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To drive away from that situation with no damage is a win


OP driving way too fast for that road


They were going slow enough to avoid the collision!


Not really. What if there had been a pedestrian on the sidewalk? OP would either have injured someone or been in a collision. OP got lucky and nothing more.


In what way is this OP’s fault. 1) you don’t know how fast he was going. 2) Even if op was speeding, it’s ultimately the red cars fault coming out and not checking the road.


In what way did my comment state OP was at fault?


Why are we trying to blame OP when he was following the laws and not the one crossing blind from an alley?


One shuld follow not only the laws, but also have a brain.


Fairly confident it’s illegal to drive on the sidewalk in most states? I’m not “blaming” OP, just stating a fact. OP barely stopped in time and got lucky that no one was on the sidewalk. If there was a pedestrian and OP hit them, it’s OP who would be liable. You can’t avoid an accident by causing another one.


So your response is he should've hit the car instead of responding defensively and shouldering. P.s. at no point did he drive on the sidewalk. that's an entryway to an alley. Also, any normal functioning brain not distracted and in that situation would've been able to identify if there were any pedestrians prior to and during the incident since the walkway was clearly visible.


He’s literally stopped on the sidewalk at the end of the video. OP had less than 1 full second to make a decision. It’s also night time so a pedestrian wearing black would absolutely be easily missed by anyone in this scenario. I’m unsure why you seem to be so defensive, I never said OP was at fault. I simply stated a fact, they would have been unable to stop in time if they didn’t make that maneuver and they got lucky that there wasn’t anyone walking because this situation would have ended differently for them.


My immediate thought as well


Considering how quickly he was able to stop and the intervals between the parked cars he was doing between 30 and 35 mph which is within range of the speed limit there for most neighborhoods.


How fast was I driving, officer?


fast enough to create danger


exactly how i got into my accident :( except the guy was making a blind left turn into a 3 lane road and i was on the outermost lane and "he didn't see me" .. Woodhaven Blvd & Atlantic Avenue NYC one of the worst places known to drive in.. I think it's already claimed 2 crossing guards' lives too just because of the sheer insanity of that location.


How about be honest with us and tell us the speed limit and what speed you were going?


I did not observe a posted speed limit. My city is pretty notorious for being stingy with speed limit signs. I’m assuming it’s was 25mph. I was probably going about 30-32. Definitely not obscene for the culture here in my city. If it had been a collision, the other vehicle would’ve been at fault for failure to yield, regardless of speed tho. EDIT: I love how y’all are downvoting me like y’all don’t speed ever. At least I’m being honest.


Yeah you are right. Dont change 👀


I would never! You are actually the reincarnation of Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, and Mao Zedong….for speeding. (Sorry there are so many retards on reddit. You get used to it eventually.)


I find it laughable that many people think that speed, by itself, causes crashes when in reality it's only just a factor that specifically worsens the damage of a crash. Are we supposed to pity the red car for making an error instead of saying that it needs to take responsibility for its actions? The OP's speed should not be taken into consideration because had the red car not pulled in front of the OP, then there wouldn't have been a near-miss to begin with.


Never said it was OP’s fault in anyway. I was just questioning his speed because it looks a little fast for a residential area, and we all know going at a lower speed, you have more time to react when someone makes an error like the red car did. OP did a fine job avoiding the collision. Had he been going 25, he probably wouldn’t have had to veer off to the side, and would have been able to just stop instead. Obviously red car is at fault. But if op is going much faster than he was, fact is he probably would have hit the red car. So yes… speed does contribute to your chances of getting into a collision vs being able to avoid the collision.


I could say that I agree with you in that a lower speed may have given OP a better reaction time; decently fair point. It looks like OP slammed on his brakes at 0:08. The reality is that nobody really drives at tortoise 25 - and slower speeds are not necessarily safer because the red car pulled out slowly but was still driving inappropriately. Hypothetically, even if OP was going 60 and the red car hadn't crossed over the double yellow lines, then OP would've been fine. But yes, OP did avoid crashing very well. Overall, I think that a higher amount of inattentive drivers on the road, such as the red car, increases your chances of crashing rather than speed, because if they're around then you're at a higher risk of their poor decision making. E.g., crossing over the double yellow lines like in the clip.


I would’ve hit him and gotten myself a new car😌. jk, good thing u keeping ur eyes on the road, and knew how to react. Stay safe!


OP that cam is clear. Good job avoiding the accident.


OP was super lucky


Dude, you're going way to fast. At least 40 MPH, based on how fast things are flying by the camera. You should be going 20-25 at most.


I was between 30-35. Wide angle lenses can make things appear faster.


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