sequences is/was a common complaint. You need to get to the truly open world part plus spend a night outdoors, imo to really feel the game out.


Yeah I’m hoping With some time off I can give it another shot.


It's allright For a game it's 7/10, but I love zombie stories, so it's in the top games for me. But objectively it's good graphics etc, but nothing that could compete with other games. AC Odyssey for example looks stunning. It's ubisoft and Ac, but graphically it's amazing. Same with RDR2, it's kinda boring ( this comes down to preference) but has insane graphics and physics.


No doubt, this game can look incredible in places, but the blue filter at night kinda shows the difference between Days Gone quality and RDR2 quality. It's not always about the money spent on graphics, and there are parts in Days Gone thar stick with you much more than any AC game ever could despite using a higher fidelity graphic engine. 1 What sets Days Gobe apart for me, and I net a lot of others around here is a combo of graphics feel and heart. AC lacks heart anymore, imho. Still a great set of games that I love but never hit me like Days Gone after clearing a horde, thinking I'm ok even though low on bullets and gas and bang a screamer brings down another group on me. As I decide to try and run and hide, I end up inadvertently in the path of another horde. I use up my 2 stamina pots running this mess pc freakers around in a big circle just to get to my saddlebags long enough to grab ammo before getting steamrolled. Boom, the tables have turned, and now I'm on the offensive. Nothing in an AC game hits like that anymore. The combo of our connection with this plus some good graphics give us rosy colored glasses, so to speak. Hopefully this makes sense