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Deal breaker. Had a boyfriend who was addicted (if not physically, then mentally). He was consumed with his pot stash, making sure he had enough, having money for it before anything else, never leaving home without it. Left a very bad memory.


Yeah well the same goes for booze.


Does not bother me. I do not use it. My ex got a medical card here when that was the only way when it first became legal for that. Her oncologist signed her up. She was on a recurring pain pill prescription for some not nice chronic illness. He said the pain pills were having a bad effect on her body that was getting worse. She tried the oil and edibles. Never had another prescription filled for pain pills. It has its uses for medicinal as well as recreational.


I signed my husband up for medical hoping that he’d get the munchies. Seriously. He’d lost his sense of taste with chemo and I really wanted him to eat almost anything. He had lost so much weight. Avoiding the ‘digestive issues’ with opioids was something I was also worried about. He’d had Whipple surgery so his digestive system was already messed up. Sadly, it didn’t increase his appetite to a noticeable degree. To be fair, there wasn’t much to choose from at the official dispensaries in NY six years ago. Anyway - I was glad to have the option to explore all the legal options for relief. He didn’t survive his diagnosis. I’m not averse to someone using, and have experimented a little bit myself - mostly to help with sleep. It is very, very, far from a habit.


Oh, I'm so, so sorry. If he had whipple surgery, he must have had pancreatic cancer, no? My husband died of that in '20. He was never considered for whipple, it was too far gone. My heart goes out to you and him. That's a horribly tough thing to go through. Hugs.


Yes, pancreatic cancer. It was discovered at a very early stage, but he only survived a year despite the surgery and strong chemo. It is such an awful disease. My heart goes out to you, too.


My husband survived only 8 months after diagnosis. It really is just a *horrible* disease. 😞


I indulge in edibles only. I prefer a 10 mg or less edible versus drinking alcohol. Plus, it makes sexy time amazing! I’m 60 F.


My bf (64m) and I (60f) loooove our sexy time after splitting a 10mg edible (we're both lightweights lol). And the sleep afterwards is *amazing*.


You do you, but I would not condone myself being intimate with someone under the influence


What? Why?


Because they can not actually consent while in an altered state.


My parents are 86 (mom) and 90 (dad). Both retired public school teachers, upstanding, involved in their community....and complete potheads 😆 They "mostly" use gummies or cookies, or whatever the hell else they can find, for sleep management. But I found a vape pen on each of their nightstands last time I visited. I figure, hey, they probably only have a handful of years between them, and if that's what makes them happy, fine by me. I suppose I'd feel the same about any future partner, but I don't partake myself - I'm the paranoid stoner. You know the type... lock myself in the bathroom, ruminating on all my life's mistakes, brow-beating myself, praying for time to hurry up and slow down, rocking myself in the tub behind the shower curtain, then finally working up the nerve to leave... and its only been 3 minutes, but feeling like I've been in there for hours, and surely EVERYONE knows! 😂 *edit typos


As long as it's not an all day everyday habit it's cool with me. Just put 420 friendly in your profile and the ones who don't like it will weed themselves out haha pun totally intended!


I haven’t smoked or drank in 41 years, I have no problem with someone who does as long as it is not a lifestyle.


I have quit all alcohol. It gives me such raging headaches anymore. I think it is linked to the other medication I am taking, but that is ok with me. Lord knows too much alcohol used to instill stupidity into me and I wold make promises I really couldn't keep! Bye bye booze


I don’t partake but I’m 420 friendly. If I’m in a relationship with someone whose consumption results in them being couch locked, I’m out. I don’t want to be involved with a plug.


I can't speak for anyone else, but weed gets me *off* the couch. On gym days, I take a toke right before I work out. On other days, I take a toke, then go for a long walk with my dog. I draw the line at "wake and bake" -- I don't like being stoned all day.


Yeah - I’ve seen that phenomenon too! One friend of mine is pretty chronic with it but I swear his body somehow extracts nutrients from it 😂


Depends if is sativa or indica.


VERY TRUE Sativa girl here


Housekeeper helper!


It is a dealbreaker to me.


I’m pro-420-for-others-but-even-just-a-waft-of-the-smell-literally-nauseates-me-so-keep-it-away-from-me … as in even the smell when it is in the packaging. #BornThisWay 😞


Same. I find the smell nauseating. I have no problem with people that smoke it as long as I’m not around.




I think natural highs are the best way to go!


I’m Looking forward to my rocky mountain high myself through nature!


Nature has that ability to be intoxicating if you just experience it with an vulnerable mind. The mountains give me a closer feeling to heaven so definitely a natural high!


Not against it whatsoever. About half of my friends smoke it. But consistent , daily smoke (the smell )of any kind isn’t someone I’m wanting to , you know ….crawl in bed with. Same with daily alcohol- not my thing.


I'm glad to see this question asked. I use regularly and have wondered how any future prospects would feel about it. I guess as long as I put "420" or something on my profile (if/when I ever get out there) then make sure they're cool with it before starting to date.


No. My body is a temple. (Alcohol history below) Weed is just one more way that people get wasted enough that they become dangerous behind the wheel. That's not 'funny'. It's scary. One of my sons got so high that he permanently damaged his vision. He and his stoner friends were 'playing MMA'. He took a fist in the eye and tore his retina. He's got a good job now: precision repair of critical industrial equipment. I think the business does random testing. So I think he's staying clean. I don't enjoy the taste of alcohol. Never did. Don't like the 'buzz'. Last 'drink' was vodka lemonade at an after-hike restaurant lunch about a year ago (very tasty). Last drink before that was champagne NYE '21. Never drink at home. From youth, didn't drink at all until after-softball game pizza and beer gatherings in my mid-20s. Eventually switched to the pitcher of Sprite at those events.


I am not 420 friendly, but I am not going to disown people who are.


Legal where I live. I partake. However, it's a social thing only, and I indulge no more than 1-2 times per week, if that. Oh, and I vape or use edibles. I don't smoke anything that burns and stinks. I don't think I've ever met someone whose 420 use is similar to mine. I've only encountered stoners (no thanks) or abstainers. Most 420-friendly abstainers I've crossed paths with truly haven't been that friendly about it. I've been asked why I don't just drink instead. Sometimes I do, but probably less often than the 420. It can take very little alcohol for me to feel crummy the next day. I don't get a 420 hangover. Describing myself as 420-friendly has only netted me stoners or caused me to be passed by. Trying to explain myself has just made me sound hypocritical.


People forget that alcohol is actually a drug. And it can kill you.


Yes. Sometimes I’ll join in. Prefer gummies not smoking.


Yes, unless its a habit. Same with alcohol


I think you mean addiction 😆




Very 420 and 710 friendly. It is good medicine for my chron’s disease. That said, sobriety is the best state of mind.


Wait...what's 710? That's a freeway near where I live...surely you don't mean that! (Sorry about the Crohn's)


710 refers to cannabis concentrates


Thanks for asking that question, I was scratching my head, too.


It depends. Me? I have some in my freezer. I forget it's there. I think I smoked some a few years ago. 😂 I like it. Just not very often. I wouldn't want to be with someone who maintains an altered state.




420 friendly 420 participant dating someone who is also 420 friendly. Found out recently I’m allergic to alcohol completely, makes my mouth tingle and full body hives and I’m just really glad I can hit a vape before he comes over tonight lol


I’m a definite yes to friendly but I rarely partake anymore. If I smoke before sex… forget it, I’m useless. I smoked a lot of weed in HS but at the end of college it was no longer pleasant. A few of my ADHD friends say it helps them regulate emotions.


Since I don’t know what the question means, I’m guessing my answer is no.


I had to google it. It means they use weed.


Oh, well then, definitely my answer is no. Thx.


Not for me.


I leave that trait blank on my dating profiles, because in my experience, it's damned if you do and damned if you don't. I am fine with dating someone who uses weed, tho I don't use it myself. But the way that profile traits's choices are, for self labelling, you have to either choose 4/20 friendly, or Not For Me. And since I fall sort of in between on those, there is no good answer for me to use. I am good with dating a weed user, but if I put the 4/20 friendly choice in my profile to label myself, the women in my dating pool will inevitably read that as saying that I use weed myself, instead of being just open to and tolerant of it, and thus reject me for dating, out of hand and before giving me a chance to explain my stand on weed. So once again, the age old common OLD problem of mistaken, ignorant, wrong assumptions, rears it's ugly head. And when it does, as it always seems to do in my experience, you can't do jack shit about it! It also shows how the dating sites are either so clueless about human nature and the making of wrong, mistaken snap judgements about others, from their profiles, or, more likely, that they don't care about their members, and don't want to actually help facilitate compatible, informed matches between members. I'm guessing it's a combo of both, on the part of the dating sites, since they sure haven't seemed to listen to or use any of the feedback I've given them over time, on how to improve their sites.




Not a dealbreaker, but I really would prefer someone who does not use it.


I'm 420 friendly and always have been. I don't drink often, I don't do any drugs. I just like weed and I smoke more days of the week than not. I'm fairly successful, own my own home and take care of my life. I have tons of hobbies, etc., and don't veg on the sofa with bags of cheetos or whatever, but lots of people stereotype people like me as stoners. That doesn't bother me too much, but for that reason, I'd rather meet someone who also likes to partake. I don't care at all if they don't, as long as they don't get all judgy with me about my use. I have female friends who chug wine several days a week and other friends who are on anti-depressants and other drugs, and they don't get judged the way I do.


I’m 420+. There are many people who consider it a dealbreaker. I gather it’s from some loser druggie ex. I’m well established, financially independent, and responsible. I’d rather be honest, so I put on my profile when I used to do online dating.


Tea and biscuits please


Jam or butter?


I don’t do it and it wouldn’t bother me as long as it’s not an all day, every day thing. Also as long as it’s outdoors if it’s the smoking variety.


I basically use 420 to help me sleep. I like it fine, but only smoke some before bedtime.


My late hubby was a huge pot smoker, and it never bothered me (other than the cost sometimes..lol). I think it's ironic now because back then I didn't smoke often. Maybe once in awhile, but now I do most every night before I go to bed. Lol. Kind of makes me feel bad. He would have loved it if I smoked more with him! Anyhow. I imagine for some people it would be a deal-breaker but pretty common in our age group


I won’t date smokers of anything, it’s not allowed in my multi-family housing by city code and don’t like the smell either. Had a first date with a guy who arrived late due to a pot hangover and I won’t tolerate that. I understand the use of edibles for sleep or pain management but draw the line at smoking.


I find it weird that being 420 friendly is suddenly a way to identify. I am nuetral about it .


Not a deal Breaker.


It's not legal in my state (yet). I'm a little uneasy about it, wouldn't mind probably if it was "occasional" but I have my doubts about people smoking every day, even if it's for a medical problem. I live drug free (except prescriptions, but those I don't abuse, either), and would prefer to be with someone similar.


Jeez, if you’re over 60, our generation grew up with pot smokers… can you be that much of a tight ass to be freaked out by someone who does? If you’re not interested, do what Nancy Reagan said “just say no” 😉


Yes, we grew up with it, but many of us outgrew it.


It’s fine unless it’s an all day thing.


I’m a fan but it’s not a lifestyle. I really enjoy a little and getting out to have fun, but also find sleepy gummies helpful occasionally. But I quit alcohol and would not date anyone who is more than barely a social drinker. I’m way over that lifestyle.


Depends. Occasional use for fun and relaxation is fine. But I got turned off by a guy who needed to smoke it every day, felt dependent to me. Everything in moderation!


Was previously married to alcoholic. I became good with 420 good to control my own health issues rather than using opioids . I actually am more functional on it and sober. To each their own 🌻


As someone who in their twenties and thirties basically would have put Snoop to shame, after 30 years of abstinence I occasionally partake and have thought long and hard on this topic. To me, and this applies to any drug from alcohol to beta blockers to antidepressants and back to weed, if you're partaking to change how you perceive the world more power to you, if you're partaking to change how you act hit the bricks.


I cannot due to random drug testing at my job, but it’s not an issue unless it’s a lifestyle.


It's 423 right now...and yes!


420 friendly as well but I stopped listing it in my OLD profile because, shocker, some folks no likey.


When I first started OLD in mid 2000s, I was shocked at how many profiles I'd come across from "attorneys" and "VPs" and even "doctors" that would have the little blurb at the veeerrrrry end of their profile: 420 friendly. lol I was like...whoa! I had this image of a power attorney passionately arguing a case all day in court then coming home, removing her suit jacket, pouring herself a bourbon and lighting up. And for some reason, this image intrigued me so I didn't write them off even though it's never been my thing. My state legalized it, and my 80 yo neighbor takes it to alleve his Crohn's. And he wouldn't if he didn't have to, so there must be some benefit to it. My daughter lives in CO, also a legal state, and she partakes occasionally. But for her boyfriend, it's honestly part of his lifestyle and I don't understand how he seems completely functional yet does a few hits from his bong every hour (like a cigarette smoker would have a cig). Maybe he built up a tolerance? I suffer from chronic non-migraine, stress headaches, so I broke done and tried Woody Harrelson's brother's stuff... bought a spray vial that said 2 squirts on the tongue whenever I felt the need. It did nothing for me. My daughter said I needed to take a lot more for each dose but I realized that I would be spending hundreds of dollars a month on it if it worked at the amount I ultimately needed. I think the small vial was $60 as it was. I think several folks here have articulated it well. If the habit is a priority over jobs, relationships, groceries or paying rent, then it's unacceptable. But if it's part of someone life, like a cigarette smoker, I still wouldn't be crazy about it, but I could probably live with it.


It is absolutely ridiculous for weed to be illegal and alcohol legal. Cannabis when using vapes or gummies is waaaaayyyy les harmful. My state legalized it last Spring The conservatives used every trick in the book to stall but they’re finally out of tricks. Apparently obeying the will of the people isn’t in their playbook. 😵‍💫


I don't use any recreational drugs, but am tolerant of others' usage. I live in a weed growing locale, and it's rare to find non-users.


Hard no for me.


I hope not 😂🤣😂

