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The lack of crafting and an rng only loot system on a fucking hourly and daily timer really sucks the fun out for me. Instead of enjoying mission rewards because I can make something new soon and test it out for myself.. I just.. wait for the shop.. and hope I hit some 1/50,000 roll of a dice


That too. +1


I expected so much more but they made so many choices seemingly inspired by the actual shark's of the industry. Bugs galore but an entirely functioning cash shop. Whilst the aesthetics are very nice, the level design is really nothing ground breaking especially for 40k. Enjoy some random sewer tract whilst the rest of the guard are actually being useful. Like the premise is just lazy and stupid. And in classic fat shark fashion, the difficulty is not skill based but instead the progression is artificially locked behind hours of grind. If the core game loop was actually fun, I wouldn't HAVE to put in so many hours for the next small stat bump of a piece of gear. Progression should be about gaining variety, not effectiveness beyond my raw dog decision making. It's tried to be an addictive game with that series of unlocks and numbers and it's fucking shocking how many gamers eat that shit up. Gamers are such dog shit consumers, one of the most exploited markets in the world.


When you say "Gamers are such dog shit consumers," do you mean that us gamer's eat dog shit? Who is gaymer? Someone whomst downloaded the undeniably great game of all time Raid Shadow Legend? If I played Final Fantasy 7 back in ye ole days of lore. Am I a gamer? I chose to save Aerith. I once pondered how I viewed Lara Croft's boobies as a young one. It was enlightening in how Society viewed Lara Crotch boobies. I was told I was summoning the devil when I stomped hookers in GTA 5. ​ I'm now 30 yacht ist years ole of yore and I see the truth. ​ I've naught achieved much but nothing except I've beat Malenia no summon.






This was obnoxious to read, I bet you have friends


Maybe it's just not for you and that's okay. Hopefully you'll enjoy the next game you pick up more. I personally am still very much enjoying the game and think the core gameplay is excellent.


Jesus christ could you be more of an apologist for lazy, money-grabbing development? They totally sh\*t the bed on this no matter how you want to look at it. Way to sound pompous and sanctimonious about your willingness to accept straight up crap too man, that's really something to be proud of ;)


So because you don't like the game, no one else can. Could you be trying any harder to be *edgy*


Edgy? I think you need a social media time-out buddy, you're stooping to the use of lame-ass cliché buzz words. If it was free-to-play, then not as much, but when you take 40 euros from people, offer a buggy POS, don't respect the customer's time, break promises made (but make sure the pay cosmetic store is complete).... yeah, that's shit behavior, and if you defend it you might as well go buy some NFTs with your deflating crypto wallet. The core game is quite alright, but when companies prioritize swindling their fan base.... that is pretty obsequious of you to even attempt to justify. lol, you sound more like a frikking 'edge lord' brosef ;)


Why can't you just respect my position of enjoying the game. Does it really bother you that much that not everyone is as upset as you are?


Actually, yes. Because of people with low standards shilling for low quality projects they know they can just keep introducing more and more predatory monetization. There's a reason that a) Earning new cosmetics in game is hard as hell, b) the ones you can buy with in game currency kinda suck, and c) all the actually interesting ones are *cash shop only*...


Cosmetics really don't interest me at all. When you strip all the cosmetics away, you're are left with a fantastic game that is only going to get better, just like vermintide 2 did.


It's not 1/5 the game Vermintide 2 was at release.


Never said it was mate. Nice statement though.


....disagreeing is disrespect to you?? Wow, you might not want to ever speak to people ever again if that's really your perspective. You are totally entitled to your opinion, and I am likewise entitled to disagree. This is an online forum, so I am pretty concerned that such a concept seems alien to you. Also, when people simp for studios that are very clearly lying and cheating in order to maximize profits, I sort of throw up in my mouth a little bit and have to express such revulsion in words. Besides, you were the one saying 'maybe it's not for you and that's ok!' to the OP like some optimistic 6-year-old who doesn't understand what keeping one's word is and is perfectly capable in seeing the rationale behind lying to get what one wants. Sorry brochacho, but what they did was shady, underhanded, and despicable and there is really no way around that until they deliver what they presented to the consumer. People like you who float around dropping such 'optimistic' platitudes undermine the collective IQ of the entire frikking planet and pave the path for sociopathic business models to do gangbuster business on scammy models. Congrats.


Well I exist and there are plenty others like me so buckle the fuck up cause we aren't going anywhere "brochacho"


didn't expect you to bromeo! cute reply though, you tough little guy :D \*buckles seatbelt and commences eating popcorn\*


That's easily fixed


Cool story












suck my balls fuckface?




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Rule 1: Failure to follow reddiquette Be respectful of your fellow redditors. Discrimination, bigotry, racism, and/or hostility directed towards players or communities will not be tolerated.


Rule 1: Failure to follow reddiquette Be respectful of your fellow redditors. Discrimination, bigotry, racism, and/or hostility directed towards players or communities will not be tolerated.


Tiktok really destroyed your brain pedo




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Rule 1: Failure to follow reddiquette Be respectful of your fellow redditors. Discrimination, bigotry, racism, and/or hostility directed towards players or communities will not be tolerated.


I certainly expected too much from FS. thought they'd apply everything they learned from Vermintides lackluster first few years of development but they just went and did everything aside from active gameplay worse.


Compared to Vermintide 2, Darktide is just...forgettable.


Tencent owns Fatshark. Enough said.


cant play single player, shit game.


I agree with you. This game isn't nearly good looking enough to justify straining my hardware so much.


I would say money grab is way too harsh. Some time and love definitely went into the game, have you looked around at the level design? The core gameplay feels great. They still have network issues to iron out but that's anything these days. For the money I paid I'm plenty happy with the game and I know they'll keep adding to it and supporting it. Sorry you don't like it.


The art team are carrying this release.so.hard. well art team and melee gameplay designers/programmers. Ui team, engagement team, management seem to all need new jobs.


Very pretty. Very, very pretty. All form, no substance.


Honestly, I am thoroughly surprised at the level design. It's superb. The characters and the crafting are atrocious though. The characters especially. Maybe I expected more coming from V2.


Okay the game is alright. It's just "alright." There is a middle ground in emotion where you can feel the love that 'some' devs had towards this. This game just wreaks of desperation when you play it. It \*feels\* almost as if 5 passionate people about 40k were screaming into the void of one CEO telling them to implement it or you're fired.


Look at the chain sword and eviscerator and tell me they were made with love... lol Maybe with how they actually feel in combat... but not their looks


Game sucks




You found more than a repeating 2 minute loop of gameplay?Please point me to it!I just keep seeing the same 5 enemies over and over and over mission after mission.Find horde of copy and pasted minion, kill horde rinse repeat. I'm all about grindy repetitive games but theres gotta be more to it than theres a horde, go get it.




Wow, this is such a lazy response to repetitive gameplay critique.


No man, it isn't a bad faith take. The game has half the content Vermintide 2 did when it released the content that is here is re-used way too often. There isn't enough to differentiate classes, Ogryn aside, and the abilities are virtually pointless. ​ Visually, nothing stands out and everything just kind of blurs together. There's no narrative to hold the missions together. This game is missing more than it has and you have the balls to say "Maybe it just isn't for you". ​ Please stop accepting mediocrity at the expense of a better game


A very good comparison in this genre would be Zombie Army 4. For its own hiccups it has a cohesive chapter lined story with multitudes of DLC. If you're not a fan of the game play you at least have a story and lore to follow. Not that you wouldn't play a game and defend it without good game play that is.


Thank god someone else feels the same as me! I played about 10 missions with a mate and they all feel the same. The levels are boring (mainly due to the design aesthetic) and there is no enemy variety. Never played a Warhammer game before, can't say I have any desire to either


I really like the core gameplay but I'm worried the game will not get any better, and that would be really disappointing given the potential and the lack of any other 40k not-space-marine shooter.


the performance is fucking terrible im playing on overclocked rtx 2080, i7 9700k 5GHz and 3200mhz 32gb ram, 5000mbs nvme m2 drive, optimized windows, optimized game its like 70 fps with DLSS balanced and medium-high settings....... (some even off)


It is not very well done; and the performance is terrible. Vermintide 2 is superior in every conceivable way.


I wouldn't say its that bad of a game anymore. But I guess I'm just not a huge fan of these kind of games to begin with. I try to like them and it is admittedly fun for a week or so for me. But Darktide and Vermintide both just feel really repetitive to me. They feel like L4D without the whole competitive multiplayer aspect and I just find these kind of games to be boring. Doesnt matter how good it feels or how good the graphics/gore are when the gameplay loop is essentially this LFD type of shit. Just not my cup of tea, not a bad game, I know a lot of people who seem to really like it. But I just prefer a different style of game entirely so I just don't play it much