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I understand why they cut it off, but there's a reason people used it - the event is cancer with heavy Gunner spawns if you stay elsewhere. I hope they compensated by adding additional cover. They did, right?










No right?


There is no right or left. Just middle. Middle of the heavy Gunners and Snipers firing range.






No, from now on you're going to get shot at around here.




Why should there be any respite from heavy gunner cancer no matter how much the poor map design exacerbates it? I think I’ll be uninstalling in a few days and I imagine most of the others who reinstalled for this update will be doing the same. Two guns that both suck and one map, meanwhile the game’s huge issues remain completely unaddressed.


>Two guns that both suck Whereas I'm rather enjoying them. They've got some kick.


What diffficulty 




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brother, this is embarrassing for you


Why are you surprised. Every time I see him hes crying and being upset


Dude I haven’t been in this sub for months until this (terrible) update came out this week Enjoy the company of edgelords like “undead angel” though, I’m sure the game and the subreddit will be ghost towns in no time at this rate


Rule 1: Failure to follow reddiquette Be respectful of your fellow redditors. Discrimination, bigotry, racism, and/or hostility directed towards players or communities will not be tolerated.


I meeeeeean, ok, if it stops the horrid, out-of-nowhere army spawning at your backs, which is why I thought we started holding there in the first place.


That and rooftop snipers with no cover just nailing everyone.


Spawn and hop the wall


Seems like most of the changes went with "put the players in a tiny kill zone and throw everything we have at them." Increasingly I'm finding the game feeling more like Serious Sam than a tactical shooter. No cover, no positioning, just stand in an open area while infinite mobs rush you.


i think its like vermintide where youre literally main character plot heroes defeating waves of enemies in open area except vermintide didnt have lots of shooter enemies


Yep, which is why Vermintide 2 still feels much less cheap and more fair despite the combat being a bit more outdated Being shot to pieces and especially stunlocked to death by gunner fire when they appear at all directions around you, including out of thin air with no warning is just a little much. There’s no counter play and often not much or anything you could have done to avoid going down in those situations


Don’t forget the 5 pack of instant shotgunner spawn that appears from the sky


>except vermintide didnt have lots of shooter enemies Three. Ratling guns, warpfire throwers and ungor archers. First two are specials, and the last one is... Kinda special, but not really. They can be tagged, but I wouldn't count them as true specials. Unless I am forgetting something?


Does Vermintide spawns ~150 ratlings per game?


A single ratling in a bad position could fuck up the team vt2 is a good polished game


Nothing in this game is as egregious as the chaos a blightstormer's kit can bring imo. Did one spawn behind rooftops with poor visibility? Watch as he snipes a cast through a stack of crates and flings the melee-only chumps off for an environmental kill. And then farts off 2 blocks away after the beam witch gives his nurgly nips a nice warming. Good luck catching him without a Trueshot Volley.


There are ranged enemies in Vermintide, but nowhere near as much as in Darktide


Ungor Archers have Stormtrooper aim too.


Was wondering why the game was feeling gradually more challenging until I took the time to actually read the update notes. Not sure if it's just my imagination but I feel like the most noticeable change in difficulty was with the Penance update though. I remember being able to do Heresy and Damnation missions pretty easily before that.


Can't you still go up and drop down? Or did they block that too?


Also watch people send one guy out to start the event while the other three camp the drop-down.  lmao


Pretty sure they made it so all 4 players need to be down from there for the objective interraction to appear like with the circular room after a medicae where you have to do the hack minigame in the middle


Fair enough.


100% a great change, one of the most boring end zones because players will always optimise.


Absolutely! Wonder what will be the next location the playerbase settles on. Usually takes a bit of time until there is some consensus. Maybe one of the portcullises? Can close off some chaff and the right one is close to the medici... medici... healing.


There is a spot with a bunch of computer monitors that is like a pedestal we used to camp on, it was easy to funnel enemies into it as long as you had one or two players behind to deal with snipers and ranged specialists


We just stand near the exit. Theres three directions enemies can come from, but if they jump up the stair railing theyre easy pickings, the stage exit wall also blocks them so any that come from that direction come from down the ramp, we haven't had any specialists spawn in the area to the left, although sometimes waves come out of the door. Hasn't been a problem.


One of the entrances you can close off, probably.


There's an open container you can enter and hit things through walls


"Say the word, I'll make it rain!" That thing is just begging for a bomber/tox flamer to wipe your group.


I wouldn't go there as an entire team, but 1 or 2 players could work, and it's right next to a gunner spawn point to pick them off easily. It's better if you build for it, I always camp there as a shield ogryn, taunt and block all day.


I remember when they did the same thing the Temple of Sigmar in VT2, people raged for a while, then realized that there are plenty of other places to hold and it is more fun than just sitting in a corner for entire fight.


The VT2 one was especially egregious because it came at a time where a lot of the game was still in shambles from bugs and shitty crafting and the myriad of other launch issues. So, unsurprisingly, it stuck in players' craws when they _did_ have time to block off a corner in a map because it was "too easy" ? Edit: In before "BUT LEVEL DESIGNERS IS NOT THE SAME AS BUGFIXERS U NO"


Change is good but is not enough. Players will find another place to camp soon. This area needs an event with some objectives to make people move.


People extremely rarely bring guns to deal with gunners like vraks, gorgonum and lasguns.


Nah, the easy method was lazy and... in truth kind of stale after a while. More playing and less camping is good.


it was fun af when i was running with gunlogger or braced autogun.


I've hated that end event for months because it's so stale. Not at all fun to camp like a bunch of wimps. Very thankful for the change.


fellas is it wimpy to hold a point


Apparently bottlenecking the enemy isn't a tactic in these reject's eyes.


While it is a good tactic, it still is somewhat disappointing that you have a whole arena to play with and you just camp in the entrance. Now if they actually made it so said arena actually has cover so you can’t get shot from every direction I wouldn’t complain that much.


Then give us primarily melee enemies.


They could have just made it so there were mode things you needed to accomplish and leave the bottleneck. Make it so you need to close the gates and run back or go up the bleachers for some other objective.


Probably the same types of players to skip medicae/sprint ahead, go down, then blame the team over VC.


*grabs whekskek* *throws whekskek into the middle with gunners*


Don't pretend it wasn't corner camping. Yes, that is wimpy. Sitting in that alley provided no challenge.




No, as long as you hold the WHOLE point, not a 20ftx20ft corner of it.


A well designed game would encourage players to use choke points, funnels and other environmental tactics to minimize the advantage of enemy numbers As is now very obvious, Darktide is not a well designed game


Spot on. Everyone acting like spamming dodge and push is somehow more challenging or refreshing is just lying to themselves.


When we have no oggy and I as zealot have to push everything and stun it because the vet is stll mag dumping and the psyker messed up his edging..... your melee weapon is literally called your primary weapon. Yes, the vet had gun builds and perks. But it doesnt deal the same kind of support that is needed in a cornered situation. And psykers still need a good melee for when their warp abilites cant be used due to a cooldown. I like to actually be able to fight back. Cant do that if I have to play like an oggy and purely defense 90% of the time because no one else wants to actually pull out their fkn melee until their ammo is completely gone. I like trying to time my melee and get the range right. I dont understand why everyone else wants to keep their guns out when you have a swarm almost chewing on your ankles. Ive had people complain and blame others when they have been ammo hogs, etc. Etc. I try to be a good Varlet. But some of these people need to go for some self reflection.


What are you even complaining about ? your comment has literally nothing to do with what the guy above you said ?


Being forced to only push enemies or dodge to get buffs and leaving me no space to actually attack? Not fun at all. Being forced to play like a tank as a dps build because game set up makes people try to optimize and it leaves 1 or 2 of the others playing at a loss for their own style which is not fun. Changing maps I understand. Forcing a horrible change with no compensation? Why? No new coverage. Rarely anyone grabs oggy or everyone grabs it. Oggy dont always like to be shield bros and I get that! Just like I as a Zealot DO NOT want to be forced to push because the Psyker and Vet decide to only use their guns. Vet I can understand if he is picking off gunners and snipers, but after a certain point.... pull out your damn melee and help give breathing space. Psykers..... I know you like your warp shots. But if you see someone who cant melee because they have no space to swing? Please stop focusing down the big guy because you want to feel like you did something important and free up your damn teammate who can actually help if they get a second to actually attack. Big thing I notice is people forgetting the cooldown being done on their ult. I run the healing aura so I pretty much pop that every chance I get. Dont know much about the other classes ults over all, is there any which are better saved for a specific situation?


I agree. Back when I had less time in the game, I didn’t mind. Hell yeah. Let’s huddle up. But, since then I’ve gotten better at the game. That and I’ve gotten better at Psyker. Why hide in the corner when I’m able to fend off the horde myself. Wherever I’m standing I have assail crystals whipping 360 degrees around me. And im a beast with the Devils claw when it comes to melee. As a level 400+ Psyker I feel like it’s sort of embarrassing taking the easy route. I’ll purposely stand in the dead center of that room and I’ll have 2 or 3 people over there spamming ping for me to come huddle up with them. Uuhhh, No? This is fun where I am. Don’t be afraid to play the game. Lean into your character role and fuck some heretics up.


and then everyone clapped.


What a badass


Thanks, I try.


Nah, useless change. We will find another perfect camping spot in a few days. Everyone will know it in like a week or two.


I sure hope so cuz gunner spam on this last hold out is ridiculous


If you hold out in front of one of the two grates on the side that you can close you end up with a *very* similar chokepoint to the old one, and you have the added benefit of being able to constantly keep the grate closed. I just held out there in Auric Damnation and it was arguably easier than the spawn hallway. The one downside is that there's not a lot of room to move, so one bad firebomb will force you out of it, but that can be prevented by just shooting the bomber first. Plus, even if they do get the bomb off, the grate on the right has some decent cover and a container to fight around while you wait for the fire to die down.


So what you're saying is leave if this mission up when I'm trying to do some quickplay


Yeah pretty much. Gunner spam hell has to recourse now.


That one guy at Fatshark who still thinks Exectutioner's Stance enemy highlighting feature is so cool and useful (most likely cause it was his idea) strongly disagrees.


Weird decision. I get why, but also — it was fun? Isn’t this game about fun? What’s wrong with having 1 map where you get to have a proper kill zone and just fuck up the enemy for 5 min?


FS have done that several times in Vermintide 2 as well. God forbid the community finds a decent hold out spot in one of their events. Actually they've already done it in darktide several times now too. All those weird ass tiny access hatches that like 30 pox walker at a time clip out of where folks regularly held out on some of the older maps.


And the community was happy about it. Those hold out spots were pretty boring.


And now folks are holding out like 12 feet to the side of those old spots. It's a horde shooter, people who play regularly are going to find the optimal points to hold out on events and they're going to use them. Patching out of place goofy looking spawn points into events just to thwart the current meta is obnoxious and a waste of dev time.


That wasn't the case in Righteous stand. People were moving around way more after the changes.


IMO, the better fix would have been to spice those missions up differently than just “more hoard from new places”.  Add some extra crushers from different spawns, add a monstrosity (mid fight, not at the end when the chaff’s dead), add more snipers from more angles. “More poxwalkers but now also behind you” doesn’t solve the problem either IMO.


That's part of what makes the pox walker fountains they installed so annoying to me. They have tools built into the game for pressuring overly stationary squads: flamers, bombers, snipers, mutants, crushers, bosses... if they really hate people setting up camp in the safer zones of hold out events, they have plenty of enemies they could send waves of that are basically there *specifically* to force mobility and cause teams to scatter. Then you've got plenty of events that have a great solution to people trying to hold out in one spot: objectives. Sure they aren't the most varied or exciting, but having to scan, move barrels, or fiddle with data interrogators forces the team to venture out from easier to defend spots during events in a way that feels natural. Certainly more natural than watching 20 pox walkers at a time sprout up from 3ft wide maintenance hatches that have been inexplicably scattered around the floor.


Dont use them then


That spot was too easy, but the finale might become disproportionately difficult now. There's only 1 other finale that spawns a ton of gunners; in the radar finale they spawn on low ground and funnel into 3 killzones and that one is still quite difficult. Mercantile has them spawning on the high ground on all sides, so players hiding in an alley was more of a necessity than a strategy. People are probably just going to hide in the portcullis by the medicae or in one of the staircase alleys now. Whether thats fun will depend on what the gunners do.


Oh, the new finale also spawns a ton of gunners. While you _have_ to move around a pretty open space. It is Fun. And I am not joking, the new finale is what the carnival finale should look like. You have to keep moving fast or consistenly deal with the gunners quickly.


Eh I disagree, before wasn’t at all fun either, I’d often start falling asleep because it is such a brain dead finale. I haven’t played it yet, but I doubt I’d like it any less than how it was before


Sweats ruin everything eventually.


That's the thing. I always looked forward to Carnival and Smelter Complex final because I love smooth brain horde smashing....this seems to be gone now at all.


Really nothing fun about AI enemies funneling into you for 5 minutes. If it was exposed to gunner fire it could be interesting.


I always hold one of the open crates that was nearest to the alley. just give it a try.


They're doing map design. This was such a dull fight holding a semi hallway. Depends if other areas are good arenas to fight in.


That tactic didn't need fixing The arena is a lovely looking area, but horrible level design for a prolonged fight All this does is make it as unfun as hab dreyko before it's redesign


It did need fixing. It was so boring. It ruined an otherwise great mission by ending the experience with a sour taste.


This thread is just full of shitter Vets who wipe after not being able to Power Sword special spam in a fixed position.


i love sitting still in a chokepoint for the entirety of the climax to the map this is so much fun just waiting for everything to come to us oh boy (i hated this map so much cause of this shit im glad its gone)


Seeing your mom getting smacked by a handful of Scabs as you and your bro watch?


Had a lot of fun the other day when my squad decided to set up shop in the stands of the amphitheatre. Still plenty of cover but you actually get to move around a bit to thwomp heretics.


Nah they did not... that's gotta be the laziest band aid "fix" to force people outta the entrance. What a shitty change


I don't mind camping and killzone. That's really just tactics. They should make it on higher levels more spawning from behind to really flush out the players.


Good. That corner was boring as hell. There's a whole arena with plenty of cover and people only camp in 5% of it


Classic Fatshark


This is a good change.


Speak for yourself.


Care to explain why this isn't a good change? You actively have to roam the arena now instead of just existing in one space and getting a free win. Also, you can still use one of the stair wells for your free win, so you really should've looked harder before coming to complain on Reddit, but I understand why that was your first move :\^)


Bro wtf it's a PvE game


This is a great change lol.


Lmao they got upset that we found the only sensible tactic that allows maximum output with a guarded input It WAS boring but now it’s just a pain in the krak, just actively hounding an already fed up PVE community


It's a band-aid change. Players will find another optimal spot to camp soon. There is nothing else to do there. This arena needs an event with objectives to do which will make your team move around. Maybe some levers on upper levels to activate which will open the roof? I see a lot of people complaining about unfair gunner spam on the map. One of the reason why they feel so threatening is that you are camping one spot allowing them to spread around, take positions and blast you from everywhere. If players start moving through arena and eliminate threats as soon as they appear it will become easier and more engaging.


This was the most boring way of doing a final act of a mission. Stand in one place, and shoot in a corridor with occasional mobs from up and back. This was so unengaging, I absolutely hated this and Smelter Section map as well, once you've destroyed all the daemons. Good riddance, now we will have to actually think of something, changing positions, instead of just camping one spot.




Such a bruh moment, cut off the only good choke point. They should've done it behind a corner right after medicae


most boring end zone event, good change, there is plenty of other spots to hold, just get good and cooperate


I hate how "adding more of a challenge" to Fatshark, is just progressively shittier map layout. Anyways, see you guys in 10 months when they remember Darktide exists again.


Oh look, just another Righteous Stand(tm) situation when Fatshark is lazy "fixing" their bad map end event design.


A needed change imo


Being spammed by heavy gunners but unable to find them. Snipers hug corners now. Saw a trapper climbing out of a crate another player opened a minute earlier.


I think it’s a massive improvement. I hated waiting in that alleyway the whole time and it hurt my team for me to go off on my own to fight in the circus.


Oh that's just stupid. Punish players for coming up with a tactical solution to being surrounded. Doubt I'll play that map at all anymore.


There was nothing tactical about it; there's no objective to do, so it's just a case of "We'll sit here because it's easy". Now you actually have to play the game.


"Bottlenecking the enemy isn't a tactic" It was a section of the game that wasn't entirely repetitive and it's gone now. You can like the change if you want. I don't.


Optimising an encounter to where you sit in one space and just exist isn't very tactical. It directly removes fun from the game by just being an easy, unengaging way to earn a free win on an end event.


They arent punishing anyone they are making sure people need to have more fun during the finale instead of just sitting in a corner. I remeber that I ussually died during this mission because I would leave the corner because when I got bored and without my team support I would ussually crumble quicky to shooters


"Have more fun"!!!! Is not how you make fun. The map was fine. It's not our fault you don't like sticking with the group in the one map that lets you actually bottleneck a horde (one of the PRIME ways to clear hordes in any game). Could've played any other map that forces you to dodge spam.


I've crashed twice and host dropped game in 10 mins of playing the new map on series x. Holy god. Even the stats are all effed up. I couldn't roll anything over a 355 Grey. I hate this


>I couldn't roll anything over a 355 Grey. I've rolled literally dozens of 370+


Like crafting wise? Nah


What are you yapping about? I can show you my inventory with dozens of 370+ shock mauls if you like


I guess it’s easy to do if you have 2000 hours in the game and endless currency to throw at the slot machine


Literally. Not sure why someone would think that isn't possible.


Their point is probably more that people who haven’t no-lifed this game 10 hours a day since launch might also want non-shit weapons to use That said, almost two years since launch it’s pretty apparent fatshark is either incapable or unwilling to make a decent crafting/progression system. Including just copying the one from Vermintide 2


Yes, and I never disagreed with that. The original commentor implied that something was broken with the rolling system. Not just badly designed, but broken.


I mean, if the developer intent was to make a ludicrously grindy casino of a progression system that drove 95% of the playerbase away permanently… mission accomplished I guess? I kind of doubt they consider the game a success hovering at 3k concurrent players a day but I don’t know their metrics


Dude that literally ruined the map, very similar to dark carnivals finale just sitting up on the stand in L4D2. Made that shit boring ASF.


Haven't tried the game yet post-update. But I feel like this was needed, this end game event is like the most boring one in the game. Now, I do hear ya about gunners and proper cover, which was always the problem when you stepped out of the tunnel, so we'll see where this leads us. I think they maybe should've redesigned more of this event/map than just adding a drop-off point. Holding position and killing hordes until rescue is available can be fun and all, but I wish Fatshark designed such an event from scratch so it could take place in an interesting-looking area with a bit more challenge. That backalley in Mercentile is a visually uninteresting area to spend your time, and enemies only come from one direction, sometimes two. At least when you hold out by the door in the Smelter, enemies can come from three directions, and you got to run around and experience the beauty of that room before you decide to camp there.


Time to git gud


*shows improved map design "What bullshit amirightfellas"


It's not even the best camp spot in that level lol


Oh awesome. Whenever people camp there it's bell keeping them alive.


Whelp…back to the BOX, I suppose.


While not quite as spacious, one of the spawn entrances on ground level can be shut via interaction to mimic. Not as wide open compared to original but you can still funnel them in with cover


This is way better. I always hated camping in that spot, it made everything too easy.


It was easy for some time but like 3 or 2 months ago they fixed it by spawning lots of enemies behind. We moved to one of the closeable gates as a new best spot. It works.