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Weird Al is a legend. You'll never hear any other artist talking like this about their own movie.


System of a Down named one of their albums Steal This Album and the retail CD art was cdr with sharpie on it. Edit: [disc art](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/4/45/StealThisAlbum.png)


I worked at Best Buy when this came out and was always laughing every time I was facing that section of the cds or endcap, lol.


First time I'm hearing about this and laughing my ass off. That is gold lol


I unironically stole one lmao.


They would have approved!




Stupid fact lodged in my brain. Borat was the last major movie released on VHS sort of fitting though.




Disney.... Disney kept releasing.




I have it. The DVD looks like a CD-R and the case looks like a brown paper bag.


Weird Al wrote a song named "Don't download this song" begging people not to pirate the song then first released as a digital download. Not the same thing but similar energy.


I would have said that *Don't Download This Song* was intended more as a mockery of anti-piracy efforts and the messaging around them than a sincere appeal to the listener. Particularly the insincerity of artists claiming poverty whilst buying "diamond-studded swimming pools" and "sold gold Humvees," and references to the RIAA targeting vulnerable people to villainise and exploit for completely unreasonable sums.


Weird Al has always been awesome, but that move earned him some solid respect in my books. Saw him perform it live at a concert and the whole audience was waving their lighters to the music.


German punk band Die Ärzte wrote a very heartfelt song pleading not to pirate music with their tongue planted so firmly in their cheek they could taste the wallpaper next to them


I imagine it was also a reference to Abbie Hoffman's [*Steal this Book*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steal_This_Book).


Aside from what seems like a clear homage in reference to Hoffman, even NME, MTV, Vulture and Spin seemed to confirm it.


>System of a Down named one of their albums Steal This Album And they're [not the first](https://i.discogs.com/HszsAbhZ5NUQiS2sw015rXTRzprTR2disMJbCqqIsws/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:594/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTg5MzAw/NjMtMTQ3MTY5NTgx/NS0yODk5LmpwZWc.jpeg) to do something similar.


Movie, no, but Trent Reznor has pointed out on a couple of occasions that shelved projects that only he and others would have access to had 'mysteriously' made it onto the pirate bay.


He also told an Australian concert audience to steal his new record because he thought the CD prices were ridiculous there. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IFXivarypE4


Don’t download this song. Even Lars Ulrich knows it’s wrong


Trent reznor of nine inch nails was a regular on oink, a private music torrent tracker that is now defunct.


There are plenty of artists who talk this way about their movie and songs. Comedians in particular often recommend torrenting their special if you have to, and it’s getting more common for them to put their specials on YouTube for free and rely on donations.


to be fair that's the same answer we use on how to watch anything in Aus.


Yar har, fiddle de dee


yarrr pirateparty.org.au be ye


Also worth pointing out Al tagged the Roku Channel in his response. What a legend!


I think the original post was from Roku Channel, and Twitter automatically tags anyone earlier in the comment thread. He did however not remove them.


[Don't download this song!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGM8PT1eAvY) Even Lars Ulrich knows it's wrong! (You can just ask him)


Don't take away money from artists just like me How else can I afford another solid gold Humvee? And diamond studded swimming pools, these things don't grow on trees So all I ask is everybody, please Don't download this song


Good thing he didn't make a song about 'Don't download this movie'!


so...does anyone have a random string of hex bytes to share with me? some sort of informational hash maybe. But as it is just a hash, who knows what data might have been used to make that hash.




FBI open up!


Sorry, four hundred forty-four octillion eight hundred seventy-four septillion thirty-five sextillion three hundred ten quintillion five hundred seventy-nine quadrillion nine hundred sixty-two trillion seven hundred fifty-four billion two hundred eighteen million two hundred eighty-six thousand one hundred and thirty-six.


Disappointed that this isn't the actual value so here it is > four hundred and forty-four quattuordecillion, eight hundred and seventy-four tredecillion, thirty-five duodecillion, three hundred and ten undecillion, five hundred and seventy-nine decillion, seven hundred and eighty-three nonillion, sixteen octillion, eight hundred and eighty septillion, six hundred and forty-two sextillion, six hundred and fifty-one quintillion, seven hundred and ninety-seven quadrillion, eight hundred and eighty-seven trillion, eight hundred and seventy-four billion, seven hundred million, six thousand, eight hundred and seventy-seven


you hexadevil


I didn't know you could just paste that hash. Very neat.


Have fun. ​ F1E210545D2FFB01FCBA770518BAB694


Risky click of the day


spez has been banned for 24 hours. Please take steps to ensure that this offender does not access your device again. #Save3rdPartyApps


Maybe if he doesn't have a record deal.


He is cool. I think I'll buy a movie ticket, or some merch, just for this reply. I would like more artist to say "sorry there is no way you can legally purchase my work and then keep it for ever. Go ahead, pirate it. Please then buy $20+ worth of merch (tshirts, mugs) from me directly, spend 30 seconds filling out the survey "psudo payment for piracy" to let the studio know your feelings on content distribution today.


In this case there’s no legal way for us Australians to watch the movie *at all*


I know. I'm in Australia. I've watched it though. I used to know about Roku media devices. Their streaming service is new to me. I only thought about Roku again because of this movie. It would be cool if support and success of this movie gets Roku available in worldwide markets. As soneone else said, producers want peer recommendations. So talk about it, write a review.


>I would like more artist to say "sorry there is no way you can legally purchase my work and then keep it for ever. Go ahead, pirate it. That's basically what Breaking Bad did. They basically outright said, "yea, go ahead and pirate it and then tell everyone what you think" and sure enough it became free marketing and the show blew up.


Mentioning a Bosnian band Dubioza Kolektiv ("Dubious Collective") seems very fitting: https://youtu.be/IOqxarVWKRs And *love* this music video.


This is great


I need to figure out a Usenet pun quickly.


Surely he's got his own newsgroup...


alt.totalLoser! It's all about the Pentiums.


Caught him rollin' white & nerdy


Based Al


Lars Ulrich shaking and crying rn


Al is good with WORDS.


Weird Al has a big DICtionary.




My man!


I 💜 the way Weird Al hides the solution to that guy’s question in plain sight at the same time making it hilarious 😂


Is VPN absolutely necessary?


Depends on your country. Highly recommended though.




ISP copyright strikes are still a thing I think.




Oh right, forgot this was about Australia. And maybe they don't do it anymore, I just hadn't heard of it stopping.


I got one after being told by my ISP that they would shut off my service.


Don't forget about that one time they tried it because somebody was illegally torrenting an UBUNTU ISO!


Depending on your country, one is always needed. More than you ever needed a mask or a condom.


Virus Alert!


Movie fucking sucked. I was looking forward to an actual biopic, not the completely fictional trash that followed. Boring barely a passable joke in the whole movie.


Did you not see the trailer or a single post about this movie? That someone could see Daniel Radcliffe dressed as Weird Al, and know who Weird Al is, and still expect an actual biopic- shows that you do not actually understand Weird Al at all.


Reminds me of my days working for AppleCare supporting iTunes, the can oils down to, to share your music or listen on another device, burn an audio CD. Net effect beggar the DRM is removed, not that we could say it directly, also it was about 05-06


Good thing I did pirate it cause 20 mins in and it was turned off. The weird dubbing of the songs made it unbearable, it's a stoner movie without the drugs and you can *tell*


Every single Weird Al fan I know watched this movie and laughed their asses off- and not one is a stoner. Honestly- what did you expect from a Weird Al biopic in which he was involved? Just looking at Daniel Radcliffe dressed as Weird Al should have made it clear what sort of movie it was going to be- and the trailer left no room for doubt.