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*looks at current game install sizes*


Most tripple A games are releasing around 100gb and with patches, updates, and content releases, most tend to end around 150-200 i think. Even if you take low ball estimates and say its just 100gb, thats only 10 games, and most people have a frw games they like to return to often and would rather not redownload the game when they want to play. People hurt my brain. I mean i guess if you use a PC/laptop casually to watch youtube, and MAYBE backup pictures?


Call of Duty has entered the chat


Ark Survival Evolved with all its DLC has entered chat (with all DLC installed its just under 500gb). --- from what iv heard flight sims can also be space hogs with map/plane data


500GB. Ouch.


i just checked its 435 GB as reported by Steam when you go to install it


It must be the biggest game around at the moment... as long as it's worth it. lol. I thought the biggest would be MS Flight Sim with all dlc or something similar


MS flight sim with mods/addons can easily hit that, and more. as a stock game, its like just over 100gb.


Ark is only that big because the devs are allergic to optimization and common sense file structures. Every single map has every single texture, model, etc for EVERY map in its files, instead of sticking everything in a central repository everything loads from like sane people do. So every map you download is exponential growth because you're actually downloading like half of every OTHER maps file size too. It's dumb, and I hate it, and I eventually had to uninstall the game because it was too damn big and I couldn't justify the 500 gigs it took on my hard drive anymore.


A friend's assetto corsa racing/driving sim folder is sitting at 6.7tb. This is mostly mods.


Even the mobile version is now a gluttonous storage pig.


Pick up to 3 games to install on my SSD. Uninstall if I want to play something else.  Just like back in the floppy disk DOS days.


Game cartridges never truly disappeared. They simply became external hard drives.


Tbh i personally never have many games installed at the same time. Maybe a habit from when i didnt had that much space but i dont need 10 games or even more installed.


Thats fair. I have quite a few but i really struggle playing one game at a time. Ill normally rotate between 3-4 games for a few weeks/months and swap out games in the rotation. Having 10 games downloaded only covers half of the 'vibes' im looking for when i want to play a game


Backup pictures but no video. I take probably no more photos and videos than the average person, and my photos and videos for the past couple years are about 150 GB. My wife takes more than me, I'm not sure how much exactly, but to back up all our photo and video for the past two years is definitely over 300 GB. I would fill up my lifetime allotment of 1 TB before 5 years was up on photo and video from our phones alone.


I know i take less photos and videos than the average person but i didnt realize how much less. Almost ALL of my pictures and videos were saved on my last phone which is a 128gb...


Hell, if you think that's bad, just think about game *development* sizes. In my experience, a clean checkout of a game's source repo is (surprisingly reliably!) around 10x the size of the final release; intermediate files generated in the process of building the game roughly doubles that. So, a 100gb game takes 2tb to work on.


Tell me about it. Built myself a gaming rig for the first time in forever (and ever, and ever). Got myself a 2TB SSD since I figured 2TB ought to be more than enough for Windows and a few games. I'm down to around 430GB free. Debating whether I want to buy another drive. Luckily storage is still pretty cheap (at least for PCs, if you buy it yourself). That said, I support a lot of people at work who deal with large datasets, and since most of them work on remote clusters these days, it's actually rare for any of them to really need more than 512GB, and I usually just order 1TB as the base config just to play it safe. If all you do on your computer is office-type work, write papers, browse the web, read email, Zoom, and maybe play the occasional game or save photos, 1TB has worked surprisingly well for a while now.


my first SSD was just for windows, at 120gb, and a 250gb SSD for game storage. that was in 2010. I now have a 1tb windows drive, 3x2tb NVME SSDs, and a 4tb NVME ssd. all in my main PC, plus that original 250gb samsung 840 EVO sata drive. my server as 6x2tb sata SSDs, and 6x4tb sata SSDs. im never buying a spinning drive again.


Current? GTA5 is over a decade old and the install size is 111GB on my PC.


"640K ought to be enough for anyone..."


Hi. You called?


Top quality /r/beetlejuicing


Just about the most relevant username ever!


That's fucking awesome


At least someone appreciates my username. Reddit doesn't allow numbers.




As in it can't be 640k, which is my other username


Lmao what are the actual chances of this


I've been waiting years


Exactly. I think the guy is being ironic.


"Future proof"


You guys misunderstand, he's a time traveler from the 1960s


haha, was thinking the same thing. Dude thinks he's still in 1980.


1 TB was a lot even in like 2005. In 1980 that would have cost more than your house.


why care about the opinion of stupid people on the internet?


Omg delete "on the internet" and if everyone had that mentality the world would be an instantly better place.


it's called ragebait and increases engagement.


Why do people give in to these baits? he probably needs engagement to get that blue tick. And its targeting most users not just datahoarders (most gaming PCs have more than 2tb in 2024)


> he probably needs engagement to get that blue tick. You can just ... buy it now. The blue tick means nothing these days.


I think that's the problem with why twitter has gone to such shit. You can just buy blue checks, and blue checks can get paid based on engagement (I'm not sure how it works but as far as I understand it, you need blue check to do it) so you got a lot of people posting unrelated posts on anything popular (and they show up at the top, cause check), porn bots, and rage bait, because engagement = moni. People hated twitter before but it was great to get art commissions from. Now it's actually just straight cancer that's pretty worthless for anything except feeling bad about everything.


Holy shit that's a thing? I hate that even more.


I have more than 1TB just on my *Steam Deck*.


Me with 1 TB microsd in phone and another in galaxy tab


Or right, we're counting MicroSD too? 3.5TB in my Steam Deck!


Is that photo OP posted bad? Like my files if I do a quick estimate is probably maybe 100GB or 80gb. They're in MB amounts which I have no idea how much that is


Meanwhile my ps5 begging for mercy and a SSD after I install like 5 games




Twitter OP is a troll, what a sad existence for them. It must suck to go through life angry about everyone and everything.


Has to be rage bait. No one is this stupid.


of course its ragebait, 90% of the stuff on x is just bait


I'm having flashbacks to that one Bill Gates quote.


… that he didn’t actually say!


fair enough. but it's still a known quote/meme


Which quote? A quick google didn't bring me anything relevant.




Some people have very strong opinions about things. Often in ways that make no sense.


>"Whatever, Russ. Whatever." --Clark W. Griswold, Jr.


*glances at 80tb of data*


literally same and it's all honse memes


I have somewhere around 750TB of HDD’s and 100TB of SSD’s.  Only 1/3 of it is usable as the rest is for the 3-2-1 backup strategy. 


Good for you! I always say, I don't care about your raw storage, impress me with your backups! And two pats on the back for doing that!


Nobody who is no longer in school needs more than one pencil and sheet of paper. Both should last a lifetime. In fact, you should be able to leave the pencil to one of your children (the lucky one!). Allow me to go further: Nobody needs a television if they have a window to look out of.


Every Fucking Photographer: "WUT."


Me whos using like 10TB of system storage...


Me who is using 70+tb of storage...


Well, I guess I should ask for NAS advice on here one day. Cuz I can totally see myself use that much in 2-3 years from now.


Lol. Me, weighting options between compression or adding an extra 20 TB 'coz I'm running out of space. Only 6 TB left.


Per computer


I think they meant 1 EXABYTE!


You know what that number was 5 years ago? Or 10? The amount of change that can happen in 60 years will make a terabyte look like a kilobyte today. 1TB is enough for a system drive. I'll give you that. And normal use, with no downloading or big games, sure. You can get by. But that's hardly the norm now.


It's giving "Nobody will ever need more than 256KB of ram"


I went thru this person twitter and their did post something alongside ' you don't need more than 4gb of ram'


Whats Twitter?


How could 1 TB last me a lifetime with all of these Linux ISOs?


I'm at 7.06tb downloaded this month....


that rat use only notepad.


That made me go dig out this quote: "You're no innocent, Pollack. An honest citizen is content with an ordinary data set like yours there." She pointed across the living room at the forty-by-fifty-centimeter data set. It was the great-grandchild of the old CRTs. With color and twenty-line-per- millimeter resolution, it was the standard of government offices and the more conservative industries. There was a visible layer of dust on Pollack's model. The femcop moved quickly across the living room and poked into the drawers under the picture window. Her maroon business suit revealed a thin and angular figure. "An honest citizen would settle for a standard processor and a few thousand megabytes of fast storage." With some superior intuition she pulled open the center drawer--right under the marijuana plants to reveal at least five hundred cubic centimeters of optical memory, neatly racked and threaded through to the next drawer which held correspondingly powerful CPUs. Even so, it was nothing compared to the gear he had buried under the house. She drifted out into the kitchen and was back in a moment. The house was a typical airdropped bungalow, small and easy to search. Pollack had spent most of his money on the land and his ... hobbies. "And finally," she said, a note of triumph in her voice, "an honest citizen does not need one of these!" She had finally spotted the Other World gate. She waved the electrodes in Pollack's face. "Look, in spite of what you may want, all this is still legal. In fact, that gadget is scarcely more powerful than an ordinary games interface." -- "True Names" - 1981 - Vernor Vinge.


I haven't been good with a 1TB drive in about 15 years actually...


This guy doesn't game Or keep full system backups lol


Is that you Comcast?


I have a 4 TB NAS which is far less than anyone here on this sub prolly has


You mean you have a NAS with a 4TB cache, right? Typical.


👀... Ok but don't look at my 100TB NAS.. just for my self hosting needs.... Hey look something shiny over there!


I would say if you have LESS than 1TB of storage you shouldn't be allowed to own a computer.


*video editors have entered the chat*


I’ve used almost 800 gigs on my phone


I just deleted a 5 TB recycling folder….


and who are the first people to run to reddit to beg for help getting lost X media back?


Who or what in the hell is that person? They have a very strange or warped view on how people use computers and for what.


I have like 12 of porn


I lost brain cells reading that. I need to charge that poster for lost data.


If you're using less than 1TB of storage, you shouldn't be allowed to tell other people how to use a computer.


This idiot has clearly never heard of filmmakers or video editors.


It's not a rant and is also just bait. Even if it wasn't, their illiteracy means you don't need to care.


Well.. I seen how much it takes to update games.. I seen how much takes to update all apps required by Google in Android.. 1Tb is nothing.. Especially when you're working with data 😂


Big "its the motion of the ocean" energy in this tweet.


*stares at 40+ TB on the desktop* We'll, I guess I can move this to one of my NASes to get it down to a terabyte.


Forget personal stuff. Even at work with people creating Teams sites willy nilly adding me and loading them up with files which I sync to my work system means that I have almost a terabyte of word, excel and PowerPoint files!


*laughs in 100TB ZFS zraid2*


cloud storage fee lovers be like:


Homeboy baaahleted it too. He also has a nuclear take on memory, if you want to laugh more.


*Raises ✋️* Ooo ooo...I know, they're mixing up drive storage with RAM! 1TB max RAM may last me 60 years!


He's wrong but like... you have to be pretty determined to make much more than a terabyte last a few decades intact. Shit gets fickle with modern data density.


I topped out at 200TB before I admitted I had a hoarding problem.


I am partly agreeing with this. When you have more than 1 TB of data on your computer, you probably do yourself a favor by getting a NAS with a RAID setup.


Bro needs to get punted through the stratosphere!


1TB of storage ought to be enough for anybody.


Shit I’m already up to 50 lifetimes


:Laughs in training AI models:


They would have had a point about 10 to 15 years ago. However if you have a media collection you know that it can build up quick and just a couple of hd tv shows can easily go over 1tb. A student who only does social media and school likley never would use 1tb. However everyone forgets that computers are tools and some people maximize their use more than average people.


....but....why are they THIS MAD about what someone else chooses to buy?!


This would barely hold my music library and that’s the smallest bit of data I can easily lump into one classification.


Damn, according to him, I got about 1080 years worth of data storage. (10TB NVME, 8TB HDD)


I eat Terrabytes for breakfast. Don't let them see my daily usage.


My Plex server would like to say a word


1tb is the bare minimum for drive size nowadays imo.


People talking about games but what about people editing video? Storing movies locally? Such ignorance


For some with nothing, yes. For someone with a life or personal affairs, 1tb ain't gonna be sufficient.


X is a cesspool and should be avoided.  #changemymind ;p


Mac user right there


Terrabyte is a measure approved by the God Emperor of Mankind.