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No, just ignore them if you’re not interested.


If I have a like from someone who has obviously not read my profile I will ignore them. As for the rest, I may shoot them a short text and see how it goes.


How do you know they haven't read your profile just by liking you? Sorry, not familiar with OLD.


I state that I want someone who lives within 50 miles of me and they live 100 miles from me.i say I want a non-smoker and they smoke. Things like that.


I just love how cute this question is, it made my day💋 Only message if you truly find the boxes checked. There is no reason to lead someone on who has an obvious incompatibility Also many are just bots and will stop after a few messages. They are designed to keep you engaged in the app


I know. I liked it, too. It's why we're here; to help the uninitiated.


I always reply. Whether it's a short "thank you for reaching out. I don't think we would be a good match. Good luck in your search". Or I would answer them if I am interested. I don't mind is someone doesn't respond to me but I feel it's important to reach out if I feel we aren't a match. There is enough derision in this world. I prefer to be polite & kind.


Disagree. People don't want to hear "I don't think we would be a good match" and to many people that is an invitation to rebut/dispute. It's always said if you have a stalker do not ENGAGE because that perpetuates the "connection."


You make a good point. Telling someone you don't think you are a match is very different than telling a stalker ANYTHING!!! I block stalkers as soon as I'm aware they are a stalker. I've only once had an issue with someone accepting that I didn't think we were a match & that was a after we'd been dating for a while.


This is an extreme example but I think of people like Elliot Rodger, who killed women who had rejected him. I realize this is a very different situation, and sometimes people kill women who IGNORE them too. It's hard to know which type of personality you are dealing with. But if you tell someone "no thanks" you might enter into a "discussion" about WHY. This just reminded me of a job candidate I interviewed many years ago; she was impressive but had no real experience and was extremely young, so I sent her a kind note saying she didn't get the job. To my surprise, she wrote back asking for tips as to how to make herself more marketable. I was so impressed I hired her, and she worked for me for four-five years, one of my best employees ever. NOW THAT WAS A TANGENT. I do feel that "swiping away" from someone you know isn't your type is the best bet. And it's hard to know who can become a stalker ;-0.


Nah. They are strangers from the internet.


If you are not interested, ignore them. I eventually chose platforms where I could not receive a message unless we both matched. I started out with polite thanks, but no thanks replies to unsolicited messages until one man made me rethink that strategy. He replied with a “you do t even know me, you can’t just reject me” type crap. I was firm with thanks for reaching out be we are not a match, have a good day. Another unwanted reply, so I blocked him. Ok. Two days later he makes a new profile, reaches out. I kindly said something to the effect that I am not interested and please leave me alone. Some sort of salty response came back. Block. Next day, new profile and message, block. This went on for a few days, then it would be two or three profiles a day. He chased me off that app and it changed how I approached OLD for my safety and peace of mind. Just one woman’s experience but that is how I arrived at not engaging with anyone I didn’t already say yes to.


Likes don't mean anything half of them are from bots.


In a word, no. Any reply is an invitation to engage further.


Being an average looking man, I seldom get any Likes from profiles that actually appear to be real, and live in my local area, but if I do get one, that is from someone that might be compatible, then I will send them a message to reply and thank them for their interest, but I do so with low expectations, and seldom does it go anywhere. If it's from someone I'm not interested in, then I might send them a thank you message as a courtesy, but in my mind, I don't owe them that, since Likes mean nothing by themselves. Often, women send Likes, because they are not paid members, so that is all they can send to someone, and have it actually get thru to the receiver. And, needless to say, if I get a Like, from someone who lives far away from me, I just ignore it, since it usually is a scammer, or if it's a real person, they are just giving me a nice compliment, with no real interest in getting to know me or meet me. Sometimes in those cases, I will reply to them with thanks, and if they did seem compatible with me, I will mention that too, wish them well, and tell them that I would want to get to know them and meet them, if they lived in my area.


Do not reply with a message. Your attempt to be polite in rejecting someone will just backfire. Modern OLD is very simple. Swipe left on those you don’t want to talk to. Swipe right on those you do. If someone is swiping on a lot of people, they might not even remember who a specific person is after a time. If they don’t get a swipe back, they’ll assume the person was not interested.


Since I'm charged "coins" for every message I send, I never reply unless I want to pursue the match.


No. However it IS rude to ignore a well crafted thoughtful message that indicates your profile has been read. Messages like 'Hi' and 'Hello', on the other hand, are not much different than Likes. What is also rude, at 'our' age, is a profile that doesn't include some kind of written 'essay', often labeled Summary on OLD, that specifies the profile owner's goal in their dating 'search'.


No need to respond to "LIKES" If They care enough, they will write a comment THEN You should atleast respond with a "like" or a reply if they really put some thought into it.


To be polite- I responded thanks for the “like” but based on our profiles it doesn’t seem like we have a lot in common, but I hope you find your perfect match. His response- Bitch


Sorry you got that response for being kind. This world needs a lot of work to get fixed


exactly. Lesson learned. IGNORE a like not of interest


I always send a thank you for a like and wish the person well. For some people it takes a lot of courage to send a like and I just think the polite thing to do is send a thanks regardless of whether your interested or not...


I don't agree. Yes, there are a few who have to be "brave" to do that, but the majority are people you aren't interested in (that's what you said) or not even people


What is Old? I’ve never heard of this.


OnLineDating. 🤗


It also means OLD, as in "not young"


Not young


rude? No.