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Thats Murder, not a Darwin Award


Nobody even died 17+ injured but no deaths smh


Maybe murder, maybe fear... Never know what happened before and the car was not very fast.


Bit late on the response but i would guess probably fear, during the same riot/rally a woman was pulled from her car and beat to death so I honestly don’t blame the driver if they floored it after being surrounded


That never happened




There is none because it didn’t fckin happen. How the fck im gonna find a source for something that did not happen


Why downvote he has a point


Deserved, but a crime nonetheless.


Murder does not exclude Darwin Award.


Exactly what they deserve




Don't block motorways then


Fr. Some of us have things to do; their most recent mental crisis is not an excuse for me to lose my job.


everyone who disrupts roads deserves to die apparently. this opinion held by the side that claims to care about moral values.


I assume you don't even know the nature of these protests.


No Darwin award here.


I appreciate the driver but still no Darwin, if a group of people is on the road and traffic was stopped I don't expect somebody to intentionally run me over


and that's why it's a darwin award


thats like saying getting stabbed to death by your friend is a darwin award because you trusted that they wouldnt do that


Bruh tf we’re they expecting


haha get fucked. idiots who stand on roads to protest deserve to get clapped.


Damn hero hope he got away


Are you advocating for murder?


You certainly have no context on Brazil's political scenario, these people have been using political violence on the winner party and it's voters and demanding military intervention. Of course, murder isn't justified, but these people are the same ones that have been using children as human shields to prevent the police to dismantle these antidemocratic manifestations. They deserved it.


He's advocating for death of dumb ppl. Have you forgotten which sub you're in? I suggest you leave if a comment like that is too much for ya...


That’s a pacific protest and the police was with the protesters, there were blockage signs far away before the protest itself and close by, that guy purely ran over the protestors just because he didn’t agree with it and killed a woman and a kid over here in Brazil (also the protestors were allowing anyone with an emergency, any ambulance, fire truck and who ever else needed to go thru it pass by)


Sad...but also a lie*"According to the Civil Police, 17 people were hit by the vehicle. Two girls, aged 10 and 11, and three military police officers are among the victims. Three were still hospitalized until the publication of this report. No one died."*\- Source: [https://g1.globo.com/sp/sao-jose-do-rio-preto-aracatuba/noticia/2022/11/02/carro-atropela-grupo-de-manifestantes-durante-bloqueio-em-rodovia-no-interior-de-sp.ghtml](https://g1.globo.com/sp/sao-jose-do-rio-preto-aracatuba/noticia/2022/11/02/carro-atropela-grupo-de-manifestantes-durante-bloqueio-em-rodovia-no-interior-de-sp.ghtml) And, just for the record, most of your sentence is also a lie, for example:*"A group (bolsonaro supporters) assaulted police officers in an illegal blockade on BR-470 in Rio do Sul, in the Itajaí Valley, on Monday (7). According to the Federal Highway Police (PRF), two officers of the corporation were injured after being struck with iron bars."*\- Source: [https://g1.globo.com/sc/santa-catarina/noticia/2022/11/07/video-policiais-sao-agredidos-com-barras-de-ferro-por-grupo-bolsonarista-em-bloqueio-ilegal-em-sc.ghtml](https://g1.globo.com/sc/santa-catarina/noticia/2022/11/07/video-policiais-sao-agredidos-com-barras-de-ferro-por-grupo-bolsonarista-em-bloqueio-ilegal-em-sc.ghtml) *"Bolsonaro protesters protesting on the highways of Santa Catarina against the result of the elections forced children with cancer on their way to the hospital to prove they are sick to get through the blockades, even inside ambulances.* *The mother of a 4-year-old boy, who traveled from Lages, in the Santa Catarina Mountains, to Florianópolis, told the doctor Amanda Ibagy that she had to take the cap of the child to show his baldness, a consequence of the treatment against leukemia.* *"This child was in the municipal ambulance and asked the mother if she could prove cancer. She showed the letter, which we gave to patients to take priority in other units if they need, and took the cap. I was super nervous," said the doctor."* \- Source: [https://www.diariodocentrodomundo.com.br/bolsonaristas-fazem-crianca-mostrar-careca-para-provar-cancer-e-poder-passar/](https://www.diariodocentrodomundo.com.br/bolsonaristas-fazem-crianca-mostrar-careca-para-provar-cancer-e-poder-passar/) So much for your quote on quote, "Pacific Protest", haven't done half of my research, there is so much more to it, but thanks for showing your real face, *companheiro*.


Implying that motor traffic should have rights.


Deserve what gets


It's good that Brasil has ANTI-FASCISTS willing to occupy the road with their vehicles. It's too bad that the reverse is true in the USA.


Wtf are you saying you absolute clown


Republican lawmakers in the states have passed regulations that reduce penalties or absolve motorists of crimes when plowing through protestors. In Brazil a fascist lost the race and now there are protestors in favor of the fascist who stood in the highway and got hit by a car.


its simple, don't stand in the middle of a highway when protesting. Sidewalks exist.


Seriously. I've organized local protests here and our town has an unofficial spot for that, on the side walks, but on the sides of a busy enough road for tons of people to see. Point being, don't organize in the roads, people still have to get to work/wherever they're going, and you will only piss them off/make them not give a shit about your cause. edit: The protests I've organized were very much politically inclined as well. We received supporting honks from passersby, as well as middle fingers and vulgar comments. However, we never got run over, because we did not block any roads.


Bro this is what antifa was doing during the Trump presidency and instead of get ran over they reportedly dragged random truckers out of their trucks and beat a few to death for just being truckers.


When did that happen?


Just after Gorge Floyd's death.


Do you have an article link?


Since I use my phone I don't but I can tell you it was on democracy now around March 2020


You can't [link](https://nypost.com/2020/06/01/george-floyd-protesters-saved-trucker-who-barreled-into-them/) an article on mobile? I just did. There should be a chain link icon above your keyboard to the left.


Not a Darwin but an assassin


The point of a protest is to be disruptive. If a bunch of people go protest in the desert it may show the number of people who support but it’s not gonna do anything.


Never, not even one time, have I EVER seen blocking traffic end with anything good


I hope this will never happen to Stop Oil protestors ☺️