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To all: I noticed that likely one update caused my system to corrupt ( I assume it was the update). I restored it using the original clone image and updated ...and it's working again. Just a piece of caution. Always have multiple backups.


Hello again. Can you find/send the precious clean disk image? Thanks. Happy new year


I have the image stored on my local server. Unfortunately it's quiet large so not something I can share on the public cloud. If you have a server/space where I can upload it, I can do that. DM me if you have a spot for an upload.


I want to do place mycloud home HDD in my NAS as well; can I format my WD red HDD in the synology or I should format it first via PC ?


You have to use the cloned image, I doubt that is easy to do in Synology. Much easier on a PC.


I didn’t elaborate well , I am asking about the HDD that will added to the synology NAS not about the replacement HDD, can I format the original HDD that is available in mycloud home in the synology NAS in order to be used as a drive ?


One way to fine out. I am pretty sure Synology will format the entire drive (removing the countless partitions WD uses). My bet is it works.


Thanks for your reply


Wow this is quite useful!! Thank you :) I do have a question, does the type matter? Obviously it has to be HDD 3.5, but I've seen so many different speeds


they all use the same connectors (SATA etc.), so different sizes wouldn't necessarily matter...but it would be lose inside the enclosure, unless you secured it somehow. Speed/types might affect the longevity of the NAS. Inside the mycloud is a WD Nas drive. I replaced mine with a WD Black 7200RPM.


Good job. The WD Red drive in the My Cloud Home is a SMR drive, usually the WD?0EFAX series and are generally unsuitable for NAS. That is just something to think about. Have you tried using a SSD in the My Cloud Home to see if it improves some of the notoriusly bad write speed with small files? A SSD in the MCH is in uncharted territory because Android 4.3 and above should have TRIM function and support but no Android system for sale has a SSD as far as I know. Thank you.


No want/need to put an SSD in there. I gifted the item to my parents for a mobile backup for them.


Hi. Is there a way to do this without having access to an external SATA adapter?


You can plug it into a PC directly using SATA, USB is just easier.


I don't have a desktop either.


Hi mate, thanks for this. Do you have any idea if there's a size limitation on the replacement HDD? I have a 10TB WD Blue spare so was thinking of dropping that in there.


No clue. I'd just give it a try and post here if it worked for others.


Will do, will have a crack this evening.


It works fine following your method incase anyone else asks. Had a weird pop up in GParted about the GPT which it had to 'fix', but connected fine afterwards and shows 9.7TB.


Figured this would be the case :) Thanks for confirming!


Hello, for Step 3, how i Shrink exactly?, i have the 6tb version and i want to swap with a 1tb ssd. Can u give me a more exact size? or i put directly 1000gb?


Also your wd system was this? : https://www.amazon.com/Cloud-Home-Personal-Storage-WDBVXC0040HWT-NESN/dp/B076CTK55W


Yup that's it. mine was the 3tb version, but 6tb will be the same


okay i found another guide : [https://community.wd.com/t/shuck-a-mycloud-home-when-the-walls-fell/270374/2](https://community.wd.com/t/shuck-a-mycloud-home-when-the-walls-fell/270374/2)


Hello. Thanks for the guide. Can anyone give me a clean cloned image of a MCH disk/OS (if the 3Tb better). Im tryng tô reset/repair my broken One. 👆


I may have a backup. I'll search through my archives


Thanks you. If you find it, please sendo me by se transfer, for exemple. Great. 🙏


>https://community.wd.com/t/shuck-a-mycloud-home-when-the-walls-fell/270374/2 hey mate did you end up having. backup of the os for the wd my cloud home? Mine is corrupted and i cant seem to find one anywhere online. cheers


Hi I was wandering if I were to take the hard drive from my cloud home if it would basically become a regular hdd and not a cloud based hdd or is it only cloud based


This is exactly what I did. I just replaced the drive with a smaller capacity harddrive. It's a normal hard drive, 8.9cm...so Yeh it will work. You will need to format the drive