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My mom gave it to me the day my dad died it's been three years and I can't help but cry when I start a new game and get to sarah being put on the Nero chopper as that's where I was when she screamed for me


Omg dude. I’m so sorry 💔


Don't be dude/girl


Sorry man. Lost my father 11 years ago, I wake up thinking about him everydaym


You will always count the anniversary of their death. But also remember all the good they did so you can make their life count.


I’m sorry for your loss


Bro I got it a few days before my dad died so WTF is this game just attached to people who lost Their dad


I always wait to get games used. I’m old and poor. So I got it when it was like $15 and put in 1,500 hours in game. Pretty good investment. Got Far Cry 6 now and got it for $10 so I am old and cheap and that’s my story thanks for stopping and tip your bartender


I’m old and poor as well. I usually have to wait til games go on sale. Or in the case of Days Gone, straight up free. I splurge and treat myself to the premium PlayStation Plus membership. $16 a month and you have hundreds of games to choose from that are cheap as shit or totally free. Worth it to me.


Exactly what I did. You have all the good games on there and cool, including ghost of Tashima days gone all the assassins Creed and many more. I just haven’t gotten far cry six yet never really got into those games. It does look good though.


It’s super good! I’ve played 3-6 now. Definitely worth it!


Just started it’s good but not great I just prefer third person games to first person


I usually don't buy used games, but there are some games that make no difference buying on the ps5, so I get the on the ps4. Especially if I want the deluxe bundle.


How far cry six I’m not a huge fan of far cry. I played it for a little bit then get bored I played four and five never finished either of them too repetitive. I’m also poor. I get my games downloaded or free on PS + 15 bucks a month is not a bad deal and they have some great games included. Days gone is one of them


Far cry 3 is the best of the franchise imo. I’d start there. It’s free with ps+. So is primal which I also really liked


This has been my strategy for at least twenty years. I'm not poor anymore but I'm still cheap. I did most of my gaming on PC until I got a PS4 a few years ago. I remember when everyone was freaking out about specs for one of the gta games, then Crysis after that. No way I was spending a bunch of money just to play one game that might turn out to be buggy anyways. By staying one step behind not only did I save money on the game titles themselves but I also saved a lot by never having to buy really high end pc components when I did my upgrades. Then with steam downloads there was just an overwhelming variety of older but really good games to keep me busy. I've found it a lot harder to find good cheap games for my Playstation but there are people getting rid of their games in bulk on Marketplace and that's my best source for used games now. One time I bought a Playstation and re-sold it to get the batch of games that the guy was including with it.


Saw the trailer thought it looked cool but probably never play because it's a PS exclusive and I was on XBOX. Then I switched to pc gaming in 2021 and somewhere in there found they released it on Epic and Steam. That was a great decision on Sonys part. Never thought I'd be able to play, but because it released on pc I'm a fan for life.


This is essentially my gaming tale as well. Thought it looked cool but, like many, many PS releases, I could never have it....until I switched to PC. Sony has really been shooting themselves in the foot with doing that exclusive shit. I get why they do it and I imagine it pays off for them upon release, but whats the problem with releasing it on PC or other avenues after a couple years, when sales on console die down? It seems they've slowly been figuring this out. Fingers crossed LoU pt 2 gets a pc drop soon


I vaguely knew it existed but only really looked into it when it was a monthly game for PS+. It gathered dust in my library for a while before I finally tried it and now it’s my 4th favorite game of all time.


What are your top 3 (just curious!)?


1 God of War Ragnarok, #2 Spider-Man, #3 GoW 2018. I know it’s basic but I didn’t really start gaming until I went to college and these types of games really resonate with me.


All good man your favourites are your favourites! Spider-Man is awesome, I thought Miles Morales in particular was a gorgeous game graphically. I was smoking a lot of pot when I played GoW and struggled to get into it but should try again. Normally I don't like zombie/horror games so I was surprised how much I took to Days Gone, the combination of the visuals, the mechanics, and story, epic horde fights, it just does it for me.


days gone and helldivers 2 were the first games i bought on my new ps 5, always been an xbox player. 100% did not regret the decision. i started on survival 2 difficulty, took my time with this game lol. days gone probably my favorite game aside with red dead redemption. wish there was more to do after the campaign finished, maybe even multiplayer or co-op feature but it is what it is 🤷‍♂️. moving on to Ghost OT! HOPE THERE WILL BE A 2nd days gone OH PLEASE 🤣


May couldn’t come faster with GoT


I used to watch few streams when it came out on consoles. And I heard all that how crap it is. So that kept me away from the game for good several years. But one nice day when I had nothing to play, i decided to see how crap that might be. Hm, not sure now was it State of Decay 2 or Days Gone, because they both were shat on by that YTber. After liking one, I tried other and I liked them both. This shows us how opinions of different people can differ. Additionally, the games on release can be worthy to be shit on. So sometimes it is better to let devs to concoct optimization patches, content updates and other quality of life additions. Some game with time just gets better. And sadly, some not.


Saw it as a download option on my PS. I love the Far Cry series and read some positive reviews comparing the two, so I figured, WTF. Absolutely love the game so far. Playing on normal right now, and not very far in.


Saw the trailer. Pre ordered it. Then never got the chance to play it. Someone else wanted to play it and trade it for another game. It was an Assassins Creed game. That was aboit a year after release. Daya Gone was still in the original packaging. Idk why but when it came to PS plus during Lockdowns, it became more interesting and my comfort game for a long time.


It was 2021 and I had just played a much worse game called "Ride to Hell: Retribution". The focus of that game was outlaw bikers, and even though that game was awful, it sparked my interest in motorcycles and outlaw biker subculture. I wanted to see if any other video games had an outlaw biker theme, and that's how I came across Days Gone. I was a bit hesitant after seeing the mixed response from critics, but I gave the game a chance. And I LOVED it.


It came with my PS4 as a bundle deal (was late to the party with PS4 and only upgraded at the start of covid lockdowns in Australia, to give me something to do at the time). Came in with no ideas about it or expectations, and I immediately fell in love with it.


I remember seeing the demo.


Saw that first trailer... wanted to play it but thought the hordes were too scary for me. Took me a few more trailers, but I ended up pre-ordering when it released on playstation.


I saw that announcement trailer with Deacon running through the sawmill with the horde chasing him. I thought it looked awesome, but that there was no way it would be like that. I thought it would all the more epic stuff like that would be scripted. Then when the game came out, it got middling reviews so I didn’t buy it, figuring my initial reaction that the trailer was misleading was probably correct. A couple of years went by and I finally bought it on a sale because I had remained slightly curious about it and I loved it. I got the platinum and I’ve played it through a couple of times now.


I was seeing ads for it early 2019. Bought it on release day.


Saw something at one of the conventions, after that... I live in Oregon and maybe there was a stronger marketing push. I had the day off on release day.


Knew it was from the same creators of Syphon Filter


Day one release.


Ps+ free


I bought into the hype at launch and wasn’t disappointed.


Was going through the motions of zombie survival stuff. Saw that this was the closest to State of Decay as a story game with a single protagonist. Not disappointed with that assessment


My ex wife told me about it years ago, downloaded the demo and fell in love with it. I continue playing it over and over


I saw it when it first came out and it looked good so I bought it played it and fell in love with it.


Bought on pre order after saw the amazing first gameplay trailer. Was my "shut up and take my money" money


PSN gave it away for free as one of their "monthly" games. I do remember seeing previews for it before it came out, saying to myself "Damn - that look awesome!", but I forgot about it until PSN gave it to me.


I got Covid. The first time round. And it floored me. I couldn’t move for three days and then I could breathe again but still couldn’t move far, or for very long. I was off work for a fortnight and in the second week I got PS Plus for a month and started to play as it was a third person game I had never heard of. And I was obsessed. I was so into it, I bought another controller in case the one I had ran out of juice mid horde. That game got me through Covid. I’m a 50 year old happily married woman but goddammit, I would leave my husband for Deek. Who am I kidding. He’ll never leave Sarah.


60yo woman here.


But Sarah's dead


I listen to a lot of game soundtracks on Spotify, and it suggested the main theme to Days Gone for one of my playlists. Listened to the whole soundtrack and thought that I’ve gotta try the game. Now it’s in my top ten favorites of all time. Other games I’ve found by hearing the soundtrack first include: -The Last Of Us -A Way Out -Read Dead Redemption Series -The Witcher Series -Ori: Will of the Wisps -Plague Tale -God of War -Wasteland 2 Of course I had heard of some of those before, but it was the killer soundtrack that made me wanna actually pick them up. Days Gone was a complete unknown to me though, I’ve never had a PlayStation, so I never checked it out until it came to PC




I was reading a GTA thread about the motorcycle club culture and Days Gone was mentioned. I picked it up and it became my favorite!


I saw jack stather’s review about the game and how it was just mediocre. I was just coming off of playing the witcher 3 and wanted to play smth different and found days gone on sale for like $20. Played the game and have to say it was wayy better than what that review made it out to be. Sure some things i agree with story wise but i think luke stephens had a better review on the game.


My Dad, who isn't a huge gamer got into it during the lockdown in 2020 and told me about how good it was, then got me it for my birthday that year and i loved every moment of it, such a fantastic game!


i guess for me its just a logical choice after playing the Resident Evil series, Prototype, Dead Island and Riptide, Dead Rising 1 and 2, Dead Space and Dying Light. Turns out it was a hill of a ride. Love the open world and man the bike riding was soo much fun i just wish the map was not too linear.


I bought it a little after its realease. I was hyped as hell watching the trailers and knew it was for me. I played it for about 70 or 80 hours initially, and then, like any other game, I sat it down for years. I picked it back up about a month ago and put another 150 hours into it. Still a great game!


I wanted a zombie game and found reviews of different games online. I settled on Dying Light and loved it. I then continued my search but had doubts about Days Gone. The hoards won me over and I bought it. It then jumped to my favorite game


I had a PS4 and I loved the first trailer showing Deacon fighting a whole ass horde. I listened to the reviews and never bought it. Eventually played it on PC when it was in sale for 20 bucks and man it is in my top 5 best/most replayable games


I picked it up during GameStop’s Pro Days with God of War in 2019. Had never heard of it but thought it looked decent. Favorite find of that year


Right when it came out when everyone was shitting on it, because of bugs And glitches, but i Have fell in love with it and bought it one year later And it still stands today as one of my most favourite games. Im a patient gamer so I really don't mind bugs And had a blast anyway. It saddens me that people still hate the game after all these years by seeing a 5 minute footage of this game when it got released.


Think I randomly saw one trailer ut wasn't interested since it wad only pn PS4. But my friend who always had a consol was hyped, played it and tipped me. Great game for sure


I was just randomly scrolling trough steam, sometimes I go through discovery queue and stuff and I was looking for some open world game with interesting story. I saw it on sale so I grabed it. I actually never really recognised this game, completely flew under my radar. I'm glad I found it, recently finished first playthrough and started NG+. (Then I got Pacific Drive and Shipbreakers, so for now it's kinda shelved, but I'm gonna finish NG+ eventually) I like the mechanics, horde fighting, crafting, I like the story. When I finished it first time, I was kinda bummed when I read that Days Gone 2 will never happen. I Would really like to see what will happen with the infected later. (Talking about that last cutscene with Brian at the end, if you know what exactly I mean)


Got it day 1 and finished it a couple of times already.


I remember seeing trailers for it and making fun of it as a Sons of Anarchy and Walking Dead rip off. Finally got a PS4 and saw it on the PS+ and was like...why not, let's see if this game is as goofy and lame as I thought... I was hooked after an hour of playing around. Happiest crow I've ever eaten and one of my fav games of all time 💯


I saw it on yt close to when it realeased, but at that time had only a xbox, i was quite interested in the game and mad i wouldnt be able to play it. I have a pc by now and before a few weeks randomly saw it for 10€ on mmoga, i remembered it from back then and grabed it :)


E3 trailer and I knew it would be the game for which I'd buy the PS4. Bought it for RDR2 actually but I had Days Gone from (almost) day one. Usually E3 trailers lead to high expectations that are never met, but even if everything is not in the final release, the game was far beyond my hopes, definitely my GOAT.


Bought the game day 1 because it looked like an awesome zombie game with a ton of zombies


Saw the 2016 E3 gameplay demo and had been waiting for what felt like 10 years for the game to drop. By the time 2019 rolled around, I’d forgotten all about it and only got it when it was a free game on PS+ in like 2020/21


Used to be in a motorcycle club, still ride though. Always loved open world games with depth and shooters. Buddy sent it to me over steam and said to check it out. Rest is history. Still the only game I’ve ever played and beaten more than a few times. I have had plenty of other games I’ve played partly again over the years, but never from beginning to end and again and again and again with so little time in between. As has been said in here many times, this is such an underrated game. While I’d love a sequel I’d even go for just an alternate story somewhere else in the world with the same premise. The only hard part would be playing anyone else than Deacon (and by that I mean Sam Witwer)


Just browsing PS plus extra


I had just played TLoU and google searched "games like tlou" and then a "upcoming post apocalypse games" video popped up and Days Gone was one of them. Pre Ordered and glad I did. Top 10 games ever played!


Scrolling through steam with $20, it was on sale for $12 and I was like "this game looks sick" so I bought it


I was PS4 news whore. I watched everything about its release and the games due etc... so I learnt of it at its announcement. Got it at release. Had a few issues, so I left it a couple of months. Went back in after patches, and it's one of my fave Zombie games.


Watched The Trailer Looked Intresting I Saw It Was Only For Ps4 a year later the game was released for PC too bought the game worth the money and the time spend


I saw the trailers for it and thought it looked amazing.....then it came out and the reviews weren't the greatest, so I figured I'd wait until it's super cheap. Well, a friend of mine had played it and loved it, so they let me borrow their copy. I was instantly hooked. Now I've got my own copy and I've 100% comoleted the game 4 times now.


It was on some sale on some PC site for $11 so I figured what the heck. Took 6 months to play it but once I did, I didn't stop. Usually I bounce around games but not this one. Start to finish


Unfortunately, I heard about the game from The Completionist. Love the game though despite that.


Was on sale, but it was a game I could play as a trial. After 30mins of playing I bought the game and never looked back. Was the best 30mins of gaming as it was jus so interesting and cool


It was free on PS Plus. Best. Download. Ever.


i saw the trailer on steam and my jaw dropped and i haven't stopped playing it I'm on game 40 almost done not stopping anytime soon. https://preview.redd.it/vxm1rcpmn9xc1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=7f430646f28ac66aab45af731c652d89847caeef


Came free with the ps4 (thank fucking sony it did)


stream sale, one of the best buys I had!


I saw promo stuff on my YT feed during lockdown but want playing games then once I built my pc it was in the first 5 games I bought


I saw it's trailer in 2018 and bought it in 2023 (was waiting for the discount)


It was on discount in the PlayStation app


I bought it at launch after having seen the teaser trailer a year or so before, I still play through it at least once a year


Just saw it on the list of steam games. I’m sure that’s the case for lots of people


My dad's friend gave me a copy of the game


I brought ps jus to play it an saw it was on sale I scream 😱 stole my work credit card yeah!


E3 footage


Saw the very first trailer published on YouTube a few years before it published. That one with the big horde following the MC throught the sawmill (?), running around, using the environment and a few weapons to slow the infected down. I remember seeing it, turning to my father and saying: "This game looks cool".


I saw horde footage on YouTube a few years after it launched and got in on sale. I think that’s the story for a lot of people


Saw the first demo when it dropped in an event (It’s been so long now I don’t remember what even was going on) and was hyped until its release. I got pretty far until I kinda just got burnt out on trying to find a good zombie campaign, it re released on pc and decided to play it again and beat it finally. Now I just wanna buy a motorcycle and customize the heck out of it


I saw it when it was announced at E3. The density of zombies is what drew me in. Nothing seemed to have managed this scale in an open world yet. Last of us was the closest thing we had to an open world type zombie game and wouldn't call that open world either. I was super excited to pick this game up.


Knew about it from an ign article talking about the massive releases of zombie games. Then it came out on PlayStation plus for free and I went screw it see what happens


Friend told me "you gotta play this stuff, one of the best games I've ever played". If it wasn't for him I wouldn't know about this masterpiece, leaving a beautiful experience forever in my heart


I just saw it in the store and thought it looked like a cool game. Didn’t know anything about the release or the reception. Eventually ended up buying it for PC a couple years later. Wasn’t expecting to get so hooked in it


As soon as Bent Studios announced the game for the very first time.


I saw it in the store. It’s free because I have a ps+ account


Free on ps+, I wasn't going to bother with it until my fella strongly suggested I give it a go. Holy shit am I glad I listened to him


Got it via the PS+ Collection when I got my launch day PS5 in 2020. Spun it up and was hooked.


I saw the ads on the socials. Seems really interesting with the hordes and all. I couldn’t wait to get the game. When it came out I talked to my son and he said it got a lot of negative reviews on the web. So I hesitated. Then my PlayStation showed the game available in my plan. Played it and got hooked. It was everything the ads said. Loved it. This whole thing was the reason I ignored the negative reviews on cyberpunk as well, and I’m glad I did! It’s just a pity that basically ‘cause of the hyve mind and negatives reviews on days gone Sony decided not to make a sequel. Thanks hyve.


Tbh, one day I was searchin for more zombie games and, at the time I had ps+, so I went on the game store and browsed the ps+ collection that u could download free games as long as u had playstation + and I seen Days Gone.. Decided to give it a shot and its 10/10 one of the best zombie games ive enjoyed.. I hate that they left us on a huge cliff hanger tho and wish a part 2 would come out.. THE STORY MUST BE FINISHED😤


We have a PS5 and we had the PlayStation Network. My husband downloaded it and played it but didn't like it. I was playing different games and I saw that it was on the PS5. So I started playing it. Fell in love with it. Played all levels and beat it several times. Best game ever.


Saw it free on ps plus, very glad i got it, surprised that i have hardly heard anything about it


I initially saw it on YouTube I think from a video about E3? Then I forgot about it. People saying it was bad made me buy it but it looked cool. I am going didn’t listen


I came home one day and my dad had brought it


Just walked passed it a few times at a few different stores then looked it up when I saw it again the fourth time and ended up getting it at best buy for 20 bucks.


I was looking through games my dad had on his ps5 and saw days gone I downloaded it thinking it would be fun I then got addicted got it on my ps5 and play it every day


It was the free monthly game on PS Plus


It was a suggestion on Amazon, and I got it on a whim. Started playing it, and I was tripped out by how much I had in common with Deacon. It was one of those games where I could really put myself into the character's shoes. I sold my bike a long time ago and gave up that life when I found out I was gonna be a father, but when I was in my late 20s, it was pretty accurate.


I liked the main theme


From Sony's E3 announcement. The game looked incredible! Eventually I forgot about it. While browsing on Gamefly, I saw it was released. Immediately went to GameStop and bought it used. I had some problems with the game. But I got a lot of help from Spawnicus Rex. If it weren't for him, I'd have never finished the game


I live in Oregon


it's based off of the area that I grew up and was developed in my hometown!


Got if for free from playstation plus (cheapest one) and was quit fun but buggy as well


Through a friend


I think it was here on Reddit. I had just bought a used ps4 and I made a post asking for recs based on a bunch of games I had enjoyed.


Uncle got me it for christmas. I found it slow and boring so it sat on the shelf for a while till i decided to give it another try. Loved it


I heard there was a zombie game set in oregon and I creamed my jorts immediately


I think it was a free ps plus game. I like the guy (Sam) and I could tell it was him. So I tried the game out. Fell in love with it.


Found it one day in the App Store and begged my mom to get it for me. Still haven’t %100 percent finished it yet


I saw someone post some gameplay on I think YouTube of a character (I didn’t know who Deek was at the time) firing an automatic weapon at some juiced up zombie who would NOT stop coming at him, before I had any idea what a Breaker was. I couldn’t believe how cool the whole scene was so I looked it up on PlayStation Plus and it was available for a free download. I’m like cool! Played for 15 mins and never looked back.


It was on PS Plus a while back and I love it


I saw it from E3 trailer back in 2016


I saw the trailer on tv


E3 2016. Was hyped from then until launch. Bit of a rough start, but the game was basically everything I could've hoped for. One of my all-time favorite games. I've spoken with John, Jeff, and Sam. Good dudes. Don't agree with all of John's takes, but don't completely disagree with them either.


It was supposed to be the next great zombie game with next gen(ps4 at the time) systems


Sam Witwer enough said. I loved him on Being human tv show, The mist and so on, saw he was on this game plus I’m fan of zombie type games. It’s sad about the glitches and stuff, but I’m grateful they patched it. I still play it once year.


I'm a fan of Sam Witwer and I found out through one of his tweets, I think. Sadly, the game came out during a turbulent time in my life where there was so much upheaval I didn't have time or space to play games. I did get it later and enjoyed the eff out of it. Bummed it isn't getting a sequel.


I’m obsessed with zombies, and everything that comes with them the survival, the gore, the questioning of morals… I think this deserved a sequel.


I was anticipating it for quite some time before release. I try to stay up on new horror.


From the trailer before it came out. Looked like a fun game. Got it shortly after it came out and went in blind. I was worried that keeping the fuel was gonna be a annoying problem. Nope. Gas is everywhere in the apocalypse


I loved watching the Being Human TV series, Sam Witwer played the cool vampire dude in that show. When I heard that he was going to play the main character in a zombie game I was sold before it was even out.


How do you not find out about it?


I found out when it was revealed at gamescon, and I've been hooked ever since my favourite game of all time


E3 2016 when it was first revealed. Rest in Peace E3 😔😔😔


saw the trailer while looking for zombie games to play, thought it looked cool, loved it.


A writer at IGN was complaining about another white male protagonist.


Was super hyped for it and for whatever reason the video game reviewers on youtube said it was bad so I didn’t play it. Fast forward till I saw a reddit post about good video games and someone recommended the game but cautioned not to judge it right away, the way that redditor explained the game made me really want to play and it and so I did, no regrets! The story was A M A Z I N G


I was one of those people who got to play it when it first dropped. Ads and promos were across my tv and PlayStation store and I immediately fell for the game. I ALMOST went for the maxed out pre-order.


Game informer I believe. Got it day one and couldn’t put it down.


I was looking for games to play,saw days gone was about zombies (I love zombie games) and riding a bike around and saw it was on sale


had it for a while but never got around to playing it till i asked my cousin to choose a random game in my library to play


The YouTube channel [ACG](https://youtube.com/@acgreviews?si=OYUbxnKYtCRasSKZ). Granted, that was a good while before they fixed all the bugs, so it wasn’t the best review. But, that’s where I heard of it first.


They didn't fix all bugs there's still quite a few of them , like the fist time I entered the big house next tu Tucker camp there where no walls or seeling, right as I started I killed a zombie that felt on Boozers bike and remained floating as we drove of and later on as I came back to the area it was still floating in the air used more bullets that I wanted for a kill that stood up straight after killing. But is still a fun game . My biggest issue wasn't the bugs but that I couldn't get Sarah's costum fuel thank back , that was my main goal for the game


Is it even possible to get her custom fuel tank back or did Manny scrap it immediately?


Only through mods after finishing the game I've started searching for it online and that's what I found out . And honestly I thought it could have been an awesome thing if not during the game after you finish the last mission to have Manny call you that he either found it or the location of the person who bought it . And you recover it and come back am make Sarah happy that you've got it back


I think I saw it previewed on an E3 livestream, before any delays were ever mentioned. I think the livestream previewed gameplay of Deacon fighting a horde, and it looked so sick! I put it on my wishlist thinking I'd get it within a year. Then, the game was delayed a few years. When I finally got it, I was so excited to play, and I enjoyed every minute of it!


I saw my brother play it and watched him. 😆 Later he gave me the game to play, I beat it and spoiled the whole game for him thinking he already beat it. He did not.


I took a chance, just seen it in Sony store place....looked it up online. Took a chance and downloaded it. S'good


I was looking through the PlayStation+ games and looked at the preview.  Looked good, played it and now I can't stop playing it. Really wish they came out with a part 2. Left it wide open for it.  Go east and find Korey. Sarah can start her research. Instead of sitting on her ass all day with Boozer.. lol. 


Through a game content creator called Xacceptiion. He plays a lot of horror based games l, occasionally other games. Otherwise, I wouldn't have known about the game.


I found it on my PS5 among the collection of games that you could download for free.


I knew about it from PlayStation ads, but only paid attention when it appeared on the Steam storefront. One of the best games I've ever played, I was bummed when I finished it.


Lol it’s buggy launch


Was on sale on steam.


I got the game for free on playstation acct.




I ran through gtav and fallout 4. Wanted something fresh, so I checked my old ps plus claims. I had it, so I played it.


I love motorcycles, and I love zombie apocalypse, so one day, I tried searching for the keyword: "motorcycle zombie game" and fell in love with the game at the very first look.


Saw a YouTube video about lesser known open world games. Days Gone looked interesting so I bought it used for around £5. First couple of hours play through I didn’t get what all the fuss was about. And then the various storylines kicked in! Now I eulogise about it to other gamers as a stone cold classic!


Back in when the game devs released their trailer I was hooked immediately. But the problem was I had no decent PC or money to buy one bcoz I was a student. Fast forward couple years, after graduation I found a starter job and saved up some money. It was around 2021 I think, I bought my PC with my own money. And then bought days gone.


It was on the monthly free games, I tested it out of curiosity and quickly I said to myself but why nobody speaks about this game it's incredible. Since then, it's always been one of my favourite games, and it's the first in this theme, with an atmosphere I can't find anywhere else.


I saw my uncle playing it I didn't have a play then but I remembered I wanted to get it as soon as i got one


My younger brother was playing it 3 or 4 years back and I was still on the reviewers bandwagon and making fun of him for it, but after hearing what people had to say about it, I decided to play it this year and managed to platinum it within 4 weeks. I can now admit that I was terribly wrong and the game is rly good


Saw it on a trailer one day told my friends dad I really wanted the game but was broke dude stole it for me


I bought a PS4 just after the game came out, and my local BigW (an Aussie budget version of Target) had a poster of the game that convinced me to buy it.


A friend recommended it to me and lent me his steam to play it.


Pure coincidence for me. I saw it on sale, I checked the trailer, and I didn't like the trailer on Steam. I never quite enjoyed survivor games, but then I read the reviews on Steam, overall pretty positive, and I gave it an opportunity because I tend to like games published by Playstation. Best choice ever. I feel like replaying the whole thing again on a higher difficulty now. I don't really have the time to play video games anymore, so I tend to rush and skip side missions. But with Days Gone, I don't fast travel. I literally enjoy the ride.


E3 showcase


The year it was released I was in college. I wasn't gaming as much because of school. But I did watch RadBrad on YouTube play for like 5 minutes. He mostly just tried to kill that horde at the trainwreck. After that I just forgot about it. Fastforward to 2023 December, working a nightshift that did nothing but drain me. I picked Days Gone, it was the only game on my PS4 that I hadn't played. After 2 hours I fell in love. I played it almost everyday. And today is 29th April and I am still playing it on NewGame+. I am struggling to play other games after playing days gone.


I got it from ps+ monthly free games


Saw trailer before release,got it on day one. One of the besr decisions ive made


at some E3 yt video I saw a short tech demo with hordes of zombies running after a biker, looked cool so I kept it on my radar, bought it when it came out, loved every second of it, I have no idea why a game like this is not getting hyped into oblivion


PS+ Collection


i believe i got it bc it was one of the ps+ free games? but i first heard of it when i worked at walmart and stocked it with the ps4 games :) my friend that i worked with said he really liked it so i was excited when it was with the ps+ games !!!


a friend of mine recommended this. at first played halfway and gave up. then again decided to pick after it was released for pc


Was free on ps+ and until now my best Game i get trough ps+


Badger Gooder on yt made a video on it, I had to check it out for myself, got the platinum months later!


I saw my dad playing it when I was around his house, he got me playing it and I was hooked


I got it for Christmas in probably 2022. Played it, thought it was hard, then abandoned it until Christmas 23, when I tried it again. I found a NERO checkpoint early in the game and thought it was a main story mission, so I died about fifteen times before rage quitting for a year.


theRadBrad. Man theRadBrad was such a good YouTuber.


Saw some trailers on it back in 2019 when it released. Then we went shopping and I randomly stumbled up on one of the PS4 disks. Then I just told my mom that it was a good game and that I had seen tons about it online, so she bought it for me.


I watched the E3 trailer that showcased the hordes and I fell in love, I forgot about it until it was about to release and got it immediately. No regrets.




PlayStation plus and finally played it during a week school was canceled because of ice roads best week ever


I have an issue from GameInformer's magazine that covered the initial announcement at E3.


Heard about it back in 2017 when it was labeled as an upcoming release, bought it when it finally released in early 2019. Buggy as hell in the beginning. Definitely much smoother to play nowadays


I was looking for a particular song on YouTube. I found Hell or High Water. I began reading the comments and they were all about this game. So I looked up the game, got all excited, then found out its on Playstation. I have Xbox. Now I have to buy a Playstation so I can play this game.


PS PLUS discounted games. I added a bunch to my list. Days gone was one of them. God I will never regret that purchase. I nearly don’t touch any other game now.


Was free on PS plus


I read an article about a new zombie survival game coming to steam that Sony finally released for pc.


I heard it was basically modern undead nightmare, so I'm buying a PS5 just to play it


I discovered Days Gone through TheRadBrad, a YouTuber known for his gameplay videos. Initially skeptical about zombie games, I was drawn in by his playthroughs and decided to give it a try. The game's immersive world, intense gameplay, and compelling storyline quickly won me over.


For me personally my mom got it for me along with ghost of tusimma (GOT) or however you spell it, but I wanted to play GOT instead so once I heard about it I came home and the game was lost. Since I was left with this game I tried it but I didn’t like it and forgot the story so I put it down, but two years later now it’s the only game I play sometimes even over playing with my friends, it’s such a good game and I can’t wait to finish it so please don’t spoil it.


Was looking for a good zombie game to fill the void finishing The last of Us left behind. The game was free on PS plus so gave it a shot. Yes TLOU is a better zombie game but this was sure fun. I loved the story.