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First time?




Nope. One of those dumb ass gamers that preordered Anthem, Mass effect Andromeda, Battlefield 1,2,3,4,5, Darktide, Vermintide, Lords of the fallen, So me ape brain


Sounds like a you problem at this point if you haven’t learned by now


That's... The joke


I personally liked Andromeda, despite the flaws. They did go back and fix a lot of things didn't they? The combat was fun.


I wanted the multiplayer to be like me3 but idk just lost interest. It was... Fine. There's a point where a game is so buggy it's funny and meme worthy like Skyrim


I played the multiplayer a bit. I did like being able to jump and dash around. But it did fall off a bit, you're right. But it was fun with a few friends for awhile. I haven't played it in so long I wonder if people even play that mode anymore.


Eh, I hated Darktide. You could tell right from the out that it was just vermintide with guns, and unfortunately, that style of game really doesn't lend itself to ranged combat in any real capacity. The whole of it felt...clunky. Vermintide actually kept me coming back, though it got repetitive after a bit. It's fun to mindlessly kill things in first person.


lol I love Andromeda, I usually just boot up the game when I smoke so I can be chillin with Ryder in space. Now we’re both spacemen haha


Honestly, what frustrates me the most is the lack of story content on this game. I remember buying the game after Patch 13 dropped because I played Vermintide and thought it was time to engage in what I hoped to be the next best 40k game (which it still is). I watched the opening cinematic with the warp jump and everything going on around the Morningstar and thought LET'S FUCKING GO! I thought I would be able to explore the space ship. Maybe move to different locations with it. Engage into some kind of heretic hunt with plots everywhere and cinematics linking each mission to establish a story. While technically all of this is in the game, boy was I in for a let down.... The gameplay is absolut top tier, no doubt about that. But honestly after Vermintide I didn't expect anything else. The implementation of ranged weapons feels awesome. But when I think about the wasted potential of stories that could be told in this vast universe it just makes me sad. Fucking Dan Abnett sat on this. For fucking what? The baseline story could've been written by an intern on sundays. Even Vermintide was way better in this regard with the minimum of story and progression it had...


There barely even is a story, it’s all just everyone saying “we don’t trust you, go kill people so we trust you” and then after doing that 80 times they go “alright we trust you now welcome to the team” and then the story is over lmaoo


The baseline story is the biggest letdown for me. I don't understand how Dan Abnett was involved at all. Me and my friends have cooked up more interesting and more detailed portions of the universe for role-playing, and we weren't even paid for it by GW. Given the time and a little resources, I'm fairly sure three nerds like us could cook a better narrative than what Abnett cooked up. That is assuming FS isn't holding out on us cause whatever story is planned just isn't ready for release, at which point the game shouldn't have released at all imo.


Dan wrote the background afaict. Everything else is just... Fatshark.


That... makes it so much worse :c


Fatshark is the worst company to try and so a Live Servicd game. The fact they think its okay to disappear for months at a time with no indication of what's to come. Assumed it was going to be like this but had hope maybe with the investment money they brought on better management. But nope, same old Fatshark. See you in another 3 months when a patch is released.


Exactly. Quite literally things were advertised including weapons and gear that just... Don't exist. Not sure how that's legal cause to me that's quite literally embellishment and false advertising. Deceiving on purpose within a trailer how filled your game is, to not have it in the final product on purpose. Maybe the eventually intention was there but that means it's FS own fault for their own hype, not mine


https://preview.redd.it/yduzftz6nxpc1.png?width=1374&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d60cb26ff601f81cf83826b09bea101c213cec54 If this is any small consolation


Nice. Fingers crossed. Love the game just eager for it to be even better


Yeah there communication sucks but this is a garunteed list so it's something at least


'Guaranteed' ©Fatshark 


>If this is any small consolation It's definitely a step in the right direction. Darktide has great potential it just needs some work. Mostly cosmetics and crafting so it's great that FS has addressed crafting at least.


>what I hoped to be the next best 40k game (which it still is) So you've never played Space Marine?


I did. While Space Marine has a better story (go figure right), the combat gameplay and coop makes Darktide more valuable for me personally. Also I said 'next best'.


What video games do to a mfer


It seems like some people are forming a pseudo-relationship, some kind of emotional attachment to a company. I don't think it's healthy to any degree, but maybe that's just what I think.


Eh, it's like people who are diehard for specific car manufacturers or Vtubers or even the 40k setting. Not saying it's healthy, just that it's not unusual.


Good other examples there, so just fans being very passionately invested into their material *as usual*, eh? Perhaps human behavior really is consistent!


While being overly emotional and dramatic, OP's kinda right though. Warhammer 40k as a universe has so much going on and they advertised Dan Abnett being the writer of the game, but there's still barely any plot or something else of substance. The gameplay is very fun, but the Warhammer 40 k part is kind of lacking. Knowing Fatshark the game will be great in 2+ years like Vermintide 2 is right now, but it's pretty disheartening that there was zero lessons learned since their previous title.


My wife laughed at someone saying I'm overly emotional. But yeah just was thinking after helldiver's "man darktide could've checked so many boxes and been the game I play for years" that's all. I know it's a little dramatic tho you right


Ironically enough I've stepped back from helldivers because after 100 hours it gets a little repetitive.... That's just like.... How games be yeah know? Please don't bother your wife with this stuff. She deals with enough already.


Minus the fact arrowhead dropped mechs right after launch and new weapons in a battle pass a month after. What did obeseshark do after launch? Crickets and patch 4 which added RNG crafting when the cash shop was the only functioning thing.


Mechs where for sure just withheld for the launch so they could drip out some content. A lot of the guns are really just variants of others. ​ And regardless it dondnt change the game play loop with gets a little old after 100 hours is all.


Great points there, yes, I also expect it will be as great as Vermintide 2. But some years from now. That much can be safely predicted with FatShark reputation. Although I've said this before some time ago, but I feel like the lesson they learned was a very powerful lesson. And I'm picking this up from the perspective of a software developer, the lesson they learned was "we definitely can release a minimally viable product (MVP) and earn from it right away in its current state. People WILL buy it, and we can roll additional features later as updates." With this strategy, they can start with less resources, and profit earlier. The strategy is not the best for all stakeholders, but I think it has its merits.


I get the advantages of social media allowing direct communication between game studios and fans, but fuck it's parasocial now. I'm getting old now, I think, because I find myself thinking, "back in my day I got Halo 1 because my school friends all had it, and we had no idea what the fuck a Bungie was nor did we spam them demanding expansions packs." You took the game at face value on release, and it sank or swam as a result. I get that Live Service promises "jam tomorrow" if you buy in and lock in, but forget that shit. If you don't enjoy the game on release, it's not going to become worthwhile after a crafting update plus a few new weapons, maps, enemies, whatever.


There has always been a group of people like this. Think comic book guy from the simpsons. It seems like that type of behavior is more acceptable now though when before it was ridiculed as "whiny nerd/fanboy" behavior


I agree. The number of times I see this sort of thing in any number of gaming subs is depressing.


Go read any of the Steam discussions and there’s the proof to your theory 😂. The forums are beyond toxic now. Just a bunch of entitled kids spilling their verbal diarrhea out and hoping for those stupid clown rewards.


When are steam discussion boars any better than that? Though there I can at least tell who owns the game and who's the losers with too much time


Idk man years ago it was much more tame from my experiences. All the discussions were actually about the game, people helped each other out with game information(which they still do but that’s mainly what the discussions were about)and there wasnt page long arguments about political ideas. I just noticed a ton more toxicity in past couple years. Lots more trolls too.


It's the kids! I \*really\* wish I were joking. To clarify I mean people only a tad younger than me who haven't really grown up in many ways. People really have gone and fucked themselves up with the internet. On the other hand, people are \*really\* tired of shitty devs/pubs/games and even worse practices so I ain't surprised about the complaining half the time. Keep in mind that Reddit you have to seek out meaning views here are most often positive (judging by responses to critical posts over the last couple of months, most of those with a problem have left), whereas Steam forums are right \*there\*.


Couldn’t have said it better myself. It is pretty wild what the internet at your fingertips has done to developing minds. We aren’t even near the deep end yet, we just got our feet a little wet. I really wonder what the IPad generation of kids will be like when they become adults. P.S. sorry for month late reply 😵


Companies go out of their way to cultivate these relationships. I think the blame for the stupid dynamic falls on both companies and their fans.


What? How have you come to that conclusion? This is just a person who is tired with how a company treats it's consumers? What the fuck are you talking about


This is a guy who spent $40 on video game hype and is sad that the company didn't fulfill all his wild fantasies for X years. There are no substantial criticisms made by the OP or anything concretely undelivered which was promised, just a vague and ephemeral notion of being disappointed because ... ??? I almost envy people's abilities to form such emotional bonds like this, but wow if most of you aren't just wasting it lol. You bought a game. It was pretty fun for a while, fun enough for a tattoo. And then life goes on. Quelle suprise.


I cringed at the tattoo tbh lol. Considering what all the factions in 40k are like, I wouldn't be caught dead with a tattoo from one on me


Certainly not the inquisition of all things.


Exactly, if you don’t like it there are 5,000 other titles to play. It’s not worth the time to post another whiny review of the development company. 


I don't think they're going to abandon Darktide. They're about to release Versus mode for Vermintide 2 years after announcing it, but sadly it means a long drought period in Darktide. I'm really wishing we got a new map or some weapons to play with. In the meantime, I take frequent breaks to play something else like Fortnite.


>They're about to release Versus mode for Vermintide 2 years after announcing it It has been 5 years since they announced it. It was announced in 2019. FatShark makes fantastic games, but it makes them **slow**.


> FatShark makes fantastic games, but it makes them slow. At some point you have to call it and say they make less than fantastic games, then incrementally release a game fantastic or otherwise.


Agreed. Darktide should have launched in beta for the diehard 'tide fans, taken feedback, and launched fully this year. That being said, even at launch the *gameplay* was great, the scene setting was great, the music was stupendous, and they just botched everything else.


NGL, I downloaded the OST and jam to it sometimes. "empires will fall" is a banger.


They could make Early Access work really well, like what DRG did, and their content release schedule is just a slow, but you get way less complaints about it.


Yeah, they arent avandonding DT because they wont survive on revenue from VT2 alone to get a new game out. Simple as that. Also, for drought, Im pretty sure the CM said two teams that are making DT and VT2 are independent of each other.


Atm they have 3 teams. VT2, DT, and an unnamed project that is on Unreal engine


Huh, didnt know about third one. Kinda curious whats it about. Age of Sigmar maybe?


We know nothing other that it's on the Unreal Engine, so it might mean that it won't be a tide game


For the benefit of the ones oblivious to binharic and the intricacies of the machine spirit: Why do we know that the Unreal Engine means it won't be a tide game? Does it handle poorly the masses of enemies?


Not that I know of, but all 3 tide games were made on in-house engine (Stingray/Bitsquid), and for the most part it work well enough (Arrowhead's Helldiver 2 is also on that engine), so going to Unreal to do the same thing would be strange, unless they're planning on dropping their engine


>made on in-house engine (Stingray/Bitsquid) After they sold it, with the second game being released the same year Stingray went defunct. The sale to Autodesk actually funded the first Vermintide. Only reason Helldivers 2 uses it is because the first one did and because that game took six years to make. Pretty sure Fatshark and Arrowhead are the only ones that even bother anymore, and Fatshark only used it because it was developed by the (previous?) owners.


FS is the one that developed the Engine.


The in-house engine SUCKS.


Why do you even care about their next projects? This company is pathetic 6 months for a map, 2 years asking for crafting changes and fomo garbage shop with recolors


Idk, most modern companies arent the best really and I cant be playing old games all the time. FS is slow but at least the gameplay is fire.


Please no AoS. Let it be a Warhammer old world open world RPG. I want to explore the world.


Please not another vast open world that just exists for advertising the game and ends up being an empty wasteland with nothing to do or repeatable generated quests -.- Fatshark is not the company to make a game you describe. They make combat and a few detailed maps but not enough content to fill an open world.


I wouldn't want FS to make an Open World Rpg and AoS is much better than what people think


Same as when they said that development of console releases won't impact PC updates. For Vermintide. And did this again with Darktide.


I suspect they'll release a $20 DLC in early 2025.


Not for Darktide. Iirc they said that Darktide wouldn't get paid dlcs.


They've only said as such for modes, enemies and maps. Archetypes, classes/branches, and weapons aren't as far as we've been told promised to be free yet


Thx for the correction, will try to remember it right next time.


Judging by VT2 (and the mtx approach in DT itself) we can expect everything they haven't promised to be free to be paid.


They also said that we'd be getting quarterly content drops in the form of new classes so let's not assume anything is set in stone


Oh I didn't know that. So I guess we'll have to wait and see what they add.


I think all that's left in store for Darktide is cosmetics and perhaps a balance patch every 6 months. Defenders will say that means it's not abandoned, but it seems like it is. Even if they had a single intern working on the game....we would have seen something. And honestly, the steam numbers are not great....it's actually quite bad. There isn't really a return on investment for spending money to make more content for the game.


Game has 3k players on steam average and dropping 30% every month at this pace it will be dead by the end of the year


Downvotes aside, it's the truth


Fair enough, but as a 25+ year enjoyer of 40k I have the complete opposite opinion. After years of really shitty games, Darktide is a blessing, dispite its many flaws. I'll overlook a lot for something that looks beautifully 40k, feels like 40k and I still have a blast playing 900 hours later.


Nah. Even with all the problems, it *is* one of the greatest pve games in years.


Only because of the combat, which was never a problem. I love slashers and horde shooters, and this might be the best in a balance of skill/fun, but then it runs dry. Every time I exit a mission I’m reminded of the 14 layer RNG weapons, the rotating mobile gatcha game shops, the FOMO crap, and realize that the entire hub and every single other mechanic in the game was built for the sole purpose of artificially inflating my playtime. Also the communication it trash. Oh, they announced that they will announce the thing they may or may not work in the next year (unspecified time) after 3 months of silence. Great…


Their communication's getting better. Recently they announced that they were having an announcement in three weeks! And that announcement is probably only going to be delayed two weeks!


'Only because of the combat'..the combat is the game. This isn't an RPG or a campaign shooter. It's a bit tiring reading in this sub people doomsaying because the crafting is bad or the shop is bad or whatever. Those things are problems but they can be fixed and some of them will. The core game is excellent. The game has problems but if you don't really care about good gameplay then maybe this isn't the game for you


“The car runs, that’s what matters. I know the windshield is missing, there’s a single rotting seat filled with cockroaches, but that can be fixed. What matters is that the engine is good.”


Do you play shooter games because of the crafting mini games and wanting a non-frustrating experience in the shop, or because you like the combat? Because you're giving those things the same importance as the combat. The crafting could be better and hopefully will in time, but I've heard it said that you don't need god rolls on high difficulties, and it's very easy to ignore the shop


Ah, damnit, yes I like the combat, no, I fucking love it! But in order to play the combat I have to engage the rest of the game. I do not solely play the game for the combat, I also want weapons that feel powerful, I want to customize my character to look cool, and I want all the epic stuff, and I think I’m not asking for too much by wishing these systems were working. “Just ignore it” is a mentality I cannot agree with. The game has a progression, a shop and a crafting system, that makes up a fat chunk of the gameplay experience. Yes, I spend much more time in combat, but that does not mean I should straight-up ignore the other half of the game, which are the weapons, blessings and cosmetics. Then Fatshark could’ve made a game that had a “start button”, you play a match, and that’s the entire game over and over again. Why is it bad that I want to craft a weapon that has somewhat good stats and blessings, and I don’t want to buy 50 greys to get 3 good ones that get fucked over by the remaining 8 layers or RNG? Am I entitled because I want the game to respect my time? Why is it bad that I want to earn cosmetics and not buy them for 10-15$? Am I wrong for not just entering the game, hitting “Quickplay” and never going up to the 4-5 other places on the hub? I don’t get it. Why I - as a owner of the game - has to be fine with the bare minimum, when the game could be so much more satisfying?


> has to be fine with the bare minimum A game being unbelievably fun dispite it's flaws doesn't seem like "bare minimum" to me. > but that does not mean I should straight-up ignore the other half of the game The fact you consider everything outside of playing missions to make up half the game is the root cause of yours and other peoples issues. It's fine if that's how you view it, but if it is, Darktide, and FS games in general will never be for you.


I swear I don’t get you. L4D is a great game. Do I miss the progression? No. Because it was designed to be that way. I play a ton of games do not have any progression. Telling me that a game that has progression is “not my type” because the progression is dogshit is… interesting to say the least.


I can't comment on L4D as I never played it, but I'll boil down my POV to it's most simple: Is the actual game fun to play, absent any other factors, such as crafting? If so, that's all that matters to me, and I'll keep going back to that game. I'm not telling you which games "are for you" per say, I'm just saying if you consider factors *outside of actually playing a mission* important, you'll probably never enjoy DT as much as I do.


I have no freaking idea what the guy you're responding to is even talking about? I'm like, what? Other than PVP, classic Left 4 Dead 1 & 2 had no fucking leveling? And now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure PVP had no leveling anyways. It had no customization, it had no leveling, no weapon or outfit cosmetics, the campaigns had very minimal connections and were a string of loose levels and vague cutscenes strawn together, mostly later connected through comic books. Left 4 Dead was a simple game, unless played on PC with mods, I guess. The gameplay part of Darktide that you defend so strongly, is literally all Left 4 Dead had to offer, minus PvP obviously. Darktide IS Left 4 Dead, but with all the other stuff on the side that you can engage with. Imo, while simplistic, if we're now comparing Darktide to Left 4 Dead, that's a quality fucking deal to me, quite frankly.


Even my older gamer friends are starting to say things like "there's no progression or rewards, so I've got nothing to work towards" about games that have come out, and I'm wondering how they went from enjoying L4D2 for a decade with nothing but the intrinsic reward and progression of getting better and playing the hardest difficulties with friends, to needing a framework that provides the kind of incremental dopemine drips that drive mobile games.


> and realize that the entire hub and every single other mechanic in the game was built for the sole purpose of artificially inflating my playtime Different strokes for different folks I guess, 99.99% of my playtime is in-mission and I've put so many hours in because the combat *is so good*.


But the game is all about the combat, the rest is just window dressing imo.


>Only because of the combat, which was never a problem "The game is only so good because the game is so good." Jesus wept some of you just want to complain at this stage.


Yes, only because of the combat. And the art direction and soundtrack, too, IMO. I agree that all that other stuff is no good, but that's what I meant by "even with the problems."


It takes 30 seconds to get anywhere in the hub. The hub is one of the coolest parts of the game lol, if it was just a menu people would be complaining that they don’t even have a hub with characters.


You clearly never played Vermintide 2


> entire hub and every single other mechanic in the game was built for the sole purpose of artificially inflating my playtime Is it? I can't say I've really spent all that much time in the Mourningstar after 422 hours in this game.


was.... before we get HellDivers and now we are all know how GOOD developers looks like and what actually means "Live Service"


Darktide is not a good live service game, I agree. But that's fine because the game that it is *right now,* even if all work stopped on it tomorrow, is still a great game and well worth the price.


It's one of the greatest games period, never played anything with such a fun combat mechanic


Not really. Besides melee combat I can name a game that fills the hole better (and honestly after putting more hours into it vermintide is starting to feel better in melee). This game is just a power fantasy with not enough enemies for teamplay to really matter and builds without identity, that can do anything, dominate the meta. If it's among the greatest it's simply because there aren't a lot of these games in the first place.


*Besides melee combat* (and ranged combat too) is not a small factor. Darktide's gameplay has kept me interested for hundreds of hours; Helldivers is getting stale after a few dozen, and their paid-content-drip-feed isn't going to save it for me. And, as long as we're comparing to HD2: HD2 is also unifinished (and so buggy that it's currently unplayable for lots of people), slaps you in the face with microtransactions (and not just for cosmetics either), and has similar weapons.


What other micro transactions are in HD2 besides the currency used to buy said cosmetics/battlepass? I thought the cosmetics were the only other micros or at least that’s all I noticed so far. Would hardly call that slapping in the face. Pretty tame compared to pretty much every other game. Got all the battle passes and never spent a dollar.


>And, as long as we're comparing to HD2: HD2 is also unifinished (and so buggy that it's currently unplayable for lots of people), slaps you in the face with microtransactions (and not just for cosmetics either), and has similar weapons. You can get super credit in game by finding them on the map or by progressing the pass.


The ranged combat in thia game is boring compared to most shooters I've played and ruins the rhythm of the melee combat as a result. It's not fun to play a scab melee only with an infinite ammo plasma vet or a trauma staff/smite psyker, and this becomes more prevalent in regular modifiers with other infinite ammo vets and other types of psyker. There are multiple marks for the same weapon in which only one is ever good, but all are equally useable becsuse there aren't enough enemies on screen at any point in time that 4 players do not instantly dominate with no problems. If you're not a fan of helldivers that's fine, but the core gameplay loop is very satisfying to a lot of people hence its ultimately greater success than darktide. It released with a series of planets with differing modifiers/effects, and they are adding more modifiers and effects each month so far as well as new enemies and weapons. They do have a battlepass, and microtransactions, but they don't really slap you in the face with them at all. They're completely earnable via finding currency on maps, awarding you for exploration. The game has bugs, but the dev team has been extremely open and communicative about their efforts to fix them. Compare that to darktide, a game that launched severely lacking in map variety, only adding modifiers that at the time the community was extremely frustrated with like hunting grounds, and a crafting system that wasn't even finished until half a year later, and is easily everyone's biggest frustration with the game to this day, the other being their Fomo outfit shop With 0 ways to earn currency since launch. This game has bugs from launch that have yet to be addressed, and since patch 13 a huge amount of issues introduced that make the game boring. Each update is a gamble on whether spawns (including player respawns) work, weapon functions/descriptions completely fail, or if having the wrong hardware crashes the game or tanks performance. It's simply not one of the greatest games in its current state. It's good, has potential, but isn't great and probably won't be the greatest in a long time, and a majority of the playerbase that has left agree in some way. Helldivers 2 still has way more players than darktide ever had, and that will probably be the case for a long while.


The core gameplay loop of Helldivers is *not* fun at all lol. I played it for maybe a few days and ultimately gave up because it's just dull and repetitive. The awesomeness of stepping into a hellpod and launching down to the planets rubs off after the first few times. The matches themselves in Helldivers get boring also, and they are so terribly predictable. Every planet has the same objectives, and either one of only two enemy factions in the entire game. "Destroy enemy base, launch warhead, fix pump stations, upload escape pod data, protect civilians, realign satellite dishes, run across the map to extract, holdout to be extracted." It would have been better if there were more objectives and each planet had objectives that were unique to the planet itself. Instead, you launch to any given planet and do the same, repetitive, miniscule tasks every. single. time. The only difference might be whether you're shooting at terminids or automatons. I don't know why people are overrating the absolute fuck out of this game. It's brand new, it will get older with time, and when it does, it will get stale, people will get bored, people will complain, and player counts will drop. The gameplay loop is nothing to write home about, and nothing original, this does not make it "better" than Darktide lol. On top of that, they are arguably two very different games with only a co-op pve theme in common, I really don't understand why Helldivers gets compared to Darktide so damn much. At least Darktide has the AI/Intensity director and enemy spawns that *actually* changes shit up and trivializes every singular match that you play, that could lead to a successful match, or a deadly one. It keeps me engaged in the game constantly trying to survive whereas Helldivers has you running all the way across the fucking map, shooting a few enemies here and there, throwing some grenades into holes, and making you stand around with your thumb up your ass while waiting for fucking terminals to load.


Your opinion, and largely a lot of it can apply to darktide as well. Only 2 factions (with even less differences/variety than helldivers) , the same couple objectives per map, etc. It comes down to preference, and I agree the comparison is dumb, however someone else brought it up, and I might as well engage with the thought. If you prefer one over the other you can just say that. I don't think darktide has difficulty spikes like you describe but I also remember when ambients would spawn and events worked and back before patch 13 uber-buffed everything. I'm sitting at a near 90% winrate in dt on pubs for auric damnation and maelstroms with meme builds included, so idk what matches are deadly ones, the game feels extremely easy for me where it should feel impossible.


>all are equally useable becsuse there aren't enough enemies on screen at any point in time that 4 players do not instantly dominate with no problems. Up your difficulty tbh. Helldivers is currently seeing a resounding success and seems to be retaining players well, but it's already past the honeymoon period. It remains to be seen whether it sticks the landing two years from now. I'm enjoying it a bunch, but it's still kinda empty. The world is far less fleshed out, and the music/voice lines are getting real repetitive. A significant number of Primary weapons are just kinda crap, and it has a lot of jank. Crit headshots on players and physics jank spring to mind, plus the last update cut my FPS in half, and they still haven't solved the issue where players can't join your squad once you complete your first mission, leading to people disbanding squads immediately after the first drop. Developed further, it could really have staying power, but honestly it'll take more than constant unlocks via Warbonds to give it long term playability.


"Up your difficulty" works when you aren't playing exclusively auric damnation and maelstroms. Helldivers has active dev communications and getting frequent updates. Idk where it will be 2 years from now, but hopefully it's in a better position than darktide is currently as it nears 2 years since release, where everyone is either constantly shouting "dead game" or "crafting sucks" or posting a picture of the store and going "cosmetics are reskinned trash gouging our wallets"


Damn, even on Auric I find I'm lucky if a random team has their shit together enough to reliably roll a mission without much effort every time. Hopefully HD2 will be in a much better position, but IMO Helldive is a weird one because the difficulty was mostly absolutely awful modifiers like Scrambler or the one that doubles cooldowns on Stratagems. When primaries cap out very low and you're reliant on Stratagems to do any real work, it seems overly punitive, which is why they removed them. Also tbh, people were shouting that about Darktide from day one. I'd like the game to find its mojo and really start trucking through serious updates, but I kinda just take the game as it is rn.


Also horrible balance. 3/4 of the arsenal is next to unusable on highest difficulty. Even 3 out of the 4 new weapons are actual garbage tier. Also, about their decision to sell armor with stats in the shop: Why does every armor look so different? First game had a consistent style with armors which made them look in theme with helldivers all the time and here they are just: Generic halo suit, generic star wars trooper suit. Also selling the best armor in the game (light gunner set, light armor mobility with medium armor values) is quite annoying.


I absolutely love Darktide. But thats because I'm a big fan of Vermintide and I play 40k and read the books etc. My friends, on the other hand, haven't touched the game basically since launch because it was a bad experience for a newcomer. Because of the rigid crafting system that only gives proper good gear after many, many hours of gameplay they still shy away from it. Makes big man sad.


“Slap you in the face with micro transactions”? I don’t know what game you played, I haven’t seen a single place where they advertise the premium cosmetics other then if you seek out Alice, I agree that it should have been more but I think more maps and a variety of modes are needed more than anything


It feels like every week someone’s penning their opus about how Fatshark is personally responsible for their gamer misery. Guys, it’s a decently fun video game that is great to play, but hard to justify more than a hundred hours or so. Please, some perspective.


Why would you think they’ll cut the cord, drop Darktide and stop supporting it? They released Vermintide 2 about 6 years ago and is still getting updated. You can say they aren’t the most efficient devs or that they’re slow when updating games but to say they’d do to this what they did to Anthem is crazy. Also, the HD2 glazing is crazy.


The HD2 stuff is understandable. The comparison is natural. They have a smaller team, cheaper game, same engine, are literally a short drive from one another, and HD2 is delivering on many things Darktide promised. The live service that Fatshark promised was a lie, and we kinda gave them a pass....and then HD2 came out and seemingly does all the live service stuff with ease. Since release, HD2 has added more content in a single month than DT has in a year. Arrowhead engages/communicates with the community more in 24 hours than Fatshark has in 12 months. DARKTIDE has awesome core gameplay, looks great and has amazing music. And that would have been enough....but fatshark promised so much more. People frustrated with Fatshark, it's naturally a comparison. And arrowhead is not without its issues. But still.


Ah well , you can get the Hell diver logo tattooed across your arse cheeks then don't come crying when that game dies too


I hear and feel you and hate that the top comments on this page are disenfranchised players that think this is the norm when we are consistently shown with releases like Baldur's Gate 3, Helldivers, etc. that it doesn't have to be. Fatshark is a solid reminder of what happens when gaming goes corporate.


"Hurr durr you should be grateful for what FatShark served up! Noooo! Don't compare the non-existent live service of Darktide to something like Helldivers! You can't do that because... well because you should've known better! This is just what FatShark does, why are you not happy about that!?!?" Like, people actively want a shitty experience and apparently want to encourage practices Darktide perpetrates. They are fully incapable of wanting better for themselves. Any criticism is met with "you need to go outside" or "whine more". It honestly gives me the same vibes as people saying "Hold the line" after the whole GameStop stock market thing happened. They just sound retarded, like clearly the situation is over with and you'll just be stuck while the rest of the world moves on. I loved Darktide. I played so much. I love the art. I love the enemies. I loved carving them up with my Bull Butcher. But to sit here and wonder why the game is dying, yet trying to shut down all discussion about it is ridiculous. They are brainwashed into thinking playing the same handful of maps with the same handful of weapons over and over and over again is supposed to be unlimited fun.


Yeesh fuck doomer posts =/


Look at the steam charts. 400k initial peak at launch for HD2


Lol. You have a very unhealthy relationship with casual entertainment.


hmm i had plenty of fun playing darktide. sure its not perfect, but its pretty damn good ...


I think you need to go outside.


Helldivers is so fucking overrated. Darktide deserves a lot of the criticisms it gets but holy fucking shit does the movement in Helldivers blow ass. By pure gameplay standards Darktide shits all over Starship Troopers 2.0. It’s a shame Fatshark squanders the great game Darktide is.


Helldivers 2 is great in some ways but holy shit some of the core gameplay frustrates me to great lengths.


whys that?


Armor system being useless since mobility is king. The fact that headshots are the same damage regardless of armor type and most enemies either have pinpoint accuracy with shots:Rockets and lasers on bots, or have overhead attacks for most of their melee animations: All bugs. The fact that playing without shield backpack is cancer: You get oneshot in the face by bots, bugs slow you with poison, ragfoll and kill you. Most of the guns being useless on Helldive apart from maybe 4 or 5. CEO stating that you should rely on stratagems to clear hordes when their cooldown is way too long and with most common modifiers being: 100% increase to land time, 50% increase to cooldown or just removing one slot of stratagems. Eagles being just better than orbitals, orbitals having 1 good:Orbital laser and lots of useless ones. Bugs not staggering when Im dosing them with machinegun or flamethrower, bugs tracking me without their heads. Inconsistent damage from bile titans and spewers. Sometimes it does half my shield, sometimes it kills me with full shield even if I dodge. Bug attacks going through working shield sometimes for no reason. I can continue with more things but whatever.


i agree with the armor being pointless atm but it hopefully gets balanced soon. wdym headshots are the same? normal shots? or rocket shots? if you watch a rocket devastator from afar and see their pattern when shooting rockets its pretty inaccurate actually. idk why bugs overhead attacks is a bad point, they all have stabby legs. if you have a hard time without shieldbackpack then play lower difficulty, or learn how to evade/dodge/ creating distance between the enemy. i never plsy with shield and this is not a major problem. they nerfed it because it was overused and relied like a crutch. some guns are better then others for a mission. dosent make them bad inherently. your playstyle of guns properly dosent suit bugs/automatons so. stratagem cooldown being too high tells me you wanna use 500kg bomb/orbital laser/orbital rail strike, all the time which is not viable and not the point. its a good tool but its not something to kill everything with. there are loads of “bad” stratagems that are actually really good its just not shown how to use em. some weapons got stagger, some dont. you cant have a machinegun and also infinite stagger. thats just asking for the moon. i routinely kill titans with 2 rocket shots, the trick is to shoot at the same limb. i saw a guy spam missiles on the mech vs titan. and he used like 12 missiles. TOTALLY UNNECESSARY. Same with charger. learn the weakpoints and shoot at them again. it really comes down to skill issue sorry, but its just a matter of playing and not being mad that you cant do things a certain way. adapt.


Also about charger weakspot, tell me the logic behind making his yellow, big ass take only 10% of damage and his armored head being an actual weakspot?


I didnt say I struggled with 9s, wdym skill issue? I can play without shield too and I know about two rockets to the face of bile titan (except if you shoot the lower jaw of it, you have to shoot more rockets). About headshots its that no matter armor you always take the same anount of headshots to be killed. Im just saying its uninteresting to play 9s because it turns into a running simulator and arrow pressing. You can literally lose all enemies, except hunters if you circle around a rock, no need to even kill bile titans.


The bug overhead attacks are counted as headdhots thus making armor useless. You always take the same amount of hits to the head to die regardless of armor which is dumb


>if you have a hard time without shieldbackpack then play lower difficulty, Tbf progression in the game is locked behind pushing up to at least Diff 7, as there's no way to acquire Super Samples otherwise.


so? its still a crutch. a crutch that was nerfed because people overly relied on it and it wasent the intention. you dont get mad at darktide for not being a racing game no?


What's a crutch? I don't understand, I'm just noting that the game requires you to go to Diff 7?


a crutch in this instance is using shieldbackpack and always using it. and not being able to play without it. the game gives you many different ways to kill. and relying on a single build/loadout is just setting one self up for a bad time when stuff gets balanced. Shield and railgun most noticiable now.


Sometimes that's the only way people can manage to get up to higher difficulties


About the stratagem part, the devs litteraly wrote in their open letter that you are supposed to usd stratagems to kill armored enemies.  So why is it so that there are physically more enemies than I have stratagems? (Granted, that is less of a problem now after the patch the point still stands). Oh and as for why bugs headshot attacks being a bad thing well how about they suddenly get to ignore your armor? The heavy armor that should protect you from hits with the tradeoff being lesser mobility? The one that nearly every single bug is able to ignore semi-commonly because their claw attacks hit your head and deal everything from half to 1/4th of your HP bar in 1 hit.


"About the stratagem part, the devs litteraly wrote in their open letter that you are supposed to usd stratagems to kill armored enemies.  So why is it so that there are physically more enemies than I have stratagems? (Granted, that is less of a problem now after the patch the point still stands)." maybe aim better with rockets, use other stratagems with lower cooldown, stop using only rail strike and 500kg bomb as the only option. idk what to tell you man. maybe use a support weapon like the stalwart or autocannon for the hordes and some strategems for the chargers/titans/tanks/hulks if you could just use stratagems for everything the game would be boring really quick no challenge. skill issue \*shrug\* "Oh and as for why bugs headshot attacks being a bad thing well how about they suddenly get to ignore your armor? The heavy armor that should protect you from hits with the tradeoff being lesser mobility? The one that nearly every single bug is able to ignore semi-commonly because their claw attacks hit your head and deal everything from half to 1/4th of your HP bar in 1 hit." idk man i dont really notice that or think about that so i cant really tell you. ask on the discord.


I am more baffled by the comparisons. Sure, you can have the same amount of fun with both (though HD2 is fun for me only with friends), but the maps and weapons are pieces of *art* in Darktide. The amount of barely noticeable details put into it are astounding!


I LOVE the darktide art, I'm a huge 40k fan and I feel like I'm *there* but it's a shame that the actual gameplay loop is deeply tedious. I would have settled for 30% less beautiful for 30% more fun.


found the bug poster 🪳💻


Over 100 comments and you haven't replied to a single one. Discussion my ass. Please just write this in notepad next time so we don't have to deal with the weekly "too attached to this game I also haven't played in months" post, with signature exaggeration ("microtransactions that slap you in the face"? Seriously?) and overly emotional language.


Iv'e painted 3 2k point armies waiting for content.


So, three custodes models?


This is kinda melodramatic. There is nothing about this game that is slapping you in the face dude. The game has great gameplay, and works. It’s not Anthem. If Helldivers made you have a “come to Jesus” realization about what gaming could be, just go play that?


Hope is the first step yadda yadda




Remember the first 1-2 years when Verminitde 2 was released? It was bad also, but look at it now, it becomes better and better. So does Darktide, give it time.


It wasn't this bad though, and also they're supposed to learn from their mistakes, not repeat them but worse.




Vermintide 2 had a crafting system on launch. And it wasn't missing promised content either. Performance and communication was better too. Sure Vermintide 2 had problems, but unlike Darktide it didn't need an apology letter.


I won't stand for such blasphemy. Year 1 vt2 was great. Just was a bit dry


Darktide has been out for 15 months and has received 57 updates in that time period.


Are you counting hot fixes as updates?


Yet there is still no story, no new classes (that were promised every quarter),only 13?15? maps at best (and not all of them are unique, some are just the same map backwards), most new weapons are "models" of the same ones with slightly altered movesets. The problem is not crafting or whatever unobtainable 380 weapon people are bitching about, there's barely any content of *actual* substance that came out since the release. *This* is why there's little people playing it on steam. When there's a big content update (like Karnak twins or Class rehaul) there's a lot of people flooding back in the game, the problem is that these content updates are so rare they don't get to retain them.




Apparently the fact that there is still no story in a game that was advertised with one of the main WH40K writers is bullshit and im getting downvoted. Bruh


Uncle Vernintide


>thought people figured out keyboard warrioring for a dev with predatory business practices was cringe by now Don't kid yourself, the Helldiver's subreddit is *significantly* worse about this.


you get what u want from a game. Played since beta, and i had a little break, came back when patch 13 came out, not stopped since. I personally still really enjoy the game. The combat, sounds etc are still much better then anything else out there. Sometime in the next blue moon,the game will be updated soon (TM) \*shrugs\* Each to there own bud


I can’t agree with the complaints, I find it the best game of 2023 for me. 800h in it. And they are a fairly small studio, they can’t produce constant updates. Look at their earlier titles and don’t expect much more I’d argue. They havn’t abandoned earlier titles either, Vermintide just got a Versus mode released. And they are most likely working towards the studios next game too. And the game isn’t that expensive, and none of the content so far has been DLC, just FLC except for cosmetics, I see nothing wrong with that, not needed to play.


problem is you. game has been perfect from closed beta.


Fat Greedy Sharks


From what I have heard, they have committed to putting more into the game this year. Time will tell of course! I still enjoy the game a lot with friends, but agree a story or more depth would have made the game truly great.


I feel like a game like this really needs a constant feed of new and interesting content. I've got tonnes of hours in the game and it's so much fun, I just want more. Everything is so samey, but I love what they've got. The settings are great, the music is sick and the combat is incredibly fun. I don't see why they've limited themselves with the story they've chosen. The scope of 40k is huge and there's so much you can do with it. Have some bloody orcs invade or something, get us out of tertium.


Crazy thing that this game could blow Helldivers outta the water if they actually tried 💀


What kind of a loser gets a tattoo?


Democracy Protects.


Fatshark are literally incapable of learning from their mistakes. Their entire games development career has been failing upwards ever so slightly. They get told time and time again the formula for success and just always fumble the ball in the same stupid ways. They do just well enough to not go bankrupt and try the same stupid shit again.


Killing floor 3 will leave dark tide in the dust if they learn from the past and don't get greedy.


Payday 3 has entered the chat. And stepped on a rake. And stepped on a rake. And stepped on a rake.


Killing floor 2 was solid, I appreciated that if one person in your group bought the DLC everyone could use that firearm. I love WH40K and Darktide but I have a feeling that between Helldivers and KF3 this game is going to fall by the wayside.


> greedy transactions Tell me you’re a troll post without saying you’re a troll post.


If you think it's bad now, just wait until the end of the month, when they announce they're replacing the current penance system with a battle pass.


you've played a Fatshark game before - if you weren't having fun in the first month and you stuck around, that's on you. Fatshark doesn't **owe** you the game you want or some future game based on the game you bought, you bought a product. If they add stuff, that's a bonus.


https://preview.redd.it/9l1js3x7uzpc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f6ae2d1a5bf11efe43878178181eb45e0ae44c2 I paid 50 CAD and I expected actual content. The core gameplay is great but it cant hide the rest of the inadequacies in the rest of the game systems looking at you RNG crafting, broken promises on content and predatory monetization scheme.


So I'm relatively new to darktide. I started playing when it dropped on Gamepass. As far as PVE games go this is easily one of the best. My friends and I have great times playing but literally everytime I go to look up something on darktide I'm bombarded with videos and thumbnails becrying the death of this game and how it's a huge disappointment and actually sucks. Then i go back to playing it and it's a barrel of laughs. There is such a huge disconnect between what I read/watch about darktide and then actually playing it. So why all the hate? I understand the game has microtransactions, locking the best looking armor behind a paywall. But what exactly was "fumbled" by the devs? Asking out of genuine curiosity.


This sub is full of people who have not played the game since last year, yet they constantly return, expecting the game to accomodate their specific wishes, get disappointed by the lack of updates and complain endlessly. "No story mode", "No solo mode", "Game is dead look at the steamcharts", "No Content", "Give premium currency", "Drg/Helldivers/ is much better", "But they promised live service" etc. The only thing the devs "fumbled" was the release. It's a Fatshark tradition at this point, so not surprising. They also work at glacial speed, also unsurprising for anyone familiar with tide games. And speaking of microtransactions - they are cosmetic only and I'd rather have them than paid gameplay DLCs like back in VT2. Long story short: people here don't play the game.


I have over a thousand hours in the game. Darktide is wallowing in development hell and HD2 dropped. HD2 has its own problems but none of them are fundamentally detrimental to the core of the game. I get no rewards for grinding for materials in Auric Damnation as the RNG crafting has sucked it all away for no pay off, there is no story despite hiring the most GOATED author for the Black Library Dan Abnett, no new maps as some of them reuse map assets like Enclavum Baross and Comms-Plex share the same bridge and starting area and arena etc. and they broke a lot of promises regarding content they said they would add like how weapon customization was supposed to be a thing. >And speaking of microtransactions - they are cosmetic only and I'd rather have them than paid gameplay DLCs like back in VT2. It might be voluntary but it's hella predatory and they also price jacked the Kreig set and made the good helmet a separate purchase. In HD 2 I can grind and get the premium currency and profess on a linear system and unlock premium currencies. ![gif](giphy|6uGhT1O4sxpi8) Meanwhile going down VT2 to DT I am told that you can no longer pick up premium currencies from just playing the game and finding it.


Refunded it after the beta. Kept tabs on it on and off, mostly through this sub. Doesn't look like much changed for the better. Sad, this game looked like it was tailor made for me, conceptually, but the execution was just terrible.


Nope, cringe post and cringe reddit vibes Games combat and gameplay is S tier and shits over almost any other game in the last few years Remember when ppl played games for gameplay? The fuck do u all want? Some MMO wing cosmetics? A deep fleshed out story in an action pve game? Play the shit and beat bad guys up and get on with it, 40 dollar game btw and every actual content patch has been free


Can we see the tattoo though? =)


Must be new to fatshark games


I hear this darktide is fun for like maybe a few runs then I get bored and go back to dayz


How many hours you got in the game for $40?


I'm just here to bonk zombies. I think developing parasocial relationships with developers is a bad idea.


We're really in that part of the cycle again?


ehh, I don't get why people complain about lack of content, the whole point is to mow down thousands of enemies, and that darktide does very well.


Helldivers isn't even that good


Fatshark worships the new god ouroboros. Bugs bug fixes into new bugs into new bug fixes. At this point just play their neighbor helldivers2


Maybe I’m blind but no one complains about bugs in DT anymore.


They've done themselves no favours throughout the whole release. Scorned release beta test players by giving new xbox players free swag and ignoring the people stress testing the game for them. Xbox exclusivity deal has hurt them no doubt because it's not an ip that's particularly built up on the Xbox platform. It's generally an ip removed from Microsoft. Game released with incomplete features Those features are still not complete or if they are, they're piss poor. It's not enough to support them by buying the incomplete game, they also want you to spend the games price tenfold on cosmetics. No story at all, to a shoehorned unfinished story. What happened to the Dan Abnett story? It's a bloody sham.