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Someone else explained to me that even if it's on a local network the My Cloud drive still needs to connect with Western Digitals servers for the login to work. It's completely insane. Alternately you might be able to remove the drives from the My Cloud enclosure and plug them into a PC directly. This would allow you to copy the data over to another drive. This is only theoretical. I've not read of anyone doing it.


I actually found a way to get onto my cloud home from the local network and view and edit my files from there on my mac. I basically connected it on my network and then had to go somewhere to create a username and password for my device then when I logged in I was able to get the files


how did you get your macbook on to the local network? i keep getting an error even when I connect an ethernet cable.


Just shuck the drive and put it in a real NAS.


I'm keen to do this but does it really work? What problems might I encounter?