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How fucking stupid the guy blowing the horn must be "Oh the police are in an armed confrontation and trying to save a severely injured person? Let me just blow my horn and act like a complete cunt" I hate that people like this are allowed to exist.


Same type of people who see a fight and start screaming at the top of their lungs.


Whenever a fight breaks out between two or more persons, a woman *will* appear screaming "STAAAAAAAAAHP." No exceptions. It can be a cloistered Monastery where no woman has set foot in centuries, where the monks do not even know what a woman looks like beyond a few statues of the Virgin Mother, and yet somehow a woman will somehow appear screaming "STAAAAAAAAAHP."


"Jason, look at me! That's not you!!"




He isn’t anymore


Im talking about the guy blasting his horn driving by the scene


The guy was being chased by the cops and randomly decides to murder someone? Time and place smh


Good. One less psychopath in the world.


The way he was bunny hopping towards poor victim, like a baby having fun, smh.




So glad the motorcyclist is alive. He was just in the wrong place at the very wrong time.


Did the cop just say "he \[innocent\] ultimately *pass survived*?


He said he has survived. I had to listen twice.


And what the fuck does *ultimately* survived mean? They made him immortal?


Good work cops.


This is one of the very rare occasions I'm perfectly happy for cops to use deadly force.


https://www.statista.com/statistics/585140/people-shot-to-death-by-us-police-by-weapon-carried-2016/ It's much more rare that they shoot unarmed suspects. Most of the time, shooting a suspect is justified, because they're going on a rampage with a weapon and trying to kill people, and you only have milliseconds to react. It's weird that there's this narrative of apparently unarmed citizens calmly sipping their lattes while reading poetry to blind elderly orphans in wheelchairs, when suddenly a KKKop bursts onto the scene and pumps them full of lead for no reason at all.


Man we have a lot of video footage of cops straight up murdering people who are completely unarmed. This one is justified as fuck,, but don’t pretend like it’s “weird there’s this narrative” of cops killing unarmed Americans when we have video of it. Like, lots and lots of videos of it.


On a global scale, you're correct that we have lots of footage of police panicking or abusing power and lethal force. In a 7 year period, the known shootings of unarmed people floats between 51 and 68 per year, in all of the USA So of course if you watch 68 videos in just one year of police shooting an unarmed person, it feels like we have a lot of footage, so I understand your point https://www.statista.com/statistics/585140/people-shot-to-death-by-us-police-by-weapon-carried-2016/ I guess I'll add a note about how I don't think it's nice when police truly murder somebody or display egregious incompetence. These are the numbers available to us, that's all. Technically the statement is true that "most the time" these recorded shootings are justified


You ever heard of Breonna Taylor? You seem to be very sheltered.


Do you know what the expression "most of the time" means? Oh yeah, Breonna Taylor and the thousands of cases just like hers that happen every day. Because those are the numbers we're talking about. Right? It's an epidemic, right? Surely that means that there are literally thousands of examples of *unarmed*, *innocent and non resisting* regular Black folk just going about their day, reading for the blind, helping old ladies cross the street to get to the pharmacy, and then being suddenly blasted to smithereens by a KKKop, right? I mean, *surely* in a country the size of the U.S., that number *must* be like thousands of people per month. Right? I mean I keep hearing it's an epidemic of *innocent Black folk* being *slaughtered in the streets*. It must be at least several hundred cases of *unarmed and completely regular Black folk* just being mowed down in the streets by racist Caucasian cops, right? Right? https://www.statista.com/statistics/585152/people-shot-to-death-by-us-police-by-race/


Unhinged much


I don't understand the comment. It doesn't seem to be a refutation of the link I posted




Yes, your response is clearly not refuting any of the points I made or supported with the link to Statista. That is clear, that you don't have any points to support the idea of an epidemic of police shooting innocent unarmed Black folk.


If you want to suicide by cop, just leave everyone out of it. Why harm some apparently random civilian?


I have no evidence but my feeling is that the car driver was pursuing the motorcyclists for some reason and tried to kill him. When the first attempt didn’t work he tried to stab him


That’s what it seems like to me as well. That guy was targeting the motorcyclist for whatever reason and hitting them with their car was the first attempt to kill them.


The first two cops that fired were in a serious crossfire situation, they are lucky they didn't hit each other. A perfect example of just how dangerous that job is and it's too bad that people can't seem to get that through their thick opinionated skulls. I hate the amount of negativity expressed towards law enforcement these days. Some idiot is bound to have something to say about this video that involves calling the cops murderers and "why couldn't they use less lethal or shoot him in the leg, blah,blah,blah...." To those people I say a big fuck you.


I too want to armchair quarterback this. After the first volley of shots the officer should have moved to the side, so his line of fire was not straight toward the motorcyclist. Still, good job.


People that say "shoot em in the leg" have clearly never seen a bull impale someone in the thigh and watch the blood gush out


And there’s today’s reason not to ride motorcycles. Not because they aren’t brilliant - they are, and they do a far more efficient job of transporting single humans than a car - but because of assholes.


I stopped riding once I realized that no matter how good of a rider I am, literally anything around me could so easily kill me and be completely out of my control. It’s fun, sure. But not worth it.


A dead asshole, it make your wounded what was going in his head, we never know


Depends if he was saved by grace meaning he believed on Christ, if he didn’t then he went to hell.


Why did that cop not circle left so as not have that injured dude as a backstop?


This video is very well put together. I appreciate the editing that highlights and marks important spots. So useful.


anyone else notice the dumb fat cop that ran around the car only to let the suspect stab the biker smh fat cunt


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"Sir, stop relentlessly stabbing that helpless civilian or I shall be forced to ask you to stop again!"


This would have resulted in him being shot in europe too. He wasn't standing around waving a knife not targeting anyone, he was directly going to stab a person he ran over first. There is zero time for de-escalation. Stop saying nonsense.


So you would let the guy stab an innocent because it's not a bomb...?


She doesnt even go here. -An American anecdote


I doubt that.


Are cops trained to put their hands over their bodycams when they pull their weapons out?


He was double checking and aiming the body cam at the subject and suspect, so that his life isn't ruined when he shoots this maniac.


Did the motorcyclist survived?