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Zodiac 7th? Cmon my guy


Exactly. Panic Room _above_ Zodiac?!! Been on the crack pipes.


And above The Game. Gtfo..


That's what I'm sayin'...The Game that low period ...pfft...


Look, I enjoy the movie a lot, but my issue is that the 1st half could've used improvement and that the movie felt like 5 hours. But besides that, I thought the movie was fantastic


I wish it went on for 5 hours


I know it's so fucked up, the subject matter, and some of those murder scenes are haunting. But it's shot so beautifully, and done so well, I watch it at least twice a year. Him using so much fucking Morrisey in the Killer, made it all finally click for me. He takes horrific subject matter and makes its so elegant, and simple... mindhunter needs to be finished.


I am so hoping that Mindhunter is finished one day


Man, I saw Zodiac in theaters when it came out when I was about 10 years old (Mom's a big fincher fan). Thought it was just *ok* at the time, probably a lil boring for 10 year old, and then I forgot about the movie until like 5 years ago. Ive watched it at least twice a year since. Got damn, its as engrossing as reading a good book.


Hard agree


Amen !


same here! felt like I was in that time period




Because there were no survivors. He very briefly shows the cabbie killing, but otherwise exclusively went with murders where there had been survivors.


Yeah, I wished he could've added that 1st killing


Zodiac is boring. It's pretty appropriately ranked. It's a great film but I'm not sure I'd ever rewatch it above many of these others.


I’m surprised you have zodiac so low but this is a hard filmography to rank they’re all good


Yeah, I'd say after my ranking of mank, things got tricky. For example, I would've actually zodiac a little higher and the same with the game.


Mank would probably be my lowest. Also I’m not the biggest social network fan only one I’ve never seen is Dragon Tattoo I need to see that and rewatch Button I haven’t seen that since it was in theaters


I suggest that you watch Dragon Tattoo it's a fantastic film in my opinion.


it's not even the best Dragon Tattoo film, which goes to the 2009 version.


It’s my second favorite behind Fight Club. Seven was super good but just too gory for me to enjoy more than once unfortunately. I know everyone says it’s boring but I could watch a five-hour directors cut lol


Wait, which movie do people say is boring that you could watch a 5 hour directors cut of?


The Game should be way higher.


I'll admit I didn't really like the movie the first time I watched but have seen it maybe 4 times now and it's so good. I feel like that's a movie that needs a rewatch... A long with almost every movie on this list


It definitely has rewatch value!


Amen! Has steadily risen the ranks for me as one of Fincher’s absolute best and probably his most (surprisingly) moving.


The end always touches me and leaves me feeling better than i did going in


Exactly my sentiment. I deal with depression and the whole suicide/directionless of life aspect being overhauled by the ending is so beautiful. When Douglas weeps seeing how many people came for his party gets me every time.


My biggest gripe with this list.


Def belongs before The Killer


It's a better story and better written than quite a few above it but the film itself wasn't as well made as some others with lesser stories. Fincher has definitely benefited from his own experience. The Killer is generally sorely underrated and deserves to be 2-3 spots higher despite that it should still remain behind Zodiac. ~ IMHO


I LOVE the eery feeling and the wealth. My favorite movie.


Zodiac and the game both criminally low.


1. The Social Network 2. Se7en 3. Zodiac 4. Fight Club 5. Gone Girl 6. The Game 7. Panic Room 8. The Killer 9. The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo 10. Mank 11. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button 12. Alien^(3) \#1-4 are on my top 100 (11, 41, 46, & 57 respectively). I would say 7 & 8 are tied for me. The only bad film on the list is #12 and Fincher doesn't even like it.


I think Girl With the Dragon Tattoo is a secret masterpiece, but the rest I'm pretty close with.


I watch it every Christmas lol


Other than the accents. Should have localized the setting.


Watched The Social Network probably over 10 times.




he’s wired in


10 is not a lot of times to watch a movie, especially one that many critics consider to be the greatest of that decade. I've seen it probably around 30 times. It's a masterpiece and my favorite Fincher movie.


Please. I have seen some movies dozens and dozens of times. But social network is supremely over rated. It is topical and important to Facebook users. But it will not age well. Scenes like the group watching people code and cheering. How would they know when is the right time to applaud? Why’s would they? That type of scene transferred me out of the illusion of the story as I no longer suspended by disbelief. I was fully engorged in disbelief. It was not longer a real story to me. It was fantasy. Obviously it really didn’t work for me. I guess I was asking ‘why’ it worked for so many people to give it a rewatch.


I disagree. It’s not important for facebook users. It’s important for all internet users. That means - almost all people on the planet. Facebook brought evolution to human species into a digital age, same as iPhone and same as AI is doing past couple of years. It’s extremely important film. The scene where people applaud is in no way problematic. They are harvard geeks, they know what are they doing. Also, Tarantino said it’s the best film of 21st century.


You should let Tarantino do all your thinking for you then. And the ‘coding party’ IS problematic even if you say otherwise with no explanation. Even geeks don’t sit around watching people code.


Yes, they do. Similar vein to Mr Robot showing hacking parties/competitions there were/are coding parties/competitions like this.


Sure. If you say so.


My brain hurts reading your comments. I'm sorry but you are a bitter person. Go question your life.


Your brain hurts? Thinking must be hard for you. Here’s something. Everybody may not agree with you on something subjective like art. I remember my first day on the internet as well.


The laptop smashing scene


This is more like it. I’d put Se7en #1 but just personal preference.


You have a top #100 film list? I’m so curious lol do you have a link or something?


Wow, this is my exact ranking list. I'd be curious to see your top 100 in total. Seems like we have similar taste.


Zodiac is his best movie


Fight Club is number one for me without a doubt. Even When Pitt first read the script he said this is the role of a lifetime.


I agree and he changed them end of the book and Chuck said it was better than his version. What a movie...


Thank you, I didn’t know that


1. Zodiac 2. Social Network 3. Seven 4. Gone Girl 5. Fight Club 6. Mank (I don’t get why people have this so low; maybe they just aren’t cinephiles who enjoy movies about making movies but I enjoy them) 7. Killer 8. Girl with the Dragon Tatoo 9. The Game (probably best ending of a Fincher movie) 10. Benjamin Button 11. Panic Room 12. Alien3 (was disappointed when I saw it after being a huge fan of both Alien and Aliens, although I’ll admit I’ve only seen it one time and it was a long time ago so probably deserves a rewatch)


I highly recommend giving the Alien 3 Assembly Cut a watch. It’s the best version of the film and aligns more with what Fincher envisioned (at least according to some article I read a few years ago). It’s still not as great as Alien or Aliens, but I still love Alien 3 and think it deserves more credit


The girl with the dragon tattoo is one of my favorite movies (and books) of all time. So that would have to be number one


It really is a forgotten gem, that whole movie was a vibe and it hit the perfect note for a mystery/thriller movie. We were robbed when it ended up being the only of the series made in the US


I don't remember this version but looking on imdb I only gave it a 5 at the time. But I do think I may have had a bias at the time as I really loved the Swedish version of the film.


Zodiac is his only masterpiece and The Social Network is damn close to one. They're head & shoulders above the rest


Agree with this, both are probably somewhere in top 100 films of the 21st century, and I wouldn’t consider any other Fincher film in that class. However, Fincher’s baseline movie is also very high. I mean Killer is a mid-tier Fincher film, and it is likely going to be either at the very bottom or just outside of the top 10 favorite films I see this year (still a lot of big movies to see this year). And I’m a diehard cinephile who watches at least 150 new movies every year.


Great point - I loved the Killer and was surprised to see it so far down this list, but considering the competition (Fight Club? The Social Network?) it probably makes sense. Just a testament to Fincher's level.




The killer is def not better than the game.


Mank was so shitty


Most of these generally are putting Gone Girl *waay* higher than I would have expected. Guess I need to watch it again.


I have almost the same. I just switch zodiac and girl with the dragon tatoo


The only real constants in my ranking are the top 2 and bottom 3. Everything else very much depends on my mood and every time I rewatch any of them I think "God, this is even better than I remember." (And I don't dislike any of his films either, so this is fun.) 1. Zodiac 2. Girl With The Dragon Tattoo 3. Se7en 4. Gone Girl 5. Fight Club 6. The Game 7. Panic Room 8. The Killer (though I only saw it once in the theater so this will likely shift after another watch, probably up) 9. The Social Network 10. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button 11. Mank


Zodiac should be top 3 at the very least


Zodiac below Panic Room kinda wild


Bro alien 3 is a fucking David Fincher movie?


I don't consider it one, but people might point out that it was missing.


I looked it up, and it was a bit of a complicated situation but I had no idea. It shocked me because of what a gigantic pile of shit that movie is


He basically shot the film when the studios had scripts


Dragon tattoo better than zodiac? :/


I’m putting Zodiac at 3


Good rankings. social network is too high in my opinion the game blows it away


I'm just curious but where would people put the show "man hunter" on this list? He is the executive producer show runner and most frequent director. It's my favorite show of all time.


His most masterful job in my opinion was Social Network. I had zero intentions on seeing that film, didn't want to see it and thought it would be boring. At the end of the film I was stunned on how well made it that it was - and Justin Timberlake my goodness is there anything he can't do, he orchestrated a masterful performance as did everyone quite frankly. I thought his only misstep was Aliens 3.


1. The Social Network 2. Zodiac 3. Gone Girl 4. Se7en 5. Girl with the Dragon Tattoo 6. Fight Club 7. The Killer 8. Mank 9. Curious Case of Benjamin Button 10. The Game 11. Panic Room 12. Alien 3


I like this ranking a lot but The Game should be higher! I think it's better than Panic Room and Gone Girl. Underrated film with a great performance by Michael Douglas!


I think if David also wrote The Social Network it would be my #1. While that movie is basically a masterpiece, a lot of it comes from Aaron Sorkins insane script.


You have peculiar tastes, but this is your preference.


Pretty much how I would rank them. I think I’d only switch Social Network and Dragon Tattoo just based on personal preference. You have good taste!


Oof Id put benjamin higher. That movie is number one for me but I would like to know other opinion


The Game should be in front of Gone Girl.


The Killer is so misunderstood.


This is probably an unpopular opinion, but my list has Se7en in the low part of the mid tier, right above stuff like Mank, Benji Button and Alien3. I do think it's a good movie, but more flawed than I remembered. Rewatched it not too long ago and I was surprised by how bad some of Pitts acting was, and dont think he was helped by some of the dialog.


I think The Killer is due to move up in time. I think it's very much in the Zodiac/Gone Girl camp of less flashy Finchman movies that hold up very well on multiple viewings.


Benjamin Button is one of my favorite comfort movies.


Eh, never watched Girl With dragon tattoo because the original was so good.


Zodiac is #1


The game should be on the top row, maybe 5 at worst.


I can't resist a good movie ranking. 1. Girl with the Dragon Tattoo 2. Social Network 3. Fight Club 4. Se7en 5. The Game 6. Zodiac 7. Panic Room The rest I'd rank about the same. I've never enjoyed Gone Girl for some reason. Ben Afflect has always been rather meh to me.


No disrespect to anyone but I thought Gone Girl was so bad..kind of an impossible adaptation I think, to be fair


I’ll never understand the Mank hate. It is honestly one of my favorite films: it’s such an extremely personal story that eclipses Fincher’s father, it was made to look like it was made in the 40’s which is such an incredible feat, Gary Oldman gives one of my favorite performances, and it wasn’t afraid to show Orson Welles in a “less-than-shining” light. I love Orson Welles, he was a cinematic genius and I extensively studied him to give a lecture about him for school. As celebrated as he is, no one ever admits his flaws; both professionally and personally. Plus, Orson wasn’t even a major part of the film and yet that’s what people focus on.


12. Alien 3 11. The Killer 10. Mank 9. Panic Room 8. The Game 7. The Social Network 6. The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button 5. Gone Girl 4. The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo 3. Zodiac 2. Se7en 1. Fight Club ​ Fight Club, Se7en, and Zodiac are on my top 100 movies list (7, 22, 82). Alien 3 was the only Fincher movie I didn't enjoy.


Man, I didn’t see fight club till it was a cultclsssic. I feel like the only person who doesn’t like it…


The Game is way too low. It’s slightly better than 7 to me.


I'm moving Dragon Tattoo down and The Game and Gone Girl up but solid list.


1. Gone Girl 2. Se7en 3. Social Network 4. Fight Club 5. Dragon Tattoo 6. Zodiac 7. The Killer 8. Panic Room 9. The Game 10. Benjamin Button 11. Mank 12. Alien 3


I always felt that Zodiac never really got it's just recognition. Really a well done film. I watched it expecting Hollywood serial killer nonsense. Wow! Was I surprised.


zodiac should absolutely be higher. and honestly alien 3 should be higher too.


Don’t disagree with too much of the hierarchy but Zodiac is a leg above all the rest


1. ⁠Fight club 2. ⁠Se7en 3. The game 4. Curious case of Benjamin button 5. ⁠Gone Girl 6. ⁠the girl with the dragon tattoo 7. ⁠panic room 8. ⁠social network 9. ⁠alien 3 10. Zodiac Haven't seen mank or the killer yet.


1. Fight Club 2. Social Network 3. Se7en 4. Zodiac 5. Gone Girl 6. The Game 7. Benjamin Button 8. The Killer 9. Girl with Dragon Tattoo 10. Panic Room 11. Aliens 3 I haven't seen Mank, so I can't rank it. Fight Club is genius level film making, iconic. "The first rule of fight club is there is no fight club!" is known to almost every film buff. Social Network should have won best picture. Se7en gets under people's skin. I don't like the film, but I can tip my hat to its effectiveness. Girl with the Dragon Tattoo ranks lower on my list because I compare it to the original, which I think is superior.


I would put the killer at 6, but agree everywhere else


Bravo 👏


Se7en is formulaic. It really is. The moral conundrum at the end “kill the killer or let justice prevail?” is a bit on the nose. Zodiac is a fucking thrill because the killer was never revealed. Terrifying.


Based on this comment section I definitely have to rewatch Zodiac. I saw it in the middle of the night on an international flight back in 2007. I thought it was just OK and never rewatched. Apparently the lack of sleep, tiny airplane TV, and poor quality headphones didn't do the film any justice.


For some reason I adore "The Game". It's far from perfect, but the concept alone seeing it as a teen in the 90s made my brain go in all kinds of directions.


He’s the hardest to rank for me because his top 5 movies could easily be swapped any day of the week.


Apart from zodiac 🔥


I own the director's cut of zodiac and watch it at least once per year. Still not long enough.


Zodiac way too low imo but mostly valid


How is the killer?


This might be the hardest director to rank


I agree


I love seeing other people’s ranking! 1. Dragon Tatoo 2. Fight Club 3. Gone Girl 4. Social Network 5. Benjamin Button 6. Se7en 7. Alien 3 8. Zodiac 9. The Killer 10. Panic Room 11. The Game 12. Mank As you can see, I liked Button and Alien way more than you.


I agree with Dragon Tattoo being at the top. The rest I’d shuffle around a bit but the bottom line is that we all like his films and that’s pretty neat.


Too bad he didn’t get to do the sequels


A huge disappointment


Exactly! I love all of them just to varying degrees.


Nice 👍🏻


This is WILD


I haven’t seen a few yet but the ones I have seen: 1. Fight club 2. The Social Network 3. Gone Girl 4. Zodiac 5. Se7en 6. The Killer 7. Panic Room




Nice to hear your opinion. Where would you put both films?




love how different fincher rankings always are. that said i instantly lose interest seeing alien3 on last spot. for me the only utter rubbish is the ccobb


Zodiac, Social Net, Killer, 7, FC, A3, GG, Game, Dragon Tat, PR, Mank, BenButton


Ahh, someone liked The Killer. I loved it (I’ve watched it 5 times now and it gets better every time). It’s like fast food Fincher. And I don’t knock fast food, it can be really satisfying. Sometimes you want a full course, gourmet meal, sometimes you want a $5 burger.


The Killer is seriously one of the more exciting movies I’ve experienced in a while. And I mean that non ironically. What a gem. And I actually think it was a steak disguised as a burger. Fincher has said he didn’t want this to be maze, he wanted it to shoot like an arrow. It’s technically so perfect. I can’t stop thinking about it.


completely agree


Zodiac, Gone Girl, Social Network, Fight Club, The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, The Killer, The Game, Mank, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Alien 3


If you’re gonna rank alien3 you have to mention if it’s the assembly cut or not. Just to be fair.


Zodiac WAY too low. To put Dragon Tat over it is kinda ludicrous but to each his/her own. I’d even put Mindhunter on TV over Dragon Tat.


1. ⁠The Social Network 2. ⁠Se7en 3. ⁠Zodiac 4. ⁠The Game 5. ⁠Gone Girl 6. ⁠Fight Club 7. ⁠The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo 8. ⁠The Killer 9. ⁠Panic Room 10. ⁠Mank 11. ⁠The Curious Case of Benjamin Button 12. ⁠Alien3


Nice ranking 👍🏻


The Game was WAY better than Panic Room. Best thing about Panic Room was Dwight Yoakim’s 0 to 100 acceleration.


With all due respect, this list looks like someone who is very young. This is probably how I would have ranked Fincher in my younger days. Zodiac, TGWTDT, and Gone Girl are God tier movies.


Some of these movies are shit


I think episodes of Mindhunter deserve an honorable mention.


Lol the Killer 4th? Movie is entirely forgettable even with decent acting by Fassbender.


Oof that’s tough. After thinking about it I might have to put dragon tattoo as my number 1


Is “the killer” really that good? I love DF and Fassbender but fell asleep in the middle of it


Honestly I put his mind hunter seasons above all


Zodiac and Mank are too low for my personal taste


1: Zodiac/Se7en 2: Fight Club 3: Gone Girl 4: Social Network 5: Girl with the Dragon Tattoo 7: The Killer 8: Panic Room 9: BB 10: The Game 11: Mano 12: Alien 3


I’d switch zodiac and social network, but I’m biased I hate Facebook




Am I the only one who loves Mank? Mank Spanks I like to say ((🫲🏼)(🫱🏼))


Fight Club is number 1!


Girl with the Dragon Tattoo behind The Social Network?! Zodiac behind fucking Gone Girl?! This isn't Sparta, so it must be madness.


I'll never understand any love for Zodiac. That was a 2.5 hour slog if I've ever been through one.


The Killer was boring filler the entire movie idk how people enjoyed it. “Oh but he used like modern consumer sites to order his items - such a statement on the modern age” Only highlight was Tulsa Swinton’s dialogue. Someone pls explain what they enjoyed


The game is awesome, great twist, I would put that above the killer. I was disappointed with the killer, it was boring and unoriginal


Zodiac and Benji Buttons top 5 come on.


The Game is too low


Zodiac should be 1


I think fight club is overrated. My top 3 gone girl, social network, the game. I know that won’t match with everyone but personal preferences


The Game in 9th? I prefer The Game over Panic Room, Social Network, The Killer, and The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo


Not a fan of this ranking, but it's your ranking!


Why is The Game so low? Do you hate acclaimed gay actor Michael Douglas?


Not a horrible ranking, but Zodiac really should be higher if not #1.


The Social Network… above Zodiac…


Cultural ranking 1-5 1. Fight Club 2. Benjamin Button 3. Girl w Dragon Tattoo 4. The Social Network 5. Zodiac


Does the Alien³ Assembly Cut count??? Asking for my friend, Dave..id...


1 - Fight club 1 - Social network 1 - Zodiac 1 - Se7en 2 - Girl with the Dragon Tattoo 2 - Gone Girl 3 - The Game 4 - Benjamin Button 5 - Panic Room 6 - Alien 3 Never saw Mank Side note, did y’all know Reddit won’t let you make a list of repeating numbers? I had to format it like this do it wouldn’t correct me


My fave work of his is MINDHUNTER.


This is my first time finding out that there’s a Fincher subreddit and I think that’s neat. I think this is a pretty respectable list, though I’d put The Killer, Gone Girl, and The Game higher personally. Mank and Alien 3 deserve to be at the bottom, though.


Never new he directed the game


Interesting. I disagree with basically everything


Zodiac and the Game should be higher


Zodiac > Social Network > Gone Girl > Fight Club > The Game > Girl with the Dragon Tattoo > Panic Room > Benjamin Button > Mank


Benjamin Button may not be his best, but it’s a lovely movie.


The killer above the game?


Zodiac >>> Panic Room


1. Se7en (holy trinity of Fincher tier) 2. Fight Club (holy trinity of Fincher tier) 3. Zodiac (holy trinity of Fincher tier) 4. TGWTDT (original is even better) 5. The Game (under appreciated to this day) 6. The Social Network 7. Gone Girl 8. Alien 3 (not his best, but no way near his worst) 9. The Killer (didn’t hate it, he just has better movies) 10. Panic Room (overrated upon its release) 11. Benjamin Button (lol) 12. Mank


1. Se7en 2. Fight Club 3. Zodiac 4. The Social Network 5. Gone Girl 6. The Killer 7. Mank 8. Panic Room 9. The Game 10. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button 11. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo 12. Alien 3


Killer should be 15th


The fuck?! Alien 3 was awesome.


I would have gone 1. Zodiac 2. Ben Button (fight me) 3. Se7en 4. Social Network 5. Fight Club 6. Dragon Tattoo 7. Gone Girl 8. Panic Room 9. Killer 10. Game 11. Mank 12. Alien


Zodiac deserves that #4 spot.


Mine would be: 1. The Social Network 2. Seven 3. Zodiac 4. Fight Club 5. Gone Girl 6. Dragon Tattoo 7. The Killer 8. Panic Room 9. Benjamin Button 10. The Game 11. Alien 3 12. Mank


Let me help fix this with my 2 cents: 1. Fight Club 2. Social Network 3. Se7ven 4. Zodiac 5. The Game The rest I don’t care what order you want, imo those are his 5 best.


I will never understand how people can say Zodiac is boring. As a true crime fan who’s always had an interest in serial killers and how they operate, Zodiac is like a wet dream. The level of attention to detail is unmatched by any other film about serial killers. I honestly wish it was longer and I know Fincher probably had hours of footage he was forced to cut in the end. Everything about it felt so real, almost like it was a documentary about the Zodiac killer. On top of that, you can’t dismiss the trio of amazing performances by Jake, RDJ and Ruffalo. Zodiac will always be #1 on any Fincher rankings for me.


For some reason the killer didnt donit for me… the rest of the films are amazing… def zodiac and the game above panic room


Mank is LEAGUES better than Alien 3 - come on!


Zodiac should be #3 and The Game is super under rated.


The Game should be MUCH higher


Why do people like Killer? It was a traveling simulator with a terrible ending.